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Workview/Lifeview and Values Reflection

Work to me implies being productive by making the most of the time allocated to me in

doing something meaningful. Thus, work is all about commitment. Work enables me to explore a

passion and explore new approaches to bettering the world with the knowledge I possess.

Importantly, work means committing yourself to do something I am satisfied and happy with and

also striving towards making someone’s life more enjoyable. By working, I develop my financial

independence while also building on my professional experience. Accordingly, I reflect on life as

having the ability and responsibility to make the world a better place. We live for a purpose,

which to me, should be greater than our own. In life, we interact with different persons with the

goal of learning to grow. Life lessons enable us to incorporate love and peace in our lives since

we learn from the past. Thus, every moment in life is a great lesson. My views on work and life

complement each other in the sense that we need to help others. In my life, helping others is

more fulfilling. Similarly, my work entails aiding people both directly and indirectly. Thus, at its

core, there is a complement between work and life views.

Practically, there will always be a clash between work and life views. The clash between

work and life views mainly originates from the cultural differences as we interact with persons

from diversified backgrounds. Due to the lack of effective communication at the place of work,

at times we face difficulties in helping others succeed to meet their specific objectives in life.

Besides, work requires a lot of sacrifice and time in order to obtain our desires. As a result, a
Surname 2

clash between making life and work views emanate from the difficulty in committing enough

time to spend with family and friends. Therefore, my views on work and life clash at the point of

achieving a balance in goals from both sides of work and life settings.

My views on work and life drive one another. For instance, life involves facing

challenges and approaching them in different ways. It is from these challenges that I feel

motivated to work harder to enhance my satisfaction in life and at work. Also, the lifeview that

entails helping a community drives me to stay focused on my career path and continue to pursue

my dreams. My life view drives my work view since I need to acquire more money and achieve

a better life. Similarly, my workview drives the views I have on life by establishing a better

social and healthy life to increase my dedication at the workplace.

Values form a crucial foundation of my life by dictating the kind of choices I make and

determining the directions taken in life. Significantly, values influence my decisions related to

my career and relationships with others. My values fit in with the work views since they guide

my attitudes and behaviors at the workplace. For example, values enable me to respect others

and portray personal accountability to offer excellent workplace services. Accordingly, the

values I possess fit in with life views in enhancing my capability to tolerate others and stay


This exercise has enhanced the understanding of my work-life balance. From the

exercise, I have noted that the needs in my work-life balance develop on daily basis. However, I

realize that I place more emphasis on hobbies and interests at the workplace in order to generate

extra income. As a result, I end up missing out on crucial factors in independent life, such as

exercising, social interactions, and getting quality sleep. Thus, the exercise has revealed to need

to develop a healthy professional life. I am more curious in understanding how to align

Surname 3

moralistic tendencies of lifeview and pragmatic qualities of workview to avoid experiencing

unprecedented clashes.

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