Assigment 2 KK

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Impacts of social media on the youths

It's amazing how the Internet is changing people's lives. People can quickly research and collect data on
the Internet and navigate websites. Most people can find anything on the Internet in seconds thanks to
search engines like Google. The Internet provides our world with a variety of means of communication,
accessible to anyone at any time with the click of a mouse. Despite all the positive aspects of using the
internet, as the number of social media users grows, so does the debate about whether there are any
individuals who are good influencers. However, social media also has downsides, such as affecting
relationships with others, increasing distraction, and encouraging cyberbullying. 
Some of us might not be aware that using a smartphone before bed can ruin restful sleep. This in a
study conducted by Sleepscore Labs (2021) , Social Media & Sleep The Relationship Between Social
Media & Sleep Problems,
reveals that there is a disturbance to the circadian rhythm which is involved telling the body when to
do what example sleeping , eating and hormone release . Most of the processes coordinated by this
rhythm falls apart due to the imbalance. A journal article published (family medicine and primary
care , 2019) shows that Adults who use their smart gadgets before bed are more likely to have trouble
sleeping. Their productivity, quality of sleep, and health are typically all impacted by this behavior.
Additionally, studies link a lack of sleep to poor daytime performance, moodiness, dehydration,
reduced cognition, diminished immunity, and heart-related illnesses.
Furthermore, Students who are engaged in social media activities during the study had less focus on
what they were doing. Their ability to focus and perform well in school are both affected by this.
According to the researcher Lad (2017) , Dynamics of social Media on the Academic Performance of
students in Private Universities in Ghana , International Journal of Education and Development using
Information and Communication Technology (IJEDICT), 2021, Vol. 17, Issue 3, pg 113, Since students rely on the availability of information
via web-based networking media to directly respond to their assignments, using social media in training
students reduces learning in the long term. Also, this can result in poor academic performance because
students who attempt to do multiple activities while accessing social media sites perform less well in
class. Their ability to concentrate on their academic responsibilities is significantly reduced by the
interruptions that are made possible by websites like YouTube, Facebook, or Twitter, among others. t
the b
Moreover , there is a growing case of cybercrime and cyberbullying in Fiji which shows youths lack
displine and moral values as stated by Nisha ,S & Farik , M.(2016). Recent Cybercrime In Fiji,
International Journal of Scientific & Techology Research Volume 5 issue .Pg 149, in Fiji, one such incident
included a year 8 student from a prestigious Suva school who was sexually assaulted by a 17-year-old
male from Nadi when she went to see him there as a result of their Facebook connection. Using social
media to intimidate kids and teens into acting in ways that are out of character for them, and they stay
quiet even after the occurrence because they fear being blackmailed . According to (SUITE, 2018)
Bullies that prey on people using social networking sites frequently insult, intimidate, and
even drive some of them to suicide. This mental torture causes the youths to commit
suicide which was stated by Mani, A. (2018), Sucide Cases ‘just the tip of the iceberg, “one of the
common issues that led callers to attempt to commit suicide was cyberbullying” whereby this
destroys their image basically most the personal information has been shared which
makes a person center of story .
To conclude, due to the misuse of social media most of the youths have academically, socially and
spiritually damaged their well-being. While technology should be used as a means to improve learning
but it was used to cause mental stress and less productivity in work.

ID : A00189038
Name : Karishma Kirtika Kumar

to intimidate kids and teens into acting in ways that are out of character for them, and
they stay quiet even after the occurrence because they fear being blackmailed that the
blue light from electronic devices, including your smartphone, may influence and disrupt
the circadian rhythm. Nighttime exposure suppresses melatonin  (the hormone that, in
response to sundown, tells our body to wind down for sleep), making it difficult to fall

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