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Integrating Transversal Skills in the EFL Classroom: Knowledge beyond Language


Somayeh Nourazar, Department of English Language, Faculty of Humanities, University of

Zanjan, Iran

Dr. Seyed Hesamuddin Aliasin, Department of English Language, Faculty of Humanities,

University of Zanjan, Iran

Transversal or soft skill development is regarded as an essential issue in higher education in the
21st century. Transversal skills refer to the skills that are difficult to teach and measure; they are
related to a person’s competence and refer to social interactions. Some examples of these skills
are being a good listener and the way to communicate with others. Many studies have shown that
a large number of university graduates often lack basic communication and transversal skills.
Transversal skills are usually marginalized and are not included in assessment criteria. As a
result, graduates usually lack these skills and may not act reasonably in their future workplace
regardless of their technical knowledge. This article aims to discuss the importance of transversal
skills in education in general and in foreign language learning in particular. In fact, as language
courses are mainly based on communication and students’ ability to communicate effectively, it
can be a logical option to include transversal skills in these courses. In addition, the article aims
to offer possible methods of implementing these skills in the context of foreign language learning
and teaching classrooms and suggest activities which will help develop them among the language
learners. The article also investigates learners’ perceptions, collected via survey, of the
importance of transversal skills and their self-assessment of mastery of these skills; this was done
by using a questionnaire adapted from the NACE Career Readiness Competencies. Finally, some
practical suggestions are given regarding how to include transversal skills in EFL classrooms.

Keywords: Transversal or soft skills, EFL classroom, activities, higher education

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