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Review Articles

Transcranial Doppler in the Diagnosis of Cerebral

Vasospasm: An Updated Meta-Analysis
Jean-Mathieu Mastantuono, MD1; Christophe Combescure, PhD2,3; Nadia Elia, MD, MSc1,3,4;
Martin R. Tramèr, MD, DPhil1,3; Christopher Lysakowski, MD1,3

Objectives: To evaluate the performance of transcranial Doppler the middle cerebral artery. The pooled sensitivity was 81.5%
and transcranial color-coded duplex Doppler in patients with cere- (66.0–90.0), and specificity was 96.6% (93.0–98.0). For an
bral vasospasm due to aneurysm rupture. Angiography was con- arbitrarily chosen prevalence of vasospasm of 70%, positive
sidered as the gold standard comparator. and negative predictive values were 93.7% (88.9–96.6) and
Data Sources: Search in MEDLINE, Embase, and Central from 53.4% (46.7–60.9) for transcranial Doppler and 98.2% (96.4–
January 2001 to October 2017, without language restriction. Bibli- 99.1) and 69.1% (56.1–80.9) for transcranial color-coded
ographies of retrieved articles were screened for additional studies. duplex Doppler.
Study Selection: Randomized studies comparing transcranial Conclusions: Assuming a high prevalence of vasospasm of the
Doppler or transcranial color-coded duplex Doppler with angiog- middle cerebral artery, both transcranial Doppler and transcra-
raphy in adults. nial color-coded duplex Doppler are likely to detect it, but nei-
Data Extraction: Data were extracted independently by several ther is useful to exclude it. There is no convincing evidence
investigators. Sensitivity and specificity were combined across that the accuracy of transcranial color-coded duplex Doppler
studies using a bivariate model. Preferred Reporting Items for is any better than that of transcranial Doppler. For arteries
Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses was used for reporting other than middle cerebral artery, there is a lack of evidence of
and Quality Assessment of Diagnostic Accuracy Studies-2 for the usefulness of transcranial Doppler. (Crit Care Med 2018;
quality assessment. 46:1665–1672)
Data Synthesis: We included 18 studies. Fifteen tested tran- Key Words: diagnostic equipment; intracranial; meta-analysis;
scranial Doppler. For the middle cerebral artery (10 studies, transcranial Doppler; ultrasonography; vasospasm
1,408 tests), the pooled sensitivity was 66.7% (95% CI, 55.9–
75.9) and specificity was 89.5% (80.3–94.7). Three studies

(278 tests) tested transcranial color-coded duplex Doppler for
uring recent years, transcranial Doppler (TCD) has
become a widely used bedside tool to identify, or to
exclude, an emboli or a stenosis of a cerebral artery,
Division of Anesthesiology, Department Anesthesiology, Pharmacol- or a vasospasm from a subarachnoid hemorrhage. It is there-
ogy & Intensive Care Medicine, Geneva University Hospitals, Geneva, fore of great importance to know accuracy and usefulness of
this noninvasive method as a screening tool, compared with,
Clinical Trials Centre & Division of Clinical Epidemiology, Department of
Health and Community Medicine, University of Geneva & Geneva Univer- for instance, angiography that may be considered the gold
sity Hospitals, Geneva, Switzerland. standard in this context but which is an invasive technique.
Faculty of Medicine, University of Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland. In a previously published systematic review that included rel-
Institute of Global Health, Medical Faculty, University of Geneva, Geneva, evant studies from 1984 to 2001, TCD was shown to detect
Switzerland. the presence of a spasm of the middle cerebral artery (MCA),
Supplemental digital content is available for this article. Direct URL cita- confirmed by angiography (1). When TCD did not indicate a
tions appear in the printed text and are provided in the HTML and PDF
versions of this article on the journal’s website ( spasm, no conclusion could be drawn. It has been suggested
ccmjournal). that transcranial color-coded duplex Doppler (TCCD) allowed
Dr. Elia received funding from the European Journal of Anaesthesiology for a more precise detection and monitoring of cerebral vaso-
(methods editor). The remaining authors have disclosed that they do not
have any potential conflicts of interest.
spasms (2–6).
For information regarding this article, E-mail: christopher.lysakowski@
This update including valid and relevant literature since 2001 had three aims. First, to reevaluate the diagnostic and
Copyright © 2018 by the Society of Critical Care Medicine and Wolters screening accuracy of TCD for spasms of the MCA. Second,
Kluwer Health, Inc. All Rights Reserved. to check whether new studies had been published testing the
DOI: 10.1097/CCM.0000000000003297 usefulness of TCD for the diagnosis of spasm of other arteries.

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Mastantuono et al

And third, to evaluate the diagnostic accuracy of TCCD in that quality. There was a pre hoc decision that trials were at high risk
setting. of bias when the delay between Doppler and angiography was
more than 24 hours. Applicability was also rated as “low”, “high,”
or “unclear” and was taken into consideration patient’s selection,
METHODS diagnostic test, and the gold standard.
This work is reported according to the Preferred Reporting
Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (7). Statistics
Hierarchical summary receiver-operating characteristic curves,
Searching Data Sources pooled sensitivities and specificities, and overall likelihood ratios
The seven studies included in the previous review (1) and one were obtained using bivariate models with random effects. The
study published before 2001 were included in the present meta- predictive values for a prevalence of 70% were derived from the
analysis. We performed a new search in MEDLINE, Embase, pooled sensitivities and specificities. Heterogeneity was mea-
and Cochrane Library without language restriction, using sured with the I2 statistic and investigated by comparing sub-
“intracranial aneurysm,” “ruptured intracranial aneurysm,” groups (year of publication, unit of analysis [patient/artery],
“cerebral vasospasm,” “cerebral angiography,” “Transcranial and threshold of velocities) (9). A leave-one-out sensitivity
Doppler,” “Transcranial Color-Coded Duplex Doppler,” and analysis was conducted to check the robustness of the findings.
“subarachnoid haemorrhage” from January 2001 to October Potential publication bias was investigated using the Deeks’ test
2017. Bibliographies of retrieved articles were screened for (10). We used R software version 3.1.3 (R Foundation for Sta-
additional studies. tistical Computing, Vienna, Austria; with
the packages “mada” and “mvmeta” for meta-analysis (11). Sta-
Inclusion/Exclusion Criteria tistical significance was defined as p less than 0.05 (two-sided)
One author (J.-M.M.) assessed the eligibility of retrieved except for the test on publication bias (p < 0.10). Predictive val-
articles. Only trials in adults were considered, and they were ues were calculated using the pooled sensitivities and specifici-
restricted to full reports of randomized controlled trials com- ties for a 70% prevalence of angiographic cerebral vasospasm
paring TCD or TCCD with cerebral angiography for the diag- based on literature (12, 13). The bivariate model was used to
nosis of cerebral vasospasm after subarachnoid hemorrhage compare the pooled sensitivity and specificity between studies
due to a ruptured aneurysm. Two authors (J.-M.M., C.L.) with TCD and studies with TCCD.
checked inclusion criteria independently.

Data Extraction RESULTS

We extracted data from different cerebral arteries on true Study Selection
and false positives, and true and false negatives with TCD We identified and screened 214 potentially relevant trials
or TCCD compared with angiography. When only sensitivity (Fig. 1). Of those, 180 were excluded for a variety of reasons.
and specificity were reported, we contacted the authors and Of the remaining 34 studies, 24 were disqualified because of
asked for the raw data. When they did not answer, we tried to incomplete data for computation of 2 × 2 tables (2, 14–36).
compute dichotomous data from these values. We extracted Finally, 18 studies were included for analysis: 10 were pub-
data on year of publication, unit of analysis (patient, artery), lished since 2001 (37–46) and eight were published before
diagnostic thresholds for cerebral vasospasm, and values 2001, seven (47–53) from the previously published system-
for clinically relevant vasospasm both for angiography and atic review (1) and one supplementary trial that had not been
Doppler. Data extraction was performed by one author included (3). Fifteen studies tested TCD (37, 38, 40, 41, 43–53)
(J.-M.M.) and independently checked by another (C.L.). and three tested TCCD (3, 39, 42).
Disagreements were resolved by discussion with the other
authors. Quality and Risk of Bias Assessment
In nine of 17 studies (the study by Kyoi et al [24] was excluded),
Quality and Risk of Bias Assessment the quality was considered as good (Appendix 1, Supple-
The Quality Assessment of Diagnostic Accuracy Studies-2 was mental Digital Content 1,
used to assess the quality (8). This methodologic quality was Applicability of included trials is presented in Appendix 2
assessed by two separate sections: the risk of bias and applicabil- (Supplemental Digital Content 2,
ity. The risk of bias was quantified as “low,” “high,” or “unclear” D659). Risk of bias of one study published in Japanese was not
using the specific questions in four different domains: 1) patient’s assessed (47).
selection; 2) index test (in this case TCCD and TCD); 3) gold
standard diagnostic test (in this case angiography); and 4) flow TCD: Studies’ Description
of the patients (all patients included, the same gold standard Fifteen studies compared TCD with angiography in different
used) and the timing (intervals between the tests). Three of these arteries (Table 1). Seven analyzed data by patient, and eight by
domains particularly, diagnostic test, gold standard, and flow of artery. Angiographic vasospasm was defined as lumen narrowing
the patients and timing were used to evaluate the methodologic in any artery of greater than 25% in nine studies (38, 40, 44, 46,

1666 October 2018 • Volume 46 • Number 10

Copyright © 2018 by the Society of Critical Care Medicine and Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Review Articles

(Table 2). The diagnostic per-

formance of TCD varied across
studies. For instance, for the
MCA, the sensitivity of TCD
varied from 38.5% (50) to 100%
(38). The I2 statistics confirmed
heterogeneity across studies.
The widths of the 95% CIs indi-
cated a large uncertainty around
the point estimates for MCA
(Appendix 3, Supplemental
Digital Content 3, http://links.
Likelihood ratios indicated
that information from the TCD
results was moderate (Table 2).
For an arbitrarily chosen
prevalence of 70%, the nega-
tive predictive values (NPVs)
corresponding to the pooled
sensitivities and specificities
were low and the positive pre-
dictive values (PPVs) were high
for MCA and ACA. Predictive
values for the MCA with other
prevalences are presented in
Appendix 4 (Supplemental
Digital Content 4, http://links.

TCCD: Study Description

and Quality
Three studies (278 tests) com-
pared TCCD with angiogra-
phy (3, 39, 42). Their quality
was good, and the risk of bias
was lower than in TCD stud-
ies (Appendix 1, Supplemen-
tal Digital Content 1, http://;
and Appendix 2, Supplemen-
tal Digital Content 2, http://
For the assessment of MCA,
Figure 1. Flow chart of retrieved and eventually analyzed trials. specific thresholds of mean
Adapted from Lysakowski et al (1). velocity were used (Table 1).
Angiographic vasospasm was
47, 49, 50, 52, 53), more than 1 mm in one (48) and of greater than defined as lumen narrowing in any artery of greater than
33% in one (43). Four studies did not report the threshold value 25% in two studies (3, 39) and of greater than 30% in one
for the angiographic diagnosis of vasospasm (37, 41, 45, 51). The (42). Data were computed by arteries in two studies (3, 42)
Doppler diagnosis of vasospasm was based on mean velocity. and by patient in one (39) (Table 1).

TCD: Diagnostic Accuracy TCCD: Diagnostic Accuracy

Pooled sensitivities for the MCA and the basilar cerebral artery Pooled sensitivity and specificity are presented in Table 2
were higher than for the anterior cerebral artery (ACA). The and illustrated in Appendix 3 (Supplemental Digital Con-
pooled specificities were nearly similar for these three arteries tent 3, For an arbitrarily

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Mastantuono et al

TABLE 1. Description of Included Trials

Year of
Publi- TCD Mean True Sample Sensitivity Specificity
Author (Reference) cation Artery Velocity cm/s Positive Size Unit   % %

  Kyoi et al (47) 1989 MCA > 120 10 18 Patient 90.9 100.0
  Sloan et al (48) 1989 MCA > 120 17 34 Patient 58.6 100.0
  Langlois et al (49) 1992 MCA > 130 11 112 Artery 73.3 100.0
  Lennihan et al (51) 1993 MCA > 140 6 66 Artery 85.7 98.3
  Burch et al (50) 1996 MCA > 120 15 87 Artery 38.5 93.8
  Proust et al (46) 2002 MCA > 120 111 460 Patient 63.8 95.1
  Mascia et al (38) 2003 MCA > 160 13 33 Artery 100.0 75.0
  Gonzalez et al (40) 2007 MCA > 120 21 114 Artery 58.3 85.9
  Carrera et al (41) 2009 MCA > 90 11 199 Patient 73.3 64.7
  Sebastian et al (43) 2013 MCA > 150 23 285 Artery 79.3 85.9
  Kyoi et al (47) 1989 ACA > 90 9 18 Patient 81.8 71.4
  Lennihan et al (51) 1993 ACA > 120 2 66 Artery 13.3 100.0
  Wozniak et al (53) 1996 ACA > 120 9 87 Artery 18.0 64.9
  Sloan et al (52) 1994 BCA > 60 10 42 Patient 76.9 79.3
  Sviri et al (44) 2006 BCA > 90 34 144 Patient 50.0 88.2
  Burch et al (50) 1996 Internal carotid > 90 11 90 Artery 25.0 91.3
  Wozniak et al (53) 1996 Posterior cer- > 90 11 84 Artery 47.8 68.9
ebral artery
  Wintermark et al (45) 2006 Any > 120 88 630 Artery 71.5 89.7
  Frontera et al (37) 2009 Any > 120 121 300 Patient 70.8 62.8
Transcranial color-coded duplex Doppler
  Proust et al (3) 1999 MCA > 120 5 38 Patient 71.4 100.0
  Krejza et al (39) 2005 MCA > 94 32 222 Artery 76.2 97.2
  Wang et al (42) 2012 MCA > 120 12 18 Patient 85.7 100.0
ACA = anterior cerebral artery, BCA = basilar cerebral artery, MCA = middle cerebral artery, TCD = Transcranial Doppler.
Unit = vasospasm considered on patient or on artery.

defined prevalence of vasospasm of 70%, PPV was 98.2% that assessed other arteries. Unit of analysis (patients or arter-
(96.4–99.1) and NPV was 69.1% (56.1–80.9) (Table 2). Pre- ies) was not associated with a difference in pooled sensitiv-
dictive values for other prevalences are presented in Appen- ity (p = 0.78) or specificity (p = 0.73). Pooled sensitivity was
dix 4 (Supplemental Digital Content 4, higher in studies with a velocity threshold above 120 cm·s–1
CCM/D661). TCCD studies concerning MCA showed lower (79.3% [65.6–88.5]) compared with studies with a threshold
heterogeneity than with TCD. No data were available for the of 120 cm·s–1 or lower (61.1% [49.2–71.9]); that difference was
other arteries. TCCD appeared to present a better pooled statistically significant (p = 0.048).
estimate than TCD, but this difference was not statistically There was no difference in pooled sensitivities between
significant (p = 0.138) (Table 2). five MCA studies published before 2001 (65.9% [44.8–
82.2]) (47–51) and five studies published after 2001 (69.1%
Sources of Heterogeneity [62.1–75.4]) (38, 40, 41, 43, 46) (p = 0.41). However, the
Sources of heterogeneity were investigated only in TCD studies difference in pooled specificities was statistically signifi-
and only for the MCA due to the limited number of studies cant and showed a decrease in specificity over time (97.5%
[92.6–99.2] before 2001 and 84.1% [70.1–92.2] after 2001;

1668 October 2018 • Volume 46 • Number 10

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Review Articles

TABLE 2. Diagnostis Accuracy of Transcranial Doppler and Transcranial Color-Coded

Duplex Doppler
Transcranial Color-Coded
Transcranial Doppler Duplex Doppler
Estimate and
Number of Middle Cerebral Anterior Cerebral Basilar Cerebral Middle ­Cerebral
Studies Artery Artery Artery All Arteries Artery pa

n studies 10 4 2 2 3
Pooled sensitivity 66.7% 32.7% 62.1% 71.2% 81.5% 0.138
(55.9–75.9) (10.9–65.7) (33.3–84.3) (65.7–76.1) (67.5–90.3)
I2, % 57.8 78 66 0 0.00
Pooled specificity 89.5% 89.6% 84.5% 79.4% 96.6% 0.127
(80.3–94.7) (48.2–98.7) (71.1–92.3) (43.5–95.1) (93.2–98.3)
I2, % 89 65 24 98 0.00
Positive LR 6.86 5.77 4.05 4.54 25.0
(3.57–12.50) (0.55–25.60) (2.28–6.76) (1.24–14.00) (11.9–49.9)
Negative LR 0.38 0.79 0.44 0.40 0.20
(0.27–0.50) (0.41–1.33) (0.20–0.74) (0.27–0.69) (0.11–0.34)
Positive predictive 93.7% 87.4% 90.0% 88.9% 98.2%
value (88.9–96.6) (57.8–98.3) (84.6–93.9) (74.3–97.1) (96.4–99.1)
Negative 53.4% 35.4% 48.6% 53.9% 69.1%
predictive value (46.7–60.9) (24.6–50.6) (36.5–67.6) (38.1–61.2) (56.1–80.9)
LR = likelihood ratio.
Positive predictive value and negative predictive value were calculated with a prevalence of 70%. Numbers in parenthesis represent 95% CI.
p = comparison between Transcranial Doppler and transcranial color-coded duplex Doppler for the middle cerebral artery.

p = 0.019). Cumulative meta-analysis suggested that pooled In low risk of bias TCD studies, the pooled specificity for
sensitivities and specificities have regularly decreased since MCA was slightly lower than the specificity pooled over all
1993 (Fig. 2). studies. This was not found for TCCD studies; they presented
only low risk of bias (Table 3).
Clinical Vasospasm When the interval between two tests was shorter than 24
In five studies using TCD, velocity of MCA was measured in hours (low risk of flow timing bias), the pooled sensitivity
493 patients with clinically symptomatic vasospasms defined decreased. The pooled sensitivity was higher in studies with a
as the appearance of a new global or focal neurologic deteri- good TCD performance and a prespecified threshold (low risk
oration or Glasgow Coma Scale degradation. The threshold of index test bias) (Table 3).
of mean velocity for the diagnosis of vasospasm was greater Small TCD studies tended to show a higher sensitivity or a
than 120 cm·s–1 in three trials (19, 40, 48), and was greater higher specificity (Appendix 3, Supplemental Digital Content 3,
than 150 cm·s–1 (43) and greater than 160 cm·s–1 (38) in one, but an association between
study each. Angiographic vasospasm was defined as lumen the diagnostic accuracy and study size was not detected (p = 0.40).
narrowing in any artery of greater than 25% in two studies Global quality of TCCD studies was better than that of TCD
(38, 40), of greater than 33% (43) or greater than 50% (19) studies (Appendix 1, Supplemental Digital Content 1, http://
in one study each, and of more than 1 mm in one study (48).
Pooled sensitivity was 66.2% (59.3–72.6), and pooled speci-
ficity was 82.2% (74.9–87.8). These results were very close to
those obtained with all TCD studies. DISCUSSION
Summary of Main Results
Sensitivity Analyses and Biases Several results emerge from this meta-analysis. First, this work
The leave-one-out sensitivity analysis conducted for studies using confirms that for MCA, and the assumption of a 70% preva-
TCD and assessing the MCA showed that the findings were not lence of vasospasm, TCD may be used to identify patients with
drawn by a single study (Appendix 5, Supplemental Digital Con- vasospasm (high PPV), but it should not be used to rule-out
tent 5, In contrast, the pooled patients without vasospasm (low NPV and sensitivity). In
sensitivity and/or specificity of TCD in ACA varied importantly this context, TCCD did not show better accuracy. Although
when any of the four studies was removed (Appendix 5, Supple- the PPV and NPV values were higher, the difference was not
mental Digital Content 5, statistically significant (p = 0.138 for sensibility and p = 0.127

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Mastantuono et al

prevalences of vasospasm. As
Studies N Pooled specificity Pooled sensitivity
expected, when the prevalence
of vasospasm is high, TCD is
likely to identify it. However,
Kyoi et al, 1989 (47) 18
if TCD does not identify a
+ Sloan et al, 1989 (48) 52
vasospasm, it does not neces-
sarily mean that there is none.
+ Langlois et al, 1992 (49) 164 With decreasing prevalence
of vasospasm, the screening
+ Lennihan et al, 1993 (51) 230 performance of TCD further
decreases suggesting a lim-
+ Burch et al, 1996 (50) 317 ited usefulness as a screening
method in the context of low
+ Proust et al, 2002 (46) 777
prevalences of vasospasm.
These analyses were done
+ Mascia et al, 2003 (38) 810
with data of the MCA, as the
+ Gonzalez et al, 2007 (40) 924
other arteries were less well
+ Carrera et al, 2009 (41) 1123 TCCD is thought to improve
the performance of TCD and
+ Sebastian et al, 2013 (43) 1408 to decrease inter- and intrao-
bserver variability by correct-
ing the insonation angle (6).
0 50 100 0 50 100 We retrieved only three studies
Specificity (%) Sensitivity (%) testing TCCD on the MCA that
fulfilled our inclusion criteria
Figure 2. Cumulative meta-analyses of sensitivities and specificities of Transcranial Doppler of the middle (3, 39, 42). We found no evi-
cerebral artery. They were assessed by adding studies chronologically one-by-one. The squares represent the dence that color Doppler had
pooled estimates, and the horizontal lines represent the 95% CI. The cumulative number of tests is reported in
the column “N.” a better diagnostic accuracy
than conventional Doppler
for specificity). Second, the evidence regarding the suitability and cannot conclude that TCCD is better than TCD in this
of TCD and TCCD for the diagnosis of vasospasm of other setting.
cerebral arteries is still lacking. Third, there was evidence of a Our analyses are raising issues concerning the quality of
negative correlation between the methodologic quality of the data reporting in published articles. Reporting of results was
studies and the diagnostic accuracy of TCD. This could not often incomplete or unclear. One third of the studies did not
be confirmed for TCCD studies since only three trials were report on sensitivity and specificity, and the raw data to cal-
included and their quality was good. culate them were not accessible. Also, interpretation of esti-
To evaluate the capacity of TCD as a screening tool, we mates was limited due to the lack of reported uncertainty (the
modeled its use in different contexts, defining different counts of tests used to derive sensitivities and specificities or

TABLE 3. Risk for Bias in Selected Low Risk of Bias Studies

Pooled Estimates (95% CI)

Transcranial Doppler Studies Transcranial Color-Coded Duplex Doppler Studies

Bias n Sensitivity Specificity n Sensitivity Specificity

Selection bias 3 62.3% (55.3–68.7) 88.1% (71.8–95.6) 3 81.5% (67.5–90.3) 96.6% (93.2–98.3)
Index test bias 4 70.1% (38.4–89.9) 88.0% (77.9–93.8) 2 84.2% (69.4–92.6) 96.4% (92.8–98.3)
Reference 4 56.7% (39.6–72.3) 86.5% (74.5–93.3) 3 81.5% (67.5–90.3) 96.6% (93.2–98.3)
standard bias
Flow timing bias 5 56.4% (41.5–70.2) 88.8% (78.2–94.6) 1 84.0% (63.9–95.5)a 96.5% (92.9–98.6)
Global 4 56.7% (39.6–72.3) 86.5% (74.5–93.3) 3 81.5% (67.5–90.3) 96.6% (93.2–98.3)
Clopper-Person exact CI.

Index test bias describes how the test was conducted and interpreted. Reference standard bias describes how the reference was conducted and interpreted.
Flow timing bias describes the time interval and any interventions between index test and reference standard. Numbers in parenthesis represent 95% CI.

1670 October 2018 • Volume 46 • Number 10

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Review Articles

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