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Write two situations or examples of each of the different forms of intercultural communication.
Interracial Communication
Interethnic Communication
International Communication

Intercultural Communication

Let’s see what you have learned so far. Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if
incorrect in the space provided before each number.
__________ 1. Intercultural communication refers to verbal and non-verbal interaction between
people from different cultures.

__________ 2. Raul does not always tell the truth and embellishes the truth. This is an example
of a violation of the Maxim of Quality.
__________ 3. Shelley nods to indicate that she is saying “yes.” She will be understood
anywhere in the world.

__________ 4. Not all countries consider sitting with crossed legs as a disrespectful act.

__________ 5. If you are in another country, you must respect the culture of the people.

__________ 6. To be a good communicator, one must be sensitive in the communication process

which means that responding is based on culture and contextual scenarios.

__________ 7. Tony always talks, giving others little opportunity to speak. This is an example of
a violation of the Maxim of Quality.

__________ 8. Body language has a variety of meanings depending on the culture, race and
gender of people.

__________ 9. To be effective in local and global communication, one must observe norms in
communication regardless of cultural backgrounds.

__________10. International communication involves interactions of members of the same racial

and ethnic group.

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