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TOPIC: There Is a Time for Everything: Punctuality and Time Management
OBJECTIVES: At the end of the lesson, the learners should able to:
1. Distinguish the benefits of time management.
2. Record a particular experience was late for an activity.
3. Organize a to-do list in particular tasks that have to finish.
There Is a Time for Everything: Punctuality and Time Management
“Know the true value of time; snatch, seize,
And enjoy every moment of it.
No idleness, no laziness, no procrastination;
Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today.”
----Lord Chesterfield
Being young does not mean one can afford to take time for granted. Wasted time cannot be recovered. If a
person dawdles and repeatedly postpones tasks, he or she is letting time slip away. One must find ways to change this
habit for the better.
There is a reason why people say “Time is gold.” Time is very precious to waste. Seize the day. Learn how to
manage your time, and learn to prioritize to get the most out of each day.
Time, according to Albert Einstein, is “the occurrence of events,
one after the other.” Time is a method or system by which we measure the
duration of our activity. We use the clock to measure time in seconds,
minutes, and hours. We refer to the calendar to count the number of days
that have passed.
All of us have the time for all our activities. Hence, we have enough
time to do things that can make our lives more meaningful.
Offenses against Time
1. Cramming. This is the habit of some students when it comes to
doing their homework, project, or reviewing for a quiz or long test.
They do these the night before the deadline. In education, cramming is the practice of working intensively to
absorb large volume of information material in short amounts of time. It is often done by students in
preparation for upcoming exams, especially just before they are due. This usually results in an unsatisfactory
output. If this is done habitually, it will result in mediocrity.
2. Tardiness. Being late for a class or for any activity does not speak well of our character. Tardiness is the habit of
being late or delaying arrival. Being late as a form of misconduct may be formally punishable in various
arrangements, such as workplace, school, etc.
Part of being a responsible person is to come on time. If we come late, the time allotted for work will be
affected and can risk the quality of output. Punctuality is one major factor for performance evaluation of an
employee. We have to practice punctuality to be ready for the demands of our future.
3. Procrastination. Is the action of delaying or postponing something, The word has origin from the Latin
procrastinatus, which itself evolved from the prefix pro-, meaning “forward” and crastinus, meaning “of
tomorrow”. This is also known as “mañana habit.” The causes of procrastination are one’s carelessness and
laziness. Things are less complicated when we work on our responsibilities immediately.
4. Wasting time. If we realize that time is a priceless commodity, we would feel sorry for all the time we have
wasted. We waste time when we are lazy, and spend more time watching television, playing computer games,
and attending to social networks than accomplishing our priorities such as studying.
5. “Filipino time”. From our past experience, “Filipino time” means always late or not starting on time. This does
not speak well of the whole Filipino community. We must change this impression on Filipino by reinforcing
punctuality. Being punctual shows courtesy and respect to others most especially to those who strictly observe
Punctuality: On Time All the Time
Being on time is a sign of respect for another. Being late is a waste of time and shows discourtesy. Being
punctual is important in maintaining healthy relationships with people and in developing a mature and disciplined
character on our part.
Punctuality is a sign of professionalism and helps you stand out as a reliable and trustworthy employee. If you
don’t get your part of a project completed on time, you keep others from being able to finish their tasks. Being punctual
helps you establish your reputation as a dependable and consistent worker.
You need to learn how to manage your time and how to prioritize.
Learn to prioritize by:
1. Identifying the important tasks you have to finish;
2. Doing the most difficult task first and what has to be finished first; and
3. Making a to-do list so that you do not miss particular tasks that you have to finish.
Time management makes us able to effectively organize time in line with the tasks we need to accomplish.
Learning to manage your time will help you become efficient in your work.
Try the following practices to develop your time management skills:
1. Make a to-do list of what you need to accomplish. List specific tasks you need to finish like do homework, read
assignments, review for a quiz, research, and other related tasks. Cross out a particular task on the list once you
have accomplished it.
2. Set a personal deadline. You may set your personal deadline a day or two ahead of the deadline set by you
teacher for the submission of a project or homework.
3. Make use of your downtime. Downtime refers to those times when activities are reduced. Use your downtime or
free time wisely. Plan your day and check to-do list.
4. Avoid procrastination. Do not put off tomorrow what you can do today.
5. Learn to reward yourself after accomplishing a task. Make the reward motivation to finish the task at hand. The
personal reward is a celebration of an achieved goal.
The Benefits of Time Management
As we learn to manage our time effectively, we immediately reap its
benefits. Here are some of the positive effects of time management:
1. You get things done faster. Since you have planned and listed the
things that you have to do, you do not commit a lot of mistake
compare who cram before the deadline.
2. You come up with a better quality of work. If you have scheduled the
tasks that you have to do, you would be able to spend more time to
work on your project or task.
3. It reduces stress. Time management means planning your tasks well
before the deadline.
4. You feel good about yourself. When you do your work well, people
around you appreciate how you handle a particular task.
5. You have more time for recreation with your friends and family. Part of
budgeting your time is to allot enough time for recreation. The key to a
happy student life is the ability to balance important things in your formation as a person.

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