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\ that was Tey Gebidide's ess ire ? —- Ms Packletid's dare ond setection was te shoct -a liger 2 biol wade Mss Faeblctids 29 heun. to bilo tiger.” shod did Mu fapblede, ff Pal te. Would de : $a i mab palcus ¢ Leena Berbalon's populoruty, eee fa cana acer on ancplan yan ural Te lady hapl talking about thus piccaune tp , Mea Paeiddite's ralousy Thus Mes facklilide flr tat ahs precuring 0 ‘Laer abun smanotdalige thu occas on to tad 4 alesady anangs wn by mind s + Fackldise senncd to be eenfidenk about procuring the Liger han had chalked adm bidonind the lurch bre would He vn Curzon Shut erty im Leora, Crmbenten's Ager thon ug, seeping Trstt o the foaground Tea pute ound tre purrticg & tra tien Ure had Un tan oie We tir - clas becoch shat ate would ox on on Tart brthd ary propitious ” bn edna of ° be i re tiger seo formato. for Mar mom. pretiticas ? tas £1 4 Wreusard rupee feta oppedunilig of reak Ba mmsch wl. & cxetion Creu Sarees sogtbassrg milo ge $04 become a tendency, Aiwa ard plan) Palen Way bad veshictes q - Fuaat hot saytaA ib eppaute be small Wb. ct ssithsn or wacinal of We NU Ae Anllac 1 wae offad A Brourand murpeos ty 9, a and Lornvmecial isin Ine “ . fide _ ay Aqnad to vay Mas Packishide tr Avg or Ay SN Migacrnats iusto sss, ; Vrecvillagen made salou 240% Ie het Mow Socdiusia, children were podtea night and day on the ovdakinds Af ik atlemled t» scan. as eaten Cheapo. Kinds of goat, Fu tipo scbivies vy, i otha.s _cosssging Yu) Latin bun, Honough Yio pumale ee va he fod, Musto \by, ae = Me _venenodole hwnd.) af Mito tain tly gpnat_Oniely © > only neat omcishy aad cane eid i 4 oching Sw Tiger by Mos Rast, eh varat od moon and clover .” ps pinnae had bonnie jou lice 2's An. dodocrote plan. Wad sooo - Ye dulbing 4 Wig A plod fom. od eon a ... . and conveniently plored trer__Mns fachlstide amd Min» Mddovn ust? i Wied soithh a poslicwonly paristens eos which us‘ pli oft cop sna gp fron asic on oxcuraidy af pochienes_ cand» bss fae 4 Whal bos bam 414 shout py Be Mis Vttin 1053 wet ctunly cous grout Go wold wos Homan the 100 ats win, paper, Dx, Dirt. its, Waites ___ Shin the had pam. yas fer. go Mead dia Vis Fotis? arms g° a aan Fdids Assure Miss Vorbin ot tee su rattinn & Lo aba yok yo80. ~0, 4 Id Aigo, Sn 8 watt be ob. apeare, tape mach 6 We snc vA be” 6 “outa, Mebban Aca adisie Mu. uso. Alice toon. We ahie Y adbionabsy o dureminalion * a ee 2. —lawisa Webbie adcptes 0. padedive Jdor— sty. olituds doccods = —anN sham she baer Pol ik wos a0 da = Aloten. aaraed by the ~illagor she remadidday d- Yre sai ot ee enn dat liga. 2h 2 MAT fe en suspecs 702 9. Io of f opens i | ia dion had iim saned “rary 2 rouble ea ing 2o0sied_vi-hips sn Some Moscow Site) i —Y- Aid the Tign. de ot She wight ¢ bs goat” = et cOuy tr Aight ¢ ois detherud goa) senso 44 yak Besirud fo dake Qurasloble cover Zin {* the punpesr of pps tommunsing the grand attack | Bigpond? ———— | FE fpwisa Mebbun said shot she beiond seat trediger wos ull —_1 Shu sata trot aloud 1a Hindustan’ 20 Wot Bs ~ullage head mam tn might hoor 0, EE Ee —}aht 301d aloud thot sf he didn't dover Me _Goas" tron iy _jroowldntt poy (ot a | Bohan. ins Racklitide pulled Hu digger of ide ofl tng, ae gmat ton ps dphana ty a, Aids and then nodled mer sit sfillmass of death. 7, al Sou sound of Inv suf. shot _hod_comsed vie death 4 iy, Oa tiger. f i wounded by thy billet shot” cnet ne tee of Ihe nuflel ly wand Roula be found on the tiger. UW aw the vemong oni mer ht, “nd the Agr had Mtecumbed bo heat furluee ; isha of ye on tackled by My fackldlide © + 7. Annoyed on neabyeng that Ihe tiger had and » But bhe aasured Newey that the uaa of n of a dead She also Kraus Ural tke ar villagem would Mech he mater os a Secner «Tutto, adhe ty Mobbun would mat diviilge. she Jocout a whe on. Gn Ind Mas Richletidte fet that whe Nad Hiwvation, . Thus she (iced Ihe commoners sith 0 igh 0 of a'higer meaehed the ager ef Texas Athathoded Henday. supplement of thor Hed Be meted fos book 0 panttolled omation. dhe = 4ldvo bnooe . Sha meped tmadions could oe dangenous thar i hy wo Me taping wre tha Fabs d4 verd te, ‘Cems , Coll m te therpte, f Sonn 9 ‘ ~~ Niana. wos the 4 daar of Soudan WUBI Ne dry, may 4 was Yomi So aii thos Mo» Forbbidian 1, i a and the pro ak vd Vu yp hy WA ws «Thus Anubingy wp 08 Honayba qohdanr of brn) hx appoint fa Wins ocd, tha ba wren - | hak die Maw foxidide to ps om b Mas Pocklatide rowed by ance tha wuypabor L ihvane Game win, Wo thus da baa Yo! Se oA gwshiy vu, : pends! ——_ 1 fannos Isim amd what won Ws ven. i 3 oe neg” duh yt Gre $AA Sw |e savin ng poosts Ahoy hod mecsrbby slaurn fe Ws Farin , = aed pepointanees had save 2 VgrCow “— bret she could cite hOwOS gr 5 aber. ond 2 Give dance font : Mas ide _ at age E ion. qc, Be suggestion. Chew cx : Gating Ul is bdldih ss ae “Wes Amused ue would be af = aay _ a} | Whe. $id {his amd whom? lishon Aid Aho 384 a2 1 Fliss Leuisa Mebovn who wos Mia fockldide’s paid certo Waid 1s ko Man Fochbati de _ _. She 301d Yod am Sne ba 2 ime — eM eg ico se wo lang? bin had jpunpesely que about the kafling of @ tong . Ste toas a ahracd woman and had mode ha inghy . She desired thot Mrs Rcklelide should geceiv hr 0d a huminesd ene whe hod ahet down a tiger. Then aduamlage ¥ the ailuolon Ye voould mabe her would be amused if thay Knew that the hooa attack wot tw bullet of ha evfle Shu boe oud Tir be Keop wp her. public. prude ana pwoowld duccumbte all the dosinws of Miss Mebbun rndage Ie paid compan dusined to take Lt” sald Uns facklelide say im _eeply ?. d thot Loena Rimberton would bdliewe uf uy dh Rockliide said “ You suo voouldair soomon . She did met anston dinecliy Hal the hod der a vowhend cothige near g Gwould cdr Jur undied and me ip { the propor” Grout give 9 Af dhe paid trot as that the did not happen to a iorekend cotiag: Latavver’ > fe d cotlags Les Fa uves meaning pumas dime the cotage wor the garden - ihe Golly oomet of Var fackidide Jrok Aide 104 bo poy Mu Macben if re Ws legal oan og Mk onde ginal span tA Bai fest ti | | Zovrn) Mage - ees | is3 Mebbin Gx hwnd Gat vigfs pom f dav uwling ke be peop the, Aocvek Joetviave ne death oD She — 0 } erunmiood fe Nos fplue 4 ry sudan Lr py ae?

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