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COIT 20249_Professional Skills in Information Communication Technology_ Assessment 3 Details

COIT 20249
Assessment 3 (Report) Details Term 1, 2023

Tasks, weighting Part A: Report (30 marks) - submission by Friday, ASSESSMENT

and due dates: Week 10 (11:55 pm)
Part B: Peer Assessment (10 marks) - submission by
Friday, Week 12 (11:55 pm)

Task Description

This assessment (completed individually) will assess your skills in critical thinking,
researching information, forming an opinion, academic writing, logical ordering of ideas, and
your ability to support your arguments with quotes from literature. This assessment has two
parts. Part A is writing a report on a given case scenario, and Part B is peer assessment
of a submitted written report.

Part A: Report (30 marks) - submission by Friday, Week 10 (11:55 pm)

In this part, you are required to complete an investigation based on the scenario given below
and write a structured report (as outlined in chapter 5 of the textbook) written in
accordance with standard academic writing principles (as outlined in chapter 4 of the


In Assessment 2 (Part C portfolio), you identified a role in Information Technology/

Information Systems that you would like to target upon graduation. This final assessment
builds upon the work you have already commenced as part of your Assessment 2 (Part C

As part of this report, you are required to do the following:

- Identify an entry-level role that you will be targeting upon graduation (you may re-use the
role you already identified in Assessment 2: Part C portfolio)
- Identify a role you will be targeting after 5 years of experience
- Identify a role you will be targeting after 10 years of experience

Once you have identified the above three roles:

- Download their job descriptions
- Outline the Skills Framework for the Information Age (SFIA) Levels of Responsibilities
- Outline the SFIA Skills (and Skills Codes) relevant to each job

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- Create a table mapping the job descriptions in these roles to the SFIA Level of
responsibility /SFIA Codes matrix
- Identify the SFIA levels applicable to these roles
(Note: The current version of SFIA is version 8. Hence, please refer to the latest version.)

Next, create a report outlining:

- What is SFIA (Introduction)
- What career path did you identify for yourself (Introduction)
- Importance of SFIA (Body)
- Use & benefits of SFIA (Body)
- Detailed descriptions of the three roles you identified (Body)
- Mapping matrix that maps the job descriptions in these 3 roles to the SFIA level of
responsibility / SFIA Codes matrix (body)
- Learnings you gained in creating the mapping matrix (Conclusion)
- Use of SFIA framework in future to guide your career (Recommendations)

Specifically, your report should follow the below-outlined structure:

1. Title page: unit code and name, assessment number, report title, assessment due date,
word count (actual), student name, student number, CQUniversity email address, local
lecturer, and unit coordinator.
2. Executive summary: should include the purpose of the report, the problem including
key issues considered and how they were investigated, your findings, and an overview
of your recommendations.
3. Table of Contents (ToC): should list the report topics using decimal notation. You
need to include the main headings and subheadings with corresponding page numbers,
using a format that makes the hierarchy of topics clear.
4. Introduction: provide a brief background description as given in the case scenario,
including any assumptions, a concise overview of the problem you have been asked to
research, the main aims/purpose of the report, the objectives to be achieved by writing
the report (include the tasks outlined in the case scenario), and how you investigated
the problem. Provide an outline of the sections of the report.
5. Body of the report (use appropriate headings in the body of the report): define key
terms you will use in your report that are directly related to the problem considered.
Then, present your ideas on the topic and discuss the information you found in your
research that was relevant to the report’s objectives. Provide an analysis of the
information that you gathered. Ensure that you explore the tasks listed in the case
6. Conclusion: restate the report’s purpose and summarise the key issues investigated
and the related findings based on your research and analysis. Explain the significance
of your findings for addressing the problem stated in the case scenario and any
limitations. State how your report has achieved its objectives and any future work to
be considered.
7. Recommendations: 3 to 5 recommendations are required.

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8. Reference list: a correctly cited list of references ordered alphabetically by surname

of the first author, in accordance with the Harvard referencing style. You must have
between 10-15 current references (2015 onwards) in your reference list. Your report
must provide in-text referencing for all the references cited in the reference list.
9. Appendices if necessary.

Format the report according to the Report Writing Guidelines discussed in the Unit. Reports
that do not focus on the provided scenario will be given zero (0) marks and will not be
provided with any additional feedback. Please ensure that your submission is coherent,
displays proper sentence formation, and is free of grammatical, punctuation and
typographical errors.

The Harvard referencing style is to be used for any reference sources that you use. The
Abridged Harvard Referencing Style Guide 2022 is available from your MYCQU portal.

The use of any assignment writing services or getting someone else to do your work is
contract cheating, which is considered academic dishonesty. Your submitted work will be
checked for plagiarism (material copied from other students and/or material copied from
other sources) using Turnitin®.

If you are found to have plagiarised or copied material without acknowledging the
authors or engaged in any form of contract cheating, you will be penalised for plagiarism
which could result in zero marks for the entire report. In addition, in some circumstances of
violations of academic integrity, a more severe penalty may be imposed as per the
University’s policy.

Useful information about referencing and avoiding plagiarism can be found at:

Submission details:
Submit the report in Microsoft Word format (.docx file) to Moodle.
Word limit: 3000 words ± 10% (all inclusive)

Useful Resources
 SFIA Framework Home Page -
 Using SFIA to describe the skills and competency levels of standard industry roles -
 Mapping information systems student skills to industry skills framework
 An overview of SFIA 8 -
 Jim Owens’ video presentation on the use of Skills for the Information Age (SFIA)
and its relationship to your career -

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Marking Criteria for Part A

COIT 20249 Assessment 3 (Report) - Part A - Marking Sheet

Student Name:
Student ID:
Marker Name:
Maximum marks
Task Criteria assessed Marks achieved Feedback/Comments
Introduction What is SFIA? 1
What career path did you identify for
Introduction 1
Body Importance of SFIA 2
Body Use & benefits of SFIA 2
Identify appropriate role and trajectory
supported by current skills and study plan
Detailed descriptions of the
The report has included the downloaded job
three roles you identified (Body)
description or appropriate link to access 3
Created mapping matrix that maps the job
Mapping matrix (Body) descriptions in these 3 roles to the SFIA 9
level of responsibility / SFIA Codes matrix
Learnings you gained in creating the
Conclusion 3
mapping matrix
Use of SFIA framework in future to guide
Recommendations 3
your career
Followed formal reporting style, correct
Report formatting, appropriate
referencing format and proper sentence 3
referencing and word limit
Penalties (if any) - late submission penalty is 1.5 marks deduction per day.
Total (out of 30) 0
Overall Feedback/Comments:

Part B: Peer Assessment (10 marks) - submission by Friday, Week 12 (11:55 pm)

The purpose of this task is to further clarify your understanding of the Part A task. Peer
assessments will be conducted during the workshops in Weeks 11 and 12. You need to be
present at the workshop for the peer assessment task. Failure to attend the workshop will
result in zero (0) marks in this part.

You will be asked to assess an Assessment 3 (Part A Report) produced by one of your peers.
Before commencing the peer assessment task, the tutor will email/provide each of you with a
copy of a report submitted by one of your peers.

First, you will analyse the provided report and write a 1-2 page (300-600 words) peer
assessment document that demonstrates an in-depth understanding of the topic/issues
discussed in the report. The document should:

 Identify at least three areas of strengths of the report

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 Identify at least three areas of the report that need improvement

Second, using the Excel marking sheet attached below, you will provide marks for the report
that you are reviewing. Copy/paste the completed marking sheet at the end of your peer
assessment document.

Each student will complete the peer assessment task and upload it to Moodle by the due date.
Please consult the marking criteria to understand what you need to look at while completing
the peer assessment document. In addition, please ensure that your submission is coherent,
displays proper sentence formation, and is free of grammatical, punctuation and
typographical errors.

Marking criteria for Part B

COIT 20249 Assessment 3 (Peer Assessment) - Part B - Marking Sheet

Student Name:

Student ID:

Criteria marks Feedback/Comments
Demonstrates student has critically read the report and
identified 3 areas where the report has excelled. 4    
Demonstrates student has applied their knowledge to
identify 3 ways to improve the report. 4    
Appropriate formatting - coherent, displays proper
sentence formation, and is free of grammatical,
punctuation and typographical errors. Adheres to the
word limit of 300-600 words. 2    

Total (out of 10) 0

Penalties (if any) - late submission penalty is 0.5 mark deduction per

FINAL TOTAL (out of 20) 0

Overall Feedback/Comments:

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Submission details:
Submit your peer assessment document in Microsoft Word format (.docx file) to Moodle.
Word limit: 300 to 600 words
References – Optional, but should be in Harvard style

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