Reporting Grading

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Presentation Dimensions Criterion Percent

Aids were relevant to the topic, not merely used as time filler.
Effective Use of Aids 10%
Aids enhanced the speaker's message.
Strong and clear voice. Audible from the back of the room.
Voice Quality Possessed a lively pace and engaging tone throughout 10%
presentation. Spoke confidently when presenting the material.
Used the language of the audience and connected with them.
Relatable Used appropriate analogies and metaphors. Adapted message 20%
to the audience.
Presentation followed an obvious outline and progression.
Flow and Mastery Presentation ended within time limit. Presenters spent the right 30%
amount of time on each aspect of the presentation.
Wore appropriate attire for presentation. Carried himself or
herself in a confident and engaging manner with the audience.
Stage Presence 20%
Maintained eye contact with the audience. Speaker glanced
occasionally at notes rather than reading it like a script.
Engaged the audience and successfully elicited involvement.
Audience Engagement Offered a Q&A time. Acknowledged and clearly answered all 10%

For Swine Medicine Case Presentation, please follow the format provided:

Title- include name, ID number and subject

Case history and signalment
Clinical signs and complete PE
Tentative diagnosis-similarities and differences
Plan-Laboratory test, methodology and results
Diagnosis-overview of the disease and pathophysiology

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