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In the calm moments of summer, you'll witness butterflies flying from one flower to another with

delicate wings swaying beautifully on the breeze. These little living things, with magnificent colors
elaborately. patterned like the petals of exotic flowers, are sa delight to see when they visit meadows
and gardens. our These butterflies have important roles and responsibility in our environment. And they
have their own story.

When I was young, I was very fond of studying. I’m very hardworking, excited to go to school, and of
course, active when it comes to recitations. That's why I'm always in with honors. Until now I have not
been removed from those with honors. I have never experienced not hanging a medal around my neck.
Whereas my other classmates used to have frowns on their faces every time they entered school. As for
me, I'm smiling because I'm probably excited to play and also because of the pocket money that was
given to me. I still remember that our school was right next to our house. After coming home, I will go
home immediately. Then get dressed and go out to play with the neighborhood children. I am still
studying in Baguio City. But the point came when I had to say goodbye to them. I smiled while waving at
them. I saw my mom wiping her eyes outside our classroom. My classmates said that we should just text
each other. It was as if the cellphone was still a trend back then. For a butterfly to grow, it needs to find
another flower and move to another garden.

We moved to our province in Lopez Quezon. What I went through there was not easy. The environment
was new to me. The culture and the people are very different compared to what I'm used to. But there, I
also experienced how children enjoy their childhood days. Paddling in the rain, riding a carabao,
swinging in a coconut tree leaf, going home with a lot of wounds in different parts of the body, trash
talking with other children, picking fruits in the mountains and in the fields, playing different types of
road games, and many more. I also experienced rolling down in a hill and stepping on carabao’s poop. I
enjoy this kind of garden. I was even happier when I entered high school. My friends and classmates are
funny. I also remember how my classmates tease me with my crush. They would always shouts his name
outside their classroom. We will go to the hill and play hide and seek. I also tried cutting class because
there’s an event in our school but we have class. And I also remember how we would go home together
along with my classmates. How I wish that I would never be removed from this garden that was given to
me. But, I need to find a new garden again.

I am already in Senior high and we moved here to Cuenca, Batangas. For me, this is the best place I’ve
lived compared to the other two places I've lived. From Baguio City, to Lopez Quezon, and to Cuenca.
Batangas. But I will never forget the experiences and moments I had from those gardens. I think God
intends to make me live in different places. This is the garden where I experienced being free. I have
freedom, I have peaceful life, and every time I look around, I just smile to myself because of the peaceful
life I have. God gave me better me a beautiful and a wonderful garden.

I am like a butterfly that always visits different gardens. And every time I sit among the flowers that are
planted there, I also have different experiences. But I love being. butterfly, I learned a different lessons,
taste different life, and enjoyed different moments. In the three places I've lived, the people that became
part of my life, I can say that I had the best journey, happiest moments, treasured memories, and carried
lessons. Without them, there’s no stories that I can write here. These gardens, are my favorite teacher.
Maybe if there’s only one thing change if I'm given the chance, it is to spend time with them and make
friends with my other classmates. Do not be afraid to approach them. This is the most significant lesson I
have learned. Butterflies are still pretty, they are still growing, no matter which garden they go to, it will
never change the memory they have. They are still called butterfly.

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