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eTransportation 9 (2021) 100128

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Use of battery swapping for improving environmental balance and

price-performance ratio of electric vehicles
Steffen Schmidt
Dipl. Ing. for Electrical Engineering (ret.), Erfurt, Germany

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: There is a simple concept that can significantly improve the environmental balance of battery electric
Received 23 January 2021 vehicles and at the same time avoid the known disadvantages of these vehicles (short range, long
Received in revised form charging times, high acquisition costs) without having to wait for further developed batteries or a higher
19 April 2021
proportion of green electricity. For this purpose, the vehicles are equipped with built-in batteries for
Accepted 2 July 2021
short and medium distances and are therefore sufficient for the majority of daily journeys. For long-
Available online 3 July 2021
distance journeys, the driver borrows charged additional battery packs at swapping stations, which
are automatically inserted into a standardised exchange slot within a few minutes.
Battery-electric vehicles
This paper focuses on the improvements in electric vehicles that can be achieved by combining built-in
Range extension and exchangeable battery technique and also on the practical feasibility of the concept. It is shown that
Manufacturer-specific built-in battery the battery capacity required for the entire vehicle fleet can be significantly reduced. The resulting
Exchangeable additional battery ecological advantages on the one hand and grid-stabilising effects of a nationwide network of swapping
Swapping station stations on the other hand, support the transition to environmentally sustainable mobility.
Environmental balance The characteristics of the concept presented are advantageous for its practical implementation. The
acceptance by customers and manufacturers can thus be improved compared to previous battery
swapping systems. The loan system for the exchange batteries may be designed conveniently and in-
formation security as well as data protection will be strictly complied.
© 2021 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction balance of electric vehicles includes “in addition to the climate

impact, effects on air quality, on the availability of raw materials
In order to achieve the climate protection targets in the mobility and on social conditions, for example in the mining of raw materials
sector - in particular a significant reduction in CO2 emissions - there … In this context, the climate balance means the greenhouse gas
is obviously no alternative to the mass introduction of battery emissions during the entire life cycle (manufacture, operation,
electric cars (BEVs). To accomplish the climate targets for 2030 in production of electricity …) of a battery electric car.”
Germany, for example, around 10 to 12 million electric vehicles The climate balance of the BEVs is currently only slightly better
must be on the roads by that time. These would have to account for compared to conventional vehicles with combustion engines [1].
more than half of new registrations [1]. However, the BEVs are not The main reasons for this are the relatively high greenhouse gas
yet accepted sufficiently by the costumers [2], because of high emissions from the production of traction batteries for the BEVs
prices, short ranges and long charging times. To improve accep- and the greenhouse gas emissions due to electricity generation. In
tance, e.g. in Germany promotional measures such as purchase addition, there is the environmental impact of the extraction of raw
bonuses and the expansion of the charging infrastructure are materials for the batteries. There is well-founded hope that the
planned [3], but this is not well suited to avoid the disadvantages. environmental balance can be continuously improved in the future
In addition to increasing BEV's numerical share of the total by further improving the batteries and the associated production
vehicle fleet, it is crucial to achieve the best possible environmental technology and by increasing the percentage of green energy in the
balance for these vehicles. According to Ref. [1], the environmental electricity mix. However, further technical developments in bat-
teries will not allow a decisive breakthrough in the foreseeable
future [4]. Therefore it would be important to use the further
advanced batteries to improve the environmental balance of the
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S. Schmidt eTransportation 9 (2021) 100128

BEVs. But current developments are leading to ever larger battery operates the associated swapping stations [14], but only for vehi-
capacities per vehicle, which tend to worsen the vehicle weight as cles of its own brand.
well as environmental balance and are not even needed for the The projects mentioned above have shown that for successful
majority of the daily trips. implementation, disadvantages still need to be eliminated and
Plug-in hybrid vehicles (PHEVs) offer an acceptable range doubts overcome:
despite smaller batteries, but also have a high purchase price due to
the more complex technology compared to BEVs. Their environ-  Customer acceptance is low, as there is a dependence on the
mental balance is definitely not better [5] and is also strongly operators of the battery swapping stations (in terms of price and
dependent on the driving behaviour of the user. Future improve- availability). With certain battery change models, there is also
ments in battery technology and the electricity mix cannot have the the fear of exchanging one's own good battery for a worse one
same positive effect compared to BEVs [5]. when changing.
Increasingly higher charging capacities of the fast charging  Support from car manufacturers is also low, as they consider
stations are also problematic. There are higher loads for the power battery technology as their core competence and fear losing
grid and grid disturbances due to harmonics [6]. To counteract this, market share to the operators of the swapping stations.
additional energy buffers must be used. Even if disused BEV bat- Furthermore, a (standardised) exchangeable battery pack would
teries are used for this purpose, valuable resources are locked up. limit their freedom of design.
Fast charging also has disadvantages for battery longevity [7].  The necessary standardisation of exchangeable battery packs
Furthermore, there are problems if many users want to access the could hamper technical progress in the further development of
system simultaneously during peak periods, e.g. at the start of battery technology.
holidays [8].  It is feared that the cost of the necessary infrastructure and lo-
In principle, electric cars can serve as an energy buffer by means gistics would be disproportionately high compared to common
of bidirectional charging and thus contribute to grid stability (V2G) charging stations and fast charging stations.
[9,10]. However, for vehicles with a built-in battery, this is only  There are legitimate concerns about compliance with data
possible as long as they are at the charging station and the vehicle protection. If personal or vehicle-related data has to be handed
owner actually uses this function. For the latter, however, this is over for battery rental, movement profiles could be created.
currently not attractive, as the prices for the corresponding
charging technology are relatively high, higher wear on the battery
can be caused and regulatory hurdles also argue against it. 2.2. Construction and operation management of battery swapping
Starting from the weak points of existing battery and charging stations
systems for electric vehicles, this paper aims to present an
improved concept for this, to assess its properties and to investigate In order to make the advantages of battery swapping technology
its feasibility. available to the operator of the charging and swapping stations, the
At present, BEVs are usually charged by connecting them design and operation of these facilities must be optimised. The
directly to a charging station “Plug In”. Depending on the useable main goals here are to minimise energy costs and the effort
charging power, the charging process takes some time while the required to transport the batteries, if necessary, as well as optimal
BEV is not mobile. Alternatively, it is possible not to charge the integration into the power grid. There are numerous proposals for
batteries in the vehicle, but to exchange the empty battery in a this in the literature. Three examples are briefly presented below as
swapping station for a fully charged battery. This process is much representative of these.
faster than charging at a charging station. Prerequisites for this are In Ref. [15], an analysis is carried out on the optimised operation
specially equipped BEVs and swapping stations that can (auto- of swapping stations, which is based on suitable pilot projects in
matically) change, charge, store and maintain batteries [11]. China. In addition to the actual swapping technology, these stations
also contain a local depot for discharged and charged batteries as
2. Application of battery swapping technology to expand the well as a number of charging and discharging devices that are
range of BEVs in line with demand directly connected to the grid. The charging costs, depreciation
costs, operating and maintenance costs are taken into account here,
2.1. Battery swapping technology up to now but not the basic investment. It can be shown that swapping sta-
tions can be operated economically by optimising their operation
The obvious solution to eliminate some of the disadvantages of and using their grid-stabilising function commercially, and that
the BEVs mentioned above is to use exchangeable batteries. In fact, acceptable charges are possible for customers.
several such projects have already been implemented in practice. In Ref. [16], a network is investigated that consists of central
Until 2013 the company Better Place [12] operated electric ve- charging stations with direct grid connection, a logistics system for
hicles with exchangeable batteries and the associated swapping battery transport and distributed swapping stations. Operating
stations. Unfortunately it went bankrupt. The positive aspect about models are introduced for the charging and swapping stations as
the project is that something like a field test for battery swapping well as for the logistics. Based on these models, the charging and
technology has already been carried out and the relevant knowl- discharging of the batteries and the battery logistics can be opti-
edge is available. The fact that the project failed was not due to the mised in such a way that the turnover of the overall system is
technology, but mainly due to the business model, the lack of maximised and at the same time a stable, demand-oriented oper-
support from car manufacturers and that perhaps it was a little too ation of all swapping stations is ensured.
far ahead of its time. Ref. [17] also describes a battery swapping system with a central
The company Tesla also dealt with battery swapping technology charging station that supplies decentralised swapping stations. It is
in the past, but had to give it up due to a lack of customer accep- proposed here to supplement the charging station with a photo-
tance. In Ref. [13], the structure and function of a Tesla battery voltaic system and a battery buffer. The battery buffer is con-
swapping station is described, which can be regarded as a typical structed from retired, second-life traction batteries and has the
example of this technology. function of temporarily storing energy from the photovoltaic sys-
Currently the Chinese company NIO produces such BEVs and tem or from the grid. Using simulations, it is shown that even with
S. Schmidt eTransportation 9 (2021) 100128

fluctuating demand at the swapping stations, an adapted operating  The battery packs available at the exchange stations can easily
strategy can minimise both the daily electricity purchase costs and be used as buffers for the energy supply grid and thus support
the charging load fluctuation as well as the depreciation costs of the the transition to renewable energies. This function also enables
battery buffer. proportional financing of the swapping technology (see section
5.4). Thus the deterioration of the batteries caused by the
“bidirectional charging” is not at the customer's expense.
2.3. Combined battery technology  The purchase costs of the vehicle are lower because of smaller
batteries. There are also cost advantages over the entire vehicle
The current challenges with the introduction of BEVs can be service life [21,22].
solved with a well-integrated combination of built-in batteries and  The range of the vehicle is completely sufficient for most daily
manufacturer independent standardised exchangeable additional trips and can be quickly extended as required.
battery packs and associated battery swapping stations (e. g.  Charging time is not a problem. The batteries at the swapping
located at petrol stations). stations can be charged more slowly and longevity conserved
The idea of combining built-in batteries with exchangeable without reducing the availability of the vehicle.
batteries has been featured for some time in contributions to online  In normal operation (without additional battery pack) the
forums on electric mobility [18,19]. Such concepts are also proposed weight of the vehicle is significantly lower. This leads to reduced
in the academic literature. In Ref. [20], for example, a combination energy consumption [21,22] and has advantages for driving
of fixed batteries with manually exchangeable additional batteries behaviour.
is shown. A detailed consideration of such a concept with fast  The smaller battery capacity also has safety advantages. In the
automatic change of the additional battery is given in Refs. [21,22]. event of a vehicle accident, less stored energy can be released
There, the impact of this concept on energy consumption and the and less flammable material is carried in the battery, reducing
total cost of ownership of the vehicle is also examined. In Ref. [23], the risk of fire [24].
such a concept is considered in conjunction with a network of  The exchangeable battery packs are used more intensively and
battery swapping stations, taking into account both technical and can be kept up to date with the latest technology (e.g. in terms of
socio-economic impacts. capacity). Older vehicles also benefit from this.
For the following considerations, it should be assumed that such  A battery pack received at a swapping station has the optimal
a car is equipped with a built-in battery which could be used for a operating temperature, which is particularly advantageous in
range of about 150 … 300 km and thus is sufficient for the pre- winter.
dominant part of daily trips. This battery can be charged at normal
charging station for BEVs (e.g. at home or at work). In the event that Compared to the BEVs with a permanently built-in battery or
the vehicle is to be used for a longer journey, it has a slot for the exchange technology used so far, there are also disadvantages:
exchangeable, standardised battery packs for a range of, for
example, 200 … 400 km. Larger vehicles could have more of those  Each long-distance journey requires at least 2 stops at changing
slots. These are normally empty, but can be equipped within a few stations (picking up the additional battery at the beginning and
minutes at a petrol station with a battery swapping station if dropping off the exchangeable battery pack at the end of the
required. Empty battery packs can also be quickly exchanged there journey). However, the time required for this is relatively short.
for charged ones. A corresponding driving regime is shown in Fig. 1. On very long journeys, the battery of a “conventional” BEV also
This concept can be implemented in the short term with tech- has to be recharged, and in this case the battery replacement
nology available today and would have the following advantages technology has time advantages. Future autonomous vehicles
over today's electric cars: could also pick up and drop off the exchangeable battery inde-
pendently of the actual journey at a swapping station close to
 The battery capacity required for the entire vehicle fleet is the vehicle's location.
considerably lower because of shared battery packs than if each  To ensure the availability of the battery packs at the swapping
vehicle had to be constantly equipped with the maximum ca- stations, logistical measures in the form of transports of the
pacity (see section 3.4). This can significantly improve the additional batteries are necessary (see section 4.4).
environmental balance of the vehicles (see section 3.5).

Fig. 1. Typical driving regime of a BEV with additional battery, A: Place of residence with BEV charging station, B: Long range travel destination with BEV charging station, C:
Swapping station - pick up additional battery, D: Swapping station - change additional battery, E: Swapping station - drop off additional battery, 1: BEV runs without additional
battery, 2: BEV runs with additional battery.

S. Schmidt eTransportation 9 (2021) 100128

 The different vehicle weight for journeys without and with energy buffer based on an ultracapacitor [23,26]. This also reduces
additional battery requires appropriate consideration in the the load on the battery and increases the effectiveness of
design of the running gear and control electronics of these recuperation.
 Some of the above-mentioned advantages are relativised by the
further development towards cheaper, lighter and more 2.5. Comparison with previously implemented battery swapping
resource-efficient batteries. technology

The combination of manufacturer-specific built-in batteries and

2.4. Construction of a BEV with exchangeable additional battery standardised exchangeable battery packs differs significantly from
the projects described in section 2.1 and offers additional advan-
The design (see Fig. 2) corresponds to that of the current BEV, tages that can be used for ecological improvements in mobility. In
with the difference that an exchange slot for a standardised addi- addition, there are characteristics that can improve acceptance by
tional battery pack with the respective interfaces for power elec- customers and manufacturers and would thus favour practical
trics, control technology and cooling technology is provided at an implementation:
exposed position on the vehicle (in the underbody). The
manufacturer-specific built-in batteries can be placed in less  Due to the built-in batteries remaining within their sphere of
accessible locations in the vehicle platform, as they do not have to influence, car manufacturers have more freedom of design here
be accessible for the automatic changing system. and can continue to use and develop their know-how and ca-
The battery pack (see Fig. 3) is standardised across manufac- pacities in the field of battery and charging technology.
turers and has the above-mentioned interfaces. It is also equipped  They would not lose the market for traction batteries and would
with a smart device that monitors the status of the module (battery still be able to sell the majority of the batteries required for the
wear, state of charge, etc.) [23] and provides information on its vehicle fleet together with their vehicles (see section 3.4).
parameters. The latter also performs the functions required for the  Thanks to the built-in battery, the vehicle can also be used
lending regime (see sections 5.2 and 5.3). In order to realise the independently of the swapping stations. The customer owns a
function of the special reserve modules for traffic peaks described “full-fledged” vehicle with its own battery. From experience
in section 4.5 an integrated charger can be provided as an option. with previous swapping systems, this is an important touch-
To be able to equip a wide spectrum of vehicles with only one stone for the acceptance of this technology [23].
version of the exchangeable battery packs, they must be stand-  The exchangeable batteries are only used as “range extender” if
ardised mainly in terms of their form factor and interfaces. For the necessary. This means that the installation of the swapping
battery cells used in the battery packs, on the other hand, no stations should not be as urgent and can be done as required
standardisation is required, so that technical progress is not hin- (e.g. initially only along the motorways). Since the petrol sta-
dered. Thus, properties such as capacity and mass can change over tions will sell less fuel in the future, it would be possible to
time as a result of technical advancements and further improve the operate exchange stations there.
modules. Tables 1 and 2 show two possibilities for equipping the
various vehicle classes with one version of the battery packs each. It
is assumed here that the capacity of the battery packs should allow 3. Considerations about number and size of the batteries
a range of approx. 300 km for a medium-class vehicle.
To connect an exchangeable battery pack with the DC-bus of the 3.1. Preconditions and objectives
built-in vehicle batteries, an additional DC/DC-converter is neces-
sary (see Fig. 4). This can also ensure that the built-in battery is  Additional battery packs are standardised across manufacturers.
recharged while driving with an additional battery pack so that Ideally there is only one type for all BEVs (see Table 1 or 2).
there is still ample range when the battery pack is returned. A  Additional battery packs only serve to extend the driving range
unidirectional DC/DC converter is sufficient for this purpose. This for long distance trips and are not necessary for normal daily
can easily be implemented if the nominal voltage of the additional trips.
battery pack is designed to be higher than that of the built-in  For the following estimates, it is assumed that the usage data
batteries. The built-in batteries are additionally charged by (see Table 3) of the BEVs with the exchange technology pre-
recuperation. sented correspond to that of the entire vehicle fleet in Germany.
If dynamic driving behavior is to be achieved even with the This may not be the case until they represent a large part of the
smaller built-in battery alone, the vehicle can be equipped with an fleet.

Fig. 2. Main components of a BEV with exchangeable additional battery pack.

S. Schmidt eTransportation 9 (2021) 100128

Fig. 3. Main components of an exchangeable battery pack.

Table 1
Possible variant of equipping cars with exchange slots for larger battery packs with approx. 45 kWh each (preferred variant, because of low technical implementation effort -
this is the basis for the studies in this article).

Vehicle classes mini cars, small cars medium cars, large cars executive cars, luxury cars, SUVs, multi purpose cars,
based on [25]. Pick-up, light comercial vehicles

Equipment no exchange slot 1 exchange slot 1 or 2 exchange slots

Note not necessary, since mainly designed for urban reference class for design of the depending on size and energy requirements
traffic and short distances exchangeable battery packs

Table 2
Alternative variant of equipping cars with exchange slots for smaller battery packs with approx. 22 kWh each (alternative variant, flexibly adaptable to vehicle, smaller form
factor possibly more future-oriented).

Vehicle classes based mini cars, small cars medium cars, nlarge cars executive cars, luxury cars, SUVs, multi purpose cars, Pick-up,
on [25]. light comercial vehicles

Equipment max. 1 exchange slot 2 exchange slots 2 to 4 exchange slots

Note only necessary if long distances are reference class for design of the depending on size and energy requirements
also to be driven exchangeable battery packs

Fig. 4. Simplified diagram of a BEV with additional battery.

Table 3
Mileage of private vehicles.

Year Germany [27,29] France [30] GB/England [31,32] USA [33,34] China (Beijing and surroundings) [28]

Average annual mileage 2013 14,000 km 12,699 km 12,714 km n. a. 16,900 km

2018 13,700 km 13,117 km 12,231 km 19,982 km n. a.
Average daily mileage 2013 38.4 km 34.8 km 34.8 km n. a. 46.2 km
2018 37.5 km 35.9 km 33.5 km 54.7 km n. a.
Average path length (Year) 12.5 km (2021) n. a. 13.5 km (2020) 20.5 km (2017) 18.9 km (2013)

n. a. - not available.

3.2. Required minimum mileage of the vehicles this range.

Of course, there are also vehicle users whose daily driving dis-
Ideally, the capacity of the built-in battery should be sufficient tance is often longer than this value. Depending on the available
for the majority of daily journeys. From Table 3 and the statistics in infrastructure, it will not be a problem for some of them to recharge
Refs. [27,28], it can be deduced that a basic range of 200 km is their vehicle after a longer single journey (e.g. at work or at the
sufficient for most vehicle users for about 95% of their daily jour- supermarket). A more convenient variant for these vehicle users
neys. It therefore makes sense to design the built-in batteries for would be to optionally equip the vehicles with a basic range of

S. Schmidt eTransportation 9 (2021) 100128

300 km, which will certainly be possible in the future despite the years). Taking this into account in the above comparison,
space required for the exchange slot due to further technical
development. Alternatively, these frequent drivers can of course (30 kWh þ (3.5 * 45 kWh * 5%)) / 75 kWh ¼ 50.5%
also use a “conventional” BEV with a large built-in battery (without
an exchangeable battery). of the battery capacity are still required.
Although the need for this increased mileage only affects a Of these,
minority of vehicle users, the size of this minority can vary
considerably from region to region. For example, a larger propor- 30 kWh / (30 kWh þ (3.5 * 45 kWh * 5%)) ¼ 79.2%
tion of vehicle users in the USA would certainly need a large built-in
battery than in Germany. For the remaining majority of vehicle are used as built-in batteries in the vehicles and 20.8% as
users, however, the 200 km basic range would be sufficient. additional battery packs.

3.3. Rough estimation of the required quantity of exchangeable

battery packs 3.5. Impact on the environmental balance of BEVs

On condition that BEVs are equipped with built-in batteries for In the study mentioned at the beginning [1], the environmental
95% of daily journeys, it is necessary to hold available battery packs balance of a typical medium-sized BEV is compared with similar
for an average 5% of them. In addition, a sufficient reserve is needed vehicles equipped with petrol and diesel engines. Among other
for cars that need more than one battery pack per day, for possible things, the greenhouse gas emissions of the vehicles are deter-
irregularities in demand and for price-sensitive charging manage- mined there, taking into account the progress expected by 2030 in
ment (see section 5.4). To cover this additional demand, it is battery development and the increase in renewable energies. The
assumed here that 2 additional battery packs per car are needed. entire life cycle of the vehicles is examined, but slightly lower
Additional battery packs are only needed for a few hours a day battery capacities are used as a basis.
(to cover a distance and to recharge the built-in battery). Therefore If the results determined in Ref. [1] are transferred to vehicles
it can be assumed that most of the battery packs may be loaned out with the battery capacities considered in section 3.4, the values
twice a day and thereby this expansion demand can be covered. shown in Fig. 5 are obtained.
Thus a number of battery packs equal to 5% of the BEVs would be In the estimation carried out in the previous section (3.4) using
sufficient. the example of BEVs with a 75 kWh battery, the proposed concept
resulted in a reduction of the battery capacity to an average of
3.4. Rough estimation of the potential for saving battery capacity approx. 38 kWh per vehicle (50.5% * 75 kWh). In a direct com-
parison of the two BEV variants, this means that the proposed
Current BEVs for mass consumption are, for example, equipped concept will enable a greenhouse gas reduction of approx. 16% in
as follows in the higher-end version [35] the medium term. At present, the savings effect would be signifi-
cantly greater, as battery technology and the electricity mix avail-
 Tesla Model 3 Long Range: 580 km range, 75 kWh battery able for production are not yet as environmentally friendly as
capacity expected for 2030.
 VW ID.3 Pro S: 549 km range, 77 kWh battery capacity This consideration does not take into account the greenhouse
 Hyundai Kona electric: 484 km range, 64 kWh battery capacity gas emissions caused by the battery transports (see section 4.4), but
 Opel Ampera-e: 520 km range, 60 kWh battery capacity. only a minor contribution to the overall balance is to be expected
due to the comparatively low transport capacity required.
Due to technical developments, it can be assumed that in the With regard to the consumption of battery-specific raw mate-
near future a conventional BEV will be equipped with a built-in rials (lithium, cobalt, nickel, etc.), it can be stated that almost twice
battery as standard for a range of approx. 500 km (equivalent to the number of vehicles can now be operated with the same
approx. 75 kWh for medium cars). quantity. The problem of environmentally friendly recycling of the
In comparison, a BEV with a basic range of 200 km (30 kWh) and decommissioned batteries is also reduced accordingly.
if necessary an additional battery pack for a range of 300 km
(45 kWh) requires only

ð30 kWh þ ð45 kWh * 5%ÞÞ = 75 kWh ¼ 43% 4. Considerations about infrastructure and logistics for
additional batteries
of this battery capacity (across the entire vehicle fleet).
To assess the potential for saving batteries in real terms, the 4.1. Preconditions and objectives
comparison must also take into account the service life of the
batteries under the different operating conditions. Battery ageing  Since the swapping stations are only needed when long-
depends on the number of charging cycles, charging behaviour, distance journeys are made with the BEV, they should be set
driving style and temperature, for example [36]. To simplify this up primarily along motorways.
estimation, only the number of charging cycles should be taken into  The quantity of battery packs held available at the swapping
account. stations should be sufficient for the average demand of the
Assuming a lifespan of approx. 2000 charging cycles [37], the vehicle fleet. Foreseeable traffic peaks (e.g. the beginning of
built-in batteries can last almost the entire lifespan of the vehicle: holidays) should be secured by logistic measures.
e.g. 3 charging cycles per week for 13 years. The additional battery  The following considerations are based on the assumption that
packs at the swapping stations are charged 1e2 times a day and the swapping stations are each equipped with integrated
would only be useable for approx. 3.7 years at 1.5 charging cycles charging devices. Irrespective of this, it would also be possible to
per day (2000/(1.5 * 365)). This means that they must be replaced operate separate central charging stations that supply the
3.5 times during the life of the built-in batteries (13 years/3.7 swapping stations.
S. Schmidt eTransportation 9 (2021) 100128

Fig. 5. Comparison of greenhouse gas emissions expected for various vehicles in 2030, Numerical values according to Ref. [1], adjusted* to the different battery capacities of the
BEVs considered here. The entire life cycle of the vehicles with a lifetime mileage of 150,000 km was taken into account. The European electricity mix expected for 2030 was
assumed for battery production, and the German electricity mix for 2030 was assumed for traction energy. *The share of emissions allocated to the battery capacity was inter-
polated/extrapolated linearly.

4.2. Rough estimation of the number of swapping stations required different set of requirements with regard to the providing with
exchangeable battery packs than with the “classical” battery
In most cases, the battery is changed in such a way that an swapping technology described in sections 2.1 and 2.2. Since the
additional battery pack is taken in at the beginning of the journey battery packs are now not required in the vehicle all the time, but
and released again at the end of the journey. In fewer cases, an only for certain times, their number in the swapping stations will
empty battery pack is replaced by a full one or the above- fluctuate, in extreme cases, they could even all be rented out. Since
mentioned procedures are carried out with 2 battery packs the battery packs are not returned at the same station they are
simultaneously. These operations will take different times. On rented, the distribution of the battery packs to the individual
average, it should be assumed here that it takes about 6 min to swapping stations can also change, which must be compensated for
completely change a battery (installation and removal). For com- by logistical measures.
parison: The company NIO states a time requirement of 3 min for a As described in section 2.2, the operating mode of the swapping
battery change with its technology [38]. stations can be optimised in such a way that it leads to good eco-
Assuming that a (single-lane) swapping station can thus change nomic efficiency and reliability and enables advantageous inte-
approximately 10 battery packs per hour and the demand is spread gration into the power grid. However, in order to determine an
over 10 h per day, a station can change approximately 100 battery appropriately adapted mode of operation taking into account the
packs per day. If, as described above, 5% of the vehicles have to be changed requirements, a new consideration is necessary here.
supplied with a maximum of 2 additional batteries per day, there is To be able to carry out stable energy management despite the
a need for swapping stations amounting to fluctuating number of battery packs available in the swapping
stations, it could be particularly advantageous to equip the swap-
5% * 2 / 100 ¼ 0.1% ping stations with battery buffers and, if necessary, with photo-
voltaics, as suggested in Ref. [17]. The buffer can be realised easily
of the number of vehicles. and cost-effectively if, in addition to the batteries intended for
For general orientation, this result can be compared with that of rental, a few retired exchangeable battery packs are left perma-
a study on the charging infrastructure needs for long-distance nently in the charging facility. This would also be possible for
travel by electric vehicles in Denmark [39]. In the “high-demand swapping stations with local charging facilities.
scenario for 2020”, a need is determined there using other means,
in which the number of BEVs and swapping stations are in a very
similar ratio. 4.4. Logistics
Each station should be able to hold 50 battery packs (100 battery
changes when the batteries are used twice a day). Under the above Logistical measures in the form of transportation of the battery
assumptions, several hours are then available for charging the packs may be necessary if the distribution of the battery packs to
batteries, which makes lifetime preserving charging possible. the swapping stations no longer meets demand. Appropriate
If 5 million BEVs of the target figures for Germany in 2030 were measures will always be necessary to a lesser extent. As the
equipped with the technology presented, there would be a need for following analysis shows, however, the transport effort is more
250,000 battery packs in 5,000 swapping stations. If the 360 than offset by the energy savings resulting from the lower weight of
motorway petrol stations [40] and 190 car service stations near the the BEVs in normal operation without an additional battery pack.
motorways [41] were to be equipped with battery swapping sta- The following assumptions are made for this purpose: 5% of car
tions as a matter of priority, approximately 9 single-lane stations drivers cover an average daily distance of 250 km with an addi-
would be required at each of these petrol stations. tional battery pack (the fact that part of the distance is covered
without an additional battery pack can be neglected here). Since
4.3. Adapted operation management of the swapping stations the average daily distance covered by all private cars in Germany is
approx. 38 km/day (see Table 3), this leaves a daily distance of
With the combined battery technology proposed here, there is a 27 km for each of the 95% “normal drivers” without an additional
S. Schmidt eTransportation 9 (2021) 100128

battery pack. For the number of additional batteries and BEVs, the charging times or want to purchase a larger battery on their
values from section 4.2 are used as a basis. own, do not need this technology.
If one also assumes that for logistical purposes an average of 20%  The system described below is intended to ensure that no per-
of the exchangeable battery packs have to be transported over sonal movement profile can be created through battery lending.
250 km (back again), then with a weight of approx. 260 kg for a  Security for the rental company (against theft, late return and
45 kWh battery (energy density 175 Wh/kg [42]) this results in a manipulation when making the reservation) shall be achieved.
transport capacity of  The rental fee shall be kept within acceptable limits.

250,000 * 20% * 0.26 t * 250 km ¼ 3.25 million tonne-kilometres

5.2. Battery lending scenario
per day.
This contrasts with the reduced weight of 95% of vehicles that In order to participate in the loan system, one must register for it
are on the road without an additional battery pack. The weight of and make a deposit (see Fig. 6). In return one receives a deposit card
the exchange slot and additional DC/DC converter in the vehicle (smart card, similar to a credit card). This is not personal, but
should be taken into account here at approximately 20 kg. contains a unique identification and can be used to generate a
Accordingly, under the above conditions, transaction number if required. The deposit can be refunded by
returning the card (after a certain period of notice). The amount of
5,000,000 * 95% * (0.26 t e 0.02 t) * 27 km ¼ 30.8 million tonne- the deposit (e.g. 500 V) is a fraction of the amount saved when
kilometres buying a vehicle due to the smaller battery size.
The card is retained by the swapping station when a battery
per day can be saved. pack is borrowed and another (different) card is issued when it is
A reduction of additional battery transports can be achieved by a returned. When operating with an additional battery pack, a smart
suitable reservation system. As the built-in batteries can be device integrated in the battery pack takes over the function of the
recharged while driving with an exchangeable battery pack, the card.
vehicles are flexible within certain limits with regard to the exact The rental fee for a battery pack corresponds to the energy
pick-up, change and drop-off location for the additional battery. content and is valid for max. 24 h. If the battery is returned later, a
This can be used specifically to support logistics. full rental fee is due per 24 h or part thereof.
Battery modules can only be charged at the swapping stations,
as there is no charger for them on board the vehicle. This saves
4.5. Balancing of peak demand
money, weight and prevents the additional batteries from not being
returned. It is possible to permanently equip the exchange slot with
In order to avoid bottlenecks and search traffic, an online
its own battery pack, which then has an integrated charger and can
reservation system could also be useful, e.g. one that works auto-
be charged together with the built-in battery. In this case, partici-
matically via the on-board computer and the navigation system
pation in the loan system is not possible.
(see section 5.3). If there are problems with the availability of
battery packs, there is of course also the option of charging the
5.3. Reservation of a battery pack
built-in battery at a “conventional” charging station.
Traffic peaks during holiday periods are a greater challenge.
If required, a charged battery pack can be reserved in advance at
However, all variants of BEVs are affected by this. The following
a swapping station by specifying the card identification or the
concept could provide a remedy: During holiday periods, some of
identification of the currently installed battery pack. To prevent
the BEV drivers are provided with a free additional battery pack for
manipulation, a transaction number is also used, which is gener-
a limited time, which does not participate in the change regime.
ated with the deposit card or with the smart device of the currently
This battery pack contains its own charger and can thus be charged
installed battery pack. Reservations are only accepted if the iden-
“conventionally” together with the built-in battery. After the
tification and transaction numbers are valid.
agreed time, the battery must be returned to where it was bor-
The deposit card can be inserted into a specially designed slot in
rowed (e.g. in the workshop). The battery packs come from a cen-
the vehicle. This protects it from loss and theft. In addition, the
tral reserve and are always distributed to areas where heavy
current identification and transaction number of the card (or the
holiday traffic is expected. With this concept, the logistics effort
currently installed battery pack) can be displayed in order to make
during holidays could be reduced and “conventional” charging
infrastructure could be used to smooth the peak.
In the future, reservations can also be made automatically by the
In the roll-out phase of the proposed BEV concept, the special
on-board computer and an online reservation system when a
battery packs from the central reserve could initially also be used to
longer route is planned. Such a reservation system is described in
alleviate the problem of the swapping stations that are not yet
Ref. [43]. Communication for this should occur via a secure channel
available nationwide. The owners of the first BEVs equipped in this
in the vehicle's Internet connection. Further improvement of se-
way could, for example, borrow an additional module with inte-
curity would be possible if communication on the Internet for this
grated charger for one or two years and thus operate their vehicle
purpose could be carried out via the deposit card and smart device
like a "conventional" BEV.
with an IP address independent of the vehicle. This would prevent
any assignment to a vehicle or a person and would eliminate a
5. Considerations for the loan of exchangeable additional disadvantage of the previous battery swapping technology.
batteries for electric vehicles
5.4. Costs and fees
5.1. Preconditions and objectives
The actual rental fee should not be significantly higher than the
 Participation in the loan system is voluntary. Those who only fee at a public fast charging station. Since the use of borrowed
use their vehicle for shorter distances, are satisfied with longer additional batteries is only required for a very small proportion of
S. Schmidt eTransportation 9 (2021) 100128

Fig. 6. Battery lending procedures.

journeys, such a fee level should be acceptable. For the vast ma- investigation into the optimised operation of battery swapping
jority of journeys, low-cost charging at a private wallbox or at a stations that takes into account the requirements from the concept
normal charging station can be used. proposed here is still missing.
The deposit amount described in section 5.2 can be used to So far, there are only a few academic studies and apparently no
(proportionally) finance the battery packs kept in stock and thus traffic policy concepts that deal with this idea. Considering the
favourably influence the rental fees. In addition, the operation of enormous tasks that have to be carried out in the transport sector to
the swapping stations can be optimised in such a way that the costs achieve the climate goals, it would certainly be helpful to use the
for charging energy and logistics are minimised (see sections 2.2 potential of this technology for this purpose.
and 4.3). In principle, the same transport policy measures would be
needed to realise the scenario presented as for the introduction of
6. Results and conclusions the current electric vehicles: further increasing environmental re-
quirements and funding the necessary infrastructure. Another
This paper presents a baseline analysis of battery swapping important prerequisite would be the creation of a standard for the
technology, its current challenges and a specific concept for the exchangeable battery packs.
practical application of this technology. The proposed combined
battery technology has some decisive advantages over the Funding
currently common BEVs with relatively large built-in batteries and
also over battery swapping technology realised so far. This research did not receive any specific grant from funding
agencies in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors.
 A significant amount of the battery capacity required for the
entire vehicle fleet can be saved. This leads to an improvement Declaration of competing interest
in the environmental balance, in particular to a significant
reduction in greenhouse gas emissions attributed to the vehicles The author declares that he has no known competing financial
as well as cost advantages. interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to
 The characteristics of the concept presented are advantageous influence the work reported in this paper.
for its practical implementation. The acceptance by customers
and manufacturers can thereby be improved compared to pre- References
vious battery swapping systems.
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