3017 M.ahmad BS Chem 4th English Assighnment

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Assignment: English

Submitted to: Sir Arshad Javed

Submitted by: Muhammad Ahmad

Roll NO: 3017

Class: BS (Chem) 4th evening

Department of Chemistry

University of Okara
Kinds of Research in Details
There are the following types of the research:

1) Basic research:
This type of research we can define it as the data collected to the
enhance the knowledge. The main motivation of the basic research is the knowledge
expansion. It is non-commercial research that does not facilitate in creating or
inventing anything. Like we can say that the like that an experiment to find the
simple fact.
For example: The science is basically including in the example of the basic research
like that the research to determine the chemical compositions of the organic
molecules. A research to discover the components of the human DNA is the example
of the basic research.
2) Applied Research:
This type of the research focuses on to the analyzing and solving the
real-life problems. The type usually tell use to examine to solve the Practical
problems by using the scientific methods. And it is also point that the studies play an
important role in to solving the issues that impact the overall wellbeing of humans.
For example: finding a specific cure for the disease.
For example: Example of the applied research in the psychology include .Applied
research to improve the commitment of the workplace by arriving at the practical
worker- motivation strategies. Investigating treatment and the management options
for the anxiety and the panic attacks .investigating factors that improve the workers
3) Problem Oriented research:
As the name shows that it is the problem-oriented research conducted
to understand that actually the exact nature of the problem relevant to the research and
then to find out the relevant solutions.
For example: The revenue of a car company has decreased by the 12% in the last
year. The following could be the probable causes there is no optimum production or
the poor quality of the product ,no advertisement or the economic conditions.
4) Problem Solving research:
This type of the research is mostly conducted by the companies to
understand and resolve their own problems . and the problem-solving method uses
applied research to find solutions to the existing problems.
For example: problem solving research is an essential skill related to the problem-
solving analysis ,in decision making ,in communication, Dependability, and also
acquire more technical knowledge in your field.
5) Qualitative research:
The qualitative research is the process that is actually about the inquiry and
it also helps create in the depth understanding of the problems or the issues in their
natural setting. And all of the above this is the non-statistical method.
The qualitative research depends upon the experience of the researchers and the
questions used to solve the example. The size of the sample usually comprises of 6-10
people. Qualitative research is actually the way of the collecting data and also analyze
it to draw conclusions. And unlike the qualitative methods this method uses a
computational and the statistical process to collect the and analyze the data.
For example: The example of the most frequently used qualitative research methods
are basically one-on-one interviews, or to the focus the groups and the case study
research and record keeping and also include the qualitative observation are the
examples of the qualitative research
6) Quantitative Research:
Unlike the qualitative research this method uses a computational and the
statistical process to collect and the analyze the data. But the quantitative is all about
the numbers.
Quantitative research is basically involving a larger population like more people more
data. Like that this type mainly depend upon the quantity. With more data to analyze
then you can obtain the more accurate results.
Theis method uses the close ended questions because the researchers are the typically
looking to the get the statistical data.
Online surveys and the polls are the basically the preferable data collection tolls used
in the quantitative research. There are various methods of the deploying surveys or
For example: the example of the quantitative research is the survey conducted to
understand the like that the amount of time a doctor takes to tend to the patient when
the patient walks into the hospital.

Research Process
The process of the research is mainly containing some steps:

Steps of Research Process:

The research process is basically a multiple step process where the steps are
usually connected with each other in the process. If changes are made in the first step of the
process then it would be necessary for the researcher for to check all other steps to ensure the
changes are reflected throughout the process. These professionals need to understand the
steps of the research process as they apply for the study. There are the following steps

 Step 1: Identify the Problem:

 The first step in the process is basically is for the identification of the problem
or to develop a research.
 The research problem may be something the agency identifies as the problem
some knowledge or the information that is usually needed by the agency or
the desire to identify the recreation trend nationally.
 This serves as the focus of the study. By the identification of the main
problem then we can easily initiate our research process.
 Step 2: Review the Literature:
 Now when the problem has been identified the researchers then must learn
more about the topic under the investigation.
 For this the researchers then revise the literature related to the research
problem. This step provides the beneficial knowledge about the problem area.
 The review of literature also educates the researcher about that what studies
have been conducted in the past and then how these studies were conducted,
and the results in the problem area.
 In the obesity study, the review of literature enables the programmer to
discover the horrifying facts related to the long-term effects of childhood
obesity in terms of health issues, death rates, and projected medical costs. So,
this is the review of the literature.
 Step 3: Clarify the Problem:

 After the review of the literature the earlier problem identified in the first step
of the process is too large or .
 In step 3 of the process, the researcher clarifies the problem and narrows the
level of the study
 . This can only be done after the literature has been reviewed. This topic is
very wise and broad and could be studied based on genetics, family
environment, diet, exercise, self-confidence, leisure activities, or health issues.
 All of these areas cannot be investigated in a single study; therefore, the
problem and purpose of the study must be more clearly defined.
 Step 4: Clearly Define Terms and Concepts
 To clarify the Terms and concepts are words or phrases used in the purpose
statement of the study or the details of the study.
 These terms need to be exactly defined as they apply to the study. Terms or
concepts mostly have different definitions depending on who is reading the
 To reduce the confusion about what the meaning of the terms and phrases.
the researcher must specifically define them for the study.
 In the obesity study, the idea of “person's health” can be defined in several
ways such as physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual health. For this study,
the individual's health is defined as physical health.
 Step 5: Define the Population
 Research projects can focus on a exact group of people, facilities, employee
estimations, programs, financial status, marketing efforts, or the combination
of technology into the operations.
 For example, if a researcher wants to observe a specific group of people in
the community, the study could examine a specific age group, males or
females, people living in a specific geographic area, or a specific ethnic group.
 Exactly thousands of options are available to the researcher to precisely
identify the group to study.
 The research problem and the purpose of the study support the researcher in
identifying the group to involve in the study. In research terms, the group to
involve in the study is always called the population.
 Step 6: Develop the Instrumentation Plan
 The plan for the study is mentioned to as the composition plan. This plan
serves as the road map for the entire study.
 It is also requiring who will participate in the study; how, when, and where
data will be collected; and the content of the program.
 Like that in the obesity study, the researcher has decided to have the children
participate in a walking program for six months.
 The group of participants is called the sample, which is a smaller group
selected from the population specified for the study.
 The researcher develops the plan for the walking program, representative what
data will be collected, when and how the data will be collected, who will
collect the data, and how the data will be analyzed.
 Step 7: Collect Data

 Once the composition plan is completed, the actual study begins with the
collection of data. The collection of data is a serious step in providing the
information needed to answer the research question.

 Every study includes the collection of some type of data—whether it is from

the literature or from subjects—to answer the research question

 Data can be collected in the form of words on a survey, with a survey,

through observations, or from the literature. In the obesity study, the
programmers will be collecting data on the defined variables: weight,
percentage of body fat, cholesterol levels.

 Step 8: Analyze the Data

 It is last process in the research in which we analyze all of the data All the
time, effort, and resources dedicated to steps 1 through 7 of the research
processes complete in this final step.
 The researcher finally has data to examine so that the research question can be
answered. In the composition plan, in this the researcher stated that how the
data will be examined.
 The researcher now analyzes the data according to the plan. The results of this
analysis are then revised and summarized in a manner directly related to the
research questions.

Qualitative and Quantitative Data Collection


Data Collection methods: Many of the data collection tools can be either the
qualitative or the quantitative.

Quantitative data collection methods:

1) Surveys:
Survey Research is defined as the process of leading research using surveys that
researchers send to survey respondents.
Survey research methods: there are some methods which are discussed below:
 Online/Email: the online survey or through the email is one of the most
helpful and beneficial research methods nowadays
 Phone: The research of the survey that is basically led on the phone can be
useful in the collection of the data from the more widespread part of the
 Face to Face: The researchers can also conduct face to face in the most depth
interviews in the situation where there is complex problem to solve.
 Longitudinal Survey research: The longitudinal survey involves conducting
the survey research over the continuum of the time and spread across years
 Cross- sectional survey research: researchers can also conduct a cross
sectional survey to collect data from the desired audience at particular time.
 Analyze survey result: The researchers can use the results to implement the
corrective measure to improve the customer to the worker satisfaction

2) Experiments: Experimental research is conducted with a scientific approach

using the two sets of the variables. There are three types of the experimental research.
 Pre experimental research design: in this the group or the various groups are
kept under the observation after implementing factors of cause and effect.
 True experimental research design: True experimental research relies on the
basic statistical analysis to prove or disprove the research hypothesis making it
more accurate from the research.
 Quasi – experimental research: this type of research is similar to the
experimental but not the same the difference between the two is the
assignment of the control group.
3) Observations: The observation as the name shows is the way of collecting data
through the observing. That we can define it as observing the subjects in the natural
environment where the variables cannot be controlled precisely. Observation as the
data collection can be structured or unstructured.
 Structured observation: in the structured observation the data collections is
basically conducted by using the different and specific variables according to
the schedule.
 Un-structured observation: the observation that is conducted in an open or
the free manner in a sense so that there would be no any pre-determined

Qualitative data Collection Methods:

1) Interviews: The interview is basically a qualitative research technique that is

usually involve an asking an open ended and fare question to debate the respondent
and collect data about a subject. There are further types:
 Structured Interviews: it is also known as the standard type of the interview
and which is basically quantitative in approach. It is the very rigid in
operations allows very litter of promoting the participants to obtain and then
analyze the result.
 Semi-Structured interviews: the Semi structured interviews usually offers
significant amount to the researcher to review the respondents along with
maintaining the basic interview structure.
 Unstructured Interviews: this type of interview usually explain as the
conversation held with the purpose in our mind to gather data about research
2) Focus group: in this type the we discuss among the group of the peoples about the
topic to gather the opinions that can be used for the further research. There are some
 Dual-moderator focus group: in this type there are two moderators for this
event.in which one ensures the smooth execution and the others clarify the
discussion of the group.
 Two-way focus group: it involves two separate groups that having a
discussion on the topic at different time.
 Mini focus group: this type of the group restricts the participants to about 4-5
members instead of about 6 to 10.
 Client-involvement focus group: By using this group when the client asks
you to conduct the focus group and invite those who ask.
 Participant moderated focus group: One or more participant can take up as
the role of the moderator.
 Online focus group: this group involve in the online method to gather the
opinions and the feedback.it include the observer, moderator and respondent.
3) Ethnography: in this section we usually discuss among a group of the people
about a topic to the gather the opinions that can be used for further research.it have
three types:
 Business Ethnographic Research: it involves a research that used for to
observe a consumer habits and the target markets in order to the discover the
true market needs for your product.
 Educational Ethnographic Research: this type of the research involves
observing teaching and the learning methods and how these affect classroom
 Medical Ethnographic Research: it is the type of the ethnographic research
used for the qualitative investigations in the healthcare. This type of the
research also helps for those persons who is practicing medical field to
understand and the dispositions of the patient ranging from the simp to
complex behavioral patterns.
4) Literature review: in this the survey of published works by the other authors. A
literature reviews surveys the books ,scholarly articles and also any other sources
relate to the particular issue, area of the research or by provides a description, or the
summary. There are few types of the literature review.
 Argumentative Review: this form involves examine the selective literature in
order to support or we can say disprove an argument and deeply surrounded
assumptions or the logical problem that is already establish in the literature.
 Methodological Review: this is the type of the review in which the reader
does not always focus on the what some said but think about that how they
came about saying what they . Reviewing methods of the analysis provides the
framework of the understanding at the different level.
 Systematic Review: The purpose of the theoretical Review is to study or
examine the quantity of the theory that has collected in regard to the
issue ,concept, theory and the phenomena. This type of the review helps to
establish the theories that is already exists.
 Integrative Review: in this type of the review the critiques and the
synthesizes a representative literature on a topic in such an
integrated way such that new outlines and the viewpoints on the
topic are generated.
 Historical review: in this historical literature reviews focus on the examining the
research throughout the period of the time ,mostly starting with the first time an issue,
the concept, the theory and the phenomena emerged in the literature.

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