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that exists, and in his or her freedom to respond to the

Parents and students who are attending Dominican Convent realities of that existence. It endeavors to present the basic
School are asked to understand and implement the philosophy human values as the best way of becoming a whole person.
written in this prospectus. Students are expected to develop
their spiritual, intellectual, civic, social and physical potential SCHOOL HISTORY:
within the Dominican family atmosphere in order to become Dominican Convent School stands on the land purchased by
better citizens. As a result, this prospectus becomes part of the Bishop of The Catholic Diocese of Multan on behalf of the
the contract signed by parents as they register their children at Dominican Sisters of Our Lady of the Rosary on the 10th day
Dominican Convent School, Bahawalpur. of June 1957 from the Chairman for Baghdad-Ul-Jadid
Improvement Trust Government of Bahawalpur. The
The students are instructed in all subjects in accordance with Dominican Convent School started on the 9th of May 1958 as
the regulations laid down by the directorate of education for a middle school and became high within the next two years.
schools. Each year witnessed an increasing enrollment, and the need
for more facilities resulted in construction of Sr. Lydia
The school maintains a high standard of scholarship and Monahan O.P. block and finally became a harmonious whole
discipline. Therefore the management reserves the right to after the construction of Sr. Suzanne Dollan O.P. Block in the
judge the academic and disciplinary standing of each student new millennium. Dominican Convent School became a High
in the institution. Since good discipline in the school School in 1960, started Cambridge classes in 2000 and
strengthens parental authority in the home, parents are stepped forward to Higher Secondary School in 2003. It is
requested to abide by the decision of the management in these owned and operated by the Dominican Sisters of Our Lady of
matters. the Rosary. The faculty is composed of experienced,
dedicated and highly qualified staff.
The School has received three times Best Institution award
Dominican Convent School is a community of faith and from the Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education
learning which exists primarily to create an atmosphere Bahawalpur and is reputed as the best institution of the area
animated by HUMAN principles. This community believes in producing 100% result every time.
the dignity of each person which is grounded in God’s love for
all, in a person’s ability to understand in some measures all
1. Only one class may be repeated between Kg-0 & class 5.
• Regular admissions are only offered in nursery 2. Only one class may be repeated between class 6 & 10.
(boys/girls) and class 6 to girls only. Appointment No boy may repeat class 5.
dates for nursery tests are given in the first week of 3. Students repeating a class must maintain 3rd division on
January and girls are tested for class 6 after the final each result or be transferred.
results in March. Names in waiting list for all classes 4. Failure in one subject means promotion on trial.
are written between April and December. The right of 5. Students promoted on trial must maintain 3rd division
admission to all classes is reserved to the management. marks in 1st term otherwise repeat the previous class or
• Transfer certificates are required of each pupil admitted be transferred.
from another school. 6. A student must repeat class if he/she
a) fails two subjects.
RESULTS: b) Exhibits lack of discipline.
Progress reports are sent to parents regularly. Examinations c) is excessively absent without a medical certificate.
are held at mid and end terms carrying 75 % marks based on d) has an overall failure on the result card.
exams and 25% based on daily assessment while in mid-term The judgment of the management is FINAL.
25% marks are awarded for the summer assignments. First
and the 3rd terms’ results are based on class work, and class UNIFORM:
tests. GIRLS: All white shirts, shalwar, and dupatta. Coats, jerseys,
hair ribbons, etc. are red. Black joggers and white socks.
BOYS: SUMMER: dark grey shorts, half sleeves white shirts,
SUMMER WINTER black joggers and white socks.
08:00 to 09:30 09:00 to 10:30 WINTER: dark grey pants, full sleeves white shirts, black
polish able joggers, dark grey socks and dark grey coats or
All visitors to the school must report to the office. jerseys.
Principal will only see those with appointment.
Any parents wishing to discuss his/her child’s progress may
make an appointment with the principal to meet with the
teacher or if necessary with the Principal.
Assembly 07:15 08:15 The school provides physical education periods weekly for
Recess Kg to 3 09:40 to 10:10 10:40 to 11:10 older students and daily for smaller classes. There are two
4 to F.Sc. 10:20 to 10:40 11:20 to 11:40 playgrounds and two gardens available for the use of the
Dismissal 12:45 01:45 students.
Extra help is available for weak students for ½ an hour every
day after the dismissal except on Fridays. 2 COMPUTER LABS:
The faculty and students are encouraged to become
FEES RULE: computer literate in order to face the future in a competent
Please find printed behind the fee vouchers printed by the manner.
Habib Bank Chowk Fawara, Bahawalpur.
PRESENT RATES: Practical work is very much part and parcel of instruction in
Dominican Convent School therefore we provide three
Admission fee from classes Kg- to 10 5000/ independent science laboratories well equipped with
Admission fee for class 3000/ required facilities.

Tuition fee/monthly/class Kg-0 to 2 750/ CANTEEN.

Tuition fee/monthly/class 3 – 8 850/ Each student is expected to practice good manners and
Tuition fee/monthly/class 9 & 10 1000/ courtesy in the canteen.
Tuition fee/monthly/Cambridge classes 1700/
Tuition fee/monthly/F.Sc. class 1500/ CO-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES
All students are expected to become a member of one
GENERAL INFORMATION. the following societies:
Every absence requires a note of explanation from the 1. English Drama Club 2. Urdu Drama Club
student’s parent or guardian. 3. English Debating Society 4. Reading Club
5. Art Club 6. Band Club
LIBRARY. 7. Health Club 8. Singing Club
Dominican Convent School Library is equipped with valuable 9. Cricket Club 10. Add Math
books and videos. All library materials are for the use of the 11. Computer Club 12. Science club
students and faculty of Dominican Convent School. All 13. Science Club
students are heartily encouraged to use the resources of the
library continually.

Uniform code must be respected under all circumstances.
EDUCATIONAL INTEGRITY. Unnecessary holidays will not be allowed.
Integrity is that quality by which a person is true to his/her Each students must have 85% attendance other wise her
principles in the face of all opposition. It enables a person to name will be struck.
respond in a just and fair manner to himself/herself and to All students must appear in all internal exams. In case of
others. A person of integrity has principles and will act on absence the admission will be stopped.
those principles with conviction.

A goal of Dominican Convent School’s educational programme
is to encourage independence and responsibility, which are
characteristic of the mature person. Since an orderly
atmosphere is essential if learning is to take place, these
guidelines are for the personal welfare of the student as well
as for the common good of the entire school community.
1. A constant respect for persons whether they be teachers,
other students, staff or visitors is a basic requirement of
every good institution.
2. A respect for personal and communal property.
3. An atmosphere of quiet must be maintained to create a
situation conducive to learning.

A favourable learning environment is essential in a school
community. Such an environment requires good citizen
consideration and responsibility on the part of all.
The Principal reserves the right to dismiss any student for
serious or repeated misconduct since such behaviour
interferes with the desired learning environment of the School.

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