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Machine language, also known as machine code, is a low-level programming language

that consists of instructions directly executable by a computer's hardware. It represents

the most fundamental form of computer programming language.

Machine language instructions are written in binary code, which consists of sequences
of 0s and 1s. Each instruction corresponds to a specific operation that the computer's
central processing unit (CPU) can execute. These instructions are designed to control the
behavior of the hardware components and perform tasks such as arithmetic calculations,
data manipulation, memory access, and input/output operations.

Machine language is specific to a particular computer architecture or processor, as

different processors have their own unique instruction sets. This means that machine
language instructions that work on one type of computer may not be compatible with

Since machine language is based on the binary system, it is considered difficult for
humans to read and write directly. Instead, higher-level programming languages are
typically used, which provide more readable and understandable code. These higher-
level languages are then translated or compiled into machine language instructions
using specialized software called compilers or assemblers.

While machine language offers direct control over the hardware, it lacks the simplicity
and human-readable characteristics of higher-level languages. Therefore, higher-level
languages are commonly used for software development to improve productivity and
code maintainability, while still relying on the machine language instructions executed
by the computer's hardware.

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