Act 6

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Name: ___________________________________________ Date: _______________

Group no. : _______________________________________ Set: ________________

Activity 6
The Rib Cage

I. The Rib
Paired ribs are attached to each thoracic vertebra against which they move in breathing. Each rib
is attached ventrally either to the sternum or to the rib in front by cartilage to form the rib cage
that protects the heart and lungs. In dogs one pair of ribs is not attached ventrally at all. They are
called floating ribs (see diagram 6.5). Birds have a large expanded sternum called the keel to
which the flight muscles (the ‘breast” meat of a roast chicken) are attached.

A. Draw and label the parts of an individual rib. (Lateral view)

B. Draw and label the parts of an individual rib. (Cranial view)
C. Draw and label the parts of the whole rib cage. (Lateral view)
D. Draw and label the parts of an individual rib. (Ventral view)

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