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Part 1: You want to join a book club. Fill in the form. Use 1 – 5 words.
1. What’s your favorite hobby? I like listening to music.
2. How do you get to work? I get to work by bus.
3. What do you like to do in the evening? I like watching movies. (EM TRÁNH LẶP TỪ LIKE
4. What kinds of movies do you like? It is comedy.
5. What’s your favorite food? It is (TRÁNH LẶP TỪ EM NHA) pancake.
Part 2: You are a new member of a book club. Fill in the form. Write in sentences. Use 20 – 30
Please tell me about your free time and hobbies? I have to take part in my school classes from
Monday to Thursday, so I can only have free time on Friday and weekends after 5. Pm (5 P.M.).
Moreover, I really love books and I usually read books in my leisure time.
Part 3: You are a member of a book club. You are talking to three other members in the book club
chat room. Talk to them using sentences. Use 30 – 40 words.
A: Hi! Welcome to the club. When and where do you like reading books?
I usually read books in the evening, after go (GOING) to bed because it helps my mind relax and
easily asleep after a long day. Moreover, I would like to read books by myself in a quiet space, (EM
THAY DẤU PHẨY BẰNG BECAUSE NHA) I can focus on receiving a lot of information.
B: Hi! I would like to give my friend a book. What would you suggest for me toed buy?
One of the famous books that (IS) recommended by everyone is “ How Worthwhile is your youth”
written by Rosie Nguyen. It is (THE) experiences of the author about the young (NHỮNG NGƯỜI
TRẺ?) and it brings for many young people positive image to improve themselves. I think the book is
suitable for your friend.
C: Online books replace traditional books? What do you think about that?
I think it is true. A growing of number people chooses (CHOOSE - EM PHẢI CHIA ĐỘNG TỪ SỐ
NHIỀU NHA) online books instead of traditional books because it has (THEY HAVE SẼ HỢP LÝ
HƠN ĐÓ EM VÌ EM ĐANG NÓI VỀ ONLINE BOOKS) a lot of benefits. Firstly, it is (THEY
ARE) really convenient, people only need smartphone to read anywhere. Secondly, readers can read
books on free or low cost websites.
Part 4: You are a member of a book club. You received this email from the club.
Đề 1: Dear member,
From next month we will no longer be able to continue our offer of one free book every month. Also,
because of problems with our delivery service, please expect a wait 4-6 weeks before your order
1. Informal
Hi Sam,
What are things with you? I hope everything is fine.
I am writing to let you know about bad news. Have you read the notice from the book club that we
will no longer be able to continue our offer of one free book every month from next month. Honestly,
I felt disappointed when I heard the news. I hope we will build a small fund to continue our offer of
one free book for members.
What do you think? Drop me a line soon.
2. Formal
Dear Sir,
My name is Mai Anh and I have been a member of the club for two months. I am writing an email to
express my feeling and suggestions regarding your previous mail. According to the news, we will no
longer be able to continue our offer of one free book every month from next month because of
problems with our delivery service. To be honest, I am shocked when I heard the prices and I felt
discontented about the way you manage the club. As a student like most members of the book club,
we don’t have a lot of money to pay for that. I think should rasing (RAISE) the membership fee by at
least 5%. I hope my suggestions are taken into consideration. I look forward to hearing from you
Yours faithfully,
Pham Mai Anh
Đề 2: Dear member,
The local authorities will close the library next year because many people prefer reading online
books. The club wants members to give their opinions and suggestions on this matter
1. Write an email to your friend. Write about 50 words.
3. Write an email to the manager of the club. Write about 120 - 150 words.

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