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Student Faculty Shari'ah And Law

Department of Sharia Economic Law
NIM : 220102085


MAYKA MORINA, S.Pd.I. , M.Pd NIM. 220102085


date : date :


2022 M/1444 H
Alhamdulillah, we thank Allah SWT who has given His Grace and Guidance, so that we
are still in good health. And in particular, I (compiler) can complete a paper with the title
'ENGLISH GRAMMAR PAPER'. This paper was created as an assignment to be submitted.

Secondly, we don't forget to thank the good lecturers who provide directions and
teachings about learning English. As for the last one, the author realizes that this paper has many
shortcomings, therefore constructive criticism and suggestions from readers are expected for the
sake of improvement and at the same time expanding the benefits of this paper as learning for all
who read it.

Banda Aceh, 15 December 2022


Table Of Contents

1. Simple present tense

The simple present is a verb tense with two main uses. We use the simple present tense
when an action is happening right now, or when it happens regularly (or unceasingly, which is
why it's sometimes called present indefinite). Depending on the person, the simple present tense
is formed by using the root form or by adding –s or –es to the end.


 I feel great!

 Pauline loves pies.

 I'm sorry to hear that you're sick.

Use simple present tense verbs in the base form of the verb. Do not add any kind of
suffix, like ''-ed'' or '' -ing .'' Just like the previous example sentences, the base forms of ''go,''
''play,'' and ''eat '' were used. However, you do change the simple present verb when the subject
describes ''he,'' ''she,'' or ''it'' - do this by adding an ''-s.'' Examples:

For habits

 He drinks tea at breakfast.

 She only eats fish.

 They watch television regularly.

For repeated actions or events

 We catch the bus every morning.

 It rains every afternoon in the hot season.

 They drive to Monaco every summer.

For general truths

 Water freezes at zero degrees.

 The Earth revolves around the Sun.

 Her mother is Peruvian.

In the simple present, most regular verbs use the root form, except in the third-person singular
(which ends in –s).

 First-person singular: I write

 Second-person singular: You write

 Third-person singular: He/she/it writes (note the –s)

 First-person plural: We write

 Second-person plural: You write

 Third-person plural: They write

For a few verbs, the third-person singular ends with –es instead of –s. Typically, these are verbs
whose root form ends in o, ch , sh , th , ss, gh , or z.

First-person singular: I go
 Second-person singular: You go

 Third-person singular: He/she/it goes (note the –es)

 First-person plural: We go

 Second-person plural: You go

 Third-person plural: They go

 For most regular verbs, you put the negation of the verb before the verb, eg, “She won't
go” or “I don't smell anything.”

 The verb to be is irregular:

 First-person singular: I am

 Second-person singular: You are

 Third-person singular: He/she/it is

 First-person plural: We are

 Second-person plural: You are

 Third-person plural: They are

2. Present Continuous Tense

Present continuous tense is also called as present progressive tense. According to Hornby
(1975) the present progressive is the tense most often used for this purpose. It is the tense more
closely associated with the present time. There may be an adverbial present time ( eg now,
today), but this is not essential.

The present continuous tense not only expresses the activity of general nature and activity
in progress at the moment of speaking, but the present continuous tense also expresses the future.
Present continuous may be used to express future rime when the idea of the sentence concerns a
planned event or definite intention, for example. Rino is meeting with a Dr. Smith next

According to Swan (1980) in his book Practical English Usage which explains some function of
present continuous, namely:

a) Present progressive tense is made with am/are/is. The commonest use of present progressive
tense is to talk about actions and situations that are already going on at the moment of speaking.
Example : What's going on? Is there something wrong?

b) Present progressive tense is often used to talk about developing or changing situations.
Example: The rain is heavy and heavy

c) Sometimes, the present progressive is used in a more general way to talk about something that
may be going on at any time. Example: you call me while I am making a cake

 Example Sentence (Positive): "She is working on her homework now."

 Example Sentence (Negative): " She is not working on her homework now ."

 Example Sentence (Question): " Is she working on her homework now ?"

 Example Sentence (To tell future plans): "Mark is moving to a new school next month ."

The present continuous (present progressive) tense is a way to convey any action or
condition that is happening right now, frequently, and may be ongoing. It adds energy and action
to writing, and its effect helps readers understand when action is happening. Imagine Aunt
Christine has surprised her nephew Scott for his birthday and is going to take him out to his
favorite restaurant, Polly's Pancake Diner. If I wanted to tell the story after it happened, I'd use
the past tense:

Example :

They waited at the red light, and Scott worried they might miss their reservation. (Past tense)

But what I really want to convey is how the event unfolded, showing the action as it is

Example : They are sitting at Scott's favorite booth, the one with the sparkling red plastic seats.
(For how long? We don't know, but we do know they are sitting there now.)

Example : The waiter is standing behind the counter right now with a notepad in his hand and
pencil behind his ear. (Will he ever make it over to the booth? Probably, but not now.)

Example : "Are you waiting to open your presents after you eat your pancakes?" said Aunt
Christine, taking a sip from her root beer. (Here the present continuous is being used in question

From this narrative point of view, the action is immediate and continuous; there's
momentum. Sometimes writers use this tense to add suspense or humor in fictional pieces. What
kind of pancakes would Scott and his aunt order? The suspense is killing me!

The Present Continuous Formula

To form the present continuous, follow this formula:

To Be [Am, Is, Are] + Verb [Present Participle]

When to Use the Present Continuous Tense

Use the present continuous tense with the appropriate "to be" verb and a dynamic verb. A
dynamic verb shows action and/or process. for example,

Example : Scott's little sister is arriving at the diner two hours late because her roller derby team,
Chicks Ahoy, won the national championships early today. As she is walking into Polly's
Pancake Diner, she is yelling goodbye to her friends outside, and Scott hopes she doesn't cause a
scene since she is always embarrassing him in public.

3. Present Perfect Tense

present perfect tense expresses an action that began in the past and has recently been
completed or continued in the present. In Oxford Learner Pocked (2008:347) defines the present
perfect tense as a verb form which expresses an action done in a time period up to present,
formed in English with have/has and past participle. It means, the present perfect tense is formed
by combining a present-tense form of the auxiliary verb "have/has" with the past participle of the
main verb.

Thus, Present perfect tense can be defined as a tense that is used to tell about an event
that has finished with a situation that began in the past but the effect can still be experienced until
now (continues). The sentence pattern of present perfect tense a. Affirmative

Verbal sentences

Pattern of affirmative verbal sentences in present perfect

S + have/has + Past Participle +...

 I have lived in Mamuju for fifteen years ago

 She has heard the news recently

Formula : Subject + has/have + Verb 3 (Past Participle Form)

 Example Sentence (Positive): " They have seen the movie Spider-Man: No way home."
 Example Sentence (Negative): " They have not seen the movie Spider-Man: No way
 Example Sentence (Question): " Have they seen the movie Spider-Man: No way home?"

The present perfect tense is an English verb tense used for past actions that are related to
or continue into the present. It's easily recognized by the auxiliary verbs (or helper verbs) have
and has , as in, “I have gone fishing since I was a child.”

Of all the English verb tenses, the present perfect is one of the most complicated because
there's not always a direct translation into other languages. So in this guide, we explain
everything you need to know to use it perfectly, including how and when to use it, with plenty of
present perfect tense examples.

In the present perfect tense, the main verb always uses the auxiliary verb (helper verb)
has or has . The main verb takes a participle form, specifically the past participle. The past
participle is often the same form as the simple past form of the verb, unless it's an irregular verb,
which each have their own unique past participle form. We explain in more detail how to form
them in our guide to participles. Only the auxiliary verbs are conjugated to fit the subject verb
agreement in the present perfect tense; the past participle of the main verb remains the same no
matter what the subject is. Generally, you use have for all subjects except the singular third-
person, which instead uses has .

 First-person: I have come a long way.

 Second person: You have come a long way.
 Third-person plural: They have come a long way.
 Third-person singular: He/she/it has come a long way.

The present perfect tense has specific constructions for standard statements, negatives,
and questions, explained below. We also discuss how to use the present perfect tense with
adverbs and with the passive voice.

The present perfect tense for statements

For general statements, the most common use of the present perfect, use have or has plus the past
participle form of the main verb.

[ have / has ] + [past participle]

 Charlotte has become friends with Wilbur.

 We've broken up before, but this time feels different

4. Present Perfect Continuous Tense

States the present perfect continuous tense is used to emphasize the duration of ongoing
action or activity which began in the past and still continues to the present and possibly into the
future. As Martin (2006) said that the present perfect continuous tense is used in expressing the
idea of an activity (a task, a piece of work, etc ) in progress until recently or until the time of

a verb in the present perfect continuous tense is formed from have or has and been ( as a second
auxiliary) and a present participle

a) Auxiliary verb has/have been

 Singular subject (He, she, it, and the name of a person or thing in singular) use the
auxiliary verb has
 Plural subject (you, were, they, and name of a person or things that are in plural) use
the auxiliary verb have

b) The present participle

Present participle is formed by adding - ing to the verb. The meaning of- ing is showing the
continuity of the action or activity.

Example :

speak + ing = speak

read + ing = reading

study + ing = study

Formula : Subject + has/have + been + Verb - ing (Continuous Form)

 Example Sentence (Positive): " I have been thinking about it ."

 Example Sentence (Negative): " I have not been thinking about it ."

5.  Simple Past Tense

The simple past tense, sometimes called the preterite , is used to talk about a completed
action in a time before now. The simple past is the basic form of past tense in English. The time
of the action can be in the recent past or the distant past and the duration of the action is not


 John Cabot sailed to America in 1498.

 My father died last year.
 He lived in Fiji in 1976.
 We crossed the Channel yesterday.

Formula : Subject + Verb II (Past Form)

 Example Sentence (Positive): " They called their friends yesterday ."
 Example Sentence (Negative): " They did not call their friends yesterday ."
 Example Sentence (Question): " Did they call their friends yesterday ?"

Fortunately, there is a formula for making simple past negative verbs, and it's the same for both
regular and irregular verbs (except for the verb to be). The formula is did not + [root form of
verb]. You can also use the contraction didn't instead of did not.

The simple past is a verb tense that is used to talk about things that happened or existed
before now. Imagine someone asking what your brother Wolfgang did while he was in town last

Example :

 Wolfgang entered a hula hoop contest.

 He won the silver medal.

The simple past tense shows that you are talking about something that has already
happened. Unlike the past continuous tense, which is used to talk about past events that
happened over a period of time, the simple past tense emphasizes that the action is finished.

Example : Wolfgang admired the way the light glinted off his silver medal.

You can also use the simple past to talk about a past state of being, such as the way
someone feels about something. This is often expressed with the simple past tense of the verb to
be and an adjective, noun, or prepositional phrase.

For regular verbs, add -ed to the root form of the verb (or just -d if the root form already ends in
an e):

 Play→Played

 Type→Typed

 Listen→Listened

 Push→Pushed

For irregular verbs, things get more complicated. The simple past tense of some irregular verbs
looks exactly like the root form:

 Put→Put
 Cut→Cut
 Sets→Sets
 Cost→Cost
 Hits→Hits

For other irregular verbs, including the verb to be, the simple past forms are more erratic:

 See→Saw
 Build→Built
 Go→Went
 Do → Did
 Rise→Rose
 Am/Is/ Are→Was /Were

The good news is that verbs in the simple past tense (except for the verb to be) don't need to
agree in number with their subjects.

Wolfgang polished his medal. The other winners polished their medals too.
6. Past Continuous Tense

Past continuous tense refers to/denotes those actions/events that were happening for a
particular time in the past. For example, "Sam was writing a letter to his friend." Here, 'was
writing' refers to an action that Sam was doing in the past.

The past continuous tense, also known as the past progressive tense, describes ongoing
actions in the past, such as I was writing my research paper all night. It uses the same
construction as the present continuous tense except with the past tense of the verb to be.

Common formula _ used : Subject + was/were + Verb - ing (Continuous Form)

 Example Sentence (positive): " I was washing my clothes when the phone rang ."
 Example Sentence (Negative): " I was not washing my clothes when the phone rang ."
 Example Sentence (Question): " Was I washing my clothes when the phone rang ?"

The Past Continuous tense is an important tense in English. We use it to say what we
were in the middle of doing at a particular moment in the past. In this lesson we look at the
structure and the use of the Past Continuous tense, followed by a quiz to check your

The past continuous tense formula involves the past tense of to be (was or were) and the present
participle of the verb, the – ing form.

[was/were] + [present participle]

 While I was studying, my friends were playing.

Keep in mind that you must conjugate to match the subject. Use was for first- or third-person
singular subjects, such as I, he, she, or it.
 She was working on an e-mail when the fire alarm rang.

 The team was playing well until the second half.

 Use were for all other subjects, including all plural subjects and the singular second-
person subject, you.

 You were becoming a great novelist before switching to screenplays.

 The days were getting shorter as winter approached.

 Verbs you cannot use in the past continuous tense

As we explained in our grammar guide, there are certain types of verbs that cannot be
used in any continuous tense, including the past continuous tense. These are called stative verbs,
also known as state-of-being verbs or, fittingly, non-continuous verbs.

Stative verbs are less like actions and more like states or feelings. They describe
continuous states of mind, such as opinions, needs, or awareness. Some of the most common
examples of stative verbs include:

 believe

 disliked

 hated

 involve

 you know
7. Past Perfect Tense

In the case of past perfect tense, it tells us that an event happened in the past before
another event in the past. For example, the sentence Daniel had left by the time Erica got to his
house uses the past perfect tense to say that Daniel left his house before Erica arrived.

The Past Perfect tense in English is composed of two parts: the past tense of the verb to
have (had) + the past participle of the main verb.

 I had saved my document: before the computer crashed

 John had gone out: when I arrived at the office
 He was very tired: because he hadn't slept well
 When they arrived: we had already started cooking

Formula : Subject + had + Verb 3 (Past Participle Form)

 Example Sentence (Positive): " The girl had cried before her mother came ."
 Example Sentence (Negative): " The girl had not cried before her mother came ."
 Example Sentence (Question): "Had the girl cried before her mother came?"

The past perfect tense is for talking about something that happened before something
else. Imagine waking up one morning and stepping outside to grab the newspaper. On your way
back in, you notice a mysterious message scrawled across your front door: Tootles was here.
When you're telling this story to your friends later, how would you describe this moment? You
might say something like:

Example :I turned back to the house and saw that someone named Tootles had defaced my front

Don't use the past perfect when you're not trying to convey some sequence of events. If your
friends asked what you did after you discovered the graffiti, they would be confused if you said:
I had cleaned it off the door.

They'd likely be wondering what happened next because using the past perfect implies
that your action of cleaning the door occurred before something else happened, but you don't say
what that something else is. The “something else” doesn't always have to be explicitly
mentioned, but the context needs to make it clear. In this case there's no context, so the past
perfect doesn't make sense.

How to make the past perfect negative

Making the past perfect negative is simple! Just insert not between had and [past participle].

Example : We looked to witnesses, but the neighbors had not seen Tootles in the act. If Tootles
had not included his own name in the message, we would have no idea who was behind it.

How to ask a question

The formula for asking a question in the past perfect tense is had + [subject] + [past participle].

Example : Had Tootles caused trouble in other neighborhoods before he struck ours?
8. Past Perfect Continuous Tense

The past perfect continuous tense (also known as the past perfect progressive tense)
shows that an action that started in the past continued up until another time in the past. The past
perfect continuous tense is constructed using had been + the verb's present participle (root + -
ing ).

Instead, the past perfect continuous tense denotes an action that started in the past,
continued in the past, and also ended at a certain point in the past. Example: He had been eating
cereal out of the box when Dad walked into the room.

Formula : Subject + had + been + Verb - ing (Continuous Form)

 Example Sentence (Positive): " She had been studying math all day ."
 Example Sentence (Negative): " She had not been studying math all day ."
 Example Sentence (Question): " Had she been studying math all day ?"

Unlike the present perfect continuous, which indicates an action that began in the past
and continued up to the present, the past perfect continuous is a verb tense that indicates
something that began in the past, continued in the past, and also ended at a defined point in the

 He had been drinking milk out of the carton when Mom walked into the kitchen.
 I had been working at the company for five years when I got the promotion.

When, for, since, and before are words that you may see used alongside the past perfect
continuous tense.

 Martha had been walking three miles a day before she broke her leg.
 The program that was terminated had been working well since 1945.
 Cathy had been playing the piano for 35 years when she was finally asked to perform a
solo with the local orchestra.
 He had been throwing rocks at her window for five minutes before she finally came out
on the balcony and said, "Hey, Romeo."

the past perfect continuous tense (also known as the past perfect progressive tense) shows
that an action that started in the past continued up until another time in the past. The past perfect
continuous tense is constructed using had been + the verb's present participle (root + -ing ).

When we use the Past Perfect Continuous in speaking, we often contract the subject and
the first auxiliary verb. We also sometimes do this in informal writing.

I had been I'd been

you've been you'd been

he had been he'd been

she had beenit had she'd beenit'd been

we had been we'd been

they had been they'd been

 He'd been drinking all day.

 It'd been poured with rain.

In negative sentences, we may contract the first auxiliary verb and "not":

 We hadn't been living there long.

 They hadn't been studying very hard.
9. Simple Future Tense

The simple future refers to a time later than now, and expresses facts or certainty. In this
case there is no 'attitude'. The simple future is used: To predict a future event: It will rain

The simple future verb tense has two different forms in English, will and is going to.
Although the two forms can sometimes be used interchangeably, they often express two very
different meanings: will is used for offers and will be used for plans.

Arrangement formula : Subject + will/be going to + Verb 1 (Present Form)

 Example Sentence (Positive): " She will come to the cinema tomorrow ."
 Example Sentence (Negative): " She will not come to the cinema tomorrow ."
 Example Sentence (Question): " Will she come to the cinema tomorrow ?"

The simple future verb tense has two different forms in English, will and is going to.
Although the two forms can sometimes be used interchangeably, they often express two very
different meanings: will is used for offers and will be used for plans. Read on for detailed
descriptions, examples, and simple future exercises.

the will form of simple future is made with will + verb. Questions are indicated by inverting the
subject and will . Negatives are made without .

 Statement: You will help him later.

 Question: Will you help him later?
 Negative: You will not help him later.

The be-going-to form of simple future is made using am/is/are + going to + verb. Questions are
indicated by inverting the subject and am/is/are. Negatives are made with notes.

 Statement: You are going to meet Jane tonight.

 Question: Are you going to meet Jane tonight?
 Negative: You are not going to meet Jane tonight.
The simple future tense is used to refer to actions or states that begin and end in the
future. These events have not happened yet, but will happen sometime in the future: I will meet
her at the mall. The monkeys will eat any bananas that their handlers give them.
10. Future Continuous Tense

The future continuous tense, also known as the future progressive tense, is a verb tense
that shows an ongoing action in the future. It is the future version of the present continuous
tense, which uses a similar construction. Future continuous: I will be watching my shows from
lunch to dinner.

In order to form the future continuous tense, we use the phrase that will be followed by
the present participle of the verb. The present participle is a form of the verb that ends in -ing .
For example, the present participle of swim is swimming.

Formula : Subject + will + be + Verb - ing (Continuous Form)

 Example Sentence (Positive): " He will be playing basketball in the playground

tomorrow morning ."
 Example Sentence (Negative): " He will not be playing basketball in the playground
tomorrow morning ."
 Example Sentence (Question): " Will he be playing basketball in the playground
tomorrow morning ?"

The Future Continuous tense is often used in English as a way to talk about something
happening at a given point in the future.

The Future Continuous tense expresses action at a particular moment in the future. The
action will have started before that moment but it will not have finished at that moment. For
example, tomorrow I will start work at 2pm and stop work at 6pm.

When we use the Future Continuous tense, our listeners usually know or understand what time
we are talking about. Look at these examples:

 I will be playing tennis at 10am tomorrow.

 They won't be watching TV at 9pm tonight.
 What will you be doing at 10pm tonight?
 What will you be doing when I arrive?
 She will not be sleeping when you call her.
 We'll be having dinner when the film starts.
 Take your umbrella. It will be raining when you return.

The future continuous tense is generally used to represent an event or action that is
happening at a certain point in time in the future. The tense is also called the future progressive
tense, as it denotes an action or event that is progressing or continuing at a particular time in the

Have a look at how different dictionaries define the future continuous tense in order to
have a much better idea of what it is.
11. Future Perfect Tense

Future perfect tense used for disclose that there is something action to be done and
completed on time certain in the future . kindly simple , the use of this future perfect tense is
form of the word for show will someone related _ with future . _

Formula : Subject + will have + Verbs 3 (Past Participle Form)

 Example Sentence (Positive): " I will have finished my homework by tomorrow ."
 Example Sentence (Negative): " I will not have finished my homework by tomorrow ."
 Example Sentence (Question): " Will she have finished her homework by tomorrow ?"

We use the future perfect simple (will/won't have + past participle) to talk about something that
will be completed before a specific time in the future.

 The guests are coming at 8 pm I'll have finished cooking by then.

 On 9 October we'll have been married for 50 years.
 Will you have gone to bed when I get back?

We can use phrases like by or by the time (meaning 'at some point before') and in or in a day's
time / in two months' time / in five years' time etc. (meaning 'at the end of this period') to give the
time period in which the action will be completed.

 I won't have written all the reports by next week.

 By the time we arrive, the kids will have gone to bed.
 I'll have finished in an hour and then we can watch a film.
 In three years' time, I'll have graduated from university.

The future perfect is a verb tense used for actions that will be completed before some
other point in the future. The parade will end when Chester gets out of bed. At eight o'clock I
will have left.
Key words: Verbs, past participles, tenses, prepositions

The future perfect tense is for talking about an action that will be completed between now
and some point in the future. Imagine that your friend Linda asks you to take care of her cat for a
few days while she goes on a trip. She wants you to come over today at noon so she can show
you where to find the cat food and how to mash it up in the bowl just right so that Fluffy will
design to eat it. But you're busy this afternoon, so you ask Linda if you can come at eight o'clock
tonight instead.
12. Future Perfect Continuous Tense

The future perfect continuous, also sometimes called the future perfect progressive, is a
verb tense that describes actions that will continue up to a point in the future. The future perfect
continuous consists of will + have + been + the verb's present participle (verb root + - ing ).

Future Perfect Continuous Tense Examples :

April would have been gossiping in the coffee shop before she came here. Bob will have
been studying in the library before he comes to the class. We will have been shopping in that
market before you come home. We will have been watching a film in the Cineplex before you

FORMULAS : Subject + will + have + been + Verb - ing

Example Sentence (Positive): "In December, I will have been working at my company for one

Example Sentence (Negative): "I will not have been working at my company for one year in

Example Sentence (Question): "In December, will you have been working at your company for
one year ?"

The future perfect continuous, also sometimes called the future perfect progressive, is a
verb tense that describes actions that will continue up to a point in the future. The future perfect
continuous consists of will + have + been + the verb's present participle (verb root + - ing ).

When we describe an action in the future perfect continuous tense, we are projecting
ourselves forward in time and looking back at the duration of that activity. The activity will have
begun sometime in the past, present, or in the future, and is expected to continue in the future.
Example :

 In November, I will have been working at my company for three years.

 At five o'clock, I will have been waiting for thirty minutes.

 When I turn thirty, I will have been playing piano for twenty-one years.

Remember that non-action verbs like to be, to seem, or to know are not suitable for the future
perfect continuous tense. Instead, these verbs take the future perfect tense, which is formed with
will + have + past participle.

Incorrect : On Thursday, I will have been knowing you for a week.

Correct : On Thursday, I will have known you for a week.

Incorrect :I will have been reading forty-five books by Christmas.

Corret : I will have read forty-five books by Christmas.

13. Past Future Tense

In English grammar, the future-in-the-past is the use of "would or was/were going to" to
refer to the future from the perspective of some point in the past. As illustrated below, other
verbs in the past progressive can also be used to convey this future-in-the-past perspective

Examples – Future Tense

 She'll write the e-mail after lunch.

 Don't lift that. You'll hurt yourself.
 You dropped your purse. ...
 I'll see you tomorrow.
 You'll get the answer by posting.
 Dan's going to take the order over to the customer.
 The girls are going to sing 'Amazing Grace' now.
 I'll drive you to your lesson at 4 pm.

Formula : Subject + would + Bare Infinitive or Subject + was/were + going to + Bare


Example :

Example Sentence (Positive): "She would forgive you" or "Giselle was going to give one
beautiful bag to her best friend."

Example Sentence (Negative): “She would not forgive you” or “Giselle wasn't going to give one
beautiful bag to her best friend.”

Example Sentence (Question): "Would she forgive you?" or “Was Giselle going to give one
beautiful bag to her best friend?”

In English grammar, the future-in-the-past is the use of " would or was/were going to" to refer to
the future from the perspective of some point in the past.
As illustrated below, other verbs in the past progressive can also be used to convey this future-in-
the-past perspective.

Also known as: Prediction in the past

Examples and Observations:

 "Matilda stretched herself out, feeling her bones getting longer and longer. In a little
while she would be taller than Frances, maybe one day even taller than Elizabeth. Maybe
one day she would be the tallest woman in the world and she could join a circuses."

 "She was sure that Boyne would never come back, that he had gone out of her sight as
completely as if Death itself had waited that day on the threshold."

 "He had not believed her when she said they would only meet once."

 "Fred Ballard, a local playwright friend of my mother, told her that I should go to his
alma mater, Harvard and that he would make inquiries on my behalf, which he did
without success."

Use of "Be Going to"

"[T]he future-in-the-past... is used where the speaker wishes to refer to a past time at which a
particular event was still in the future, even though now, at the moment of speaking, it is past.
This particular combination frequently makes use of the semi-modal expression be going to since
this is readily marked for the past. It is frequently used where some anticipated event does not
occur or an expectation is canceled. Consider these examples:

 I was going to tell him, but he didn't give me a chance.

 I thought we were going to eat out tonight.

 She was going to qualify next year, but now it will take longer."
14. Past Future Continuous Tense

Expression "The kids would not be taking the school examination next week." is a Past-
Future expression which has the similar meaning with Future-Continuous Tense expression “The
kids won't be taking school examination next week.”.

Examples of Future Continuous Tense

 I will be writing the letter tomorrow.

 The baby will be playing the whole night.

 I will be helping my mother to make breakfast.

 Sheldon will be eating the cake later.

 Penny will be running the marathon tomorrow.

 She will be taking her dog for a walk.

Formula : Subject + would + be + Verb - ing

Example from past future continuous tense :

 Example Sentence (Positive): “ I would be studying at your house yesterday , but I did n't
because I got sick .”
 Example Sentence (Negative): "Anna would not be dying if she came to the hospital
earlier ."
 Example Sentence (Question): "Would you be letting me see your painting?"

Expression "The kids would not be taking the school examination next week." is a Past-
Future expression which has the similar meaning with Future-Continuous Tense expression “The
kids won't be taking school examination next week.”


(I) Subject + [should/would] + be + verb_ing + {adverbs}

(A) Subject + [should/would] + be + verb_ing + {objects/adverbs}

(P) Subject + [should/would] + be + being + verb-pp + {by objects/adverbs}

(I) He should be coming back here now. (Present-Continuous) (Obligation)

(I) She said she would be waiting for you that afternoon. (Past-Continuous) (Prediction)

(A) He should be working overtime at the office this evening. (Present-Continuous) (Obligation)

(A) They told me they would be playing football on Wednesday. (Future-Continuous)


(P) My dirty shirts should be being washed when I had breakfast yesterday morning. (Past-
Continuous) (Obligation)

(P) I hope my lap-top would be being repaired at around 8 tomorrow morning. (Future-
Continuous) (Expectation)

Statement "He should be coming back here now." is a Past-Future expression which has
the same meaning with the Present-Continuous Tense statement "He must be coming back here
now." which is an on-going or in-progress expression.
15. Past Future Perfect Tense

It is used to express the 'idea' in the past that an action/event was predicted, planned,
promised, expected or obliged to have been completely done before/ by a certain time in the
future (of past), or before/while another action/event happened in the future of past, regardless of
the fact that the idea has not been proven to be true.

Formula : Subject + would + have + Verb 3

 Example Sentence (Positive): "Mina would have finished her homework if she had n't
gone shopping ."
 Example Sentence (Negative): " People would not have known about BTS if there were
no fans behind them ."
 Example Sentence (Question): " Would you have finished your homework before
tomorrow afternoon ?"

Inside _ life everyday , usually We once has plan something activity however sometimes
there is thing that makes incident the no done . So that We often suppose if just incident that
happened .

sentence supposition this can use the past future perfect tense. Past future perfect tense
itself means as _ something verb form _ for talk about what will happen has done in the past .

In study language English , past future perfect tense becomes one of the very tenses
influential because past future perfect tense also works used when make conditional sentences
type 3.

Following is structure sentence with past future perfect tense:

 Sentence positive : Subject + would/ should + have + past participle

 Sentence negative : Subject + would/ should + not + have + past participle
 Sentence ask : Would/ should + subject + have + past participle
 Description : Past participle is a verb form three (V3)

Below _ this is example sentences past future perfect tense:

Sentence Positive

 They would have finished the report before Friday. ( They will already finish the report
before day Friday )
 I would have helped her. I didn't know that she needed help. (I will already help him . I
don't know that he need help )
 He would have passed the exam if he had studied harder. ( Dia will pass the test if he
study more enterprising )
 The train should have left by now. ( Train should already leave now )
 Nina should have gotten the message by now. (Nina should already accept the message
now )

Sentence Negative

 I shouldn't have eaten spicy food! (I should no eat food spicy )

 Tony should not have said that. (Tony should no say it )
 We would not have been here if Mr. Lee had not helped us. (We don't will be here if Mr.
Lee doesn't help us)
 If Sarah hadn't recovered it, the cat wouldn't have survived. (If Sarah doesn't help him ,
cat that no will congratulations )
 Question sentence
 Should they have come by now? ( They should already arrive now ?)
 Should you have done it? ( You should finish it ?)
 Would the match have started on time if it had not been the blackout? ( Was the match
will started appropriate time if no dead lamp ?)
 If she had not been there, would you have told me the truth? (If he no is there , whether
_ you will give know the real me ?)
Past future perfect continuous tense is a tense used to express a sentence that will have
happened in the past. This tense is similar to the future perfect continuous tense, the similarities
are that both have more than one adverb of time in one sentence. Past future perfect continuous
tense is suppositional or assuming, meaning that the actor in the sentence only gives assumptions
to the sentence stated by him.

Formula : Subject + would + have been + Verb - ing

Example use past future perfect continuous tense in a sentence :

 Example Sentence (Positive): " I would have been working in leading companies for six
years ."
 Example Sentence (Negative): " I would not have been working in leading companies for
six years ."
 Example Sentence (Question): " Would you have been working in leading companies for
six years ?"
16. Regular Verbs and Irregular Verbs

Based on change time or method writing , verb could shared into 2 ( two ) types namely
regular and irregular verbs . Regular verbs are verbs regular and irregular verbs are verbs not
order the change . Regular and irregular verbs are division of words based on change time or
method the writing . Both of them have method formation as well as type different .

Examples of Regular Verbs

 Call – Called – Called = Calling

 Describe – Described – Described = Describe

 Try – Tried – Tried = Try

 Enjoyed – Enjoyed – Enjoyed = Enjoy

 Rob – Robbed – Robbed = Rob

 Cancel – Cancelled – Canceled = Cancel

 Accept – Accepted – Accepted = Accept

 Accompany – Accompanied – Accompanied = Accompany

 Accuse – Accused – Accused = Accuse

 Cause – Caused – Caused = Causing

 Continue – Continued – Continue d = Continue

 Convince – Convinced – Convinced = Convincing

 Cook – Cooked – Cooked = Cooking

 Count – Counted – Counted = Counting

 Create – Created – Created = Create

 Define – Defined – Defined = Define

 Develop – Developed – Developed = Develop

 Die – Died – Died = Died

Examples of Irregular Verbs

 Become – Became – Become = Become
 Begin – Began – Begun = Start
 Bite – Bit – Bitten = Biting
 Blow – Blew – Blown = Blow
 Build – Built – Built = Build
 Burn – Burnt – Burnt = Burn
 Buy – Bought – Bought = Buy
 Catch – Caught – Caught = Catch
 Come – Came – Come = Coming
 Cost – Cost – Cost = Valuable
 Creep – Crept – Crept = Creeping
 Cut – Cut – Cut = Cut
 Dig – Dug – Dug = Dig
 Draw – Drew – Drawn = Drawing
 Dream – Dreamt – Dreamt = Dreaming
 Drink – Drank – Drunk = Drink
 Feed – Fed – Fed = Give eat
 Feel – Felt – Felt = To feel
 Fight – Fought – Fought = Fighting
 Fall – Fell – Fallen = Fall
 Fly – Flew – Flown = Flying


1. noun

noun function for name all objects and concepts in the world, somehow that 's what it looks like
in a manner physical or characteristic abstract . if you still remember , according Dictionary Big
Indonesian , noun is a noun .

one _ characteristic typical from noun is no could combined with the word " no ". let 's go see
example below _ this :

 Person (person): Azka , cousin, lawyer, teacher

 Place ( place ): Bandung, bedroom, class, country
 Thing ( object ): Pen, pencil, laptop, fan
 Idea ( ideas ): Kindness , faith, joy, success

Types of Nouns
1. Common Nouns and Proper Nouns
Certainly you you know , right , in this world there is things that are general and specific . Well ,
second noun type _ this distinguished in type common nouns and proper nouns . let 's go discuss
one by one :

What that  Common Nouns ?

If We translate to Indonesian , common means " general " alias general , or can also be called as
a noun generic . common nouns is name or still items _ characteristic general from something
group or category . Due to its nature that , one type of noun this no could written use alphabet
capital , except if poured at the start sentence or be included in a title . Example as following
( example common nouns ):
 City ( city )
 Month ( month )
 Girl (girl)

if you consider the five examples above , whether there is any other information we have can ?
Yep , nope there . We don't know city what do you mean month what to choose , etc . Example
sentence common nouns :

The girl crossed the river. (That girl cross river .) Well, girls like what , the heck , that crossed
river the ? Then, what name the river ? How condition the river ? In sentence the no explained in
a manner specific . So from that , girl and river above _ including commonnouns .

Proper Nouns
Yep, exactly . Type noun this is hyponym from common nouns . What that proper nouns ? So,
the proper noun is name Specific of people, things , places , etc. Moment use proper nouns,
usually We must use alphabet capitalize the written noun . _ Example proper noun ( proper noun
example ):

 Tina
 Switzerland
 August

Following example sentence proper noun ( proper noun example ):

I would like to visit Jakarta.

(I want visit to Jakarta.)

Yep , Jakarta is specification from city or general city . _

2. Countable and Uncountable Nouns, plus Mixed Nouns
Countable Nouns
Countable nouns is noun or the noun can _ counted or quantized though possibility the amount
very many . Characteristic from countable nouns are :

 Could preceded by a count number one, two, three , and so on .

 Can start with a ( for prefix nouns alphabet consonant ), or an ( applies when the noun _
prefix alphabet vowel ).
 Form plural ( plural ) nouns suffix -s and -es . Material regarding the added word
suffix aka suffix can you check back in the article  Definition & Miscellaneous Suffix
 Not seldom also prefixed with the, some, any, a few, few , and many .

If using some, any , a few, few, and many , then must followed characteristic nouns _ plural /

Example countable nouns :

 A cat ( a cat ), an apple ( a apple )

 One table ( one table )
 Three chairs ( three chair )
 Some clothe s ( several clothes)

Because of the amount the chair more from one , then in part end added -s . That is , chair the
plural . Example sentence countable nouns :

 This is a cat . ( This is one cat .)

 I need some clothes. (I need some clothes.)
 I'm not going to buy any tables. (I don't will buy table whatever .
Uncountable Nouns
Well, if uncountable noun is characteristic noun _ no possible for counted . So though the
amount many , noun type this will always considered singular or not have plural form
like countable nouns . noun this usually started with some, any, a little , and much .
Example uncountable noun :

 A little sand
 Some water
 Any milk

In rule English , some and any apply for countable as well uncountable noun . However ,

don't until you mistaken yes , because there is difference Among some and any are possible
seldom noticed . Though both of them could Becomes prefix for countable noun and uncountable
noun , but We no can apply it in all type sentence .

The reason is , some no used in sentence negative or sentence ask . some more general worn
in positive sentences ( sentence positive ), offering something ( offering something ), and asking
for request ( do request ). Asking for requests could We also known as sentence ask with
connotation positive ( i.e with assumption answer " yes / can " or answer positive others .)

Temporary it , any only apply for type sentence negatives and sentences ask . In matter this
sentence _ ask what is meant is sentence ask with connotation negative ( assumption answer
from opponent talk is " no " or answer negative others ). Following example use sentence
use some :

 I need a little sand . (I need a little sand )

 Would you like some water? ( Was you want some water?)
 Can you give me some water ? ( Can you give am I water?)
Assumptions answer from question this that is he can give water.

 Example use any in sentence :

 I'm not going to buy any milk . (I don't will buy any milk .)
 Is there any milk in the fridge ? ( Was is there milk in the refrigerator ?)
You could Use example like this if assumption the answer is no there is milk in the fridge

Remember yes ! Uncountable nouns will always considered singular. So you no need add -s or -
es at the end of a noun .

Mixed Nouns
As we know , mix is mix . Actually in a manner grammar rules , types _ this noun seldom enter
as one _ type noun . Mixed noun is can _ _ Becomes countable or uncountable , it depends how
context , situation , or conditions encountered . _ Example a hair ( a / a strand hair ).

Basically , hair _ no common for counted . But , he can Becomes countable nouns when are in a
situation certain . Example the sentence : I see a hair on the floor . ( Me look a hair on the
floor . ) But hair there no will can started with a when the situation already different .

3. Abstract and concrete nouns

Based on its form , there is two form can _ _ We understand , that is :

Abstract Nouns
According to Grammarly, an abstract noun is something that cannot be perceived by the senses.
It means , abstract noun is a noun that is not could observed by panca senses . So, this noun
characteristic abstract or only concept of " object ". Generally , feature abstract nouns end
with ace , age , ance , ancy , ion , sion , tion , dom , hood , ice , ism , ment , ness , ship , ity , ty .
This he example abstract noun ( example abstract noun list) :

 Freedom
 Courage
 happiness
 motivation
 affection
 age
 communism
 Falsehood
 Emergency
 kingdom

Example sentence use abstract nouns :

We can't imagine the courage it took to do that.

(We don't can imagine the courage required for do it .)

Concrete Nouns
Hmm , sure you already guess what that concrete nouns . Yes , concrete nouns is a noun that can
observed by panca senses ( can seen , touched , felt , smelled the aroma , and heard ). So,
nouns this refers to objects with concrete nature . _ Example from concrete nouns :

 Pen
 Eraser
 computers
 classroom
 stars
 Moon
 Wallets
 paper
 Wind
 Fire

Example sentence concrete noun : The thief tried to steal my wallet.

( Thief try steal purse i .)

4. Singular and Plural Nouns , as well Collective Nouns

Actually We already a little discuss related type noun based on total or quantity in points number
two .
Singular Nouns
What that singular nouns ? So , a singular noun is a noun that has a number only one . singular
nouns can also known as a noun usual single _ started with the articles " a, an, and the". Example
like a dog, an owl, a pen .

Plural Nouns
Plural nouns are nouns that have a number more from one , but could counted . If you forget ,
you can return check explanation in section countable and uncountable nouns yes , guys .

Collective Nouns
Collective nouns is a noun _ collective is nouns that indicate group / combination people , place ,
or thing . Besides singular , collective noun can also made version plural or its plural . _ Take
note example following this :

 Committee
 Congress
 Crowd
 family
 Pairs 

Example sentence collective nouns :

The committee is getting ready to start the international conference event today.
( Committee currently getting ready for start a conference event international day this .)

 Example collective nouns form plural :

 A pair of sandals ( a pair of sandals)

 Three pairs of sandals ( three pairs of sandals)
5. Compound Nouns and Noun Phrases
You need know if there is type nouns that do n't only consists from one word, however must
combined in other words so could called as a noun . Following explanation :

Compound Nouns
What that compound nouns ? Understanding compound nouns is the noun made _ from
two noun or more . Moment two or more the noun is combined , then will formed a more
meaning _ far or even very different compared to with stand alone . Compound noun
examples is boyfriend, post office , etc .

In use compound nouns also vary , some are combined , some are separated . Besides it , form
the combinations also vary , guys . Come on , us check types compound nouns in language
English :

 Combined Compound Noun ( Closed Compound Noun )

Closed compound nouns is a composed noun _ from two noun or more with writing combined ,
aka not separated by spaces or sign read whatever . Compound noun will has a different meaning
if separated .

Example there is newspaper ( newspaper ). If we split , news it means news and papers is paper .
However , us no could mean it be " news ." paper ”. Example other is airport ( airport ), breakfast
( breakfast ), and still many again .

 Linked Compound Nouns with Strips ( Hyphenated Compound Noun )

A little different from type closed , hyphenated compound noun is a noun that means not _ far
different if compared to moment every noun written in a manner independent , aka its meaning
no too far from the original word . One noun example _ _ this is self-confidence, that is believe
self . Example other that is mother-in-law which means in-laws .
 Compound Noun Writing Separate ( Opened Compound Noun)
Well , opened compound noun is a noun that is combined two or more noun in a very deep sense
near from origin . Generally compound nouns type this formed from nouns to which other nouns
are added only for clarify meaning . Example opened compound noun is midde class, train
station, bus stop, movie star, heart attack , and others.

How to Combine Compound Nouns ?

How anyway , way combine compound nouns ? In compound nouns there is many way that can
We Use for do combination Among one noun _ with another noun . See details below _ this yes !

 Noun ( noun ) + Noun ( noun )

For example wallpaper, bed covers
 Adjective ( adjective ) + Noun ( noun )
For example full moon, red cross
 Gerund ( verb - ing ) + Noun ( noun )
For example swimming pool, washing machine
 Verb ( verb ) + Noun ( noun )
For example is backbone, lovebird
 Noun ( noun ) + Verb ( verb )
Example sunrise, haircut
 Noun ( noun ) + Gerund ( verb - ing )
For example weight-lifting, horse riding
 Verb ( verb + preposition ) For
example check-in, check-out
 Preposition ( preposition ) + Noun ( noun )
Example outdoor, forecast
Noun Phrases
noun phrases are a composed phrases _ from combined between nouns , pronouns _ _ _ thing
( pronoun ), or number. Phrase this used for a considered nouns _ not yet too clear for depicted
as a noun . _

Example noun phrase, the main one is The fair- skinned woman , but noun the not yet too
describe context from a sentence . So , you can added it became " The fair-skinned woman with
a red shirt and black skirt"

Actually , noun phrases are divided Becomes two type , that is basic noun phrases and complex
noun phrases . However , English Academy will discuss more related details compound nouns
and noun phrases in different articles so you can study in a manner gradually .

6. Possessive Nouns
Possessive nouns is the noun used _ for state a ownership . Ownership the can a person, thing , a
place , and so on . Like another noun , a type of noun it also has a number of rules , namely :

1. If a noun ( noun ) not ending with S, then add only 's ( apostrophe S)
Example :

 Freddy's house ( Ferdi's house )

 I know it is S inta's pen. ( I know this is pen owned by love )

2. When a noun ( noun ) already ending in S, you enough add ' ( apostrophe )
Example :

 Do you know where Switzerland's capital is? ( Was you know where the capital is
swiss ?)
 There are many students' books there. (There are many book students there . )
3. If the noun form characteristic  plural / plural however no ending in S, then can We add an 's (
apostrophe S)
For example :

 This is children's game. ( This is game children )

 I think this is a women's outfit. (I think this is clothes woman .)

Function noun in language English

If you still remember , in section understanding noun already mentioned that there is a number of
function from noun . Following examples sentence :

1. Subject ( noun used _ as subject )

Life is wonderful .

2. Object ( object )
Tere Liye has published his new book.

3. Object of Preposition ( object preposition )

We are going to fly to Jakarta tomorrow.

4. Subjective Complement t ( explanation subject )

He is Jeffrey.

5. Objective Complement ( explanation object )

Rani named her cat Pororo .
2. verb

verb or verb _ in order language English is very part _ important . However , what
actually that verb ? In this article , we _ will look the basics deep verbs language England , incl
type verb , form , and difference Among regular and irregular verbs .
What Is that a Verb?
Verbs are " action words " or in language English known as "action words." We use it for refers
to actions taken , events that happen to a person or things and circumstances . For example :
1. Actions taken – run, jump, talk, cook, read, go
2. Events that happen to someone or something – rain, die, grow, become
3. circumstances existence – have, know, need, think
Every sentence complete in order language English will need at least one verb for explain what 's
on done subject . For example , us could says :
Susi jumps from the seat.

Here , the verb "jumps" describes action taken _ subject (Susie).

Types of Verbs
Remember level very variation _ broad , us could classify verb be a number of kind . This
including :
1. Main Verbs ( Main Verbs )
Verbs that clarify what is the subject do or circumstances they is main , main, or
verbs lexical . In example above , "jump" is the main verb ( that is , the verb that
gives know We what did Susie do ?
2. Linking Verbs ( Verb liaison )
this verb is link that connects subject sentence to complementary the subject ( example : Ranti is
bored). Complementary subject is an adjective , noun , or pronoun that gives _ know We
something about subject the .
1. Auxiliary Verbs ( Verb Additional )
The verb that precedes main verb for form different tenses and grammatical
situations ( example : We have been here before).
2. Modal
Verbs Helpful Verbs We express things like needs , abilities , permissions , and
possibilities ( example : I should eat food first).
Besides it , us could share all main verb or verb main Becomes transitive and intransitive verbs :
1. Transitive Verb ( Verb transitive ) require object ( i.e. , something for affect
verbs). For example , "buy" is transitive verb . This means We no can so just say
"I bought." On the other hand , us must say what are we buy ( example : I buy
2. Intransitive Verb ( Verb intransitive ) no need object . For example , "laugh" and
"cry" are intransitive verb , so they no need object for form complete sentence . _
However , there are also some verb can form transitive or intransitive in different context . _
Example like the verb “read” can have two above features . _
Transitive : He read the book.
Intransitive : I read to my group.
on sentence first above , for example , we need object "book" for sentences the enter sense .
However , in section second , us no need object for knowing what does the sentence mean the
because "read" is a verb intransitive there . _
Quick Guide for Verb form
Besides different types , the verb also has different shape . _ For example , you definitely once
see verb _ like these are "play", "plays", "played", and "playing." All the form of the verb earlier
is the same verb , with _ different forms and uses _ with different tenses too . Let's see glance a
number of form existing verbs _ in language England .
Form base or root from a verb is the shape you 'd see in the dictionary . Form this used in the
present simple tense ( except for third person single ). Example including "play", "watch", "run",
and "study":
“I drive to work every single day”

Form third person verbs single used in the simple present tense in the third person . For part
big verb , form is form base with add "-s," "-es," or " -ies " at the end . Example including
"plays", "watches", "studies", and "runs":
“He drives to work with Sonya every single day”
The present participle form is used in tenses progressive and formed with adding " -ing " to
the base verbs ( eg , "opening," "watching," "studying," and so on). You usually do too will need
use it after “is,” “are,” “be,” “been,” “were,” or “was”:
“I am walking to school right now”

The simple past tense and past participle forms are used in form past . In most case , form this
got with adding “-d,” “-ed,” or “ -ied ” to the base verb , such as with “opened,” “watched,”
“studied,” and “loved”:
“I cleaned the road yesterday”

Temporary that , moment using the past participle, usually a verb will appear after “have”, “has”,
or “had”:
"I have completed all five assignments by noon".

A number of form verb have utility addition . For example , the verb participle can also used like
an adjective . But in most verb case _ express something action , with form depending on the
tense used . _
Regular and Irregular Verbs
Need noted that examples of verbs in parts previously is regular verbs . This means that all verbs
_ this use pattern spelling same regular _ for form the simple past tense and the past participle ,
as shown below this :
But in fact , some verbs do too have form irregular or no order . And sadly , form this no follow
same pattern _ as above . _ you can look example various irregular verbs below this :

3. Adjective

Adjective , or adjectives in Indonesian , is part of the very parts of speech important . Because
adjectives usually used for limit nouns ( nouns ) and pronouns ( pronouns ) that are general .
Following will exposed definition , types , examples , and functions of adjectives.

Definition of Adjectives
Adjective or adjective _ is a word that works for explain , describe , or Limit pronouns or nouns
that are still general . _ The use of adjectives can example with phrase below _ this .
Car: general
Black car: specific
Fancy black car: more specifics
The fancy black sports car: very Specific

When someone call car, us don't know like what the car in question . Because still too general .
However , with add adjectives like fancy, black, and sports , cars Becomes specific and easy
recognized . In matter this , increasingly the more adjectives embedded , the more the specific
noun in question . Adjectives are used for give limitation to nouns or pronouns that are still
general like this .
Adjective Types and Examples
Following types and examples of adjectives in language England .

A. Descriptive Nouns
Descriptive adjective is an adjective that describes or explain state of the noun or pronoun that
includes size , shape , color , smell , taste, and so on . Pattern:

Cha, Qu – Si – A, T – Pa – Sha – Co*

* must arranged with massage

Character and quality

Kind, friendly, humble, arrogant, charitable, careful, helpful, greedy, lazy, beautiful, pretty, handsome,
smart, brilliant, bad, ugly, …

Small, big, short, long, low, high, tall, huge, thin, thick, narrow, wide, near, far, …

Age and temperature

Young, old, ancient, modern, warm, hot, cold, …

Participles (V- ing dan V3)

Boring, bored, tiring, tired, confusing, confused, interesting, interested, scaring, scared, amazing,
amazed, …

Cube, oval, square, triangle, circle, …

Black, white, blue, green, crimson, purple, yellowish, reddish, …

Example :

A handsome tall young smiling white man

Two large old abandoned houses
Her small round pink face
A valuable old gold watch
A symphatetic beautiful young English teacher

B. Limiting Adjectives
adjective is an adjective that narrows ( limits ) a noun or pronoun without give information about
conditions , types , and so on . Limiting adjectives are grouped into 8 parts , namely :

1. Possessive Adjective
Possessive adjectives are possessive adjectives that must followed by nouns.

My my pleasure
Your ( your shoes
your ) your play
Our our their team
Their  cars
Her her address
His his overtime work
its name

2. Possessive Proper Adjective

Possessive proper adjectives are ownership that uses a noun as its adjective .
Following is method its use .

1. Demonstrative Adjectives
Demonstrative adjectives are demonstrative words followed by a noun.

this singular, this house is

( this uncounta mine.
) ble this ink is blue.

that singular, That car is hers.

( that uncounta That water is
) ble rather hot.

( this I read these
) plural books .

e those
( that people helped me
) plural yesterday.
2. Article Adjective
Article adjectives are articles that are placed in front of nouns. Members :
a) A and An
A or an is used for singular noun ( noun single ) which still is characteristic public
( yet clear ). Example :

A baseball is round .
(Which is meant here is a base ball general )

I saw a boy in the street .

(We don't know child which boy do you mean ?)

Use of the articles a and an this often confuse students _ language England , in
particular beginner . because _ it , learn its use following this .

A = for words with voice consonant

An = for words with voice vocals

So use the articles a and an no based on word writing but rather voice or word
pronunciation . Example :

a horse ( hɔːs ) a house ( haʊs )

an hour ( aʊər ) an honor ( ɒn.ər )
an umbrella ( ʌmˈbrel.ə ) a university (ˌ ju ː. nɪˈvɜ ː. sɪ.ti )

For words that are abbreviation , the use of the article a and its an determined from
pronunciation alphabet his first . Example :

an L-Plate ( el ) an SOS (es)

an MP ( em ) a VIP (viː)

If the words that have sound beginning vocals the preceded by another word that has
sound consonant , then determination is the word before it it . Example :
an umbrella ( ʌmˈbrel.ə ) a white ( waɪt ) umbrella
an hour ( aʊər ) a whole ( həʊl ) hour

b) The
Article the can used for singular , plural, and uncountable nouns . Article the

I know the man .

( Speaker and listener understand in a manner must be the person in question .)

The earth is round .

( Using the article the because earth only there is one .)

She formed a complex sentence. The sentence contained adverbial clause.

(The word sentence using the article t he because has mentioned before .)

classified into the definite article ( article clear ) because has means : this , that , that ,
earlier , … his , etc. _ In other words, the intended object already clear .
Example :
Though article the can used with singular, plural, and uncountable nouns , the permanent have
rule in its use because there are certain words that are not can wear tea. And below this is
possible summary _ worn as guidelines its use .
Adjective Function
Broadly speaking , the function of the adjective in language English is as :

1. Subjective complement ( explanatory subject )

His idea is brilliant .

2. Objective complement ( explanatory object )

Let's make it possible .

3. Modifier of noun phrase ( noun phrase clarification )

Full-scare economic war

4. Head of adjective phrase (inti adjective phrase)

Completely new
5. Comparison degrees ( comparison )

This version is better than the previous one.

these adjectives also called deep Indonesian adjectives and these adjectives precede noun
_ like example following this :

 A good teacher

 A tall man

 A big city

 A beautiful girl

 A small house

 etc

In the Present Continues form you can function as an adjective, like following this :

 The smiling girl

 A boring discussion

 A challenging job

 An embarrassing situation

 The waiting list


Make a list of the adjectives and nouns in the sentences below

1. The journalist failed to send the important information although the editor sent three urgent
messages to him

2. He published the article in its original form

3. A famous archaeological discovered an ancient, precious statue. It was a beautiful woman.

4. I was getting impatient so I decided to leave the talking ladies and pumped into a passing bus

5. This is the easiest question and so you must be able to give a satisfactory answer
4. Articles

An article is a word used to modify a noun, which is a person, place, object, or idea.
Technically, an article is an adjective, which is any word that modifies a noun. Usually
adjectives modify nouns through description, but articles are used instead to point out or refer to
nouns. There are two different types of articles that we use in writing and conversation to point
out or refer to a noun or group of nouns: definite and indefinite articles.

Definite Articles

Let's start by looking at the definite article. This article is the word 'the,' and it refers
directly to a specific noun or group of nouns.

For example:

 the freckles on my face

 the alligator in the pond

 the breakfast burrito on my plate

Each noun or group of nouns being referred to - in these cases freckles, alligator, and breakfast
burrito - is direct and specific.

Indefinite Articles
Indefinite articles are the words 'a' and 'an.' Each of these articles is used to refer to a
noun, but the noun being referred to is not a specific person, place, object, or idea. It can be any
noun from a group of nouns. For example:

 a Mercedes from the car lot

 an event in history

In each case, the noun is not specific. The Mercedes could be any Mercedes car available for
purchase, and the event could be any event in the history of the world.

For say speed , price , ratio , and others. Rp. 10.000/ kg , 45 km an hour , twice a day.

 Cristian Ronaldo plays football twice a day.

 Valentino rossi drive car speed is 60 km an hour.
 The apple is Rp. 30,000, a kg.
For say sentence exclamation in the singular noun :

 What a nice book!

 What a handsome boy!
 What an interesting song!

Elimination of Articles a and an

a and an no worn if :

a. Before plurals ( objects plural ).

 You need chairs

 We ate apples
b. Before uncoutable noun ( an object that is not could counted ).

 They drink water.

 We eat rice.
c. Before menu name , except followed by an adjective or for respect .

 I have dinner at a famous restaurant.

 I have a good dinner today ( using article because there is an adjective before ).
Definite Articles
The definite article is the article certain . The object in question already clear sure , nothing
else. The definite article is "the".

Examples and Functions of the Article "The"

a. Before thing already _ mentioned before .

 I have a book. The book is on the table.

 It is my knife. The knife is very expensive.
 My mother brought a handphone. The handphone is black.
b. Before thing the only ( in the world )

 The sun
 The moon
 The earth
 The sky
 The world.
c. Before the superlative and cardinal numbers (first, second, third, etc ).

 the best
 the largest
 the tallest
 the smallest
d. Before name nationality

 The Malaysian
 The French
 The German
 The Indonesian.
e. Before person's name (proper noun) to use explained family .

 The Mr. Budi ( family Mr Budi)

f. Before noun + of + noun pattern :

 The temple of Prambanan

 The united states of America.
g. Before Adjective patterned name + noun:

 the New forest

 The good book.
 the best place.
 the National Gallery
h. Before a singular noun , as representative name thing or animal .

 The sheep eat grass.

 The Sumatran tiger is danger.
 The bird sleeps on the tree.
i . In front of the representing adjective group of people.

 The rich = rich people general

 The poor = poor people in a way general
 the young – child young in a manner general

Removing the Article “The”

a. Before name the place in a manner general :

 I live in Jakarta, ( without the , open the Jakarta)

 We have been from Bandung ( without the, not we have been from Bandung).
 We are from America not we are from the America.
b. Before thing abstract except in sentence certain :

 Children need education.

c. Before name eat :

 They have dinner at 07.30 pm

 They had lunch together.
d. Before name game :

 They play badminton.

e. Before the word home:

 He is at home not he is at the home.

 They usually go home after the lesson. not go to the home
5. conjunctions

Definition of Conjunctions
Conjunction or conjunction is a conjunction In Language English , the word used for connect
parts equivalent language . _
Understanding conjunction no only got there. In Dictionary Major Indonesian alone ,
conjunctions interpreted as a word or expression liaison between words, between phrases ,
between clauses , and between sentences .
Conjunctions function
Besides have function main as a conjunction , another function of conjunction is as following :
o As addition ( eg conjunctions → and )
o Options ( eg conjunction → either … or )
o Contradictions ( eg conjunction → but )
o Conclusion ( example conjunction → so )
o Information extra ( eg conjunction → until )
o Connection because consequences ( eg conjunction → because )
o Comparison ( eg conjunction → than )

Types of Conjunctions
After understanding understanding conjunctions , now it's time dive in ins and outs
outs conjunction in a manner more in again . Discuss about _ conjunctions , sure sticky relation
with the types . English _ know three type conjunctions , that is coordinating conjunction ,
correlative conjunction , and subordinating conjunction . each of all three take different roles _
in sentence .

Coordinating Conjunctions
coordinating conjunctions is the conjunction used _ for connect sentence one with sentence other
equal _ or equal .
Member from this conjunction usually often abbreviated with

for for
and and

no not really

but but

or or

yet but , even so _

so so , then

Examples of coordinating conjunctions :

o Jessy knows music very well, but she can't sing . (Jess really knowing music , but he no
can sing .)
o Mitha and Lucy will prepare for tonight's event . ( Mitha and Lucy will set up events for
night this .)

Correlative Conjunctions
Correlative conjunctions is a common conjunction _ have couple . Conjunctions _ type this used
for connect element sentence between words and words, phrases with phrase , clause with
clause .
Member from conjunction this is among them are :

not only … but also no only ... but also

both… and neither … nor

between… and between … and

neither … nor no ... not really

not... but no ... but

either… or either … or

the more … the less the more a lot ... more and more a little
Examples of correlative conjunctions :
o Neither me nor Raffi speaks French . ( Me and Raffi don't speak French .)
o She likes both flowers and chocolate . ( he like flowers and chocolates .)
o My cousin is not only good at speaking English but also speaking Spanish . ( my cousin
no only could speak English , but also can speak Spanish .)

Subordinating Conjunctions
conjunctions type this have reach more sentences _ broad . She role as a connecting word for
child sentence and main sentence . Without subordinating conjunction , then one sentence will
difficult understood if he stand alone .
Member from subordinating conjunctions among them are :

before Before

After After

whether is

when When

only if only if

because Because

or else if no

since since , because

while temporary

even if even if

Example :
o The engagement will be held after Ron returns home from Dubai. ( event engagement
will held after Ron came home from Dubai.)
o When dinner is over, she goes straight home. ( when eat night done , he live go home to
home .)
o Amanda looks so cheerful although her throat is afternoon. (Amanda looks cheerful
though his throat currently sick .)
o Do you know whether Chicka is coming? ( you know you is Chicka will coming ?)
Understand material conjunction will help you use proper conjunction _ in every your sentence _
write down or you use . Besides that , you can too understand that each conjunction have
different roles . _

6. adverb
Adverb (noun): a word that modifies a verb, an adjective or another adverb, expressing
manner, place, time or degree; a word that can modify a phrase, clause or sentence

An adverb is a word that tells us more about a verb. It "qualifies" or "modifies" a verb (The man
ran quickly). In the following examples, the adverb is in bold and the verb that modifies it is in

 John speaks loudly. (How does John speak?)

 Afterwards he smoked a cigarette. (When did she smoke?)

 Mary lives locally. (Where does Mary live?)

But adverbs can also modify adjectives (Tara is really beautiful), or even other adverbs
(It works very well). Look at these examples:

 Modify an adjective:

- He is really handsome. (How handsome is he?)i

- That was extremely kind of you.

 Modify another adverb:

- She drives incredibly slowly. (How slowly does she drive?)

- He drives extremely fast.

1. Adverb of manner Is an adverb that explains about method or how something activity
done . Characteristics of the word use suffix -ly , such as : bravely ( with dare ), hardly
( with loud ), happily ( with happy ), and others. Example sentence : He is fighting
against the thieves bravely. ( he fight oppose thief with dare ) He will face examinations
soon, so he studies English hardly. ( he will quick face exam , so he learn English _ with
loud ) They live their life happily. ( they undergo his life with happy )
2. Adverb of time An adverb that explains about time , such as : then ( then ), today ( day
this ), since ( since ), now ( now ), late ( late ), tomorrow ( tomorrow ), soon ( soon ),
lately ( later this ), daily ( every day ), ago ( last time ), and so on . Example sentence : I
have to go now. ( i must go now ) I will be there soon. ( i will quick go there ) We will go
to the cinema tomorrow. ( us will go to cinema tomorrow )

3. Adverb of place Is an adverb that is used for show the place or direction a activity or
events , such as : here ( here ), there ( there ), behind ( behind ), in front of (in front of ),
east ( east ), west (west) , etc. Example sentence : I saw him parking there. ( i see it
parking there ). His office is behind this building. ( his office located behind _ building
this ). She is brave enough to make a presentation in front of the class. ( he enough brave
do presentation ahead _ class ).

4. Adverb of frequency Is an adverb that explains how much often something incident takes
place , such as : once ( one time), twice ( twice ), everyday ( every days ), monthly
( every month ), always ( always ), usually ( usually ), often ( often ), never ( not ever ),
and so on. Example sentence : I have been to Switzerland once. ( i once go to Switzerland
once ) The magazine is published monthly. ( the magazine rise every month ) He always
comes on time. ( he always come appropriate time ) Father often drives his office car.
( dad often drive car his office ). She never missed class. ( he no once skip class ) .

5. Adverb of degree An adverb that explains how much far level or intensity something
activity takes place , such as : fully ( fully ), totally ( fully ), very much ( very much ),
enough ( enough ), strongly ( with strong ), perfectly ( with perfect ), entirely ( overall ),
and others. Example Sentence : They will do renovation of the house totally. ( they will
do renovation House entirely ) I think I have done anything, but it seems not enough. ( i
think has do everything , but it seems still not yet enough ) He prepares the surprise party
perfectly. ( he prepare party shock with perfect ) She rents this building entirely. ( he rent
building this in a manner whole ) .

6. Adverb of Certainty Adverb that explains or show level belief in something incident or
the action taken , such as : surely ( surely / with sure ), obviously ( real / obvious ),
probably ( maybe / with doubt ), and so on . Example sentence : He surely knows what
happened. ( he certain know what happened ) They obviously had a good relationship.
( they clear have good relationship ) She is probably afraid of her friends. ( he possible
afraid with his friends )

7. Prepositions

A preposition is a word or group of words used before a noun, pronoun, or noun phrase to
indicate direction, time, place, location, spatial relationship, or to introduce an object. Some
examples of prepositions are words like "in," "at," "on," "of," and "to.
Prepositions in English are highly idiomatic. Although there are some rules for usage,
much preposition usage is dictated by fixed expressions. In these cases, it is best to memorize the
phrase instead of the individual preposition.

Prepositions of Direction

To refer to a direction, use the prepositions "to," "in," "into," "on," and "onto."

 She drove to the store.

 Don't ring the doorbell. Come right in(to) the house.

 Drive on(to) the grass and park the car there.

Prepositions of Time

To refer to one point at a time, use the prepositions "in," "at," and "on."

 Use "in" with parts of the day (not specific times), months, years, and seasons.

 He reads in the evening.

 The weather is cold in December.

 She was born in 1996

Types of Prepositions 1. Preposition of Time (Time) At In book The Master Handbook of

TOEFL, prepositions are used as pointer time (time). The preposition 'at' means in Indonesian ,
namely so on , while , and on. Need unknown preposition 'at' denotes hours . For example at 5
PM, at 12 o'clock, and at 7 AM. Usually use 'at' for explain the clock and the time that is not
specific . Following example prepositional sentence at.

On Preposition 'on' for explain time day . For example internal use _ day repeat year ,
date birth , and explanation day . Examples of words are on Friday, on my birthday, and on May
7th, 1964. In preposition 'in' describes week , month , year , decade , up to century . The
exception of the word 'in' can worn for the word in 5 minutes, in the morning, in the afternoon.
Example the use of the preposition 'in' , namely : In 2 weeks In July, May In 1970, 1981 In the
80's In the 1800 's .

Show Place Preposition is used for show location , day , and place . Examples of words
used namely from, on, and by. The word from for show location , said on explained time going
on , while the word by for explain matter done . Following example the sentence :
I am a student from the Harvard College a student from Harvard school I am free on weekends
free on the day holiday I go to school by taking a bus go to school by bus

Explaining Movement The preposition of movement is prepositions used _ for explain

movement . So, the preposition is shown for explain nouns . _ In language English , prepositions
are used for show movement namely around, away from, by, past, down, inside, into, onto, out
of, and so on

Around ( around or approx .)

She walk around the chair to find her pen ( Dia walk around chair for look for questioner )

Inside ( emphasized limit for containers , walls , etc. )

Their dog come inside the box ( Dog they come enter to in box )

Up (up to ) The student go up to the second floor floor two

8. Question Tags

In grammar, a question tag is a very short clause at the end of a statement which changes
the statement into a question. For example, in 'She said half price, didn't she?', the words 'didn't
she' are a question tag.
Formula Question Tags
There are necessary formulas and rules you remember in make question tags. Among them are :

 When sentence statement use linking verb "be" (is, am, are, was, were ), then questions
also use be .
 If sentence statement use primary auxiliary verbs (be, do, have) or modal auxiliary verb
(will, would, may, might, can, could, shall, should) so question use the first auxiliary verb
( if there is more from one ).
 If sentence question use main verb besides linking verb "be" and without
accompanied auxiliary verb, so “do/does/did” will used in make question tags.
 If sentence form ban or command , then question started with "will you".
 If sentence question use subject not Specific like nobody, everybody, no one, and
everyone, so you must pin they in question tags.
 Reported from , if sentence beginning negative , the question tag must be
positive . Otherwise , if sentence beginning positive , question tags must shaped positive .
Example :
o The weather is nice outside today, isn't it?
o The clouds aren't coming back, are they?

Intonation Question Tags
Aim from use question tags is for ask information or request agreement to opponent talk . when
you use it for ask information , position speaker no know is information the Correct or wrong.

on condition such , question given emphasis with intonation up or also known as rising

intonation . On the other hand , when question used for request agreement , speaker convinced
that known information _ true , however expect validating answer _ his wish .

On the situation that question tags are pronounced without emphasis with intonation down or
called as falling intonation.

Problems intonation this apply if you speak in a manner live with other people. In writing ,
all question tags have same shape . _
So, besides be careful in write you need too be careful in pronunciation . If the intonation you
Use wrong , maybe opponent talk rather confused and can be misunderstood .

Example Use Question Tags

order more easy in understand material here , come see a number of example below _ this .

Sentence positive
 He's a doctor, isn't he?
 You work in a bank, don't you?

Sentence negative
 You didn't break her leg, did you?
 She isn't coming, is she?

Sentence order or ban

 Don't make me upset, will you?
 Just finish your homework, will you?

Sentence with auxiliary verbs (be & have)

 They've done their task before they go, haven't they?
 They weren't here, were they?
 He had met him before, hadn't he?
 This isn't working, is it?
 She wasn't in the parade, was she?
 He hasn't gone to the store yet, has he?
 The zoo isn't closed, is it?

Sentence without auxiliary verbs

 I said that, didn't I?
 You don't remember me, do you?
 She eats the apple, doesn't she?

Sentence with modal verbs (will, could, can, have)

 She will come back soon, won't she?
 Jack can't drive a car, can he?
 They couldn't hear me, could they?
 You won't tell anyone, will you?
 They have to make a film now, don't they?

Sentence with subject no Specific

 Everybody looks happy in this picture, don't they?
 Somebody brought the guitar to my studio last week, didn't they?

Sentence solicitation
 Let's watch a movie, shall we?
 Let's go to the mall nearby, shall we?

If the question tags is frequent thing _ used native speakers in communicate , approx what again
that stuff small from English frequently _ _ used by them ? if you want speak like  native
speakers, don't forget for study live with natives _

9. Causative Verb

Definition of Causative Verb

Causative verbs is the verb used _ for show that subject make somebody or something do
something action . Example causative verbs including : allow , cause , confince , enable , force ,
get , have , hold , keep , lead , let , make , motivate, permit , and require . But the most popular
These include : let , make , have , and get .
The causative verbs are used to indicate one person causes a second person to do something for
the first person. One can cause somebody to do something for him or her by paying, asking, or
forcing the person. The causative verbs in English are: let, have, get, make. Let is used to allow
someone to do something. What is used when we engage or employ someone, gets an indication
of persuasion, and makes it indicate the use of force or pressure, either physical or social.

1. Let

Let someone/something do something (let + agent + bare infinitive) means allow

(allow) someone for do something or let something occur without try stop it .

Example Causative Verb Sentences and Their Meanings

 My father let me choose my future career.

( My father allow I choose future career _ i .)
 The shepherd lets his sheep graze in the meadow.
( Shepherd that let the sheep graze in the fields grass .)
2. make

Make someone do something (make + agent + bare infinitive) for show that subject
sentence to force (force) to do something or cause someone _ for do something it
doesn't could he control .

Example Causative Verb Sentences and Their Meanings

 She made her daughter eat broccoli.

( Dia force child her daughter eat broccoli .) force
 The manager makes her staff work hard. (
That manager push the staff work hard .) force
 Hendra always makes me laugh.
(Hendra always make I laugh .) cause
3. Have

Have somebody do something (have + agent + bare infinitive) is used when We talk
about about We cause (cause), persuade (persuade), ask (ask) or arrange someone _
for do something for us . Have somebody doing something (have + agent + present
participle) also works used for the action that happened in a manner continously
During period time certain .
There is also have something done (have + object + past participle) to talk about about
someone who does something we _ ask for or instruct for We with emphasizes the
process or action than those who do .

Example Causative Verb Sentences and Their Meanings

 I'll have him take your kids to school.

(I will say to him for deliver your children to school .)
 My boss had me working on several projects at a time last year.
(Boss orders I work a number of project in same time _ year then .)
 I had my house renovated last week.
( Home I renovated week then .)
 She had her phone's battery replaced by a local shop.
( Battery her cellphone replaced by the store local .)
4. get

Get somebody/someone to do something (get + agent + infinitive) is similar meaning

with have somebody do something however different structure sentence .
Have followed bare infinitive , while get followed infinitive . Whereas get something
done (get + object + past participle) is the same with have something done which
means resulted something done or happened .

Example Causative Verb Sentences and Their Meanings

 She got her father to buy her a new bag.

( Dia make his father buy it bag new .)
 I got my cat to stop biting.
(I made cat I stop bite .)
 Yulia got her room cleaned .
( Julia ordered somebody for clean his room .)

1. Active





1. Mary had John wash the car.

2. The president had his advisors arrange a press conference

3. Mary is having her father contact the officials



Examples of passive clauses in causative sentences:

a. Boby has his shirts cleaned at the dry cleaners.

b. Patrik is having his car repaired this week.

c. Ana got her paper typed by a friend.

10. Capital

Learn about modal verbs and their different meanings and do the exercises to practice
using them. In sentence language English , usage from always capital followed with verbs _
main or ordinary verb . Of the many modal verb that can you study , there a number of the most
capital found in sentence language English is spoken everyday . For example , must, shall, will,
should, can, could, may, might, and still many again .

Modal verbs also have a number of the rules that make it a little different with ordinary verb or
verb normal . For example :
● Although belong as a verb , you no need add letter “s” at the end modal verb for the third
person present tense. This meaning , "he cans", "she mays", or "Chandra shoulds " is examples
that don't right .

● No only that , the modal verb also doesn't can followed with suffix -ing which is usually used
in ordinary verbs in sentences using _ present continuous tense . The sign , "I'm canning", "He's
woulding ", or "You are shoulding " is an incorrect example .

Formula Use of Modal Verbs

Actually , formula use from modal verb in sentence language English this belong certain
or steady . This meaning , you can memorize formula use from the following modal verbs this .

Sentence positive

They / we / I / you / he / she / it + modal verb + verb 1

Sentence negative

They / we / I / you / he / she /it + modal verb + not + verb 1

Example Use Modal Verbs in English Sentences _

a. Will

“Will ” is one example from the most frequent modal verb used in sentence language English
everyday . If interpreted to in In Indonesian, "will" means " will ". Well, this modal verb have a
number of function usage . Following example use deep will sentence language English based on
their respective functions .

State intention

● I will go to your house tomorrow morning. ( Me will go to your house tomorrow morning .)
Make prediction

● She will forgive you later, so you don't have to worry. ( Dia will forgive you later , so you not
need worried .)

Ask Request

● Will you have dinner with me ? ( Will you go eat night with me ?)

b. would

Actually , would is modal verb that doesn't far different with will because have the same meaning
, namely " will ". However , would is related past capital with something already _ happened in
the past . Besides that , would normally used in more formal conditions . For example :

State will or intention

● If he had apologized to me sooner, I would have forgiven him. (If only he request excuse me to
me more early , i will forgive him .)

Make prediction

● I believe Manchester United will become a winner this year. ( Me believe that Manchester
United will Becomes winner year this .)

Ask Request

● Would you lend me your phone ? ( Will you lend your phone me ?)

c. can

Same thing with “will”, “can” is also one the most modal verbs used in conversation everyday .
The meaning of the word “can” is “ can ”. Well, can have a number of function that can you Use
in sentence language England . Following example the use of "can" based on function in
sentence :

State ability

● I can show you my room. ( Me can show my room to you .)

Request permission

● Can I go to the mall ? ( May I I go to the mall?)

State possibility

● It can be fun if she is here right now. (It would really pleasant if he is here _ now .)

d. could

“Could” is modal verb that has same meaning _ with "can". However , same case with "would" ,
one capital this including form past and usual only only used in formal situations . Following
example its use in sentence :

State ability

● When I was a single woman, I could do anything I wanted. (My time still woman single , me
can do whatever i _ want .)

Request permission

● Could I eat here? There's no empty space. ( Can I eat here ? _ No there is another blank . )

State possibility

● I could fail the test if you don't help me. ( Me can just fail in test if you no help me .)
e. may

next modal verb is also necessary you know is "may". One capital _ this means , “ maybe ”, in
Indonesian . order more clear , you can learn method its use in sentence in accordance function
following this .

State possibility

● Astrid may come after meeting with her client. (Astrid maybe will come to here after meeting
with the client .)

Request permission

● May I visit my sick friend in the hospital this weekend? ( May I I visit my friend is sick at
home sick this weekend ? )

State suggestions

● You may not drink milk if you are lactose intolerant. ( You should no drink milk if you have
intolerance lactose .)

f. Might

Although have same meaning _ with , "may", one modal verb this shaped past modals, such as
“would” and “could”. Not only that , if compared to with "may", this capital state more
possibilities _ no sure and use more appropriate in formal situations . Following example its use
in sentence language English :

State possibility

● I might meet a k-pop idol if I go to Seoul. ( Me possible will meet with K-Pop idols if I go to
State offer

● Might I offer you to eat this pizza with me ? ( May I I offer you for eat this pizza with me ?)

State proven sentence _ no happened in the past

On use might in one function _ this , “might” have to followed with the word "have".

● Ardy might have asked Arsy to join him watching the concert, but she refused. ( Ardy possible
already invite Throne for follow with him watch concert , however Throne refused .)

Request permission

● If Coldplay has a concert in Jakarta, might I go to the concert ? (If Coldplay rolls out concert
in Jakarta, maybe I go watch the concert ?)

11. Adjective Word Order

Adjective order is order mandatory placement of adjectives followed moment you write
more of 2 adjectives in one sentence . Order writing this based on category he said .

Adjective Order

Rules :

If anything more from one adjective that appears _ before the noun , then We put adjective _ the
with order certain . Common order _ are :

Determiner, Opinion, Size, Physical Quality, Age, Shape, Color, Origin, Material, Purpose

Following is adjectival order :

1. Determiners

Example : a, this, that, her, an, his

2. Opinions

Example : beautiful, amazing, wonderful, ugly, horrible, expensive


Example : large, small, medium, tall, short, tiny

4. Physical Quality

Example : thick, thin, smooth, sharp, hard, soft

5. Age

Example : young, old, ancient, modern, mature


Example : square, round, circular, rectangular

7. Color

Example : white, black, yellow, pale, bright


Example : American, Indonesian, German

9. Materials

Example : wooden, silk, paper, cotton

10. Purpose
Example : Traveling, meeting, cooking, running

11. Noun ( noun that you describe )

Example : bag, girl, cheese, car

Example Sentence Use Adjective Order

order you more understand with order here , come We apply to in sentence language England !

 She has beautiful big eyes. ( opinion -size)

 The large square dining table was decorated with white candles and beautiful vases of
white roses. ( size -shape-purpose)
 What are the best part-time jobs for retirees? ( opinion -type)
 My uncle had his old wooden chairs repaired yesterday. ( age – material)
 My uncle had his old wooden chairs repaired yesterday. ( opinion -origin)
 They sell large rough diamonds. ( size – physical)
 She takes a small round white pill with breakfast every day. ( size – shape – color)
 I need two soft cotton blankets. ( physical quantity – materials)
How if you want describe object however with two or more same category ? _ You can pin sign
coma or “ and ” as separator . Example :

 We are looking for nice, affordable restaurants for lunch and dinner.
 This is a simple, important habit.
 The only item in the room was a black and silver table.
 I just bought a big black and white bag like this.
 They are smart, talented and communicative workers.
12. Reported Speech

Definition of Reported Speech

In Indonesian, we refers to Reported Speech as sentence no direct . Reported Speech used for

report / deliver return said words _ submitted by others.

There are two method for report what was said somebody.

a) Direct Speech ( sentence direct )

b) Indirect Speech ( sentence no direct )

Direct Speech

Repeats the speaker 's words .

I have lost my key.

 He said, "I have lost my key." ( tense no change )

Report what was said somebody with use Direct Speech really easy , because no there are tenses
that change in the sentence .

Indirect Speech/Reported Speech

Gives the right meaning from a sentence without must use the right words from speaker . If we
want mention with who speaker talk , us using " told " or use "said"

I have lost my key.

 She said that she had lost her wallet.

 She told me that she had lost her wallet.

Note :

The change in tense that occurs are :

Present Perfect Tense becomes Past Perfect Tense

have lost be >> had lost
Changing Direct Speech to Indirect Speech

1. If the verb main in the present tense, us no change the tense in Direct Speech.


 Direct: Jim says, “I don't like coffee.”

Indirect: Jim says that he doesn't like coffee.
 Direct: Simon says, “I didn't do my homework.”
Indirect: Simon says that he didn't do his homework.

2. Pronouns and adjectives possessive usually changed from the first person or second be third
person except when speaker report his words alone .

 Direct: He said, “You don't know my language.”

Indirect: He said that I didn't know his language.
 Direct: I said, “I sold my book.”
Indirect: I said that I had sold my book.
 Direct: She said to me, “Your brother is bothering me.”
Indirect: She told me that my brother was bothering her.

Change description time depending on when We hear Direct Speech and when delivering
Reported Speeches.

1. If a sentence spoken and reported at the same time / day , then change time no required :

Direct : This morning he said, “I will go to Jakarta today.”

Indirect : This morning he said that he would go to Jakarta today.

2. Change in a manner Logic is also required if a sentence reported one / two day after
pronounced :

Direct : On Sunday Alesha said to Martha: I will start teaching tomorrow.

Indirect: Alesha said that she would start teaching today.

> If Martha reports tomorrow the day (on Monday)

Indirect: Alesha said that she would start teaching yesterday.

> If Martha reports two day after (on Tuesday)

Indirect Speech Statements


 Direct: They said, “We love our teacher.”

Indirect: They said that they loved their teacher.
 Direct: Mr Jones said to me, “I educated myself by reading widely.”
Indirect: Mr Jones told me that he had educated himself by reading widely.
 Direct: The teacher said to her, "You have done your homework well."
Indirect: The teacher told her that she had done her homework well.
 Direct: Mr. Woods said, “There are many boats in the harbor .”
Indirect: Mr. Woods said that there were many boats in the harbour .

Mixed Types


 Direct: Theresa said, “I can't understand this lesson, mother. Please help me.”
Indirect: Theresa told her mother that she couldn't understand that lesson and wanted her
mother to help her.
 Direct: Tia said to me, “I can't help you now. I am very tired.
Indirect: Tia told me that she couldn't help me then as she was very tired.
 Direct: Carl said, “It's hot in here. Isn't the AC on?”
Indirect: Carl said that it was hot in there and asked if the AC was on or not.
 Direct: Mr. Jefferson said to Helen, “Didn't you hear what I said? You must be quiet
when I talk.”
Indirect: Mr Jefferson asked Helen if she had heard what he had said or not, and added
that she must/had to be quiet when he was talking.
 Direct: David said, “Let's go to the movie theater!”
Indirect: David suggested that they should go to the movie theater.

Reported Questions

Reported Questions is reported questions . _ when we report a question , then report the no again
shaped question , but rather changed Becomes statement ( statement ). We'll see example
following :

 Direct speech: “She asked me, “Where do you live?”.

 Reported speech: She asked me where I live.

From examples above us _ look that question ( where do you live? ) changed Becomes statement
( where I lived ).
There are two type form reported questions , namely :

1) question with question words (5W1H),

2) yes/no questions .

1. Questions with question words

Question words including : what, who, where, when, why, and how .

Direct Speech Reported Speech

She asked me, "What are you doing?". She asked me what I was doing.

He asked me, "Who did you meet?". He asked me who I had met.

They asked him, "Where is your school?". They asked him where his school was.

"When did you play football?", she asked She asked them when they had played
them. football.

"Why do you come late?", he asked me. He asked me why I came late.

"How was your holiday?", she asked me. She asked me how my holiday had been.

2. Yes/no questions

Use if/whether (which means whether ) in reported speech for yes/no questions .

Direct Speech Reported Speech

They asked me, "Are you happy?". They asked me if I was happy.
Direct Speech Reported Speech

He asked me, “Do you like swimming?”. He asked me if I liked swimming.

She asked me, "Did you pass the exam?". She asked me whether I had passed the exam.

He asked me, "Have you driven a car?". He asked me whether I had driven a car.

Reported Requests

Reported Requests is reported requests . _ Request this usually done in a manner polite .
For reported requests , use ask + to/not to infinitive.

Direct Speech Reported Speech

“Open the window, please”, she asked me. She asked me to open the window.

He asked me, "Could you make a glass of coffee". He asked me to make a glass of coffee.

“Please don't be sad”, they asked me. They asked me not to be sad.

She asked us, “Please don't do it again”. She asked us not to do it again.
Reported Orders

Reported Orders is reported command . _ Use tell + to/not to infinitive for reported orders.

Direct Speech Reported Speech

“Don't smoke!”, father told me. Father told me not to smoke.

She told me, "close the door!". He told me to close the door.

“Be quiet”, he told us. He told us to be quiet.

She told me, “Don't disturb me!”. She told me not to disturb her.

13. Relative Clause

Relative clauses are type from dependent clause or clause bound who is not could stand alone .
function in sentence is give description addition to nouns (which include people, things , or
animal ). In English , relative clause always preceded with relative pronoun ( this relative
pronoun n used as change nouns , noun phrases and pronouns ).
There is a number of relative pronouns or pronoun _ relatively ordinary _ used in relative clause
. Pronouns _ this placed in front relative clause. function is for refers to the noun in the
sentence . Members included _ to in relative pronouns is who, which, whom, that, and whose .
Following classification its use !

Who Pronouns _ for people (he, we, she)

Whom Pronouns _ for people (him, her, us)

which Pronouns _ for thing , place , and time

that Pronouns _ for people or thing

Whose Pronouns _ for pointing ownership

Types of Relative Clause

Relative clauses are divided Becomes two type , that is defining relative clause and non-defining
relative clause . Both of them used for give information with different classification . _ Defining
relative clauses and non-defining relative clauses have different essence _ in a sentence . What
just yes approximately the difference ? Live just watch _ explanation below _ this !
Defining Relative Clauses
Defining relative clauses used for give information urgent about noun in the form of a person or
thing . Information provided _ is information that can give clear understanding _ about
somebody or thing . In defining relative clause, the relative pronoun used is 'that' or 'which'
( used as a substitute word nouns that are not people), whereas for pronouns _ nouns in the form
of 'people' use relative pronouns 'that' and 'who'
Example Defining Relative Clauses:
o These are the books that I want to buy . ( This is the book you want I buy ).
o I just saw the girl whom you called last night . ( Me new just see Amira The girl you are
phone last night )
o Diana likes the clothes which hang in the upper wardrobe. (Diana likes clothes hanging
in wardrobe _ above ).
Description : In the sentence above defining relative clauses lies in the given clause sign bold . If
clause the omitted , then information received by the opponent talk no will whole . Opponent talk
no will understand who 'the girl' and which one is meant by 'the books' .
Non Defining Relative Clauses
Non-defining relative clauses used as information addition . The essence in sentence no so
absolute or no so important . If non defining relative clause omitted , reader or opponent talk still
could understand what is meant . In non defining relative clause, relative pronoun 'that' no can
used .
Example Non Defining Relative Clauses:
o Pasya , whose house is next to mine , gave me a birthday cake. ( Pasha , whose house is
on the side my house , give cake repeat year ).
o My camera, which I always kept well , is now broken. ( My camera , which is always I
take care with fine , now already broken ).
Description : Non defining relative clause in the sentence above is 'whose house is next to mine'
and 'which I always keep well' . If second relative clause that eliminated , person / opponent talk
still can understand what is meant . On the example first clear that ' Pasha ' is the one who
already is gave ' me ' the cake repeat year . Meanwhile in the example secondly , obviously that
broken thing _ is 'my camera'.

14. Active and Passive Voices

Active and Passive Verbs

Talk about meaning of active and passive voice, deep matter this active verb will form an active
voice whereas a passive verb will form passive voice. verb _ active is results from the subject
performing the action in sentence . A verb _ passive will produce the subject that gets the action
or subject in sentence active Becomes object in passive sentence .

Voice Type

 ActiveVoice
In language English , way best for write and talk almost always use active voice. Basically ,
active voice helps clarify sentence so that more easy for give information to readers nor listener .
With use of active voice, subject in sentence will perform an action or could We say if subject
Becomes active . For example just is on some sentence following .

People burned the leaves. ( people burn _ leaves )

Here , people (S) burned (V) the leaves (O). Could seen if the verb is after subject .

He holds my hand. ( he hold my hand )

Here, he (S) holds (V) the hand (O); deep "he". sentence above _ performs the action “hold.”

My father read some books. ( my father read a number of book )

From the sentence above , the subject is my father (S), read as a verb (V) or a verb active and
some books is object (O).

 Passive Voice
Because of us more often write nor talk using active voice, no there is his fault if we also study
vice versa from the active voice that is passive voice. Possible part from We once hear if passive
voice is not the right idea for used in delivery of ideas. this _ caused because passive voice will
change focus sentence .

With passive voice, subject no do action instead get action or subject become passive. order
more understand about matter this , following example the sentence .

The leaves were burned by people . ( leaves burned by people) (Passive Voice)

People burned the leaves . ( people burn _ leaves ) (Active Voice)

Can be seen if in passive voice leaves is focus because Becomes subject in sentence . But very
clear in sentences second that is sentence active which is meaning sentence more easy for
accepted because telling you who burned the leaves.
With use passive voice sometimes subject Becomes no identified so that sentence will feels not
enough explain what does the verb in sentence the . Example sentence other is as following .

My hand was bitten. ( my hand bitten )

Here we are no know who or what bites _ in sentence the because in a sentence only state that
hand bitten . If added with object sentence the can Becomes like this :

My hand was bitten by the dog. ( My hand bitten by a dog ) (Passive voice)

The dog bit my hand. ( dog bite my hands ) (Active Voice)

From the sentences above , we know who was bitten but method telling you situation the
permanent in a manner no live because there is a passive voice. because _ it , will more good if
in writing nor talk for avoid use passive voice with action voice.

Then , indeed the passive voice will sound more formal if compared to with active voice.
However , its use precisely will confusing if is in a good sentence long . Usually a number of
problem following will found when use deep passive voice long sentences . _

– less clear and difficult understood

– focus on the wrong part of the statement

– sounded strange

Identify Active and Passive Voices

The easiest way for identifying active and passive voice is see the verb or verbs used . _ For
passive voice usually will combined with "to be".

Passive voice:
The popcorn was eaten by them. (was + eaten)

The popcorn has been eaten by them. ( has been + eaten)

For change it Becomes sentence active , then We must change it Becomes like this .

Active voice:

They ate the popcorn. ( ate , without there is a "to be")

With the use of active voice rather than passive voice, writing will Becomes more clear and
effective .

Use of Passive Voice

Although the passive voice tends to more avoided , but its use could Becomes choice appropriate
in a number of matter certain . Here you are can use deep passive voice formal documents and
reports research which action or object Becomes important thing _ in a sentence . Can we see
example below _ this .

Other scientists reviewed the research about trees. ( para other scientists review repeat research
about tree ) (Active voice)

The meaning conveyed far more good in the following passive sentences .

The research about trees was reviewed by other scientists. ( research about tree reviewed
repeated by other scientists )

Information important want _ be delivered in sentence the is the research was reviewed. this _
caused because report the discuss about trees no other scientists.

Besides that , the use of passive voice will far better if _ We emphasize a object than subject .
See example as following .
Passive voice:

The fox's cozy home was visited by many of his friends. ( comfortable house _ visited many his
friend )

Active voice:

Many friends visited the fox's cozy home. ( a lot friend visit comfortable house ) _

Because the focus wants be delivered writer is house that has many visited , then more passive
voice selection right .

Formula Active and Passive Voice


[tableid=83 /]


Whereas for passive formula , will there is placing “ to be ” in front of the verb as following . To
be meant will customized with the tenses used in sentence .

[tableid=84 /]

In active and passive verbs, there are 2 types category of verb used that is regular and irregular
verbs or verb _ regular and not order .
15. If Conditionals

conditional sentences is sentences used _ for related assumptions _ with because

consequences and possibilities happening something . Conditional sentences in language English
usually started with the word "if" or " if ".
Conditional Sentence Structure
In terms of structure , conditional sentence usually consists from two clause that is if clause and
main clause separated by commas . If clause is clause that contains supposition , while play
clause is consequence from condition supposition the .
Usually one sentence conditional sentences there is with logic :
“If something condition right , then will raises something as result .”
Example : “If I try more hard , then I will it worked .”

4 Types of Conditional Sentences and Examples

Conditional Sentence Type 0

Conditional sentences this used for describe fact or truth common already _ sure . For example ,
if you heat the water, the water will boiling . Already certain occur right ?
For conditionals type this is the formula is as following :
If + simple present tense, simple present tense
Example :
o If you heat water, it boils. (If you heat the water, the water will boiling .)
o If you freeze water, it becomes ice. (If you freeze the water, the water will to ice.)
Also read: Simple Present Tense, the Most Frequent Tense Used in English _
Conditional Sentences Type 1
Conditional sentence type 1 is used for describe possible situation _ or presumed happen in the
future and have big possibility _ for truly happened . The formula is as following :
If + simple present tense, simple future

Example :
o If you study, you will pass the exam. (If you study , you will pass the test .)
o If you wash your hands, you won't get sick. (If you wash hand , you no will sick .)
In second the sentence above means _ there is possibility situation the no happened . For
example even if study , can just permanent did not pass. Or although wash hands , fixed can
sick . However , still there is possibility big that you will pass the test ( sentence first ) and no
sick ( sentence second ).
Conditional Sentences Type 2
Different a little from conditionals type 1, conditional type 2 is used for describe situation that is
not realistic or have very possibility _ small for happened . For example imagine something it
doesn't possible or daydreaming . Formula conditionals type 2 is as following :
If + past tense, would + infinitive

Example :
o If I were you, I would rest right now. (If I is you , me will rest now .)
o If you owned a theme park, what would you do? (If you have garden entertainment , what
will _ you do ?)
In sentence first , obviously situation the no realistic . No maybe ' I ' can to be ' you '. In sentence
secondly , there is chances are ' you ' will have garden entertainment , however possibility the
very small .
Which is also necessary noticed is the use of ' were ' in sentence first . You possible ask , I not do
you use ' was ' ? Well, deep conditional sentences type 2, all subject good that single or plural
everything use were . So was same very no worn yes .
The word would also work replaced with a number of auxiliary verb other like could or might .

Conditional Sentences Type 3

If from conditional types 1 and 2 talk about unfinished condition _ occurs , conditional type 3 is
used for refer to the past and wonder how situation moment this can different if that happened in
the past different . The formula is as following :
If + past perfect, would have + V3

Example :
o If I had done my homework, I would have been able to play now. (If only I already doing
my homework , i now can play .)
o If she hadn't tried, she wouldn't have gotten the scholarship. (If only he no try , he no will
get scholarship .)
That is , clause main in second sentence above _ no truly happened . 'I' don't can play now
because in fact not yet doing homework. ' He ' in fact get scholarship because he has try .
If summarized , formula fourth type conditional sentences is as following :

type If Clause Play Clause

0 simple present tense simple present tense

1 simple present tense simple futures

2 simple past tense would + V1

3 past perfect tense would have + V3

16. Gerund

Gerund is a verb or so - called with added verbs suffix – ing . However , the gerund works no as
a verb in a sentence however as a noun or called with nouns.

Gerund as subject sentence

For those of you that might still confused what that subject , subject is clause or a noun that
describes or mark what the speaker is talking about and what is certain subject is a noun .
Because gerund is a noun , so gerund can role as subject sentence . Following examples _ _ for
more understand deep gerund form sentence , let's understand example below _ this ;

 Studying makes me smart ( learning make I smart )

 Doing sport makes me healthy ( exercise make I healthy )
In fact , the words” studying and doing” deep sentence above _ is subject from acting sentences _
as a gerund and the word “ makes” is function as a verb main or play verbs. Next , as information
just here that 2 sentences above _ is sentence from the present simple tense huh !
 Gerund as object sentence
before We discuss what good We know especially formerly what anyway object that in
sentence . So, objects is the sentence applied deed or noun . _ By and large object position is at
after the verb . Like example below _ this one uses the gerund as object sentence .

 I like watching movies ( me like watching movies)

 She enjoys listening to music ( dia like listening to music)
From the second In the example above the words “ watching and listening” play a role as the
gerund after the verb “like and enjoy”. So , the question why We need a deep gerund sentence
this ? The explanation is if you don't use the definite gerund the sentence like this :
 I like watching movies. (wrong)

 I enjoy listening to music (false).

structure sentence above _ is wrong because has 2 verbs and in one sentence there is the word
"like and watch". In general , one sentence  in English _ no recommended for use 2 verbs in 1
sentence . because _ it , us need use the gerund in sentence order his Becomes right . Next , the
gerund function is used after preposition .

Gerunds are used after preposition

is something already _ once hear preposition or prepositions? preposition is a word that has
connection mean with nouns . _ Thus , preposition used for connects nouns , people, objects in
sentence .

Following is examples of possible prepositions _ already you ever know previously like the
words after, before, at, in, on, with, by, for, of. Preposition this used before nouns _ yes . So ,
now We clay use of the gerund after preposition .
 I am good at studying math
 He is interested in singing
 Thanks for watching
 By reading books, we get knowledge
 I am live within my means. I don't like the idea of spending a lot of money

Finally , from the examples above _ _ have you ever use it in English conversation ? _

Gerund as a compound word (compound noun)

As example below _ this ;

1. there are many smoking areas in my city ( ada many the place special smoking in town i )
2. my father is repairing the washing machine ( my father currently repair machine wash )
We sure are often very yes look compound word examples like example above . _ because _
that , can said that the role of the gerund in sentence is very urgent for is known yes !

As addition , after We study meaning and use of the gerund in sentence , now We get to know
the list of verbs what just always _ using gerunds. Following is a list of verbs that you need to
know when learn gerunds;

Example :

1. I don't mind repeating once again my explanation ( me no object for repeat very
again explanation i )
2. My English teacher told me that I should keep learning (said the language teacher
England I that I should permanent keep going study )
3. My brother postponed traveling to Bali last week ( my brother postpone journey to
bali ).

In fact , understand use of the inner gerund sentence language England will feels easy if you
have serious intention . _ because _ that , you must can memorize the words only can _ followed
with the gerund for can make good and true sentence . _ In conclusion , gerund plasticity like a
verb but function as a noun .

17. To Infinitive

Infinitives as a unit consisting of to and the simple form of any verb which performs a
single function in a sentence pattern ( Praninskas , 1959:96). The structure of the infinitive can
be formulated as follows: Infinitives = to + simple-form verb
Examples : to understand to communicate to coordinate to simplify

Examples of infinitive forms:

Present infinitive : to work, to do

Present continuous infinitive : to be working, to be

Perfect infinitive : to have worked, to have done : to have been working,

Perfect continuous infinitive : to be done

Present infinitive passive Perfect infinitive passive : to have been done

There are 3 types of infinitives in language England , that is bare infinitive, full infinitive, and
split infinitive.

1. Bare Infinitive
Bare infinitive is type the complement of the verb that is not preceded with particle to . Kind of
familiar too with designation the zero infinitive .

Usually bare infinitive used in a sentence in certain words , namely :

a. Modal verbs
Modal verbs are part from functioning auxiliary verb as a verb help for state is a sentence is must
, ability , possibility , permission , or even ban .

Well , that includes modals example is can, could, may, might, must, shall, should, will, and

So, modals could combined with bare infinitive for express appropriate atmosphere _ with

condition si speaker .

Besides that's a combination Among modals and bare infinitive could function for replace main

verb in a sentence . Example sentence bare infinitive :
There might (to) be a better plan for our marketing strategy .
( Maybe there is more plans _ good for our marketing strategy .)

b. Special cases

 For verbs _ bid, let, watch, see, make, help, and hear, them could positioned as combined
bare infinitives with another infinitive . Well , the rules this also applies to "had better"
and "had rather".

Meaning , you can make a sentence with structure subject + modals +

let/watch/see/make/help/hear/had better/had rather + bare infinitives ( others ).

Example sentence :
The whole G20 participants heard her (to) sing the Indonesian National Anthem. ( Whole
G20 participants heard it sing song Indonesian nationality .)

 verb _ dare and need could take form bare infinitives in circumstances certain .

Example sentence : How dare you (to) end this relationship? Need I (to) ask why you hurt
me? ( How dare you end connection this ? Is it necessary I ask why you hurt me ?)

2. Full Infinitive
full infinitive is the infinitive that comes before it added with to . Yep , this is type already
infinitive _ We discuss since early .

Remember , when you use full infinitive , then particle to his position already enter as verbs , no
as a word  preposition .

A number of function full infinitive is as following :

a. State aim or answer the "why" question

Example sentence :

Nanda went to her friend's house to play computer games.

(Nanda leaves to House her friend for play computer games .)

b. The full infinitive is used after the verb particular category included _ _ thinking, feeling, and

Example sentence :

Alfi lovesto sing rock songs.

( Alfi like sing rock song .)

There , loves includes a related verb _ _ with feeling or feeling verb .

c. Be included after the adjective certain for give reason or opinion

Listen example following :

I'm sad to leave you again.

( Me sad leave you again .)

Example sentence above _ disclose expression that you sad because must leave he again .

3.Split Infinitives
Split infinitives are a condition when there is separating phrase _ between to and infinitive.

A number of expert grammar state that this type of infinitive no deserve and should avoided in
writing formal text or _ _ official .

Take note example following :

At the apex of its ascent, the falcon stopped swiftly and suddenly dive at its prey.
(At the top the ascent , eagle stop with fast and sudden swooping to direction prey .)

Though , by grammar will more good written like this :

At the apex of its ascent, the falcon stopped to dive swiftly and suddenly at its prey.
(At the top the ascent , eagle stop for swooping with fast and sudden to direction prey .)

There are three function main from infinitives, that is can used for nouns, adjectives, and adverbs

1. Infinitive as nouns ( nouns )

Still remember material about nouns ? _ Yep , nouns is designation for all something that covers
humans , animals , places , plants , even thoughts , ideas and thoughts .

When the infinitive is used as subject or object live in a sentence , then the infinitive Act as noun

You could understand it with look example following this :

a. I like to play mobile legends alone.

(I like playing mobile legend alone .)

 In the sentence above , which plays a role as a verb is 'like'.

 'To play' is infinitive that accepts action from 'like' and it works as directobject.
 'To play' also plays a role as noun for express a thought .

b. To join the essay competition is Hani's biggest dream.

( Following competition essay is dream Hani 's greatest .)

 In sentence the , 'is' comes into play as a verb, and 'to join' is answering infinitive _ the
question 'what is Hani's biggest dream?'
 'To join' comes into play Becomes subject sentence with function as noun .

Also Read: Noun (Noun): Definition , Types , Examples , and Their Use

2. Infinitive as an adjective
Adjective _ is a word that works for add information from noun ( noun ). So,
when infinitive used as adjectives , then he will change or explain noun .
Example in sentence below _ this :
Reza needs a lamp to read on.
(Reza needs lamp for read .)

 There , 'needs' works as verb , and 'lamp' is noun .

 'To read' is an infinitive that plays a role as adjectival for add detail information of 'lamp'.

3. Infinitive as an adverb ( adverb )

Adverbs are used for clarify verbs. Not only that , the adverb can also modify /
give explanation more carry on for other adjectives and adverbs . _

Example the sentence namely :

My friends were amazed to see me singing on stage .
( Guys I impressed look I sing above _ stage .)

 In the sentence above , which includes the adjective is amazed , then followed by the
infinitive 'to see' for give more detailed information .
 In accordance function , infinitive can used for answer 'why' or ' why ?' questions There ,
the phrase 'to see' is reason why 'my friends were amazed'.

When is To Infinitive Used ?

You could use infinitive on some conditions , namely :

1. Convey aim from something action (purpose of an action)

 My brother bought a bag to give to his girlfriend.

( My brother buy a bag for give his girlfriend .)
 Lala exercises regularly to build her muscles.
(Rare is practicing with routine for form the muscles .)

2. Laid as subject a sentence (direct object)

 To apply for a job requires good skills.

( Apply profession need  good skill . )
 To play football on the field may be slippery.
( Play football on the field possible slippery .)

3. Infinitive as object live in sentence

 I love to eat sushi.

( Me like eat sushi.)

 My parents wanted to swim.

( My parents want swim .)

4. The infinitive comes into play as subject complement (complement of subject)

 Her hobby is to sing.

( Her hobby is sing .)

 Intan's priority is to finish the thesis .

( What became _ priority is finish thesis .)
5. The infinitive that appears after the adjective

 It is essential to be healthy .
( Very urgent for Becomes healthy .)
 It is important to have an emergency fund.
( Importance have an emergency fund .)

6. Used after object shaped noun or a pronoun that refers to a person

 Can I ask you to answer my question?

( Can I ask you for answer my question ?)
 I called my trainer to make an appointment.
( Me call my coach for make promise .)

7. Used with question words

 Do you know what to buy in the supermarket?

( Was you know what to _ bought at the supermarket?)

 Show me how to write the formal letter.

( Show how method write letter official .)

18. Direct and indirect speech

Direct speech ( sentence direct ) are the words or spoken sentence _ directly by the speaker
( first person ) and in writing what exist .
Example :
She says, "I am a clever student."
He said , "I am a good student ."

 Must things _ _ Pay attention to the form of Direct Speech, namely :

a. Reporting Verbs (which report ) and Reported Words (which are reported ) are
separated with sign comma (,).
b. Reported Words in sentence live written in sign quote .
c. Reporting Verb can also be called Reporting Sentence ( sentence reporter ), Reported
Words can called Reported Speech ( sentence that is reported ).
d. The location of the Reporting Verb is not must be early sentence , however can is at
the end sentence . Take note example following this :

 He said, "It is time to go away."

He said , " Enough arrive time for go .”

 He said : Reporting verb, “It's time to go away.” : Reported words

Can Be :

 “It is time to go away,” He said.

“ Already arrive time for go ," he said said .

 “It's time to go away.” : Reported words, He said : Reporting verb

 In make good direct speech , Grameds must master grammar _ English especially
formerly through book The 1st Student's Choice : Complete English Grammar, English
Grammar complete .
Definition of Indirect Speech
Indirect speech ( sentences not direct ) is spoken sentence _ for convey statement someone .
Example :
She says that she is a clever student.
He said that he a good student .

Must things _ _ noticed in sentence not directly , namely :

a. Between Reporting Verbs and Reported Words are connected by conjunctions .
b. In sentence not direct (Indirect Speech), sign quote (quotation marks) no required .

Forms of Indirect Speech

Indirect Speech can shared Becomes two , namely :

a. Form sentence no straight to the foreword in Present Tense form , then sentence direct no
experience tense
change . Example :
She says, "I am a clever student."
He said , "I am a good student ."

b. Form sentence no straight to the foreword in Past Tense form , then the sentence experience
changes , namely tense, personal pronouns , as well description place .

Change from Direct Speech to Indirect Speech

A. Statement (Statement)
– a sentence statement use the preface
– When speaker report return what is spoken by other people, then the noun
in sentence the must change .
Direct Speech:
Ana says to nana, "I am late." Ana said to Nana, "I'm late ."
Indirect Speech:
Ana says to Nana that she is late. Ana says to Nana that he late .

Questions (Question)
1. Questions started with question words : who ( who ), what ( what ), when ( when ), where
(where), with provision as following :
Question words permanent worn in question no direct .

– Arrangements question not live use arrangement sentence statement , no in sentence ask .

– Changes form time (tense) follows provision like normal as form time in sentences not
originating directly _ from statement .
Example :
Direct Speech (DS):
Ronald said to Aning , “What are you doing?”
Ron said to Aning , “ What are you doing you do ?”
Indirect Speech (IS):
Ronald asked Aning what she was doing.
Ron asked to dog what 's on he do .
Direct Speech (DS):
He wanted to know, "How did you do this?"
He want knowing , " How the method you do this ?”
Indirect Speech (IS):
He wanted to know how I had done that.
He want knowing how the method I has do it .
2. Questions without use the interrogative word , with provision as following :

– Using if or whether in question not direct .

– Arrangements question use arrangement sentence statement (statement). Example :
Direct Speech (DS):
Rani asked me, “Can you help me?”Rani asked to me , " Can you help me ?”
Indirect Speech (IS):
Rani asked me if (whether) I could help her. Rani asked to I is I can help him .
Direct Speech (DS):
He asked me, “Are you very busy?”
He ask to me , “ Is you very busy ?”
Indirect Speech (IS):
He asked me if I was very busy.
He ask me _ is I very busy .

1. Sub -Clause Arrangement Not Direct (Indirect Speech) Question form , always "Statement".
With pattern :
– Without Question Words: If/Whether ( Whether ) + S + P
– With Question Words: Question Words + S + P
19. Comparison

Definition of Comparison Degree

Comparison Degree is term in English grammar _ for show comparison . In Comparison Degree,
adjective ( adjective ) or adverb ( adverb ) will experience change form in
accordance with level the comparison . because _ that , Comparison Degree can also be called as
Levels Comparison .

Comparison Degree function

Comparison Degree is used when want compare one matter with something else .

Comparison Degree Levels

Comparison Degree has three rate , that is positive degree , comparative degree , and superlative
degree .

Patterns and Examples Sentence Comparison Degree

After knowing the differences and patterns from all three , now time study example sentence
from Comparison Degree, here . We'll talk one by one , yes !
1.Positive Degree
On a positive degree, second thing to compare are on the same level or comparable , therefore
that used as adjective/adverb as . For example , " You are as pretty as her ." have your meaning
same how beautiful with him.

2. Comparative Degree
At a comparative degree, one from second thing to compare have the trait of ' more ' than matter
other , because that used adjective/adverb + -er or more + adjective/adverb . For example , " You
are prettier than her ." have your meaning more beautiful than him.

3. Superlative Degree
In the superlative degree, the things discussed have trait 'most ' among others , because that
used adjective/adverb + -est or most + adjective/adverb . For example , " You are the prettiest
girl in school ." have your meaning is the most beautiful girl in school .

There is a number of must rule _ guys know , including :

Adjective/Adverb with 1 S yllable ( Syllable )

Meaning of 1 syllable ( syllable ) ie adjective/adverb the no could decapitated , so pronunciation
only just once . _

Example :

 Cheap is pronounced as /chip/, not /chi-ep/

 Large is pronounced as / larj /, not /lar-je/

Adjective/adverb with 1 syllable always use -er/-est .

But if the adjective/adverb ends in a consonant letter preceded by 1 letter vowel , then
alphabet consonant the last must written double .

big change form Becomes bigger and biggest , no biger and bigest , because big ends in
alphabet consonant g with preceded by 1 letter vocals i , so that alphabet consonant the last must
written double .
Whereas cheap is written as cheaper and cheapest , right cheapper and cheappest , because cheap
ends in alphabet consonant p but preceded by 2 letters vocals that is e and a , so that alphabet
consonant the last no need written double .

Adjective/Adverb with 2 Syllables ( Syllables )

Meaning of 2 syllables ( syllables ) ie adjective/adverb the could beheaded be 2, so pronunciation
consists than 2 times said .

Example :

 Happy is pronounced as /hep-pi/

 Clever pronounced as / kle-ver /

Adjective/adverb with 2 syllables can use -er/- est , can also use more/most .

Adjective/adverb with 2 syllables that use -er/- est have features :

 Ends -er , -le , -ow , examples : clever, simple, shallow

 Ends -y , but y changes form Becomes i , for example : happy becomes happier and

Adjective/adverb with 2 syllables that use more/most have features :

 Ends - ly , - ful , -less , - ing , -ed , -ous , example : calmly , painful, hopeless, boring,
worried, famous

Adjective/Adverb with 3 Or More S yllables ( Syllables )

Meaning of 3 or more syllables ( syllables ) ie adjective/adverb the could beheaded be 3 or
more , so pronunciation consists than 3 times said or more .

Example :

 Expensive is pronounced as / ex - pen- siv /

 Comfortable pronounced as / kam -fer- te -bel/
A adjective/adverb with 3 or more syllables always use more/most .

Adjective/Adverb with Form No Regular ( Irregular Form ) _

Adjective/adverb that doesn't irregular ( irregular form ) no follow rule addition -er/-
est nor more/most , because of course already patent like that from origin .

20. Parallelism structure

Parallel structures is suitability or alignment structure in something sentence .

It means is existing elements _ in something sentence use pattern the same grammatical .

Element in sentence can form noun ( noun ), phrase ( phrase ), or clause ( clause ).

With use parallelism or parallel structure this , us will could show that the elements in sentence
the equivalent between one and the other .

Rule Use Parallel Structure

if you want using a parallel structure, there is a number of necessary rules _ you know . What
just that ?

 Parallel structures is applied to elements connected by a coordinate conjunction (and, but,

or, as , and others ) inside something network . If the connected elements starting with the
article (a, an, the) or prepositions (in, on, at, etc ), so article nor prepositions the used on
each element or only on the first element just . Example :
o While Mario was sleeping, his bag and its contents disappeared. (When Mario is
bed , bag and contents lost .)
o The air force base may be in the north, the south, the west, and the east. ( Base
force air the maybe in the north , south , west , or east .)
 Parallel structures applied to the connected elements correlative conjunctions ( eg not …
but …, not only … but also …, between … and …, the more … the less, the less … the
more). Example :
o He can drive not only a car but also a helicopter. ( Dia could drive not only car
but also helicopters .)
o This book is not for you but for your cousin. ( Book this no for you but for your
cousin .)
 Parallel structures applied to the elements being compared (comparison). Example :
o I like swimming better than biking. [ or I like to swim better than to bike.] (I like
jogging more cycling .)
o My handphone is cheaper than my brother's. ( My cellphone more cheap from
your cellphone i .)

Example Sentence Use Parallel Structure

Already get description big from use parallel structure ? let 's go see example the sentence that
was launched from Your Dictionary :

 The show will be held in Bandung, Jakarta, Semarang and Yogyakarta. ( Show will held
in Bandung, Jakarta, Semarang, and Yogyakarta.)
 This cake is not for you but for your mother. ( Cake this no for you but for your mother .)
 I like music, art, and poetry. (I like music , art and poetry .)
 The questions in the exam were simple but difficult. ( Question moment exam simple but
difficult .)
 I bought this ring not for my girlfriend but for my little sister. (I bought ring is not for
boyfriend I but for younger brother woman i .)
 He likes swimming rather than running. ( Dia more like swim than running .)
 I want to paint my bedroom and to buy a new bed. (I want paint room me and buy
mattress new .)
 Every morning, we make our bed, eat breakfast and feed the dog. ( Every morning , we
cleared up the place sleep , breakfast , and give eat dog .)
 I will not sing a song, nor will I dance. ( Me no will sing or dance .)
 I had taken a shower and had eaten my breakfast by the time he got to my house. (I 've
taken a shower and have eat breakfast I moment he got home _ i .)
 The teacher told them that they needed to study and that they should practice their words
every night. (Master says to they that they must study and them must practice the words
every night .)
 We enjoy relaxing and sitting out in the sun. (We enjoyed relax and sit in the sun ray
sun .)
21.Wh- Question

Wh - question is question for request information . Requested information _ could form time ,
place , person, thing , thing , reason , or way . Like form question others , namely : yes-no and
tags , wh -question also ends with a question mark ( sign ask ).

Types of WH Questions

WH-Question Functions and Formulas

1. Asking for Subject

Asking for Subject or ask subject , is used for type questions that the focus asks subject
( perpetrator ).

 Who opened the window?

Who opened _ the window ?
Who did open the window
the window ?

 What happened last night?

What happened _ yesterday night ?
What did happen last night?
What happened _ yesterday night ?

2. Asking for Objects

Asking for Objects or ask Object , is used for type questions that the focus asks object
( sufferer ) . Pay attention to the procedure manufacture based on Formula under this :

Whom/What + Auxiliary Verb + Subject + Verb + Object

 What did you buy in the market yesterday?

What are you bought at the market yesterday ?
I bought shoes in the market yesterday
buy shoe in the market yesterday

 Whom will Jessica help?

Who will Jessica help ?
_ Jessica will help Nayla
Jessica will help Nayla

3. Embedded Questions

Embedded Questions or known _ as sentence stored question , is one _ _ type form sentences _
the sentence covered inside a sentence or another question . Milk sentence this no like inside _
interrogative sentences but like sentence news , Pay attention to the procedure manufacture based
on Formula under this :

Subject + Verb + Question Word + Subject + Verb + Object

Example WH-Question sentences

No. Example Sentence Wh - Question

Who called my boss 5 minutes ago?

Who call boss me 5 minutes ago ? _

What inspired her to visit Rhome?

What inspired him visit Rome?



In language English , available rule to be part important thing to learn _ for

understood by those who use it language England . Besides it , fine student and especially
teachers for those who study language English as foreign language (EFL) assumes that study
grammar only felt no enough for understand language England , meanwhile for
communication life real grammar too important. Students who want learn language English
naturally demanded for could use language English with good and true in four Skills
tree language namely ; listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Lots of literature study
discuss about learning language which foreign it seems show that student find that
grammar helps in learning language .

related with learning grammar, the majority of language teachers English believe
that learning component language must done in a manner integrative in 4 kinds of
language skills English (Patricia & Amato, 2010). However different with theory previously ,
Ur (2012) argued students who are taught grammar English in a manner explicitly , mastery of
their grammar more good than those who don't taught grammar _ English in a manner explicit.
Integration Among grammar learning den be answer on teacher 's expectations learning
language Good and correct English . When student could produce good sentences , they are
could use it in speak or write language English , and help they understand what are they
read and what they are listen Bro , 4 language skills English considered

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Anas, Sudijono , Introduction Education Statistics , (Jakarta: PT. Raja Grafindo Persada , 2004),
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Cakir , Ishmael. 2011. Theory and Practice in Language Studies. Problems in Teaching Tenses to
Turkish Learners, (1)2, 123-127.

George E. Wishon and Julia M Burks, Let Write English, Revised Edition , (New York : Linton
Educational, 1980), p.206

Hafiz, Pahmi. 2016. An analysis of The Students' Ability in Using Simple Present Tense on the
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Hankel, E. 2004. Teaching Academic ESL Writing: Practical Techniques in Vocabulary and
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John Lyons. 1995. Linguistic Semantic an Introduction, (Cambridge: Cambridge University

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Lusmini , Sunarti Astuti. 2014. Analysis on Students Errors in Using Present Perfect Continuous
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Martin Hewings . 2006. Advanced Grammar in Use, (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press ),
p. 12

McGraw-Hill. 2002. Interactions 2 Grammar, 4th Edition. New York:

McGraw-Hill/Contemporary Publishers , p. 29.

Mulyaningsih , DiniUtami . 2013. An Analysis of Students' Ability in Writing Narrative Texts.

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