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Lesson Plan Draft Template

SUBJECT: P2 - Math TERM: 2 Week – 7 DATES: 14 - 18 Nov 2022

Unit/ General Topic/Unit title Learning Objectives Differentiation (Groups or

No. of (What you want children to be able to do or demonstrate) Individuals) – Make reference to
Days type of SEN or G&T – i.e. ESL, ADHD,
Auditory, Speech, etc.
Lesson 4: Multiplication and Division of Pupils will be able to
5 Length ● Multiply Length List students with any learning
Chapter 9 Review ● Divide Length support needs.

Alverain, Mikhaela

Vocabulary Altogether, multiply, groups, total, items

*Times can 14 Nov 2022 15 Nov22 16 Nov 22 17 Nov 22 18 Nov 22

be changed
Lesson Minutes - 40 Minutes -40 Minutes-40 Minute-40s Minutes-40
Starter Morning activity. Greatings and mental sums Mental Sums Morning activity SA#1
(5 minutes) Mental Sums Mindfulness Thursday.

Main  REVIEW/  REVISION 1: ● Carry out Workbook SA Preparation

Teaching DISCUSSION: Carry Out pp 197 - 200
(15 -20 Carry Out Workbook pp 193 -
Minutes) Workbook pp 194
188 – 190  
Core Workbook pp 191-192 Workbook page 195 - 196  Do Workbook page 201-202 Review
(10 - 25
Extension Math choice board, Word Math choice board, Word Math choice board, Word Math choice board, Word
problem, problem, problem, problem,
Additional worksheets. Additional worksheets. Additional worksheets. Additional worksheets.
Buddy system. Computer Buddy system. Computer Buddy system. Computer Buddy system. Computer
time. Free choice. time. Free choice. time. Free choice. time. Free choice.
Homework ------------


Resources Workbook, Links provided Workbook, Links provided, Workbook, Links provided. Workbook, Links provide Workbook, Links provide

Schoolwide Self-Direction Critical Thinking Effective Communication Responsible Citizenship
Outcomes Produce ☐ Exhibit in-depth ☐ Demonstrate competency in ☐ Demonstrate personal integrity ☐
quality work knowledge across reading, writing, speaking, and and responsibility for decisions
disciplines active listening. and actions
(Tick or Organize and Synthesize multiple ☐ Utilize technology to Recognize and understand ☐
highlight manage time sources of information complement their knowledge current local and global issues

the efficiently
by your Learn and Solve problems Express ideas and information Develop respect for diverse ☐
plan.) apply goal independently and confidently and creatively cultures

setting collaboratively
strategies that
and career

Assume ☐ Reflect on and analyze Develop positive and Contribute as leaders within ☐
responsibility learning experience ✔ contributing interpersonal skills ✔ their community
and ownership
for their life-
long learning

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