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Company : Indofood is the premier food company in Indonesia, and dominate the domestic
market through its various products, including instant noodles, wheat flour, various brands of
vegetable oils and fats, baby food, as well snack. Indofood also produces food seasoning
products. Brands that play an important role in maintaining business stability Indofood and
Indofood's basic strengths include Indomie instant noodles, Supermi, Sarimi and Sakura, Bimoli
and Sunrise vegetable oil, Royal margarine Palmia and Simas, Chiki snacks, Chitato and Jet-Z,
food products
baby Promina and Sun, as well as Indofood soy sauce and Lombok dishes. Well, this time I will
do a little research on one type of Indomie, namely the Indomie Hype Kebab Rendang.

Introduction : Chewy wide noodles with a combination of kebab-flavored spices from a

mixture of mayo and Padang-style rendang oil. The rendang-style topping enriches the taste of
Indomie Goreng with Rendang Kebab Flavor.

Purpose : The purpose of making Indomie Hype Rendang Kebab is to introduce local
flavors to be better known, because Kebab and Rendang are two foods that are hits among the

Benefit : The benefit is that local flavors are becoming increasingly recognized by wide
circles in Indonesia and abroad.

Opinion : for those who don't like spicy don't need to worry because the noodles
are not spicy even though the seasoning is spicy. In general, the taste of Indomie Goreng Kebab
Rendang is quite unique. In the first bite, the taste and aroma of the meat immediately hits the
tongue. This is followed by a subtle hint of spice and a hint of creaminess. When compared to
Indomie fried Rendang, the spices in the Indomie Rendang Kebab variant are much lighter.
However, for people who are sensitive to the strong smell of meat, they may have to be wary of
this noodle. One more thing that needs to be appreciated again from this latest variant is the
crunchy topping. This time the toppings are not deceitful. Overall, Indomie Goreng Kebab
Rendang is still worth trying. With a price of Rp. 3,500, we can already taste the unique blend of
Middle Eastern and Indonesian flavors.

Conclusion : In my opinion, the Indomie hype rendang kebab noodles are rich in Indomie
Bolognese, the spiciness is still okay even though it's spiced, at first glance it tastes like Indomie
Satay because there are some of the same spices, overall it's delicious but I prefer the regular
Indomie Rendang than the noodles with Rendang Kebab because the Rendang noodles are more
a little spicy.

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