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19. Answer: B
● Statement 1 is incorrect: Legionnaires' disease is not caused by a virus, but rather by a type of bacterium called
Legionella. This bacterium can cause a severe form of pneumonia, which is why the disease is named after it.
● Statement 2 is correct: It is possible to become infected by breathing in water droplets containing Legionella
or by accidentally ingesting contaminated water. This bacterium is commonly found in artificial water systems
like hot tubs, air conditioning systems, and large plumbing systems in buildings.
● Statement 3 is correct: Legionnaires' disease is not transmitted from person to person, so direct person-to-
person transmission is not possible. Instead, exposure to contaminated water or air is necessary for infection to
● Statement 4 is correct: Currently, there is no vaccine available to prevent Legionnaires' disease. Minimizing
exposure to contaminated water or air is the best way to reduce the risk of infection. This can include
regularly cleaning and disinfecting water systems, using water treatments to reduce the growth of the
bacterium, and avoiding exposure to contaminated water or mist, especially for individuals with weakened
immune systems.

20. Answer: C
Chimeric Antigen Receptor (CAR) T-cell therapy is a type of immunotherapy that uses the body's own immune
system to fight cancer. The principle of action behind this therapy is to genetically modify a patient's T cells, a
type of white blood cell that is involved in the immune response, so that they can recognize and destroy cancer
In this therapy, T cells are removed from the patient's blood and modified in a laboratory to express CARs, which
are artificial molecules that are designed to recognize specific targets on cancer cells. The CARs are then
introduced back into the patient's body, where they can bind to and kill cancer cells.
CAR T-cell therapy has shown promising results in the treatment of certain types of cancer, such as acute
lymphoblastic leukemia and lymphoma, as well as other types of cancer such as melanoma and glioblastoma. The
therapy works by harnessing the power of the immune system to recognize and attack cancer cells, and has the
potential to provide long-lasting and effective treatment for some patients.

21. Answer: B
● Statement 1 is incorrect: Digi Yatra is a project launched under the Ministry of Civil Aviation in India, with
the aim of making air travel more convenient and hassle-free for passengers. The objective is to provide a
contactless and seamless passenger processing experience at airports. This is achieved through the use of
advanced technologies such as Facial Recognition Technology (FRT).
● Statement 2 is correct: Blockchain technology is used in Digi Yatra to store data in a secure and
decentralized manner. This means that the data is stored in multiple locations, reducing the risk of data theft or
unauthorized access. The use of blockchain technology in the storage of data is seen as a more secure option
than traditional storage methods, as the data is not stored in a central location.
● Statement 3 is correct: Facial Recognition Technology is used in Digi Yatra to identify the passenger and
establish their identity. The system uses the traveler's facial features to match them with the information
stored on their Digi Yatra account. The process is quick, easy and eliminates the need for manual checking
and verification.
● Statement 4 is incorrect: In Digi Yatra, the privacy of the passengers is of utmost importance. To ensure this,
there is no central storage of Personally Identifiable Information (PII). The passenger's ID and travel
credentials are stored in a secure wallet on the passenger's smartphone. This reduces the risk of data breaches
or unauthorized access to sensitive information. The data is also purged from the servers within 24 hours of
use, further enhancing the privacy and security of the passengers.

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22. Answer: D
● Statement 1 is correct: Bancassurance can reduce transaction costs for customers by making insurance
products more accessible and convenient to purchase. By offering insurance products through their existing
banking channels, banks can save customers time and money that would have otherwise been spent on visiting
separate insurance offices or dealing with multiple providers. Additionally, banks can leverage their existing
customer relationships to provide a seamless and efficient experience for purchasing insurance products.
● Statement 2 is correct: The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) is responsible for regulating bancassurance
activities in India and overseeing the partnerships between banks and insurance companies. The RBI sets
guidelines and regulations for the sale and distribution of insurance products through banking channels.
● Statement 3 is incorrect: Bancassurance can increase competition in the insurance market by increasing the
number of insurance providers and products available to customers. By partnering with banks, insurance
companies can reach new customer segments that may have previously been untapped, increasing the overall
level of competition in the insurance market.

23. Answer: A
● Statement 1 is correct: The exchange rate between the currency of the country where the migrant worker
resides and the home country can greatly impact the value of remittances. For example, if the currency of the
home country appreciates against the currency of the country where the migrant resides, the value of
remittances would increase. On the other hand, if the currency of the home country depreciates against the
currency of the migrant's country of residence, the value of remittances would decrease.
● Statement 2 is incorrect: High inflation rates can erode the purchasing power of the currency and can impact
the ability of migrants to transfer money. For example, if the inflation rate is high, the cost of living in the
home country would increase and the real value of remittances would decrease.
● Statement 3 is incorrect: According to the World Bank, the top five countries receiving the highest
remittance inflows in 2022 are India, Mexico, China, the Philippines, and Egypt.

24. Answer: A
● The National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) is an annual legislative bill that sets the budget and policies
for the U.S. Department of Defense.
● The NDAA is typically passed by Congress every year and signed into law by the President.
● The NDAA covers a wide range of defense-related issues, including military personnel policies, weapons
procurement, and funding for national security programs.
● The NDAA also includes provisions on cybersecurity, counter-terrorism, and contingency operations.

25. Answer: C
● Statement 1 is incorrect: The Global Wage Report was not released by the World Economic Forum (WEF),
but by the International Labour Organization (ILO). The ILO is a specialized agency of the United Nations
that was established to promote social justice and promote decent working conditions.
● Statement 2 is correct: The wage was defined as the total gross remuneration received by employees,
including regular bonuses, during a specified period worked as well as for time not worked.
● Statement 3 is incorrect: According to the ILO Global Wage Report 2022-2023, global wages decreased in
2022 for the first time since 2008. The report found that in the first half of 2022, monthly wages declined by
0.9% in real terms, marking the first negative growth of real global wages.

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26. Answer: B
● Statement 1 is correct: The UNCLOS is an international treaty that provides a legal framework for the use
and conservation of the world's oceans and their resources, including the establishment of an Exclusive
Economic Zone. The EEZ was created as a way for coastal countries to have greater control over their
maritime resources and to provide a framework for the sustainable use of these resources.
● Statement 2 is incorrect:The EEZ is a maritime zone extending 200 nautical miles from the baseline of a
coastal state, and it gives the coastal state sovereignty over the resources within the zone, including the rights
to explore, exploit, conserve, and manage the natural resources found in that area. This includes both living
and non-living resources such as fish stocks, seabeds, and oil and gas reserves.
● Statement 3 is incorrect: The rights and responsibilities for the exploration, exploitation, conservation, and
management of natural resources within the EEZ are given to the Central Government, rather than to the State
Governments. This is because the EEZ is considered a federal issue, and the Central Government is
responsible for the foreign and economic policies of the country.

27. Answer: D
● In 2021, the Department of Science and Technology released guidelines for obtaining and creating geospatial
data and services.
● The guidelines aimed to encourage private sector involvement in the geospatial industry by relaxing
restrictions on data acquisition and production.
● The National Geospatial Policy of 2022 provides a comprehensive framework for the advancement of the
geospatial sector.
● The policy was established during a period of rapid growth in India's geospatial economy, which is projected
to reach 63,000 crore Rupees by 2025.
● The 2021 guidelines for geospatial data production and acquisition aimed to improve ease of business in the
● The National Geospatial Policy of 2022 builds upon the liberalization of the geospatial industry through the
2021 guidelines.
● The policy is aimed at promoting a thriving and dynamic geospatial ecosystem in India.

28. Answer: B
● Statement 1 is incorrect: The SAARC currency swap facility was actually established and came into
operation on November 15th, 2012. The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) is the central bank of India and is
responsible for operating the framework within the overall corpus of USD 2 billion. The framework provides
support to member countries of the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) through
currency swap arrangements, which can be drawn in US dollar, euro or Indian rupee.
● Statement 2 is correct: The SAARC currency swap facility is available to all member countries of the South
Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC), which include Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan,
India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka. The member countries must sign bilateral swap agreements
in order to take advantage of the facility and access the currency swap support provided by the RBI.
● Statement 3 is correct: Currency swap operations are designed to provide support for short-term foreign
exchange liquidity requirements and are entered into between central banks and governments. The transaction
terms are established beforehand, which means that there is no exchange rate or other market risk involved.
The risk of fluctuations in the value of a base currency against a foreign currency, also known as exchange
rate risk or currency risk, is typically borne by companies or individuals holding assets or obligations in
foreign currencies.

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29. Answer: C
● Statement 1 is correct: The Community Innovator Fellowship (CIF) is an initiative of the Atal Innovation
Mission (AIM) in collaboration with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) India, not the
World Bank.
● Statement 2 is correct: The CIF is aimed at providing infrastructure support and knowledge building to
individuals with an entrepreneurial mindset and an idea to solve community challenges through their
enterprises. The fellowship is structured into 5 phases to support the fellows in their entrepreneurial journey
and help them achieve their goals of creating positive change in the community.

30. Answer: C
● SHE STEM is a signature event of the Nobel Memorial Week.
● The event is designed to bring recognition to women in the fields of STEM and sustainability.
● Women innovators, technologists, scientists, and founders are the main focus of SHE STEM.
● The Embassy of Sweden in India is the primary organizer of the event.
● The Atal Innovation Mission and NITI Aayog are collaborating partners of the Embassy of Sweden for SHE
● The German Centre of Innovation and Research (DWIH New Delhi) is also a partner of the event.
● The goal of SHE STEM is to inspire young women to pursue careers in STEM fields.
● The event encourages interaction between women in leadership positions in STEM fields and others.
● SHE STEM seeks to raise awareness about the contributions of women in STEM and sustainability.
● The event provides a platform for women in STEM to showcase their work and ideas.

31. Answer: C
● Statement 1 is correct: According to the Indus Waters Treaty, 80% of the water from the Indus River System
is reserved for Pakistan, while the remaining 20% is for India. The treaty allocates the three western rivers—
Indus, Chenab and Jhelum—to Pakistan for unrestricted use, with certain restrictions on non-consumptive,
agricultural and domestic uses by India, and the three Eastern rivers—Ravi, Beas and Sutlej—to India for
unrestricted usage.
● Statement 2 is correct: The Indus Waters Treaty requires both India and Pakistan to establish a Permanent
Indus Commission, which is constituted by permanent representatives from both countries. The Permanent
Indus Commission is required to meet at least once a year, as per the provisions of the IWT.
● Statement 3 is incorrect: Pakistan has exclusive rights over the three western rivers—Indus, Chenab and
Jhelum, while India has exclusive rights over the three Eastern rivers—Ravi, Beas and Sutlej. The IWT
allocated the three western rivers to Pakistan for unrestricted use, but with certain restrictions on non-
consumptive, agricultural and domestic uses by India.
● Statement 4 is correct: The Indus Waters Treaty provides a three-step dispute resolution mechanism under
Article IX of the Indus Waters Treaty, through which “questions” on both sides can be resolved at the
Permanent Commission, or can also be taken up at the inter-government level. In case of unresolved questions
or “differences” between the countries on water-sharing, either side can approach the World Bank to appoint a
Neutral Expert (NE) to come to a decision. And eventually, if either party is not satisfied with the NE’s
decision or in case of “disputes” in the interpretation and extent of the treaty, matters can be referred to a
Court of Arbitration.

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32. Answer: D
● Statement 1 is incorrect: Alfred Nobel, who was a Swedish chemist, engineer, and industrialist, is credited
with the establishment of the Nobel Prizes. The prizes were first awarded in 1901, just after Nobel's death, and
were initially established to reward achievements in the fields of Physics, Chemistry, Physiology or Medicine,
Literature, and Peace.
● Statement 2 is incorrect: The Nobel Prizes are awarded in six different categories, including Physics,
Chemistry, Physiology or Medicine, Literature, Peace and economic sciences. The memorial prize in
economic sciences was added in 1968 . These prizes are considered to be some of the most prestigious awards
in the world and are awarded annually to individuals or organizations who have made significant contributions
to their respective fields.

33. Answer: A
● In a traditional brick and mortar branch, the bank has to maintain a physical building, hire a large number of
staff to manage transactions, and maintain the infrastructure required for traditional banking activities such as
check processing and cash management.
● On the other hand, a DBU relies on digital infrastructure to deliver its products and services.
● This results in a reduced need for physical space and staff, which translates into lower operational costs for the
● Moreover, digital banking units can provide a better customer experience, thanks to the use of technology.
● Customers can access banking services at any time, from any location, and through multiple channels, such as
mobile banking, internet banking, and ATMs.
● This increased convenience and accessibility of banking services can lead to a more satisfied customer base
and increased usage of digital banking services.

34. Answer: D
● Statement 1 is incorrect: The United Nations Charter gives the United Nations Security Council (Not
UNGA) the power and responsibility to take collective action to maintain international peace and security.
● Statement 2 is incorrect:
A peacekeeping mission is funded collectively by the United Nations member states, while the establishment and
maintenance of its operations are decided by the United Nations Security Council.
As per the UN charter, each member is legally bound to pay their individual share for peacekeeping. (Not a
voluntary contribution).
The expenses for a peacekeeping operation is divided by the United Nations General Assembly based on a
formula that takes into account the economic condition of member states as one of the factors.
● Statement 3 is incorrect: In 2007, India became the first country to deploy an all-women contingent to a UN
Peacekeeping Mission in Liberia.

35. Answer: C
● Statement 1 is incorrect: The FATF is an inter-governmental body established at the G7 (Not G-4) summit at
Paris in 1989 with the objective to set standards and promote effective implementation of legal, regulatory and
operational measures to combat money laundering and terrorist financing and other related threats to the
integrity of the international financial system.
● Statement 2 is incorrect: The 39-member body (Not all UN members) sets international standards to ensure
national authorities can effectively go after illicit funds linked to drugs trafficking, the illicit arms trade, cyber
fraud and other serious crimes.

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