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● Executive summary ● System analysis
● Platform services ● Project dependence
● System requirement analysis ● Timeline and roadmap
● The minimum viable product ● Roles and responsibilities

The number of corporations and government agencies offering funding

for different projects of different fields is slowly increasing. There is a
huge number of people from different backgrounds trying to gain
access to these different types of funding opportunities. The process of
getting your project funded is very lengthy, cumbersome and scary, as a
result a lot of people are left out from these opportunities. What if
there was a way to improve the process and make it easier for people
from all different backgrounds to gain access to these funds ?. What if
the processes of getting funding for your project could be simplified and
digitalized, making the whole process just a few clicks of buttons and
simple form filling at the comfort of someone’s own home?
The solution
With technology improving almost every day, it’s becoming very easy to
digitalize certain processes to an extent that almost everything can be
done over the internet with just a few steps at the comfort of your own
home. So, with that being said, the idea of ZAMREG was born.

ZAMREG is an online platform that aims to simplify the process of

getting funds such as FISP, SCT and CDF empowerment loans and grants
by digitalizing the entire process. On ZAMREG we are going to offer
three main services:

• FISP : farmer support input program

• SCT : Social cash transfer
• CDF: empowerment loans and grants

• Login and Registration

• Services view : The list of services a user can apply for on ZAMREG

• Dashboard view : This will show the funding the user or

corporation has applied for

• Service view : Before applying

• Service view : After applying

• Admin view : This will be the central control panel where

corporations and government agencies can review, reject or
approve applications for funding

• Profile view : This will show the details of the applicant and the
status of their applications

• Edit Profile : this is where the corporation or user can make

changes to their profile details

• About Us:

• Contact
• Terms and Conditions

• Privacy policy

• Cookie Policy

• Navigation : this will show all the available views that a user can
navigate to.
System Feature analysis

Feature Section Description

Login Form A A simple form with an email / phone number and password
( Single User ) section with a login button
Login Form A A simple form with an email / phone number and password
( Corporative ) section with a login button
Registration Form A A simple form with a user email / phone number, password,
(single user ) user full name with a signup button. Some more detailed
information can later add to the profile to complete the profile

Registration Form A A simple form with a corporative registered name, email /

( corporative ) phone number , password with a signup button. Some more
detailed features can
Password Reset A A form where the user can type their e-mail address, so a
reset link is sent.
Navigation bar All A navigation bar with the sections of the application. Always
visible like a header.
Footer All A navigation bar with the sections of the application. Always
visible like a header.
List all Funding B A simple list with all the services available (might have to be
Services paginated in the future as this list grows); people can click
on the services to know more about it.
List all Funding C A simple list (paginated in the future as it can grow) with all
applied for the funding services the user or corporative has applied for and
their status.
View the user D The user can check their personal data.
Change the D The user can change their password if the current one is
password correct.
Complete E The user receives a notification email upon the completion of
application the
application for funding. This view is the only view the user can
access after
the application process is finished.
FISP funding F A FISP application form with first name, last name, phone
application (single number, NRC number and NRC FILE upload section
user ) application


The methodology chosen for the development of the project is called

agile . This methodology was chosen because at every stage of the
development, there will always be a working product and is flexible
when changes or new features have to be added to the product.

MVP features

1. Login and Registration

2. FISP service
3. Admin
4. Contact
5. About Us
6. Terms and Conditions
7. Privacy Policy
8. Cookie policy
9. User Profile


• Database
• Storage
• Domain
• Hosting
• Hiring Engineers
• Hiring UI/UX designers
• Purchasing of development equipment

AWS services :
• Simple Storage Service (s3)
• Api gateway
• CloudFront
• EC2 instance
• Docker : micro service development and application manager
• Kubernetes: container orchestration

Phase one: Requirement analysis .

Definition: is the process of determining user expectations for a new or

modified product. These features, called requirements must be
quantifiable, relevant and detailed.

In this phase, we are going to look at the features that are required in
order to solve the problem.

Duration : 2 weeks

Phase two : System Design

Definition : Systems design is the process of defining elements of a

system like modules, architecture, components and their interfaces and
data for a system based on the specified requirements.

This phase involves breaking down the features into smaller tasks and
deciding on the type of tech stacks we are going to use in order to solve
each task efficiently.
Duration : 2 weeks.

Phase three : API Design and documentation

In this phase, we are going to design and document the api structure
and methods that will bind the fronted and backend thus making it easy
to develop the frontend ( USER INTERFACE ) and the backend
( BUSINESS LOGIC ) in a parallel fashion.

Duration : 1 week

Phase four: Development ( Feature implementation )

This phase will involve translating every feature and design into code.

The fourth phase will be divided into two parts: The frontend design
development and backend design development.

The frontend design and implementation details will be based on the

API Documentation from phase three.

Note : Each feature is going to be broken down into smaller tasks thus
making easy to develop. The development phase will take the longest
time because it will be accomplished using the agile methodology will
ensures flexibility to product or requirement changes and

At each step in this, we will have a working product. Thus, making us

ready for testing and Deployment
Duration: 12 weeks

Phase five: Quality assurance and Deployment

This phase will be for testing and modification of features and
requirements if the need arises.

Duration : 4 weeks to 6 weeks

• Product manager : The product manager is going to be in charge


• Systems Engineer : This role will be responsible for designing the

system to accommodate for huge number of users plus look at the
security risk

• Backend engineer : this role will be responsible for building the

business logic and database management.

• Frontend engineer : This role will be responsible for building the

USER INTERFACE and building a responsive frontend to
accommodate different types of browsers

• UI / UX designer : this role will be responsible for design the

entire look for the platform and design UX that accounts for how
the clients will use the product

• Quality Assurance : The quality assurance role will ensure that the
product that will be released to production will have at least a few
bugs to improve the user experience and account for all possible
security vulnerabilities
• DevOps : The devOps role or team will be in charge of creating a
CI/CD pipeline that will deploy the application to production in
controlled way.

• Product manager : The product manager is going to be in charge


• Systems Engineer : This role will be responsible for designing the

system to accommodate for huge number of users plus look at the
security risk

• Backend engineer : this role will be responsible for building the

business logic and database management.

• Frontend engineer : This role will be responsible for building the

USER INTERFACE and building a responsive frontend to
accommodate different types of browsers

• UI / UX designer : this role will be responsible for design the

entire look for the platform and design UX that accounts for how
the clients will use the product

• Quality Assurance : The quality assurance role will ensure that the
product that will be released to production will have at least a few
bugs to improve the user experience and account for all possible
security vulnerabilities

• DevOps : The devOps role or team will be in charge of creating a

CI/CD pipeline that will deploy the application to production in
controlled way.

• Product manager : The product manager is going to be in charge


• Systems Engineer : This role will be responsible for designing the

system to accommodate for huge number of users plus look at the
security risk

• Backend engineer : this role will be responsible for building the

business logic and database management.

• Frontend engineer : This role will be responsible for building the

USER INTERFACE and building a responsive frontend to
accommodate different types of browsers

• UI / UX designer : this role will be responsible for design the

entire look for the platform and design UX that accounts for how
the clients will use the product

• Quality Assurance : The quality assurance role will ensure that the
product that will be released to production will have at least a few
bugs to improve the user experience and account for all possible
security vulnerabilities
• DevOps : The devOps role or team will be in charge of creating a
CI/CD pipeline that will deploy the application to production in
controlled way.

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