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72-1 of 72-39






72.1.1 General Requirement

The Contract Sum shall be adjusted by way of variation orders, addition

and/or omission, to reflect the fluctuations of the price of Steel
Reinforcement during the Steel Covered Period. For the avoidance of
doubt, Steel Reinforcement shall be deemed to include both steel
reinforcement bars and steel welded mesh reinforcement.

72.1.2 Quantity To Be Covered

The Covered Steel Quantity (hereinafter referred to as "CSQ" for the

purposes of this clause) of Steel Reinforcement to be covered for price
fluctuations shall be that stipulated in Part B of the Annex D of the Form Of

In the event that the source of any components listed in Annex F of the
Form of Tender is obtained from the Employer, the quantity of steel
reinforcement to be covered for price fluctuations shall be reduced
according to the quantities indicated in the same Annex F and the
Contractor shall be notified within one (1) month from the date of the Letter
of Acceptance.

The CSQ shall be deemed to be consumed for the Works in 18 equal

monthly parts during the Steel Covered Period of 18 months commencing
from the month following the commencement date of the Time for

Notwithstanding the aforesaid and in the event that the project comprises
of at least one (1) building block of 35 storey and above, the CSQ shall be
deemed to be consumed for the Works in 22 equal monthly parts during the
Steel Covered Period of 22 months commencing from the month following
the commencement date of the Time for Completion.

72-2 of 72-39


72.1.2 Quantity To Be Covered (Cont’d)

To illustrate:

If the Commencement date of the Time for Completion is 31 Mar 2007,


The Steel Covered Period shall be from Apr 2007 to Sep 2008
(inclusive) for 18 months Steel Covered Period applicable to projects
with no building block of 35 storey and above.

72.1.3 Price Fluctuation Computation

The determination of price fluctuations for Steel Reinforcement shall strictly

be based on the "Monthly Material Price Indices For Implementation Of
Fluctuation Clause" produced by the Building and Construction Authority
(BCA). The period when the Price Index equals 100 was June 2006 and the
Unit Cost of Steel Reinforcement was $757.00 per tonne.

The monthly adjustment for steel price fluctuation during the said Steel
Covered Period shall be computed using the following formula:

[CSQ ÷ SCP] x $757.00 x [(Current Index minus Base Index) ÷ 100]


CSQ = Covered Steel Quantity in tonnes

SCP = Steel Covered Period in months (Please

refer to sub-clause 72.1.2 above).

Current Index = BCA Monthly Material Price Index for Steel

Reinforcement for the relevant month of the
Steel Covered Period.

Base Index = BCA Monthly Material Price Index for Steel

Reinforcement prevailing in the month of the
latest date of Tender Closing. To illustrate: if
the latest date of Tender Closing is 1st Mar
2007, then the Base Index shall be based on
the BCA Monthly Material Price Index for
Steel Reinforcement for Mar 2007.

$757.00 = The price of Steel Reinforcement per tonne

when the BCA Monthly Material Price Index
for Steel Reinforcement was 100

72-3 of 72-39


72.1.4 Other Considerations

(a) Where there is more than one commencement date for the Time for
Completion, the applicable date for determining the commencement
of the Steel Covered Period shall be based on the earliest
commencement date of the various Time for Completion.

(b) Material price index for Steel Reinforcement shall be deemed to

include both Steel Reinforcement and steel welded mesh

(c) For each item of material which is subject to price fluctuation, only one
Material Price Index shall be used regardless of the different grades
or sizes of the material used.

(d) Only confirmed/final figures published by the BCA shall be used for
computation of monthly adjustment for steel price fluctuation.

(e) The CSQ shall be fixed and no changes shall be effected for any
changes to the Works for whatever reason.

(f) The Steel Covered Period shall be fixed and no changes shall be
effected for any changes to the progress of work for whatever reason.

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This clause supersedes subclause 1.1.53 "Assessment Of Extension Of

Time Due To Exceptionally Inclement Weather" of the Standard
Specifications For Building works And Other Installations.

The assessment of exceptionally inclement weather shall not take place

until the expiry of the Time for Completion or previously extended Time for
Completion. Such assessment shall be made on the following basis :

(a) There shall first be assessed the number of wet days and equivalent
wet days (as specified in paragraph (f) below) on which the Contractor
has been substantially delayed in the carrying out of the Works by rain
(hereinafter called "delay days").

(b) A wet day shall be one where the rainfall figure as calculated as
described in this paragraph exceeds 10.2 mm during the 24 hour
period used by the Meteorological Service. The rainfall figure shall be
the average island-wide rainfall calculated by the Employer using
rainfall records received by the Employer monthly from the 5 Standard
Stations of the Meteorological Service.

(c) The expected number of wet days during the Time for Completion or
extended Time for Completion as the case may be shall be derived
from the following table which is deemed to record the average
number of wet days for the respective months based on the
Meteorological Service's records between 2008 and 2017 (hereinafter
referred to as "expected wet days"):

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun

6 5 9 8 7 5
Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
6 6 6 7 11 10

(d) For each month of the Time for Completion or extended Time for
Completion as the case may be there shall be assessed whether the
number of delay days in that month is more than (positive) or equal to
(zero) or less than (negative) the expected wet days in that month.

(e) The positive, zero and negative monthly assessments made in

accordance with paragraph (d) above shall then be added together
and a net total reached. If such total is a positive number then such
total shall constitute the extension of time due to exceptionally
inclement weather.

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(f) The period commencing from excavation works to the completion of

ground beams where the ground floor slab is not a critical activity or
the completion of ground floor slab where the ground floor slab is a
critical activity is hereinafter called "sub-structure construction period"
and the works carried out during such period is hereinafter called
"sub-structure works".

For the assessment of extension of time due to exceptionally

inclement weather during the sub-structure construction period, the
respective monthly average number of wet days as specified in
paragraph (b) above shall be multiplied by a factor of 2.0 if the wet
days are less than or equal to 5 or by a factor of 1.6 if the wet days
exceed 5. The product so derived shall be referred to as "equivalent
wet days" and are subject to a maximum of 30 days per month.

(g) If the sub-structure works do not commence on the first day of the
month, then the number of equivalent wet days for that month in which
the sub-structure works commence shall be pro-rated in accordance
with the proportion of the number of calendar days for the construction
of sub-structure works in that month to the total number of calendar
days in the said month. Similarly, if the sub-structure works are not
completed on the last calendar day of the month, then the number of
equivalent wet days for that month in which the sub-structure works
are completed shall be pro-rated in accordance with the proportion of
the number of calendar days for the construction of sub-structure
works in that month to the total number of calendar days in the said
month. The assessment of extension of time due to exceptionally
inclement weather during the sub-structure construction period shall
be based on the actual sub-structure construction period of each
building block, including multi-storey carpark/garage.

72-6 of 72-39


This clause supercedes Clause 1.1.8 “Liquidated Damages for Delay in

Completion” of the Standard Specifications for Building Works and Other

In the event of re-arrangement of the completion of the Works into separate

phases or sub-phases, the rate of liquidated damages in respect of each
phase or sub-phase of the Works shall be re-computed according to the
following rates and pro-rated against the original amount specified in the
Appendix To Public Sector Standard Conditions of Contract For
Construction Works.
2-Room Flat (36m²) 15.00 per unit per day
2-Room Flat (45m²) 20.00 per unit per day
3-Room Flat 25.00 per unit per day
4-Room Flat 35.00 per unit per day
5-Room Flat 40.00 per unit per day
3 Gen-Room Flat 45.00 per unit per day

Electrical Substation 1,800.00 per no. per day

Link Building/Linkway/ 40.00 per 1,000 m² of total area

Siteworks/Landscaping Works within the contract boundary
per day

Carpark Lot 5.00 per lot per day

Motorcycle Lot 1.50 per lot per day

Education Centre/ ) 1.00 per m² of internal floor area

Childcare/ Resident’s ) per day
Committee Centre)

Civil Engineering Works ) 500.00 per phase per day (for

) Contract value less than or
) equal to $2M)
) 35.00 per phase per day (for every
subsequent $100,000
exceeding $2M)

72-7 of 72-39


For the purpose of this subclause, the internal floor area shall be defined
as the total floor area in the commercial unit/child care centre including the
floor area occupied by toilet, store, kitchen, staircase, etc within the
unit/centre. The internal floor area shall be measured as follows:

(a) Partition Wall/Column

For partition wall/column, to measure up to the centre line of

partition wall (party wall) which separates 2 adjoining units.

(b) External Wall and Party Wall Along Corridor

For external wall and party wall along the corridor, to measure up
to the external face of the wall surrounding the floor slab.


The Contractor may be allowed to erect workers’ quarters at the Site at his
own expense, only if the Contractor obtains the necessary approvals from:

(a) the Ministry of Manpower (“MOM”); and

(b) the Employer.

The Employer reserves the right to revoke its approval for the setting up of
the worker’s quarters at any time and for any reason, including but not
limited to the reason that in the opinion of the Employer, the erection of the
workers’ quarters will or has caused inconvenience or nuisance to the public
or nearby residents.

In the event that any approval for the setting up of the workers’ quarters is
revoked, the Contractor shall be fully responsible for the removal of the
workers’ quarters. The Employer shall in no way be responsible for any
losses, damages, injuries, claims, costs and fees howsoever caused by,
arising, or resulting from the removal of the workers’ quarters.

The workers’ quarters shall comply with all the latest requirements of
Building Control (Temporary Buildings) Regulations, the Technical
Guidelines for Fire Safety in Temporary Buildings in Construction Work site
issued by FSSD and the Code of Practice for Temporary Housing Quarters
on Construction Sites. Where the SO Rep is of the opinion that the workers’
quarters may pose any possible concerns, the Contractor shall take the
necessary measures, at their own expense, to address these concerns.
Otherwise, the Employer reserves the right to have the workers’ quarter
removed from the Site at Contractor’s own expense.

72-8 of 72-39


The Contractor shall submit PE certified structural plans, fire safety plans,
design calculations and electrical wiring plans to the SO Rep for approval
before the construction can begin. The erection of the workers’ quarters
shall be supervised by a PE and certified by him before it can be occupied.
A copy of all the plans, design calculations and Certificate of Inspection must
be made available for checking at the Site.

Sanitation and Hygiene standard shall comply with the Environmental Public
Health Act and the latest Code of Practice on Environmental Health
(COPEH). Contractor shall arrange for an inspection by an Environmental
Health Officer upon completion of construction of the temporary housing
quarters, prior to occupation.

The Contractor shall only house workers meant for the particular project.
The maximum number of bed spaces allowed at the workers’ quarters shall
be complied to:

No. of Dwelling Units (DUs) No. of Maximum Bed Spaces

Up to 200 100
201 to 500 250
501 to 1500 500
1501 and above 800

Contractors are allowed to house workers under the void decks and MSCP
decks of uncompleted permanent building(s). This shall comply with the fire
safety requirements for temporary workers’ quarters in uncompleted
permanent building on construction sites. No workers shall be allowed to be
housed in dwelling units under construction.

The temporary workers’ quarters shall only be used for housing of workers
working within the construction site. Perimeter hoarding shall be erected to
segregate the workers’ quarters from the construction zone. Workers’
quarters shall not be allowed to set up on Temporary Occupation License
(TOL) land managed by both HDB and SLA.

In addition, the Contractor shall comply with the following general


a. No cooking shall be allowed by the workers.

b. Each room shall have a minimum living space of 3 square metres per
worker. Single/double deck beds shall be provided. Personal lockers
shall also be provided for each worker.

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c. The occupants shall maintain their own rooms and corridors of the
workers’ quarters clean at all times. The names, photos and particulars
of occupants shall be clearly displayed outside their rooms. These
information shall be updated regularly. Workers shall not be allowed to
exchange rooms without prior approval from the Contractor. Instruction
that can be understood by the workers to maintain their own living
premises in a clean and sanitary condition through proper
housekeeping shall be provided.

d. Electrical installations/wirings shall comply with the latest edition of

Code of Practice for Temporary Electrical Installations. The installation
shall be checked by a qualified electrician monthly and records of such
inspections shall be properly documented on the Site. No additional
wiring shall be allowed without prior approval by a qualified electrician.
Proper lightning conductors in accordance to latest edition of SS
555:2010 Lightning Protection shall be provided at the workers'
quarters. No electrical socket shall be allowed in the room. Contractor
shall provide minimum one USB charging point per worker.

e. “No Smoking/No Littering” signboards shall be displayed at

conspicuous locations. House rules in appropriate languages shall be
displayed in the workers’ quarters.

f. Suitable provisions shall be provided for the washing of clothes and a

separate area shall be provided for hanging wet clothing.

g. Suitable first aid materials shall be provided. Air-conditioned quarantine

room to have minimum 2 single-deck beds for the first 200 workers. To
provide additional bed per every increase in 100 workers. Adequate
mosquito nettings shall also be provided.

h. The workers’ quarters shall not be used for storage or handling of toxic
and other harmful and flammable substances. Any storage of such
materials shall be located at least 5m away from the workers’ quarters.

i. The workers’ quarters shall be inspected daily by the Contractor’s


j. Exposed bare surfaces on the internal and external areas of the

workers’ quarters shall be painted.

k. Organise training and awareness programmes for the occupants in first

aid, health and safety, fire-fighting technique and evacuation

l. If the temporary housing quarters are sited more than 100m away from
the public road, a private hydrant shall be provided to service these
temporary housing quarters.

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m. Each room shall be provided with natural lighting and ventilation by

means of windows, doors, louvers or other similar openings and shall
not be less than 10 percent of the floor space for each room. For
Workers Quarters in building under construction, mechanical ventilation
shall be provided if the natural ventilation requirement cannot be

n. Contractor shall provide adequate measures to shield the workers away

from the view of Residents.

o. At least 2 numbers of portable fire extinguishers of 13A rating each,

shall be provided next to every staircase on every floor of all
accommodation spaces.

p. A manual fire alarm shall be provided within the premises, such that it
is within 30m from any part of the building. A hand-held gong or any
form of electric bell shall be deemed an acceptable sounding device
and such sounding devices shall be located such that they are audible
from every part of the building.

q. The Contractor is required to provide an air-conditioned recreational

room with television, newspapers, board games and Wi-Fi within the
worker’s quarter. The minimum GFA for the recreational room shall be
as follow.

No. of workers housed in a Minimum GFA dedicated for

dormitory recreational room
50 to 300 50 sqm
301 to 500 75 sqm
501 to 1000 100 sqm

r. The following sanitary facilities shall be provided for every 15 workers

or less:

Water Closet Urinal (UL) Wash Basin Bathroom

(WC) (WB) (BR)
1 1 1 1

Floor tiles to be used at toilets/bathroom for easy maintenance.

s. The Contractor shall employ an additional security guard to be

responsible for the general security of the workers quarters. The
requirements of this security guard shall follow those stipulated in the
Standard Specifications for Building Works Section 1: “Employment of
Contractor’s Site Personnel”. The additional security guard shall be
required to perform night duties on a 12 hour basis.

t. Pantry area with adequate hot & cold water points shall be provided.

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u. No containers are allowed to be used for workers’ quarters and toilets.

v. Workers are not allowed to loiter at neighbouring estates such as HDB

void decks and facilities meant for residents’ use.

w. Contractors intending to house more than 800 workers are to follow

Foreign Employee Dormitories Act (FEDA) standards.

Notwithstanding the above-mentioned requirements, the Contractor shall

maintain the workers’ quarters in a clean, tidy and hygienic condition and
ensure that fire safety requirements and provisions shall be observed at all
times. The Contractor shall conduct one inspection per week to maintain a
high standard of the workers quarters. The inspection report shall be
submitted to the Consultant PM.

The Contractor shall also be responsible for all damages and shall indemnify
the Employer against all liabilities in respect of the workers’ quarter provision
on the Site. As and when instructed by the SO Rep, the Contractor shall
remove all or part of the workers' quarters. For workers' quarters that are
poorly maintained, the contractors will be penalized with demerit
points/admin charges. If there is no further improvement, the Employer
reserves the rights to have the workers' quarters removed from their site.



This clause supercedes subclause “Requirements For Employment

Of Site Personnel (For projects with 10 residential blocks or less)” of the
Standard Specifications for Building Works and Other Installations.

The Contractor shall employ the site personnel as specified in the table
below and station them full-time on site upon the approval from the SO Rep.

The Project Manager, WSHO, ECO, Security Guard and at least 50% of the
total number of the stipulated site supervisors (Arch, structural or M&E) shall
be employed and be full time on site from the commencement date of the
contract. The contractor is given up to one month from the commencement
date to deploy the WSH Co-ordinator, Site Clerk and the rest of the site

Upon their employment, the site personnel shall be full time on site
throughout the construction period including any time period where
liquidated damages are imposed under the Contract, unless otherwise
approved by the SO Rep.

72-12 of 72-39



Number of Each Type of Personnel to be Employed

Based On Contract Sum Value Fully Agreed &
Accepted Rate by
the Contractor &
the Employer For
Type of Exceeding Exceeding Exceeding Exceeding the Cost &
S/N Not $10 Million $25 Million $50 Million $75 Million Exceeding
Personnel Expense Deemed
Exceeding But Not But Not But Not But Not $100 to be Allowed by
$10 Million Exceeding Exceeding Exceeding Exceeding Million the Contractor for
$25 Million $50 Million $75 Million $100 Million the Employment of
Each Personnel

$10,000 per
1 One One One One One One Project Manager
per month
Workplace $7,000 per
Safety & Workplace Safety
2 Nil One One One One One
Health Officer & Health Officer
(WSHO) per month
$6,000 per
Workplace Safety
Safety &
3 One Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil & Health Co-
Health Co-
ordinator per
Supervisor for $6,000 per
4a Architectural & One Two Three Three Four Four Site Supervisor
Structural per month
Supervisor for $6,000 per
4b Mechanical & One One One One One One Site Supervisor
Electrical per month
$5,000 per
5 Control Officer Nil One One One One One
Control Officer per
$2,000 per
6 One One One One One One Security Guard
per month

$2,000 per
7 Site Clerk One One One One One One Site Clerk
per month
Relations $3,600 per
Officer for Customer
8 Two Two Two Two Two Two
Building Relations Officer
Service per month

* For single block development or development with dwelling units not more than 300 dwelling units, the
Contractor shall deploy one (1) Customer Relations Officer to manage the Building Service Centre.

72-13 of 72-39



This clause supercedes subclause “Requirements For Employment

Of Site Personnel (For projects with more than 10 residential blocks)” of the
Standard Specifications for Building Works and Other Installations.
The Contractor shall employ the site personnel as specified in the table
below and station them full-time on site upon the approval from the SO Rep.

The Project Manager, WSHO, ECO, Security Guard and at least 50% of the
total number of the stipulated site supervisors (Arch, structural or M&E) shall
be employed and be full time on site from the commencement date of the
contract. The contractor is given up to one month from the commencement
date to deploy the WSH Co-ordinator, Site Clerk and the rest of the site

Upon their employment, the site personnel shall be full time on site
throughout the construction period including any time period where
liquidated damages are imposed under the Contract, unless otherwise
approved by the SO Rep.

72-14 of 72-39



Number of Each Type of Personnel to be Employed

Based On Number of Residential Blocks Fully Agreed &
Accepted Rate by
the Contractor &
the Employer For
Type of the Cost &
S/N 11 Blocks 13 Blocks 15 Blocks 17 Blocks 19 Blocks 21 Blocks
Personnel Expense Deemed
to to to to to to to be Allowed by
12 Blocks 14 Blocks 16 Blocks 18 Blocks 20 Blocks 22 Blocks the Contractor for
the Employment of
Each Personnel

$10,000 per
1 One One One One One One Project Manager
per month
Workplace $7,000 per
Safety & Workplace Safety
2 One One One One One One
Health Officer & Health Officer
(WSHO) per month
$6,000 per
Workplace Safety
Safety &
3 One One One One One One & Health Co-
Health Co-
ordinator per
Supervisor for $6,000 per
4a Architectural & Five Six Seven Eight Nine Ten Site Supervisor
Structural per month
Supervisor for $6,000 per
4b Mechanical & Two Two Two Two Two Two Site Supervisor
Electrical per month
$5,000 per
5 Control Officer One One One One One One
Control Officer per
$2,000 per
6 One One One One One One Security Guard
per month

$2,000 per
7 Site Clerk One One One One One One Site Clerk
per month
Relations $3,600 per
Officer for Customer
8 Two Two Two Two Two Two
Building Relations Officer
Service per month

72-15 of 72-39


This clause supercedes subclause “Erection And Removal Of

Temporary Metal Hoarding” of the Standard Specifications for Building
Works and Other Installations.

Unless otherwise specified, the Contractor shall provide, erect and maintain
a continuous metal hoarding around the entire contract boundary before the
commencement of the Works. The hoardings shall be erected at not less
than 300mm away from any permanent structure such as footway, drain,
pipeline etc.

The Contractor shall refer to the drawings for the location and type of
hoardings to be used. Should the Contractor fail to comply with this
requirement, the SO Rep reserves the right to impose any action deemed
necessary and any cost and expense incurred thereof including charges
shall be recoverable from the Contractor.

As and when instructed by the SO Rep, the Contractor shall remove,

relocate, reconstruct all or part of the hoardings and reinstate all the affected
grounds to the satisfaction of the SO Rep all at the cost and expense of the

The Contractor shall submit a complete set of workshop drawings to be

endorsed by his PE and approved by the SO Rep.

The Contractor shall provide metal gates/doors for the main and side
entrances. Location of these entrances shall be approved by the SO Rep.
There shall be a maximum of two entry points for the entire Site, unless
otherwise approved by the SO Rep. The metal gate at the main entrance
(for vehicular traffic) shall be closed and locked up after working hours when
construction activities have stopped. A side entrance beside the main gate
shall be provided for passage of workers and visitors that can be monitored
by the Security Officers. These entrances/gates and the perimeter shall be
well-lit during the hours of darkness (7.00 pm to 7.00 am).

(a) The following minimum requirements for the flat panel hoardings
shall be complied with:

(i) Contractor shall use a minimum of 0.60mm thick steel with

zinc/aluminium alloy coating for the metal hoardings. All
exposed metal sheet surfaces of the metal hoardings shall be
finished with paint coating.

(ii) The full height of the hoardings shall be 6m which comprises

of an overhang roofing that has a vertical height of 1m. There
will be no netting (as shown in the drawings).

(iii) Corrugated panel shall be used for the overhang roofing.

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(iv) There shall be no struts at the exterior of the hoardings where

it is visible to the public.

(v) The colour for the flat/corrugated panel hoardings and the
overhang roofing must either be white or off-white. For
example, if white is selected, Contractor to ensure that it is
consistently applied throughout the project site.

(b) The following minimum requirements for the corrugated panel

hoardings shall be complied with:

(i) Contractor shall use a minimum of 0.42mm thick steel with

zinc / aluminium alloy coating for the metal hoarding. All
exposed metal sheet surfaces of the metal hoardings shall be
finished with paint coating.

(ii) The full height of the hoardings shall be 4m with no overhang

roofing and no netting (as shown in the drawings).

(iii) The colour for the flat/corrugated panel hoardings and the
overhang roofing must either be white or off-white. For
example, if white is selected, contractor to ensure that it is
consistently applied throughout the project site.

The Contractor shall use timber posts and horizontal bracings of common
grade timber under strength Group A of Singapore Standard CP 7 and/or
steel members of Grade S275. A minimum of Grade 30 concrete
foundations shall be used.


signages in four official languages are to be displayed on the exterior side of
the hoardings. These signages should be printed using the template provided
and only mounted on the corrugated hoardings where required and not on the
flat panel hoardings. The size of these signboards is specified in the drawings.

The position of the lightings is critical in achieving a professional look and feel
for the entire project. The lightings (LED Light fixtures) shall not be installed on
the design panel to avoid covering the messages or community photos on the
hoardings design panels, but shall be located above it instead. The Contractor
is to ensure that the hoardings erected is illuminated adequately to achieve
maintained illuminance of average 10 lux, or as and when instructed by SO

The hoardings and gates shall be maintained at all times to ensure no

deterioration of the structures and fading of the paint works throughout the Time
for Completion and any time period where liquidated damages are imposed
under the Contract.

On satisfactory Substantial Completion of the Works, the hoardings shall be

cleared away upon the approval of the SO Rep.
72-17 of 72-39


This clause supercedes Clause 1.1.65 “Schedule Of PE Submission” of the

Standard Specifications for Building Works and Other Installations.

The Contractor shall provide the required PE submission as specified for the
Works as shown in the table below:

Description Of
Category Clause No. Date Of Submission

1.1.18 or as Site offices & At least 2 weeks prior to

amended canteen erection

1.1.48 or as Temporary At least 2 weeks prior to

amended buildings erection or as Temporary At least 1 week prior to

amended chute installation

Passenger cum
1.4.2(c) or as
Maintenance material hoist At least 2 weeks prior to
foundation, construction
masts & tie-back

72-18 of 72-39


This clause supercedes Clause 1.1.65 “Schedule Of PE Submission” of the

Standard Specifications for Building Works and Other Installations.

The Contractor shall provide the required PE submission as specified for the Works
as shown in the table below:

Description Of
Category Clause No. Date Of Submission
Metal Access
1.5.1 (b) or as scaffold and At least 2 weeks prior to
amended working erection
1.5.1 (e) or as Alternative
At least 1 week prior to
amended system to safety
net system
1.5.1 (f) or as platforms for lift At least 2 weeks prior to
amended shafts and voids construction
Site Safety 1.5.1 (g) or as Shelter as At least 1 week prior to
Measures amended Overhead construction
Tower cranes &
other tall
1.5.1 (m) or as construction At least 1 month prior to
amended equipment construction
foundation & tie-
1.5.1 (n) or as Mobile crane &
At least 2 weeks prior to
amended piling machine
1.5.1 (r) or as Temporary At least 2 weeks prior to
amended staircases erection
3.15 or as Planking & At least 2 weeks prior to
amended strutting the excavation work
Structural 4.18 or as Rectification of At least 1 week prior to the
Concrete amended defective work rectification work
4.19.2 or as Design of At least 2 weeks prior to
amended formwork erection
Formwork system for
9.5 or as At least 2 weeks prior to
amended erection
concrete water
Metal Roofing Metal roof
13.3.1 or as At least 2 weeks prior to
and Insulation structural plans &
amended installation
Sheet fastening details

For the avoidance of doubts, requirements for PE submission for other Works
which are not shown in the table above shall be as specified in the respective
clauses and/or sub-clauses in the Specifications.

72-19 of 72-39


This clause supercedes subclause 1.5.1 (a) “General Requirement” of the

Standard Specifications for Building Works and Other Installations.

The Contractor shall allow for the compliance with the Workplace Safety &
Health Act (hereafter referred to as "the Act" for the purposes of this clause
including all subclauses under it) and its Subsidiary Legislation including the
provisions of the Workplace Safety and Health (Construction) Regulations
(hereafter referred to as "the Regulations" for the purposes of this clause
including all subclauses under it) and any amendment or re-enactment
thereto. The subsidiary legislations are:-

(i) The Workplace Safety and Health (General Provisions)

(ii) The Workplace Safety and Health (Registration of Factories)
(iii) The Workplace Safety and Health (First-Aid) Regulations
(iv) The Workplace Safety and Health (Exemption) Order
(v) The Workplace Safety and Health (Composition of Offences)
(vi) The Workplace Safety and Health (Incident Reporting) Regulations
(vii) The Workplace Safety and Health (Risk Management) Regulations
(viii) The Workplace Safety and Health (Workplace Safety and Health
Officers) Regulations
(ix) The Workplace Safety and Health (Work at Height) Regulations
(x) The Workplace Safety and Health (Design for Safety) Regulations

Precedent to the commencement of the Works, the Contractor shall first

obtain a Certificate of Registration, under the Act and its subsidiary
legislation, The Workplace Safety And Health (Registration Of Factories)

It shall be the duty of the Contractor to comply with all such requirements of
the Act and its Subsidiary Legislation, as affect him or any person or persons
employed by him, and as related to any work, act or operation performed or
about to be performed by him. The Contractor shall not permit any person
to do anything not in accordance with the generally accepted principles of
safe and sound practice.

The Contractor shall ensure a safe environment on the Site at all times. All
safety provisions shall be properly maintained and shall not be removed
without the written approval of the SO Rep. The Contractor shall ensure
that necessary and sufficient precautions are taken by his workmen when
safety provisions are used. The Contractor shall not allow any of the safety
provisions, to be used unless he has satisfied himself that the provisions are
safe. The Contractor shall submit a safety management system to the SO
Rep within 14 days from the date of the Letter of Acceptance for approval
prior to the commencement of the Works.

72-20 of 72-39


The submission of the safety management system shall comply with and be
kept in the site office and made available for reference at all times.

The Contractor shall display safety posters at the site office, site canteen,
exit/entry points of buildings and passenger cum material hoist area.

The Contractor shall submit drawings, detailings and calculation for all
temporary structures as required, certified by his Professional Engineer, for
approval at least one week before the commencement of the Works unless
otherwise specified. The approval of the SO Rep shall not relieve the
Contractor and his Professional Engineer of the need to ensure the
adequacy and sufficiency of the safety provisions.

The Contractor is deemed to have allowed in the Contract Sum for all cost
and expense for the safety provisions and for all additional costs that may
arise from amendments to the Act and its Subsidiary Legislation or changes
in the requirements of MOM and the HDB.

The Contractor shall ensure that the requirements of the Regulations and
the requirements specified hereunder are strictly complied with at all times.




The Contractor shall propose, supply, set up and use Mobile Application
System for site inspections and safety management for SO Rep’s approval.
The Mobile Application System shall be made available for use 2 month
from contract commencement until the end of defects liability period. The
Mobile Application System shall be used by Contractors for their
inspections. The use of the Mobile Application System shall also be
extended to the Employer and Consultants. The cost of providing and
maintaining of such Mobile Application System shall be deemed to have
been included in the Contract Sum.

For the purpose of this clause, the “Consultants” refers to the Employer’s
appointed Architectural Consultant, Civil and Structural Engineering
Consultant, Mechanical and Electrical Engineering Consultant, Project
Management Consultant and their appointed site supervision personnel.

The lists of inspections and safety management for the Mobile Application
System shall include, but not limited to, the following processes:

(a) Safety
(b) Environmental
(c) In-process audits/checks (Exclude piling)
(d) Quality
(e) Defects during Construction
72-21 of 72-39

(f) Defects during the Defect Liability Period (DLP)



The proposed Mobile Inspection Application shall comply with the

Employer’s “Mobile Application System Implementation Guide for New
Development Projects”. The guide is available for download from HDB
BGBiz Portal.


The general requirements of the Mobile Application System are:

(a) Default language setting shall be in English.

(b) There should be no limit to the number of concurrent users and

devices that can be connected to the Mobile Application System.

(c) Users shall be allowed to pre-set the workflows in the Mobile

Application System to automate processes. Users of the Mobile
Application System shall be able to carry out tasks (such as recording
observations, acknowledging observations, submitting closure
report, verifying reports, closing the case) on mobile devices based
on the pre-set workflow.

(d) Mobile interfaces of the Mobile Application System must be able to

run on all major mobile platforms including Android and iOS, as well
as any new software updates to the mobile platform. The web
interface part of the Mobile Application System must be compatible
with commonly available browsers in the market.

(e) The Mobile Application System shall be accessible over the internet
and able to function with or without live connection. The data shall be
synchronized in real time once live connection is established. Users
shall be able to access the application data both from mobile devices
or web-based interface.

(f) Each case created in the Mobile Application System must be

uniquely identifiable (ie. with unique case reference number)

(g) Mobile Application System shall be able capture data such as text,
date, multiple photos per inspection, comment, time stamp of data
input or changes and identity of users.

(h) Users must be allowed to add deadline on the case to be resolved.

Auto alert/messages/reminders for essential items to be sent to
relevant users to follow-up on the case in accordance to the pre-set
72-22 of 72-39

72-23 of 72-39




(i) Mobile Application System shall allow each case to be tracked via
mobile application and web interface. It shall allow the Employer and
Consultants to monitor every stage of the rectification status.

(j) Mobile Application System shall allow uploading of site plans / block
plans / unit plan for use during inspection.

(k) Mobile Application System shall be capable of generating reports on

regular basis (in pdf and excel spreadsheet) and as and when
required by the Employer or Consultants.

(l) Mobile Application System shall have dashboard to allow live viewing
cases, statistic and status of cases on both mobile device and web


Checklists, categories and tags used for the Mobile Application System shall
be consistent and follow the Employer’s identifiers and naming conventions.
The checklists, categories and tags provided by the Employer are subjected
to changes from time to time. The Contractor shall promptly update the
Mobile Application system as and when the updates and changes are
released by the Employer through the “Mobile Application System
Implementation Guide for New Development Projects”.


The Mobile Application System shall allow the management of access rights
according to the different group of users (eg. Contractors, sub-contractors,
Consultants, the Employer). The users shall be assigned access
appropriate to the role that they play in the workflow. For example, The
Consultants and Contractor should not be able to access and perform tasks
associated with the role to be performed by the Employer, sub-contractors
should only be able to access cases which are assigned to them, etc.

The Mobile Application System must be adequately secured with proper

user authentication and must not allow unauthorized access.

The Employer and Consultants shall be given access right to view all the
information captured by the Mobile Application System.

Appropriate measures must also be in place to prevent computer virus

infections and hacking.

72-24 of 72-39


The Contractor shall propose and provide comprehensive trainings for all
users of the Mobile Application System, to ensure a successful
implementation of the Mobile Application System. The scope of the training
shall include hands-on sessions on the operation and functionality of the
Mobile Application System. The training shall be provided on regular basis,
and as and when requested by the Employer and Consultants.

The Contractor shall provide technical support for the Mobile Application
System throughout the period of use.


All data generated from the processes outlined in this clause are to be made
available for transfer to the Employer over the internet. The Contractor shall
make the necessary arrangement and transfer the data to the Employer in
the manner outlined in “Mobile Application System Implementation Guide
for New Development Projects”.

Copyright of the data generated from the processes outlined in this clause
shall be the property of the Employer. The Contractor shall only use the data
for the execution of the Building Works. The Contractor shall not use the
data for any other purpose without the prior permission of the Employer.

72-25 of 72-39


72.11.1 The Scheme

The Bonus Scheme for Construction Quality (hereinafter referred to as

"BSCQ" for the purposes of this clause including all subclauses under it) is
set up to promote the upgrading of quality of workmanship in the
construction industry. It comprises bonus and discount elements applied to
the effective contract sum. The computation of bonus and discount for new
building projects shall be based on the BCA Construction Quality
Assessment System (hereinafter referred to as "CONQUAS" for the
purposes of this clause including all subclauses under it) score achieved
and the applicable bonus and discount threshold scores for the project.
Other disincentives such as downgrading and price loading are also

The bonus and discount elements under the BSCQ are in addition to all
other provisions in the Contract, such as liquidated damages.

In the event of termination of the employment of the Contractor or novation

of this contract to another contractor, the bonus/discount element shall
cease to apply to this contract. However, the CONQUAS Assessment for
this project shall still be carried out by BCA in spite of the termination or

72.11.2 Bonus And Discount For The Project

The bonus threshold score for this project is 93.0 points.

The discount threshold score for this project is 87.0 points.

The bonus and discount shall apply to the effective contract sum which is
100% of the Contract Sum stated in the Letter of Acceptance.

A bonus/discount of 0.2% of the effective contract sum will be given for each
point scored above/below the bonus/discount threshold score. The
bonus/discount shall be subjected to a maximum of 3% of the effective
contract sum or S$2 million whichever is lower. GST is not applicable for
the payment of bonus and deduction of discount amount.

72-26 of 72-39


72.11.2 Bonus And Discount For The Project (Cont'd)

The bonus shall be based on the CONQUAS score, and shall be payable in
the Final Account and in accordance with the CONQUAS Certificate. The
discount, if any, will be deducted from the Final Account accordingly.

(a) Example 1

If a new project with an effective contract sum of S$100 million

achieved a CONQUAS score of 77.7 against the bonus threshold
score of 75.5, the Contractor shall be rewarded the bonus amount
of :

S$100M x 0.2 x (77.7 - 75.5) ÷ 100 = S$440,000

(b) Example 2

A project had a total contract sum of S$50 million. Sixty percent of

the contract sum was estimated for the construction of 5 new blocks
of 4-storey buildings. The remaining forty percent was for addition
and alteration works to 2 existing buildings. If the project achieved a
CONQUAS score of 78.0 against the bonus threshold score of 75.6,
the Contractor shall be rewarded the bonus amount of :

S$50M x 60% x 0.2 x (78.0 - 75.6) ÷ 100 = S$144,000

(c) Example 3

A new project of S$100 million achieved a CONQUAS score of 67.5

against the discount threshold score of 69.5, the discount applicable
shall be :

S$100M x 0.2 x (69.5 - 67.5) ÷ 100 = S$400,000

72.11.3 Other Disincentives

For poor CONQUAS score, the relevant default points shall be recorded
against the Contractor under the Guidelines on the Default Points System
which is administered by the BCA Contractor's Registry.

(a) Downgrading

The Contractor may be recommended for downgrading of financial

categories by one financial grade for up to a 12-month period if it
accumulates more than 5 CONQUAS default points in the latest five
contracts completed within the last three years. Downgrading by
more than one financial grade will be considered on a case-by-case
basis, depending on the severity of the situation.

72-27 of 72-39


72.11.3 Other Disincentives (Cont'd)

(b) Price-Loading

BCA shall compile a list of contractors indicating the total CONQUAS

default points accumulated for the latest five contracts completed
within the last three years by each contractor. The list shall be given
to the Employer on the first working day of each month. This listing
will be valid for every tender where the closing date of the tender falls
within that month.

A price-loading of 0.2% will be imposed for each CONQUAS default

point. The applicable price-loading will be computed based on the
product of the price-loading factor and the effective tender sum,
subject to a maximum of S$2 million. The effective tender sum is the
portion of the tender which is subject to CONQUAS assessment and
is equal to the percentage indicated in the foregoing subclause
"Bonus And Discount For The Project" for the application of the bonus
and discount.

The Employer shall evaluate the tender based on the effective tender
value which takes into consideration the effective tender sum, price-
loading as well as the portion of non-building work. Assuming all other
things being equal, the contractor with the lowest effective tender
value will be awarded the project.

An example of computing penalty for Firm A who has completed 6

projects is shown below :


Name Certificate Default Points Merit Points
Project 1 1 January 1995 1
Project 2 1 July 1995 3
Project 3 1 January 1996 2
Project 4 1 July 1996 2
Project 5 1 January 1997 1
Project 6 1 August 1997 2

The penalty accumulated is 2 CONQUAS default points, calculated

from Project 2 onwards (most recent 5 projects) :

ie. (2+2+2) - (3+1) = 2.

72-28 of 72-39


72.11.3 Other Disincentives (Cont'd)

(b) Price-Loading (Cont'd)

Firm A hence has 2 default points. Firm A then tenders along with
Firm B who has 4 default points, and Firm C who has 1 default point
for a project. Their total tender sum, effective tender sum and
effective tender value for the project are as follows:
Total Tender Price-loading
Effective Applicable Effective
Sum ($M) factor (%) - Computation of
Tender Price- Tender
Firm and 0.2% for Price-loading
Sum loading Value
accumulated each default ($M)
(%) ($M) ($M)
default points point
subject to
(a) (b) (c) (d)=(a)x(b)x(c) maximum (f)=(a)+(e)
A (2 default 90% 0.4 1.0836 1.0836 302.0836

B (4 default 90% 0.8 2.16 2.0 302.0

C (1 default 90% 0.2 0.54234 0.54234 301.84234

In the above example, based on the effective tender value, Firm C

will be awarded the project at his tendered sum of $301.3 million,
even though Firm A and B has tendered lower actual prices of $301
million and $300 million respectively.

For joint ventures, the price-loading used to compute the effective

tender value shall be based on the highest default point among the

The price-loading is to be used for tender evaluation purposes only.

The Contract Sum will be based on the actual tendered prices.

(c) Other Considerations For Disincentives

The following conditions apply to the management of CONQUAS

default points for the downgrading and price-loading disincentives as
specified above :

(i) The determination of CONQUAS default/merit points is

provided for under the Default Points System;

72-29 of 72-39


72.11.3 Other Disincentives (Cont'd)

(c) Other Considerations For Disincentives (Cont'd)

(ii) The CONQUAS default points counting towards downgrading

should be accumulated from at least two different projects.
The CONQUAS default points counting towards price-loading
can be based on one project alone;

(iii) The CONQUAS merit points from one project may be used to
offset against the CONQUAS default points from another
project as long as both projects fall within the five latest
projects with CONQUAS scores undertaken by the contractor;

(iv) Contractors who have fewer than five projects will have their
CONQUAS default/merit points calculated on the basis of
available projects assessed; and

(v) Upon downgrading/debarment, the merit/default points

accumulated by the contractor shall be set to zero.

72.11.4 CONQUAS Assessment

The Contractor shall submit to the Employer the application for CONQUAS
assessment within two weeks from the date of the Letter of Acceptance. The
Contractor shall ensure that all the necessary project documents as
specified in the Application Form are duly completed prior to submitting it to
the Employer. The Contractor shall be deemed to have included in the
Contract Sum for all costs and expenses, except for the BCA fees for
CONQUAS assessment, to be incurred by him for compliance with the
requirements specified in this clause and all subclauses under it. The
Employer shall pay the fees for the CONQUAS assessment directly to the
BCA. The Contractor shall not include for such fees in the Contract Sum.

The Contractor shall appoint a Co-ordinator to liaise with BCA for the
duration of the assessment :

(i) The Co-ordinator shall inform BCA of the progress at each stage of
the construction;

(ii) The Co-ordinator shall arrange for regular assessments to be carried

out on the Site.

(iii) The Co-ordinator shall notify BCA on the readiness of its site in
conducting the internal wall tiles pull out test; and the completion of
external fenestrations and external wall finishes including all windows
complete with glazing.

72-30 of 72-39


72.11.4 CONQUAS Assessment (Cont'd)

The Contractor and his employees shall render their full cooperation to the
BCA and its assessors in the execution of the assessment including meeting
the requirements, procedures and requests of BCA.

The Contractor shall at all times make available the Drawings and
Specifications for the Works to the assessors. The Contractor shall also
arrange for his site supervisors to assist in setting out the instruments and
make available for inspection, records of all test results as required.

The Contractor shall allow BCA and its assessors full access to the Site for
the purpose of the assessment and shall be responsible for the safety of the
aforementioned while on the Site.

The Contractor shall provide and maintain unhindered and safe accesses to
facilitate the inspection at the locations and levels selected for the
assessment during construction and at completion, including but not limited
to the provision of special ladders, platforms, ramps or scaffolding as
required by the BCA assessors.

Scaffolding shall not be removed until the windows watertightness tests are
conducted by the BCA assessors. The Contractor is to facilitate BCA in all
ways to conduct the window watertightness test and until the water test
samples taken for testing are considered adequate for its assessment

72.11.5 Deduction

Should the Contractor fail to submit the Application Form for CONQUAS
Assessment within 2 weeks from the date of the Letter of Acceptance, the
Employer shall be at liberty to activate BCA for the CONQUAS assessment
and this activation shall be deemed to be an application by the Contractor
under his contractual obligations specified herein. Upon such event, the
Employer shall charge the Contractor an additional administrative fee of



The grouping of the building blocks or phases of the Works shall be as

indicated in the Letter of Acceptance.

The commencement of the Time for Completion for all phases of the Works
shall be as indicated in the Letter of acceptance.

72-31 of 72-39



Unless otherwise specified, the Contractor shall provide, erect and maintain
a continuous hoarding of minimum height of 1.8m to separate the Works for
any phase still under construction from other phases that are either
undergoing inspection prior to certification of completion or already certified
completed, as required by SO Rep.

Where overhead linkway are under construction, adequate safety measures

such as scaffoldings with full plankings, toe boards, safety nets etc shall be
proposed by the Contractor and approved by the SO Rep. Such safety
measures shall be designed in accordance with the relevant statutory
requirements by a Professional Engineer employed by the Contractor. The
Professional Engineer's drawings, detailing and calculations shall be
submitted to the SO Rep at least two weeks before the commencement of
erection of the overhead safety measures.

Should the Contractor fail to comply with the aforementioned requirements,

the SO Rep reserves the right to impose any action deemed necessary and
all costs and expenses incurred including charges shall be recovered from
the Contractor.



No erection or dismantling of all types of formwork or execution of any other

noise generating activities shall be carried out during the night or on Sunday
or on Public Holiday without the written permission of the SO Rep.

The Contractor shall be deemed to have included in the Contract Sum for
all costs and expenses for not being able to erect or dismantle the formwork
or execution of any other noise generating activities during the night or on
Sunday or on Public Holiday and shall not be entitled to and is deemed to
have waived any claim for loss, expense, costs or damages caused by or
arising from the requirements of this clause.


No hacking of concrete shall be allowed during the night or on Sunday or on

Public Holiday without the written permission of the SO Rep.

Amendment No.4
72-1 of 72-17



72.16.1 Each building block or phase or sub-phase of the Works shall be considered
by the SO Rep as ready for handing over to the Employer only when the
following additional requirements are complied with :

(a) The surrounding apron, apron drains and brick-on-edge, if applicable,

have been completed.

(b) Turfing of 5m width around the building edge or up to drain edge or

road kerb, whichever is the lesser, including all abutting footpaths have
been completed.

(c) The supporting civil engineering Works, such as the minor sewer lines,
the access road or service road and road side drains leading to and
around the building block have been completed and ready to serve the
building block, for cases where such civil engineering Works are
incorporated in the Works.

(d) The basement carpark to serve the building block has been completed.

(e) The detention tanks, entrance ramps to basement, trellises, shelters,

children playground, adult fitness stations, elderly fitness stations, hard
court, drop off porches, precinct pavilion, linkways, roof garden have
been completed.

72.16.2 Each child care centre shall be considered by the SO Rep as ready for
handing over to the Employer only when the following additional
requirements are complied with :

(a) The parent block and its surrounding apron, apron drains and brick-on-
edge, if applicable, have been completed.

(b) Turfing of 5m width around the building edge or up to drain edge or

road kerb, whichever is the lesser, including all abutting footpaths and
the nearest children playground have been completed.
Amendment No.4
72-2 of 72-17



72.16.3 The Contractor shall comply with the preceding additional requirements and
procedures in full before the Superintending Officer issues a Certificate of
Substantial Completion.

72.16.4 The Contractor shall be deemed to have included in the Contract Sum, for
all costs and expenses for complying with the requirements stipulated in
this clause.
72-33 of 72-39



72.16.3 The Contractor shall comply with the preceding additional requirements and
procedures in full before the Superintending Officer issues a Certificate of
Substantial Completion.

72.16.4 The Contractor shall be deemed to have included in the Contract Sum, for
all costs and expenses for complying with the requirements stipulated in this



The Contractor shall engage a Registered Surveyor (hereinafter referred as

"RS" for the purpose of this clause) to measure the actual as-built height for
all the building blocks (excluding the Multi-storey carpark) in the Works. The
survey shall be taken at the mid-point of building height and the highest point
of the structural members (such as water tank roof top or lift motor room)
and also the highest point of the fixtures on the roof top of building (such as
aircraft warning lights, TV antennas). The RS is required to survey from at
least 2 different stations to confirm the accuracy of the survey. The RS
shall also submit a 1:1000 survey drawing indicating the reduced levels of
the mid-point of building height and the highest point of the structural
member and also the fixtures on the roof top.

The survey drawing indicating the mid-point building height reduced levels
shall be submitted to SO Rep within 14 days after the casting of the
structural slab. The duly endorsed survey plan and report on the
measurement of the as-built building height, shall form part of the
documents required for obtaining TOP (Temporary Occupation Permit). The
Contractor shall be responsible for completing the measurement and
submitting the plan and report to the SO Rep in time for the application of
the TOP. The cost and expense of such surveys and reports shall be
deemed to be included in the Contract Sum.

72-34 of 72-39


The contractor shall perform the Public Relation Function (PRF) by

attending to and coordinating the public relation issues arising from
construction activities in the surrounding HDB work sites.

The functions of the Public Relation are as follows:

(a) Attend to feedback from surrounding residents in the vicinity of a

cluster of neighbouring HDB construction projects.
(b) Build rapport with neighbouring institutions such as school, nursing
home, neighbourhood police and resident committee, etc
(c) Carry out investigation into the feedback and direct the feedback to
respective contractors / consultants in the vicinity.
(d) Compile and co-ordinate draft replies to residents if the feedback is
directed on two or more sites in the vicinity
(e) Ensure feedback is properly resolved and the case is closed
(f) Maintain a log of the feedback cases and the follow up actions
(g) Submit a weekly report on feedbacks received and action taken
(h) Coordinate notices to be put up at neighbouring projects notice

The contractor shall provide a toll free line within one week from the Letter
Of Acceptance. The toll free line shall be diverted to the Contractor Project
Manager’s mobile phone after office hours. The Contractor Project Manager
shall remain contactable through the mobile phone after office hours.

72-35 of 72-39



The Contractor shall submit certified surveyed drawings of the as-built

construction works in compliance to BP plans and DC written
requirements to the SO Rep. Surveyed drawings are required to be
endorsed by a registered Surveyor. The Contractor shall submit the
surveyed drawings, 2 months from the first TOP date, 3 sets of hard
copy duly endorsed by the surveyor and 1 copy of the PDF soft copy
with the surveyor’s endorsement and 1 copy of editable AutoCAD

The surveyed drawings will include but not limited to:

1. Building footprint including the external walls, private
enclosed spaces and private terraces;
2. Setback from all site boundaries;
3. Building height;
4. 1st storey building and external platform levels, including height
of basement protrusion where applicable;
5. No. of floors (including basement, mezzanine, and attic);
6. Height of retaining wall(s);
7. Internal voids;
8. Publicly accessible or communal areas that were given
GFA exemption; and
9. The retention of any existing structures approved or required to
be retained.

And any list of compliances for obtaining TOP/CSC from the SO Rep

Amendment No.3
72-1 of 72-7



The Contractor shall note that the use of construction equipment and
temporary structures beyond the allowable height limit during the Time for
Completion is subject to the conditions / requirements to be imposed by the
Republic of Singapore Air Force (RSAF) and Civil Aviation Authority of
Singapore (CAAS) and Defence Science and Technology Agency (DSTA).
Such conditions / requirements may include but not limited to the imposition
of height constraint and deployment period on the use of construction
equipment and temporary structures and the time limit in the lowering of the
construction equipment upon receipt of instruction from RSAF.

The Contractor shall at all times comply with the conditions / requirements
to be imposed by RSAF, CAAS and DSTA.

The Contractor shall be deemed to have taken the conditions / requirements

to be imposed by RSAF, CAAS and DSTA into consideration in his
construction process, including but not limited to the use of suitable cranes,
to ensure completion of the Works within the Time for Completion.

For avoidance of doubt, the Contract Sum shall be deemed to have included
all costs and expenses arising from the compliance with the conditions /
requirements imposed by RSAF, CAAS and DSTA.

RSAF stated that the maximum height permissible for temporary

structures on site is 80m AMSL, with an additional 20m AMSL
subjected to approval. However, for any erection of cranes / temporary
structures above 30m AMSL, separate approval must be sought from the
Republic of Singapore Air Force’s (RSAF) Air Plans Department – HQ
RSAF, MINDEF Building, Gombak Drive, Singapore 669638 (Tel No: 6768
3574; Fax No: 6769 8792; Email: /
Amendment No.3
72-2 of 72-7



DSTA stated that “the development is not to exceed the proposed height
of 79m AMSL, inclusive of all structures and fixtures on the roof tops,
whether permanent, temporary, transient or stationary (including but not
limited to the building superstructure, TV antennae, water tanks, lift motor
rooms, cranes, maintenance equipment, lightning conductors, moving
objects, vegetation etc). For any erection of cranes / temporary
structures above 60m AMSL, separate approval must be sought from
Republic of Singapore Air Force’s (RSAF) Air Plans Department – HQ
RSAF, MINDEF Building, Gombak Drive, Singapore 669638 (Tel No: 6768
3574; Fax No: 6769 8792; Email: The
developer / owner / applicant shall ensure that written clearance is obtained
from the RSAF via fax or other expedient means at least 20 calendar days
prior to the commencement of any works. The cranes or temporary
structures must be obstruction marked / lighted in accordance with ICAO
Annex 14. The following information should be provided for this approval

(i) Exact location with co-ordinates (LAT & LONG format) of the cranes
/ temporary structures are to be indicated on a 1:10,000 or 1:25,000
scale road map.

(ii) The maximum height of the cranes / temporary structures in metres

above mean sea level.

(iii) The period during which such cranes / temporary structures would be

The more stringent height restriction(s) from the respective agencies

shall apply. In the event that there are any communication
installations, you are advised to seek clearance from the relevant
agencies such as IMDA.
Amendment No.4
72-3 of 72-17


The main contractor and/or sub-contractor shall allow in the contract and
comply with all risks in GUIDE 1 & GUIDE 2, as appended.


The Contractor shall work with pre-appointed DFSP (Design for Safety
Professional) Consultant to conduct preconstruction review GUIDE 3 upon
award of contract. This shall be done within one month upon award and
before start work.

The contractor shall attend the DFS review meetings with all the
stakeholders to identify all foreseeable design risks and discuss how each
of the foreseeable design risks can be eliminated or reduced.

The subsequent GUIDE 3 periodical reviews and risk register arising from
the reviews shall be updated and communicated to the HDB, which shall
include :

• The minutes of the DfS review meetings which capture every

residual risk in the DfS Register;
• To highlight the residual risks identified at all stakeholders’
reviews and meetings. Any new residual risks identified shall also
be captured in the DfS Register;
• The DfS register for the project is kept up to date and made
available to all the stakeholders and inspectors from the Ministry
of Manpower and/or client HDB;
• Upon completion of the project, the relevant portions of the DfS
register is to be handover to the Town Council and Town Council
to be briefed on the residual risks related to scope of

Design Hazard Identified Risk Proposed Control
Consideration Measures
Cantilever at roof Cantilever length Risk of workers Cantilever length
garden of insitu concrete falling from height shortened to 600mm
spanning 1.5m during and to be designed as
length pose safety construction or precast. Socket holes
hazard during maintenance to be provided for
construction and resulting in death future maintenance
maintenance or serious injuries. using the gondola
Main sky bridge Proposed Risk of Cladding has been
cladding would maintenance removed. It would be
make workers falling concrete and paint.
maintenance a from height during
safety hazard maintenance.
Amendment No.4
72-4 of 72-17


Design Hazard Identified Risk Proposed Control

Consideration Measures
Drop-off porch Access for Access and safety Catladder to be
canopy maintenance of of maintenance provided to access
the roof. Irregular workers while from underneath the
shape of the roof. working on the roof. Hook rings to be
roof. provided at the roof
for life lines to be used
by maintenance
Glass facade for The material of The glass may Replacement of glass
the child care the facade. break during to another material is
centre maintenance. being considered.
Horizontal Replace horizontal
members on the members with vertical
glass facade may ones.
allow people to
climb leading to


Access to the site shall be obtained via Punggol Way from 1Q2019 till the
completion of Northshore Drive. Subsequently, when Northshore Drive is
completed, access to the site shall be obtained via Northshore Drive and New
Punggol Road. The Contractor shall liaise closely with other contractors on the
use of the temporary access, including its maintenance, cleaning of public
roads etc, to SO Rep’s satisfaction.

The Contractor is responsible for planning all transportation routes between

sites and other destinations. Routes chosen shall cause the least
inconvenience to the public, be in full compliance with all Regulatory
requirements and shall be agreed with the SO Rep prior to use.

The Contractor is to note that vehicular accesses are not always available right
to the sites concerned. The Contractor may be required to prepare temporary
accesses for transportation of materials.
Amendment No.3
72-4 of 72-7


Design Hazard Identified Risk Proposed Control

Consideration Measures
Drop-off porch Access for Access and safety Catladder to be
canopy maintenance of of maintenance provided to access
the roof. Irregular workers while from underneath the
shape of the roof. working on the roof. Hook rings to be
roof. provided at the roof
for life lines to be used
by maintenance
Glass facade for The material of The glass may Replacement of glass
the child care the facade. break during to another material is
centre maintenance. being considered.
Horizontal Replace horizontal
members on the members with vertical
glass facade may ones.
allow people to
climb leading to


Building Contractor shall note that there will be sewer improvement works
along new Punggol Road to the west of the site, Punggol Way at the south
of the site and along NParks’ Park Connector Network to the east of the

Building Contractor shall note on the working spaces located within Punggol
North C14 + Common Green development boundary for the trunk sewer
improvement works carried out by PUB’s trunk sewer contractors. Building
Contractor would need to interface with PUB’s trunk sewer contractors such
that the progress of works at the interface by the respective contractors is
not affected.

Building Contractor shall bear all the costs and expenses incurred arising
from interfacing/facilitating the PUB’s trunk sewer contractor in carrying out
the trunk sewer improvement works. Building Contractor shall include, but
not limited to the following in the Contract Sum:
Amendment No.3
72-5 of 72-7



i. The Contractor is to note that minimum 3m working space from the edge
of the Development Boundary/ Proposed Road Reserve Line into Punggol
North C14 + Common Green, is to be shared with PUB sewer contractors
over the period from August 2018 to Aug 2020 if and when necessary.
Subject to the SO Rep’s instruction, the period as indicated shall be subject
to change. There shall not be any additional claims, should there be any
shortening or lengthening to the period indicated.

ii. The building hoarding is to be shifted by the Building Contractor, and

reconstructed to accommodate for PUB’s trunk sewer improvement works;

iii. When the trunk sewer improvement works are complete, if and when
applicable, the building hoarding has to be shifted back to the development
boundary by the Building Contractor.

iv. Where the need arises, the Building Contractor shall facilitate PUB’s
trunk sewer contractors by providing all necessary washing facilities and
manpower for vehicles exiting Punggol North C14 + Common Green work

The Building Contractor shall confine the construction works within the said
boundaries and shall not cause obstruction to other parties who may be
working around the site at the same time.

Hoarding with lighting shall be put up by the Building Contractor to ensure

the safety and well being of pedestrians. These hoarding shall be
maintained in good condition throughout the project completion period of
the proposed development.
72-39 of 72-39


This clause supercedes subclause 1.4.1 “Provision of Construction

Equipment” of the Standard Specifications for Building Works and other

Where the Contract comprises 200 or more dwelling and/or commercial

units, the Contractor shall provide for a minimum of one number concrete
pump, one number crane and one number rough terrain forklift to the Site.

Notwithstanding the foregoing requirements, the Contractor shall provide at

least one number suitable crane which shall not be limited to tower or luffing
crane and one passenger cum material hoist per building block of six storeys
and above regardless of the number of units in the Contract.

The Contractor shall provide formwork system in accordance with the

Drawings and Specifications for the construction of all building blocks.

BSS S73/....

Amendment No.8
72-1 of 72-2


72.25.1 Rip-Rap wall

Upon Award, the Contractor shall engage a Specialist to design and

construct rip-raps at the seawall at the end of the drain outlet structure for
scouring protection. The Contractor’s Specialist shall carry out a flow
simulation to determine the scouring zone and then design and build the
rip-rap with proper sizing accordingly to cover this zone as per the
requirements of the relevant authorities, such as PUBB, BCA and NEA.

The Contractor shall schedule this Specialist’s item and work program in
the overall Construction Master Programme. The Contractor shall ensure
that the time requirement for authorities’ submissions and approvals;
surveys; materials procurement; construction and potential delays have
been scheduled for and submit the Master Programme as per the
Conditions of Contract to the SO Rep.

Upon carrying out the flow simulation and determining the scouring zone,
the Contractor’s Specialist/P.E. shall consult and submit P.E.’s calculations
on flow rate and discharge volume, shop drawings, if applicable, to relevant
authorities, such as PUB, BCA and NEA for approval. The Contractor shall
include the proposed sizing and placement design of rip-rap to be included
in the submissions by the Contractor’s Specialist/P.E.

Upon authorities’ approval, the Contractor’s Specialist/P.E. shall take all

reasonable care and due diligence in carrying out the construction of the
rip-rap. Authorities’ endorsed shop drawings and P.E. calculations are to
be submitted to the SO Rep for record.

Contractor’s Specialist/P.E. shall ensure that no pollution elements, such

as debris, rubbish, or contaminants, be discharged in to the reservoir at all
times. All necessary pollution control, erosion control, and drainage
protection measures, ECM are to be implemented to ensure the above.

72.25.2 Additional Requirements

The Contractor shall take note the following additional requirements in their

(a) The proposed out-fall structure should be a stand-alone structure (i.e.

with substructure independent of the seawall) for maintenance purposes

(b) Geo-textile is to be installed where there are a construction joints

between the outfall and the seawall structure
Amendment No.8
72-2 of 72-2


Amendment No.3
72-6 of 72-7


Building Contractor shall note that there will be two new manholes to be
constructed by HDB’s manhole contractors, for the link sewer connection to
Punggol North C14 + Common Green development. Estimated start date:
January 2019; Estimated completion date: Jun 2019.

Building Contractor shall note on the working spaces located within and
around Punggol North C14 + Common Green development boundary for the
new manhole works. Building Contractor will need to interface with HDB
manhole contractors such that the progress of works at the interface by the
respective contractors is not affected.

Building Contractor shall bear all the costs and expenses incurred arising
from interfacing / facilitating the HDB’s manhole contractor in carrying out
the manhole and manhole-related works. Building Contactor shall include,
but not limited to the following in the Contract Sum:

i. The Contractor is to note that the minimum working space required

by HDB’s manhole contractors as indicated in the Annex A below.
Period from January 2019 to June 2019. Subject to the SO Rep’s
instruction, the period as indicated shall be subject to change. There
shall not be any additional claims, should there be any shortening or
lengthening to the period indicated.

ii. The building hoarding is to be shifted by the Building Contractor, and

reconstructed to accommodate for HDB’s new manhole works;

iii. When HDB’s new manhole works are complete, if and when
applicable, the building hoarding has to be shifted back to the
development boundary by the Building Contractor.

iv. Where the need arises, the Building Contractor shall facilitate HDB’s
manhole contractors by providing all necessary washing facilities and
manpower for vehicles exiting Punggol North C14 + Common Green
work site.

The Building Contractor shall confine the construction works within the said
boundaries and shall not cause obstruction to other parties who may be working
around the site at the same time.

Hoarding with lighting shall be put up by the Building Contractor to ensure the
safety and well being of pedestrians. These hoarding shall be maintained in
good condition throughout the project completion period of the proposed
Amendment No.3
72-7 of 72-7


Annex A
Amendment No.4
72-4 of 72-17


Design Hazard Identified Risk Proposed Control

Consideration Measures
Drop-off porch Access for Access and safety Catladder to be
canopy maintenance of of maintenance provided to access
the roof. Irregular workers while from underneath the
shape of the roof. working on the roof. Hook rings to be
roof. provided at the roof
for life lines to be used
by maintenance
Glass facade for The material of The glass may Replacement of glass
the child care the facade. break during to another material is
centre maintenance. being considered.
Horizontal Replace horizontal
members on the members with vertical
glass facade may ones.
allow people to
climb leading to


Access to the site shall be obtained via Punggol Way from 1Q2019 till the
completion of Northshore Drive. Subsequently, when Northshore Drive is
completed, access to the site shall be obtained via Northshore Drive and New
Punggol Road. The Contractor shall liaise closely with other contractors on the
use of the temporary access, including its maintenance, cleaning of public
roads etc, to SO Rep’s satisfaction.

The Contractor is responsible for planning all transportation routes between

sites and other destinations. Routes chosen shall cause the least
inconvenience to the public, be in full compliance with all Regulatory
requirements and shall be agreed with the SO Rep prior to use.

The Contractor is to note that vehicular accesses are not always available right
to the sites concerned. The Contractor may be required to prepare temporary
accesses for transportation of materials.
Amendment No.4
72-5 of 72-17


72.28.1 The requirements specified herein are written with reference to and shall
be read in conjunction with the HDB BIM Guide for completeness of
requirements and shall be referred to as the VDC Requirements. In the
event of any inconsistency between the VDC Requirements and the HDB
BIM Guide, the VDC Requirements shall prevail. The costs and
expenses incurred to comply with the VDC Requirements shall be
deemed to be included in the Tender Sum.

72.28.2 Virtual Design and Construction (VDC) means an integrated approach

which combines BIM and management methods such as Integrated
Concurrent Engineering (ICE) and Process and Production Management
(PPM) to improve productivity. The ICE process requires all project team
members to come together at the same location to carry out design and
construction coordination with the BIM models and agree on the
approach to address issues so that they could be resolved in a timely
manner. The PPM refers to the use of BIM models for project planning,
coordination, scheduling, construction simulation and estimation.

72.28.3 The VDC requirements shall include, but not limited to modelling,
visualization, documentation, analytical processes of project design and
the collaborative use of BIM models throughout the project delivery in
accordance with the VDC methodology from design to construction
stages of the project.

72.28.4 Definitions

(a) Contribution means the expression, design, data or information that

a party to the Project creates or prepares, and incorporates,
distributes, transmits, communicates or otherwise shares with other
parties to the Project for use in or in connection with a Model for the

(b) Drawings means two dimensional representations, hand sketches,

perspective views or other graphical outputs printed physically or

(c) HDB BIM Guide means the prevailing version of the guide as
advised by HDB and available for download from GeBiz Portal.

(d) Model means a digital representation of the Project or part of the

Project, and used to describe a two-dimensional representation,
three-dimensional representation, as well as other data
representations, including Drawings.

(e) Released Model means a Model identified as such and released by

the Model Author from time to time as agreed in the VEP.
Amendment No.4
72-6 of 72-17

72.28.4 Definitions (Cont’d)

(f) Model Author means the party responsible for developing the
content of a specific Model Element to the level of detail required
for a particular phase of the Project.

(g) Model User means any individual or entity authorised to use the
Model on the Project, such as for analysis, estimating or

(h) VDC Execution Plan (VEP) means the plan prepared by the
Contractor and Consultants based on the template provided by
HDB to explain how the information modelling aspects of a project
will be carried out in the construction stage.

72.28.5 VDC Objectives

The Contractor and Consultants shall make use of methods such as

Integrated Concurrent Engineering (ICE) or Process and Production
Management (PPM) during the construction stage for coordination,
resource planning, construction simulation, and the production of shop
drawings for fabrication. The Consultants and the Contractor shall agree
on a schedule for the provision of coordinated and assembled ‘Final
Design BIM Model’ by the Consultants to the Contractor within 3 months
of the Contract commencement. The schedule should be included in the
VEP and submitted to HDB for record. The Contractor shall further
develop this ‘Final Design Model’ and use the BIM models in accordance
with the VEP to produce the construction BIM models. The Contractor
shall record as-built conditions in BIM and submit to Consultants for
review and endorsement as part of the final delivery to HDB.

72.28.6 VDC Execution Plan (VEP) for Construction

(a) The VDC Manager shall call for meetings of the Contractor and the
Consultants to agree upon the terms of the VDC Execution Plan
(VEP) for Construction within 2 months from contract
commencement, and from time to time as required for any
modifications. In the event of any disagreement on the terms or
modifications to the VEP, the VDC Manager’s decision shall be final
and conclusive.

(b) Any modifications to the objectives, project members, Model

Authors, Model Users or basic VDC deliverables shall be
documented in the VEP.

(c) The VDC Manager shall submit the initial VEP and any subsequent
modifications to HDB for review and acceptance.

(d) The VDC Manager shall maintain a history of all Released Models
in the VEP.
Amendment No.4
72-7 of 72-17

72.28.7 VDC Responsibilities and Deliverables

In general, the VDC Deliverables shall include a set of digital

representations of the Project in the form of Models, Drawings, reports and
non-geometrical data that describe the physical, functional and
performance characteristics of the Project for the purpose of visualization,
simulation, analysis, collaboration, planning and documentation through the
project lifecycle.

(a) Prepare the VDC Deliverables in accordance to the requirements,

times and receiving parties as documented in the VEP and the HDB
BIM Guide. BIM elements or object classes that are not listed in the
HDB BIM Guide, but are required to meet any other requirements
of the project, should be defined in the VEP.

(b) Develop the BIM elements and its geometric properties (e.g. length,
slope) and non-geometric attributes (e.g. material, fire rating,
functional information) to the level of details as stated in the HDB
BIM Guide and VEP at each project phase.

(c) Exchange BIM Models by Model Authors to Model Users in

accordance with the schedule agreed by the Consultants and the
Contractor. The schedule shall be in line with the master
programme and documented in the VEP.

(d) Leverage on digital technologies to carry out information sharing

and collaboration among various disciplines interactively with the
BIM models. The Consultants and Contractor shall agree on the
process of collaboration and data sharing and clearly document in
the VEP.

(e) Conduct regular 3D review process throughout the duration of the

Project. The process shall include regular coordination meetings
conducted in accordance with the ICE methodology and attended
by Contractor, Consultants, VDC Manager/Coordinators and HDB.

(f) Perform detailed coordination checks using BIM models in

accordance to the requirements stated in the HDB BIM Guide and
ICE methodology. The VDC Manager shall submit to HDB records
of these coordination checks, including but not limited to the
clashes, their locations and how the clashes are resolved. The VDC
Manager shall propose the format of such records for HDB’s
approval within 3 months from contract commencement.

(g) Produce Coordinated Services Drawings, concrete body plan and

other Drawings where relevant for clarification and construction
purposes from the construction BIM models.
Amendment No.4
72-8 of 72-17

72.28.7 VDC Responsibilities and Deliverables (Cont’d)

(h) Use the construction BIM models for virtual planning to simulate
construction schedules and sequence and deployment of adequate
resources. The Contractor shall submit to HDB through the
Consultants documentary evidence of such virtual planning being
carried out for at least one residential block or any other areas
approved by HDB, including but not limited to a comparison of the
actual planned construction sequence as against virtual planning

(i) Develop virtual mock-up of all unit types to a high level of detail for
construction study to demonstrate actual installation sequence and
finishing details. The Contractor shall submit the documentary
evidence of such virtual mock-up being carried out to HDB through
the Consultants.

(j) Develop virtual mock-up of underground, 1st storey and roof to

carry out detailed coordination. The Contractor shall submit to HDB
through the Consultants documentary evidence of such
coordination being carried out.

(k) Track these aspects of the project progress using BIM model:

(i) Piling progress

(ii) Precast delivery and structural casting progress
(iii) Wet/Dry riser main installation and commissioning progress
Any other aspects may be proposed by Contractor at no additional

(l) Update the construction BIM models continuously throughout the

construction phase to reflect changes arising from coordination
checks, as built conditions, etc. The Contractor shall ensure that
design changes by the Consultants are coordinated and updated
and shall verify completeness and accuracy of the as-built BIM.

(m) Make available the construction BIM models to HDB and

Consultants for review for the entire duration of construction up to
the completion of the last Phase of the Works.
Amendment No.4
72-9 of 72-17

72.28.7 VDC Responsibilities and Deliverables (Cont’d)

(n) Prepare and submit the as-built Architectural, Civil & Structural and
Mechanical, Electrical & Plumbing BIM models to the Consultants
for review and approval. The as-built BIM models shall include the
following items:
- As-built conditions relative to design intent and construction
means and methods.
- Authoring models generated and/or maintained by the
- Fabrication models
- Full description of how to reassemble the model and how to
extract 2D documentation, software and version.

(o) Prepare and submit information models for asset and estate
management in the manner as informed by HDB to the Consultants
for review and approval.

72.28.8 VDC Deliverables

(a) Prepare VDC Deliverables in prevailing version of the following formats:

(i) Native format of the application and authoring software used in the
(ii) PDF or DWF formats or any other prevailing formats specified for
CORENET BIM e-submission and general viewing purposes.
(iii) Any other formats as informed by HDB and/or Consultants.

(b) Submit VDC Deliverables as and when requested by HDB and/or

Consultants in the format as informed by HDB and/or Consultants, and
be suitable for its purpose.

(c) Ensure that the VDC Deliverables meet the quality assurance guidelines
as stated in the HDB BIM Guide. Any deviation of quality assurance
guidelines shall be outlined in the VEP for HDB’s and/or Consultants’
review and acceptance.

(d) Any reference to DWG formats for submissions by the Consultants

and/or Contractor shall also include the VDC Deliverables.
Amendment No.4
72-10 of 72-17

72.28.9 BIM Modelling Requirements

(a) Adhere to the modelling guidelines in the HDB BIM Guide.

(b) Adopt a common naming convention for file names, views, legends,
schedules, sheets and links in the BIM Models to provide a common
reference. This shall be developed by the VDC Manager and recorded
in the VEP.

(c) Maintain parametric links within the BIM Models to enable automatic
generation of drawings.

(d) Derive and generate drawings from the BIM Models as far as possible.
Drawings shall include, but not limited to plans, sections, elevations and
schedules and shall be delivered as representations of, or extraction
from BIM models.

72.28.10 BIM Exchange Formats and Software Applications

(a) BIM exchange formats and protocols shall be developed and agreed by
all parties collaborating and contributing to the BIM process. Agreed BIM
exchange formats and protocols shall be documented in the VEP.

(b) All BIM authoring and detailing software applications used shall satisfy
all of the following:
(i) Be IFC-certified by building SMART
(ii) In compliance to BCA BIM e-submission guidelines and
requirements and possess a track record of having successfully
completed the whole cycle of BIM e-submission for a new
construction project
(iii) Fit for purpose and be seamlessly interoperable with commercially
available coordination software applications

(c) BIM coordination applications shall be compliant to and support the

prevailing version of the Industry Foundation Class (IFC) file format

(d) The authoring and detailing software used by the Consultants for the
VDC Deliverables are as follow:

Software Version
Project Stake
Holder Task Type
Revit 2016 All trades Construction Model
Working Model
Record Model
As-built Model
Amendment No.4
72-11 of 72-17

72.28.10 BIM Exchange Formats and Software Applications (Cont’d)

(e) Revit 2016 shall be the for authoring and detailing software for the BIM
model. All BIM software applications and the versions to be used for the
Project shall be consensually agreed among the parties contributing to
the Released Models and proposed in the VEP for HDB’s approval
within 3 months of contract commencement.

72.28.11 VDC Processes and Procedures

The VEP shall establish and implement processes and procedures required
to achieve VDC objectives and to meet the VDC Requirements and project
goals. The development of VDC processes shall take into considerations
the guidelines detailed in the HDB BIM Guide and include but not limited to
the following:
(i) VDC workflows, work schedules with key coordination dates, major
project milestones consistent with the project programme, review and
approval dates, delivery methodologies and file sharing strategies shall
be outlined in a Collaboration Plan outlining the collaboration process
as part of the VEP.
(ii) Creation of VDC Deliverables for individual discipline:
- Revision Management
- Model Orientation and Site Configuration
- Model Division and Structure
- Modelling Guidelines
(iii) Quality Assurance and Quality Control
- Processes to ensure that all trade information is modelled and
coordinated so that they are complete for construction.
- The VDC Manager shall validate the quality of coordinated models
visually and with the aid of technological tools to ensure the models
are free of clashes and meet the minimum quality standards specified
in the HDB BIM Guide and the VEP.
(iv) Inter-disciplinary Project Collaboration and data sharing
- Data Sharing, collaboration and coordination review process,
framework and protocol including the data information and models to
be shared, files formats and frequency of data sharing for coordination
reviews. E.g. File management system to track, deliver and issue all
VDC documentation.
(v) Inter-disciplinary Model coordination and Clash Detection
- Coordination Process and Plan
- Clash Detection Procedure, Methodology and Plan
- Clash detection review schedule
(vi) Strategy for authoring and updating as-built conditions during the
construction process.
- Integration of construction changes and commissioning data into BIM
Amendment No.4
72-12 of 72-17

72.28.12 VDC Coordination

For ease of identification during the coordination process, these shall be

the assigned trade colours to be used in the Coordination Software
applicable for coordination between architectural, structural and M&E

- Structural Steel: maroon

- Concrete: grey
- Architectural: white
- Fire Protection: red
- Plumbing & Sanitary: magenta
- Electrical: cyan
- Lifts and Escalators: turquoise
- Gas: yellow
- ELV: purple
- ACMV Duct: blue
- ACMV Pipe: lime green

Additional trades or systems that may be required shall be identified in the

VEP and the VDC Manager shall designate the colour to be used for

72.28.13 VDC Manager

(a) The Contractor shall appoint a VDC Manager as the main point of
contact and who shall be responsible for the overall management and
coordination for the use and delivery of VDC in the Project.

(b) The VDC Manager shall work with VDC Coordinators to ensure the
appropriate implementation of the VEP and deliverables. The roles and
responsibilities of the VDC Manager shall encompass those indicated
in the HDB BIM Guide. Any addition or amendments to the roles and
responsibilities shall be agreed and documented in the VEP. The VDC
Manager shall be overall responsible for the BIM model creation and
implementation of VDC methodologies throughout the project from
design to construction and as-built stage.
Amendment No.4
72-13 of 72-17

72.28.13 VDC Manager (Cont’d)

(c) The VDC Manager shall be responsible for the following activities during
construction stage:
(i) Coordinate construction sequencing and scheduling activities, and
ensure that they are integrated with the construction BIM models.
(ii) Facilitate use of composite trade models in construction
coordination/clash detection meetings and provide detection reports by
the identification and resolution of all hard and soft collisions.
(iii) Communicate with the Consultants and coordinate the data extraction
sets required by the construction trades and ensure that these requests
are met.
(iv) Coordinate with the Consultants to document and update design
changes in the field in a timely manner.
(v) Work with Lead Fabrication Modellers to integrate 3D fabrication models
with the updated design model to ensure compliance with design intent
prior to approval and installation.
(vi) Coordinate updates of as-built conditions in the construction BIM
models and/or as-built BIM models.
(vii) Coordinate with the Consultants to ensure information is complete.

(d) The VDC Manager shall have the following qualifications and
Formally trained in BIM or VDC (Diploma or Training Certification) and
possess at least 2 years of BIM coordination or BIM management
experience in a design, engineering or construction firm of a large

(e) Other than the Project Manager, Team Leaders of respective disciplines
and On-Site BIM Modeller, the role of VDC Manager may be
undertaken by existing project team member (e.g. CAD manager,
deputy project manager, interface coordinator etc) provided that they
meet the required experience. However, the VDC Manager shall be
allowed to undertake only one additional role in the project team.

(f) The VDC Manager is allowed to take on the same role for more than 1
HDB project, subject to HDB’s approval.
Amendment No.4
72-14 of 72-17

72.28.14 On-site BIM Modeller

(a) The Contractor shall appoint at least 1 BIM Modeller to be deployed full-
time on site to update the construction BIM models with the changes
made on-site. The Contractor is given up to 2 months from the
commencement date to deploy the BIM modeller, who shall be
deployed until the last Phase of the Works, unless otherwise approved
by the SO Rep.

(b) The On-site BIM Modellers shall have the following qualifications
and/or experience:
Formally trained in BIM (Diploma or Training Certification) and possess
at least 2 years of BIM coordination or BIM management experience in
a design, engineering or construction firm of a large project.

72.28.15 VDC Coordinators

(a) One VDC Coordinator shall be appointed for each discipline of

Architecture, Civil & Structure Engineering and Mechanical & Electrical

(b) The roles and responsibilities shall include but are not limited to those
indicated in the HDB BIM Guide and the following:
(i) Point of contact and expert responsible for the development,
implementation and management of VEP, VDC methodologies,
processes and standards for his discipline/area of design works
(ii) Coordinate with other Consultants and Contractor on VDC
(iii) Oversee appropriate data flow internally and externally. Validate level
of detail, modelling content and quality control before the release or
exchange of model with other parties
(iv) Participate in coordination meetings and 3D review sessions.

(c) The VDC Coordinator shall have the following qualifications and/ or
At least 1 year of BIM coordination or BIM management experience in
a design, engineering or construction firm of a large project.

(d) Other than the Project Manager and Team Leaders of respective
disciplines, the role of VDC Coordinator may be undertaken by existing
project team member (e.g. CAD manager, deputy project manager,
interface coordinator etc) provided they meet the required experience.
However, the VDC Coordinators shall be allowed to undertake only one
additional role in the project team.
Amendment No.4
72-15 of 72-17

72.28.16 Replacement of VDC Manager, On-Site Modeller and VDC Coordinators

HDB shall be empowered to instruct the Contractor for a replacement at
the Contractor’s own cost and expenses if the VDC Manager or any of
the On-Site BIM Modeller or VDC Coordinators is found not carrying out
his duties to the satisfaction of HDB.

72.28.17 Provision of Equipment, Devices etc for VDC

The Contractor shall provide the following equipment and devices for the
purpose of BIM modelling and execution of VDC processes. This is in
addition to the computer hardware and software requirements in the
Standard Specifications:
(i) 1 workstation (1 for each full-time BIM Modeller) with the following
minimum performance specifications:
- Intel® Xeon® E5-2650 v4 Processor (2.2Ghz, 30MB L3 Cache, 12
- 32GB DDR4-2133 ECC (4x8GB) Memory
- NVIDIA Quadro M2000 8GB Graphics
- 512GB SSD
- Integrated DVD RW
- Min. 24” LED monitor screen
(ii) Minimum 1 license for each of the BIM authoring and collaboration
software as proposed in the VEP and approved by HDB.

72.28.18 Tracking of VDC Performance

The Contractor shall submit to HDB information as and when requested

and in a format prescribed by HDB where relevant for tracking of the
VDC performance.
Amendment No.4
72-16 of 72-17

72.28.19 Risk Allocation

(a) The Contribution of each Model Author is intended to be shared with

Model Users throughout the course of the Project.

(b) In contributing content to the Model, the Model Author does not
convey any ownership right in the content provided or in the software
used to generate the content. Any subsequent Model User’s right to
use, modify, or further transmit the Model is specifically limited to the
design and construction of the Project (including authorities’
submissions, where required), and nothing contained herein conveys
any other right to use the Model for another purpose.

(c) It is understood that while specific content of a Released Model may

include data that exceeds the required level of detail specified in the
VEP, Model Users may rely on the accuracy and completeness of a
Released Model only to the extent required for the level of detail
specified in the VEP.

(d) Any use of, or reliance on, content of a Released Model that exceeds
the level of detail specified in the VEP by Model Users shall be at
their own risk and without liability to the Model Author. Model Users
shall indemnify and defend the Model Author from and against all
claims arising out of or in relation to that Model User’s unauthorised
modification to, or use of, the Model Author’s content.

(e) Should any Released Model be included as part of the contract

documents, parties may rely upon the accuracy of information in that
Released Model only to the extent specified in the VEP.

(f) The standard of care applicable to each Model Author regarding its
Contribution shall be in accordance with the applicable degree of
skill, care and diligence expected of a competent person involved in
execution of BIM in Singapore, carrying out the same role or scope
of work as that Model Author on the Project.

(g) Each party in the Project shall use its best efforts to minimize the risk
of claims and liability arising out of or in relation to the use of or
access to its Released Models. Such efforts may include reporting
forthwith to the relevant party and the VDC Manager any errors,
inconsistencies or omissions it discovers in its Released Model or

(h) No Model Author shall be responsible for costs, expenses, liabilities,

or damages which may result from use of its Contribution beyond the
uses stated in the VEP.
Amendment No.4
72-17 of 72-17

72.28.20 Intellectual Property Rights with respect to VDC Deliverables

(a) Each Model Author warrants that it owns the copyright to its
Contribution or is licensed by the holders of copyright in the
Contribution to make the Contribution and grant such license as
enumerated under paragraph 72.28.19(c).

(b) Subject to paragraph 72.28.19(h), each Model Author agrees to

indemnify the Model Users against claims of third parties for
infringement or alleged infringement of copyrights contained in that
Model Author’s Contribution.

(c) Each Model Author grants to the Model Users a limited,

nonexclusive license to reproduce, distribute, display or use the
Contribution of that Model Author for the sole purpose of carrying
out VDC in the Project. The limited license granted shall include any
archival purposes permitted herein of that Model Author. In this
regard, after final completion of the Project, the non-exclusive
license shall be limited to keeping an archival copy of Project related

(d) In the absence of express language to the contrary, nothing herein

and no act by any party in the Project in furtherance of the VDC
Requirements, shall limit, transfer or otherwise affect any of the
intellectual property rights that a party may have with respect to any
Contribution. Other parties, persons or entities that provide
Contributions to a Model shall not be deemed to be co-authors in the
Contributions of other parties to the Project.

72.28.21 Ownership and Rights to VDC Deliverables

(a) HDB shall have the ownership and exclusive rights to all VDC
Deliverables of the Project.

(b) HDB shall have the right to grant its appointed agents the rights to
use the VDC Deliverables for the purpose of the Project and
subsequent operation and maintenance of the Works at his

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