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TOPIC: Living in a Just World: Social Justice
OBJECTIVES: At the end of the lesson, the learners should able to:
1. Identify the different types of Justice.
2. Analyze and identify the type of justice involved in the following situations.
3. Obey the duty of every member of society to work toward attaining a just world.
Living in a Just World: Social Justice
“My humanity is bound up in yours, for we can only be human together.”
-Desmond Tutu-

“The pain of one part of the body is felt by the whole body” This is a saying that is applicable not only to one’s
physical body but also to the whole society. The sufferings of those who are economically poor are felt by those who are
enjoying the comforts of life. Every person is bound to all humanity. We are one with all human beings that the concern
of one hungry person is our concern, too. We cannot turn a deaf ear to the cries of those who are in need.
Justice is the moral virtue that firmly asserts people to give others what is due to them. This virtue obliges us to
respect the dignity and rights of others. To have justice as a person’s
character trait means that they are just and treat everyone the same, or
how they would like to be treated. Justice is the concept of moral
rightness based ethics, rationality, law, natural law, religion, equity
and fairness, as well as the administration of the law, taking into
account the inalienable and inborn rights of all human beings and
citizens, the right of all people and individuals to equal protection
before the law of their civil rights.
There are four types of justice which cover all levels of human relationships in the society.
1. Commutative justice- The word “commutative” comes from the Latin word commutare which means
to“exchange one thing with another.” This type of justice focuses on the obligation of one person to another
because of a specific relationship that they have through an agreement, transaction, or a contract. Commutative
justice regulates the exchange of goods and services that take place according to what is agreed upon by the
2. Distributive Justice- Distributive justice pertains to the relationship between the society and its members. The
society, through its government and leaders, should give or distribute to the individual members of the society
what is rightfully theirs.
3. Contribute or Legal justice- Contributive justice regulates the citizen’s obligations of the members to the state.
This type of justice is also called legal justice since their obligations to the state are usually expressed through
their observance of the laws of the land. This type of justice demands all members of the state to comply not
only with the laws but also with the activities in the community.
4. Social justice- “Social justice concerns the social, political, and economic aspects and, above all, the structural
dimension of problems and their respective solutions”(Compendium 201).Social justice also pertains to the
relationship between the society and its members. However, the focus of social justice is basically on the
institutions, systems, and structures of society that either facilitate or hinder the exercise of human rights at the
local, national, and international levels.
1. Concern for Basic Needs- All of us have the right to the basic good, such as food, clothing, shelter, and health
care to be able to live a decent life. The right to the means by which we can attain these basic needs through
equal opportunity, education, and employment.
2. Concern for Personal Dignity- Dignity comes from the Latin word, dignitas, which means “worthiness” Dignity
implies that each person is worthy of honor and respect for who they are, not just for what they can do. In other
words, human dignity cannot be earned and cannot be taken away.
How can young people show respect for another’s dignity?
a. Show respect to everyone- The way you respect another person reflects your own sense of dignity.
b. Empower others by encouraging them in their Endeavour’s or activities. Give chance to other students to
talk about their ideas or to speak in the group. Praise people for tasks that they did very well. When we
recognize another person’s worth, we are empowering them.
c. Do not laugh at others- This may seem to be very simple. No one wants to be laughed at especially when he
or she commits mistakes.
3. Concern for solidarity- To be solidarity with others in building a just community means to open up oneself to
sharing, caring, and helping others. Ask how you can support and help, and then work solidarity with that
4. Concerns for social Structures- The social structure is composed of individuals who can contribute to forming
just and life-giving structures or systems. Through these social structures, we can do something to promote
social justice. Example of social structure includes family, religion, law, economy and class. It contrasts with
“social system” which refers to the parent structure in which these various structures are embedded. Thus,
social structures significantly influence larger systems, such as economic systems. Legal systems, political
systems, cultural systems.

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