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Systemic cobalt toxicity from total hip


M. G. Zywiel, As adverse events related to metal on metal hip arthroplasty have been better understood,
J. J. Cherian, there has been increased interest in toxicity related to the high circulating levels of cobalt
S. Banerjee, ions. However, distinguishing true toxicity from benign elevations in cobalt levels can be
A. C. Cheung, challenging. The purpose of this review is to examine the use of cobalt alloys in total hip
F. Wong, arthroplasty, to review the methods of measuring circulating cobalt levels, to define a level
J. Butany, of cobalt which is considered pathological and to review the pathophysiology, risk factors
C. Gilbert, and treatment of cobalt toxicity. To the best of our knowledge, there are 18 published cases
C. Overgaard, where cobalt metal ion toxicity has been attributed to the use of cobalt-chromium alloys in
K. Syed, hip arthroplasty. Of these cases, the great majority reported systemic toxic reactions at
J. J. Jacobs, serum cobalt levels more than 100 μg/L. This review highlights some of the clinical features
M. A. Mont of cobalt toxicity, with the goal that early awareness may decrease the risk factors for the
development of cobalt toxicity and/or reduce its severity.
From Rubin Institute
for Advanced Take home message: Severe adverse events can arise from the release of cobalt from metal-
Orthopedics, on-metal arthroplasties, and as such, orthopaedic surgeons should not only be aware of the
Baltimore, United presenting problems, but also have the knowledge to treat appropriately.
States Cite this article: Bone Joint J 2016;98-B:14–20.
 M. G. Zywiel, MD, Orthopaedic
 K. Syed, MD, Orthopaedic
The recognition of adverse events associated cut-offs for the diagnosis of cobalt toxicity
Division of Orthopaedic Surgery with the release of cobalt ions from metal- vary substantially between studies.21,22 Cobalt
University of Toronto, 100 College
Street Room 302, Toronto, Ontario, on-metal (MoM) hip arthroplasties has raised levels may be measured from whole blood,
M5G 1L5, Canada.
 J. J. Jacobs, MD, Orthopaedic concern about the systemic effects of cobalt. serum or erythrocytes, as metals ions are trans-
Surgeon, Orthopaedic Department
Rush University, 1611 W. Harrison St., Elevated cobalt ions arising from articulations ported both in plasma and red blood cells.23,24
can cause severe pathological effects.1-4 There
Suite 400, Chicago, IL, 60612, USA.
 J. J. Cherian, DO, Resident, There is no standard rate of conversion
Orthopaedic Surgeon, Department of
Orthopaedics appear to be a number of important risk fac- between these values, and they cannot be used
Philadelphia College of Osteopathic
Medicine, 4190 City Line Ave, tors, both in terms of the implant and the interchangeably as the extracellular and intra-
Philadelphia, PA 19131, USA.
 S. Banerjee, MD, M.S, MRCS, patient, associated with the risk of systemic cellular compartments appear to act indepen-
cobalt toxicity.5-8 There are isolated reports dently.23
Resident, Orthopaedic Surgeon
 M. A. Mont, MD, Orthopaedic
Rubin Institute for Advanced relating to cobalt toxicity associated with One study of patients with well-functioning
Sinai Hospital of Baltimore, 2401 West
Belvedere Avenue, Baltimore, MD
orthopaedic implants, however, there has not MoM THA showed a mean difference of only
21215, USA.
been a detailed and focused review of this -0.19 μg/L to 0.13 μg/L between levels of
 A. C. Cheung, MD FRCP,
Gastroenterologist, Division of
Gastroenterology, Toronto General
broad topic.2,5,9-20 cobalt measured in whole blood and serum
 F. Wong, MD, Gastroenterologist,
The aim of this review, the second of two samples. However, ion levels in the study sub-
Division of Gastroenterology, Toronto
General Hospital parts, is to examine the use of cobalt alloys in jects were well below 5 μg/L,24 and it is unclear
 J. Butany, MD, Pathologist,
Division of Pathology, Toronto total hip arthroplasty (THA) and the potential whether it would be possible to apply these
General Hospital,
 C. Gilbert, MD, Cardiologist, for systemic effects from elevated cobalt ion results generally to patients with higher cobalt
Division of Cardiology, Toronto
General Hospital
 C. Overgaard, MD, Cardiologist,
levels. We will focus on four main areas: the values. In contrast, another study attempted to
Division of Cardiology, Toronto
General Hospital
measurement of cobalt levels, the ident- determine a reliable conversion factor, but
University of Toronto, 200 Elizabeth
Street, Toronto, Ontario, M5G 2C4, ification of thresholds for toxicity, factors for because of the marked variability between
Correspondence should be sent to
systemic effects and the treatment of cobalt serum and whole blood levels, the limits of
Dr M. A. Mont; e-mail:; toxicity. agreement exceeded a range of ± 65%.23
The comparison of ion levels is complicated
©2016 The British Editorial Society of Measurement of cobalt ion levels further by the use of diverse analytical methods
Bone & Joint Surgery
doi:10.1302/0301-620X.98B1.36712 Cobalt toxicity is a clinical diagnosis, but it is to determine the level of cobalt in whole blood.
contingent on the measurement of cobalt ions These include acid digestion (where acids are
Bone Joint J
2016;98-B:14–20. in the blood. Methods of measurement and used to dissolve the organic matrix of blood to



allow the metals ions to be examined separately in liquid articular junctions.36,37 Likewise, it has been reported that
form); inductively-coupled plasma mass spectrometry; a relationship exists between the level of circulating metal
chelation; pre-concentration (a process by which impurities ions and loosening of implants, which ultimalty lead to
are removed, and the trace element is enriched to detectable pain.33,38 However, other authors were not able to identify
levels) and colourimetric methods. Each of these methods significant associations between serum metal ion levels and
have specific detection limits.25 The presence of trace met- wear of components or clinical findings.39
als in standard collection tubes may lead to inconsistent Subsequent investigation demonstrated only modest sen-
results.26 Despite the associated potential for considerable sitivity and specificity (57% and 65%, respectively) of the
variation in measured levels, there are no accepted conven- 7 μg /L threshold in identifying patients with local hip
tions surrounding the assessment and reporting of cobalt symptoms and adverse local tissue reactions.40 Likewise,
concentrations in published studies or guidelines.27 this cut-off had a sensitivity and specificity of 52% and
Despite this variability, the United Kingdom has created 89%, respectively, for predicting revision of a locally symp-
the Trace Elements External Quality Assessment Scheme in tomatic MoM hip arthroplasty for reasons other than infec-
an attempt to bring a standardised technique for the tion, aseptic loosening, or identified technical problems.22
measurement and surveillance of cobalt levels.28,29 Similar More recently, a study from our group has recommended a
methods have been used in other nations in Europe.30,31 lower threshold of 4 μg/L for further investigation of pain-
However, improvement in the consistency and efficacy of less MoM hip arthroplasties as part of an orthopaedic eval-
such measurement techniques remains an ongoing area of uation and management algorithm.41 This cut-off was
investigation. reported to have high specificity (95%), but low sensitivity
(25%) in predicting poor function in unilateral hip resur-
Definition of pathological cobalt ion level facing.42 However, the authors cautioned that the role of
A variety of different units are used in the assessment of metal ion level testing is limited to serving as an adjunct to
cobalt levels in tissue or fluid. The most commonly clinical evaluation and other diagnostic testing. Addition-
reported units are parts per billion (ppb), micrograms per ally, the authors were not aware of any recommendations
litre (μg/L), nanograms per millilitre (ng/ml) and concerning blood cobalt level interpretation in the context
nanomoles per litre (nmol/L). These units are easily con- of other bearing surfaces. In a recent study of 209 MoM
vertible: 1 ppb = 1 μg/L = 1 ng/ml; these are approximately THAs, Malek et al40 found that a further reduction in the
equivalent to 16.97 nmol/L. cut-off to 3.5 μg/L improved the sensitivity and the negative
Cobalt is a naturally occurring element that is found in predictive value to 86% and 74%. However, they found
food, water, and the environment.25,32 The level of cobalt in this was associated with a substantial reduction in
drinking water is approximately 2 μg/L, and an adult will specificity (27%) and positive predictive value (44%).
ingest between 5 μg and 40 μg of cobalt per day.25 A study Limited data are available concerning the relationship
using high-resolution inductively coupled plasma - mass between levels of metal ions and systemic symptoms fol-
spectrometry determined the normal level of cobalt in the lowing THA. While symptoms of systemic cobalt toxicity
serum to be approximately 0.1 ppb.33 The American have been reported in four patients with large head MoM
Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry has pub- THAs, and serum cobalt levels ranged between 14 μg/L and
lished guidelines with respect to the risk of toxicity from 24 μg/L,14,19 Lhotka et al43 reported mean whole blood
inhaled and ingested cobalt,34 however, no guidelines exist cobalt levels ranging from 16 μg/L to 36 μg/L at follow-up
with respect to implanted devices, nor as to what levels of times between 35 and 48 months in 259 patients with well-
cobalt in the blood or serum would be considered toxic. functioning small-head MoM THAs in the absence of any
The United Kingdom’s Medicines and Healthcare prod- local or systemic symptoms. Of the 18 cases of cobalt tox-
ucts Regulatory Agency (MHRA) has recommended metal icity thought to be secondary to THA reported to date,
ion testing and careful follow-up of MoM arthroplasties for patients with cobalt ion release secondary to ceramic parti-
local hip symptoms, especially if initial blood cobalt levels cle third body wear had markedly higher whole blood and/
are > 7 μg/L.35 However, the evidence underlying these rec- or serum levels of cobalt (median 528 μg/L; range 398 to
ommendations has not been based on rigorous, prospective 6521) than patients with MoM arthroplasties (median 35
studies. The United States Food and Drug Administration μg/L; range 14 to 288), which is likely to be because of the
has also raised concerns about the choice of cut-off values different modes of cobalt ion generation.2,5,9-20 However,
and currently does not support any specific level. Further- the lack of standardisation surrounding the assessment of
more, owing to the lack of standardised laboratory analytic cobalt levels complicates comparisons between studies.
techniques, there is no reproducible way to measure serum The association between the level of cobalt and patho-
metal ion levels that has been validated at a regional or a logical effects is complex and not well understood. The vast
national level.26 majority of investigations concerning the diagnostic value
Several authors have reported that high circulating metal of elevated cobalt ion levels have been performed in the
ions are associated with greater component wear in MoM context of MoM articulations, with levels correlated with
implants, and with the degree of corrosion observed at non- either local adverse tissue reactions, or revision of the

VOL. 98-B, No. 1, JANUARY 2016


arthroplasty components. Given the number of different may be related to allergic predisposition, increased range of
modes of generation of cobalt ions, and the inconsistency movement, altered gait, and the possibility that female
between blood cobalt levels and local or systemic symp- patients receive smaller head sizes, which can negatively
toms, a clear definition of pathological cobalt ion levels affect load transmission. However, while these are certainly
remains elusive. It is highly likely that the systemic risk risk factors for wear and/or revision, the small number of
from cobalt ion release is complicated by patient-specific cases of systemic toxicity related to hip arthroplasty means
factors that increase or decrease susceptibility. For these that it cannot be inferred that these are risk factors for tox-
reasons, routine measurement of blood cobalt levels has not icity.
been recommended for all THAs, although some agencies Malnutrition. This is likely to be a contributing factor to
and authors have recommended their use in specific situa- cobalt toxicity, primarily as a result of associated hypoalbu-
tions such as implants known to be at a high risk for minaemia.48,49 The systemic distribution of cobalt is influ-
adverse events, symptomatic patients, and those with ultra- enced by its ability to bind to plasma proteins, as well as its
sonographic or radiographic abnormalities.35 In any case, rate of transportation across cellular membranes. It is well
blood cobalt ion levels alone are insufficient to guide treat- known from previous studies that toxicity is primarily
ment, and should be used as an adjunct to clinical assess- dependent on the ionised, rather than protein-bound, forms
ment and other diagnostic modalities. of heavy metals. Typically, the large majority of serum
cobalt (88% to 95%) is bound to albumin. However, mal-
Risk factors for cobalt toxicity nutrition decreases the total albumin available, potentially
Given that there are only 18 described cases of systemic increasing unbound cobalt.50 Unbound divalent metal ions
cobalt toxicity following MoM THA, it is difficult to delin- are transported across the cell membrane via divalent metal
eate risk factors that lead to this condition accurately, how- transporter 1 (DMT1), a ubiquitous pH-dependent trans-
ever, we do believe there are certain risk factors for wear porter, potentially increasing intracellular concentrations.
which may be surrogates. Unbound divalent metal ions can cause rupture of the outer
cell membrane and uncoupling of mitochondrial respira-
Implant-related factors tion, leading to the production of reactive oxygen spe-
A number of implant-related factors can lead to excess cies.51-53 These mechanisms of cellular toxicity have been
wear or increased corrosion, which may lead to higher lev- proposed in a number of neurodegenerative disorders,54,55
els of circulating cobalt and, potentially, a higher risk of albeit not necessarily in association with increased cobalt
cobalt toxicity. As previously described, these include a levels.
complex interplay of factors inherent to these implants, In the setting of malnutrition and subsequent hypoalbu-
including: the choice of bearing couples, the specific sizes minaemia, an increase in available non-protein-bound
and geometry of individual prosthetic components, the cobalt ions allows for increased intracellular cobalt trans-
positioning of components, and potential contamination of port. This increase in the intracellular ionised form of
the periarticular region with debris from previous proce- cobalt may, therefore, potentially play a role in neuro-
dures.8,37,44-47 toxicity and other forms of cellular toxicity, such as
It is important to note that while these factors may nephrotoxicity.50 A study examining the serum of a
increase the risk for metal particle or cobalt ion release, a patient who developed cobalt neurotoxicity demonstrated
large majority of patients who have one or more of these a disproportionately high level of cobalt in whole blood
risk factors appear to continue to have well-functioning rather than in plasma, suggesting a high level of non-
asymptomatic hips. protein-bound cobalt.5
In cases of cobalt related cardiomyopathy described fol-
Patient-related factors lowing ingestion of cobalt-enriched beer, anorexia was a
Patient age and gender. It has been shown in one study predominant feature at the time of presentation for the
involving 111 patients that those < 60 years old are more majority of the patients.56,57 Patients with cobalt-related
active than older patients and male patients are more active cardiomyopathy were compared with a cohort with similar
than females.7 In a study of 37 patients following THA, patterns of beer consumption, but who were free of any evi-
Schmalzried et al6 found that increased activity in younger dence of cardiomyopathy. Patients who had consumed sim-
age groups (p < 0.0001) and male patients (p < 0.001) were ilar quantities of beer, but did not develop cardiomyopathy,
significantly correlated with implant wear. In a study of had higher nonalcoholic calorie intakes of 2000 kcal/day
1434 THAs, Wroblewski et al8 similarly found a higher rate compared with the cardiomyopathy group. Daily cobalt
of wear in men (p = 0.042). Conversely, female patients consumption was relatively low (10 g/d) in the patients who
have been found to have a significantly higher revision rate developed cardiomyopathy, which suggests that malnutri-
for psuedotumour from MoM hip resurfacing arthroplasty tion may have served as a likely factor.58,59
compared with males (p < 0.0001), and the likelihood is Renal failure. Oral cobalt administration was previously
increased for those under the age of 40 years (p < 0.003). used as a treatment for refractory anaemia in patients with
These authors hypothesise that failure in female patients chronic renal failure. However, when given to patients with



haemodialysis, they developed protracted elevated cobalt some cases there was a lack of clear detail concerning the
blood levels and some appeared to have developed a fatal specific blood cobalt levels, the sampling and analytic
cardiomyopathy. These findings highlight the role of the kid- methods used, the temporal relationships between the
ney in the maintenance of cobalt homeostasis, given that it is reported data, and/or other potential causes of the observed
primarily excreted in urine.60 Consistent with this, an inves- symptoms. Thus, the ability to make conclusions about the
tigation of two patients with MoM THA and chronic renal relationship between elevated cobalt levels following THA
failure demonstrated that their blood cobalt levels were 100 and potential systemic symptoms is limited. Nevertheless,
times the levels described in the literature in patients with the the presence of several non-specific systemic symptoms that
same type of prosthesis and no renal failure.61 are associated with cobalt toxicity in general highlights the
Two animal studies have demonstrated tubular necrosis fact that vigilance is necessary to diagnose early symptoms
in rats treated with high dose cobalt.62,63 The DMT1 trans- of malfunctioning cobalt-chromium (Co-Cr) THAs so that
porter is abundantly expressed in the kidneys, and the timely intervention can be instituted to prevent potential
transport of heavy metal ions into renal cells has been systemic effects and long-term harm.
reported to not only cause toxicity, but also compete with
the absorption of essential trace elements.49 Cobalt appears Assessment and treatment
to be re-absorbed by the proximal tubules, the loop of Assessment of patients with suspected cobalt toxicity. Cur-
Henle and the distal tubules. Most heavy metals can cause rently, regulators advise that patients who underwent
a Fanconi-like syndrome following chronic intoxication, MoM THA should undergo regular routine follow-up with
and one case report of transient glycosuria, albuminuria their orthopaedic surgeon, irrespective of symptomatic sta-
and aminoaciduria in an individual treated with six months tus.41,44,65,66 Expeditious orthopaedic evaluation should be
of oral cobalt for anaemia has been reported.64 However, made when patients experience painful symptoms related
no definitive evidence of renal failure secondary to blood to the hip which may be suggestive of a reaction to metal
cobalt in general, or cobalt release from THA has been debris. Recently, the American Association of Hip and
reported to date. Thus, while it does appear that renal fail- Knee Surgeons, American Academy of Orthopaedic Sur-
ure impairs cobalt excretion resulting in elevated blood lev- geons, and American Hip Society have proposed an algo-
els, there is no evidence for renal toxicity as a result of rithm for the follow-up of patients who have undergone
elevated blood cobalt from THA. MoM hip arthroplasty.65 Patients with signs or symptoms
suggestive of systemic cobalt toxicity should be assessed to
Case reports of systemic cobalt toxicity ascertain whether the prosthesis may be the potential
Since 2006, there has been an increase in the number of source of elevated cobalt ions.
reports on systemic toxic manifestations following elevated The following diagnostic approach may be used by treat-
blood cobalt levels following hip arthroplasty. We identi- ing clinicians to identify those patients who potentially
fied 18 cases in the literature.2,5,9-20 Eight of these cases have arthroplasty-associated cobalt toxicity:
were in patients with fractured ceramic bearings, revised to - General history and clinical examination: a general
metal on polyethylene bearings (n = 8). In these cases, it is review of systems should attempt to elicit symptoms of
likely that residual ceramic debris led to accelerated third- heart failure or arrythmias, hypothyroidism, paresthaesias,
body wear, catastrophic failure of the revised metal modu- auditory and visual deficits, mood and cognitive changes as
lar femoral head, and elevated cobalt ions in the body. In well as gastrointestinal symptoms such as anorexia and
the remaining cases, the elevated cobalt ions were the result weight loss. Signs of hypothyroidism, right- or left-sided
of potentially malfunctioning MoM THAs (n = 10). The heart failure, paresthaesias, and malnutrition should be
median serum cobalt level which led to features of systemic specifically assessed.
toxicity in these ten reports was 35 μg/L (range 14 to 288). - Hip-specific history and clinical examination: patients
In all cases where revision surgery was performed, a nota- should be asked about any hip and/or groin pain at rest, or
ble decrease in serum cobalt levels was observed. However, on active or passive range of movement. Knowledge of the
serum cobalt levels did not return to normal levels in any timing of surgery, including the number and reasons for
studies where specific follow-up values were reported. revisions, recurrent dislocations, and type of prosthesis and
Although multisystem involvement was found in all 18 bearing surfaces used, is often necessary in the evaluation of
cases, neurological (n = 13), cardiac (n = 10), and thyroid (n a patient with suspected cobalt toxicity related to prosthe-
= 9) effects were most commonly seen. Only one fatal case sis. Implant factors known to increase the risk of high
has been reported, which was secondary to dilated cardio- cobalt levels, such as large-diameter MoM arthroplasty, hip
myopathy and multi-organ failure that failed to improve resurfacing arthroplasty, or revision of a previous fractured
following removal of implant.12,20 ceramic implant, should also be noted. An assessment to
A direct cause and effect relationship between elevated indicate the presence of any squeaking, creaking, grinding,
cobalt levels and the described systemic effects could not be swelling, or fluid collection around the hip should be
confirmed, and in some cases, there could be alternative undertaken during hip examination. In the presence of any
explanations for the observed symptoms. Moreover, in of the above findings from the history or physical examina-

VOL. 98-B, No. 1, JANUARY 2016


tion by a general practitioner, a prompt referral to the temic symptoms were associated with cobalt levels greater
orthopaedic surgeon should be made for further in-depth than 100 μg/L. Given the difficulty in diagnosis, it is always
evaluation. appropriate to rule out other causes for any systemic symp-
- Laboratory investigations: these should include a full toms, including other sources of cobalt toxicity, if appropri-
blood count with differential, erythrocyte sedimentation ate.
rate, C-reactive protein, creatinine, urea and electrolytes, Pharmacological and medical treatment. Multiple chelators
liver enzymes and liver function tests (total bilirubin, albu- have been used in the setting of acute heavy metal intoxi-
min, international normalised ratio (INR)) and thyroid- cation, such as non-sulphured conjugates (ethylenediami-
stimulating hormone. In patients with a painful MoM pros- netetraacetate (EDTA), triethylenetetramine, deferoxamine
thesis, blood cobalt and chromium levels should be drawn. and deferiprone) or sulphured conjugates (meso-2,3,
To increase comparability of results, clinicians ordering dimercaptosuccinic acid, 2,3 -dimercapto-one-propanesul-
cobalt levels should collect blood samples in metal-free col- fonic acid and diethyldithiocarbamate).72 Concomitant
lection tubes, use a laboratory with experience in analysing provision of amino acids such as methionine can improve
such samples, and perform serial analyses using the same cellular transport of chelators.72 However, there is little
laboratory and collection method. recent evidence on the use of pharmacological therapies in
A baseline echocardiogram should be obtained if the the setting of chronic cobalt toxicity. Animal studies have
patient shows symptoms suggestive, or demonstrating demonstrated that EDTA and N-acetylcysteine are the best
signs, of heart failure. chelators.72,73 Agents such as dimercaprol and penicil-
- Imaging: orthogonal plain-film radiographs of the hip lamine have been studied, but have not been shown to be
should be obtained. These may be helpful in revealing any effective.74 Haemodialysis is unlikely to provide much
implant-related problems and require specialist ortho- direct benefit, as the primarily protein-bound cobalt is not
paedic interpretation in the context of the clinical picture. removed from circulation. The administration of zinc
Serial radiographic comparison is very helpful to assess (Zn2+) has been reported to modulate heavy metal toxicity,
implant loosening and/or periprosthetic osteolysis. Metal preventing renal dysfunction and Fanconi-like syndrome in
artifact reduction sequence MRI or an ultrasound of the hip the setting of cadmium toxicity.75 The associated mecha-
is often necessary to assess soft-tissue involvement and/or nism, however, is unclear, and this therapy has not been
pseudotumour formation, and is considered next in the investigated in the setting of cobalt toxicity.
evaluation of patients with suspected malfunctioning THA, Although therapy with chelating agents can potentially
along with blood metal levels. Furthermore, the Scientific reduce blood metal ion levels, current evidence is equivo-
Committee on Emerging and Newly Identified Heath Risks cal with regards to improvement in systemic symptoms fol-
states that CT scans are also a diagnostic method for detect- lowing implant related cobalt toxicity. In their report of a
ing and quantifying peri-prosthetic osteolytic lesion.44 This 56-year-old man with suspected cobalt intoxication (serum
is particularly helpful in the presence of acetabular lesion Co levels 506 μg/L; serum Cr level 14 μg/L), Pelclova et al5
not easily identified on plain radiographs. These may also found substantial improvement of most neurological symp-
detect and delineate solid or cystic masses when performed toms other than loss of hearing following treatment with a
with metal artifact reduction.67 However, this examination total of 10 g of 2,3-dimercaptopropane-one-sulphonate
exposes the patient to unwanted radiation. over one month. However, this treatment was started after
- Consultations: It is important to discuss with our med- removal of the failed prosthesis, and thus the relative con-
ical colleagues that if there is the suspicion or diagnosis of tribution of the chelation therapy is unknown. Authors
elevated cobalt levels in patients with cobalt-containing have reported reduction in metal levels, but a lack of
implants, orthopaedic consultation should always be marked improvement in clinical symptoms following med-
sought immediately for appropriate evaluation, as these are ical treatment with chelating agents.76-78 Gilbert et al12
often the physicians initially evaluating the patient. As in reported on the development of a multisystem illness with
the majority of reports on otherwise well-functioning cobalt levels of 6521 μg/L, 14 months following revision
MoM hip prostheses, the mean blood cobalt levels are THA for a fracture of the ceramic liner in a 46-year-old
known to vary between 0.2 μg/L and 4 μg/L.21,68-71 The man. The authors found that the blood cobalt level
MHRA guidelines suggest that a blood level above 7 μg/L decreased to 2618 μg/L, following removal of the prosthe-
may be indicative of excessive wear in MoM hip implants, sis, and two weeks of therapy with dimercaprol. Neverthe-
and patients with levels beyond these need closer surveil- less, deterioration of the clinical condition occurred during
lance for development of local adverse tissue reactions.35 the period of chelation therapy with development of multi-
However, no definitive cobalt level threshold is available to organ failure. Rizzetti et al17 found no improvement in neu-
suggest increased systemic health risks in patients with Co- rological symptoms with treatment with EDTA (and
Cr containing THAs. Current evidence suggests that sys- retention of the prosthesis) in their report of a 58-year-old
temic toxicity is extremely unlikely in the context of low female patient who presented with complete visual and
cobalt levels, even in the presence of hip pain or radio- hearing loss and elevated blood cobalt levels (549 μg/L) one
graphic abnormalities. The large majority of cases of sys- year following revision THA for fracture of the ceramic



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