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Visca, Baybay City, Leyte, PHILIPPINES
Telefax: 563-7527

Name: Dipay, John Carl G. Date: April 19, 2023

Course and Year: BPEd- 3 Score:

Lesson # 5.1- Planning and Management of the Teaching and Learning



Direction: Watch and reflect on Sir. Ken Robinson's video "Does School Kill
Creativity." Provide your perspective on the subject discussed.

Complete the assessment by providing a critical analysis of not less than 500words.
Please follow the outline below:
A. Introduction
B. Analysis (Identify and explain Ken Robinson's argument and provide your own
argument about the topic discussed.)
C. Implications (Focusing on the curriculum, determine the implication of "Does
School Kill creativity" to the class you have observed.)
D. Conclusion

Click this link for your reference on the video:

Do schools kill creativity? | Sir Ken Robinson - YouTube

Sir Ken Robinson in the Ted Talk that I have watched discusses the concept
of creativity, how it relates to education, and how we may use it as the starting point
for our future development. He thinks that today is common place for us to waste
the skills of the kids we teach. By placing unpredictable restrictions on students, we
instill in them a fear of making tough decisions and the belief that academic
achievement is the only valid criterion for success. Sir Ken Robinson thinks it's
critical to develop fresh approaches of adjusting instruction to students' needs
rather than forbidding them from making mistakes. The capacities of the individuals
we teach are distinctive enough to call for a novel approach to the educational
system that concerns their entire being, not just a superficial element. Human
imagination cannot be safely contained inside the limitations of a few prescribed

Vision: A globally competitive university for science, technology, and environmental conservation. Page 1 of 3
Mission: Development of a highly competitive human resource, cutting-edge scientific knowledge FM-VSU-03
and innovative technologies for sustainable communities and environment.
Visca, Baybay City, Leyte, PHILIPPINES
Telefax: 563-7527

measurements. Creativity and innovation are the ways by which we can secure a
happier and safer future for every kid in a world that is continuously changing.
I think educators are Sir Ken Robinson's primary target market. He has
outlined the key issues with our educational system, and I concur with his
viewpoints. Our educational system today is very faulty and out-of-date. Students
require a system that will account for how advanced our society has become, grow a
young person who can occasionally think for themselves, and help them develop
their skills in all areas. The educational system prioritizes some subjects while
ignoring others. It is thought that subjects like math, science, and english are more
important than courses like music and the arts or the MAPEH itself. The point that I
believe he’s trying to point out is that this system has a very limited way of thinking
and shapes people in a certain way rather than enabling them to discover their own
talents. It can genuinely educate children in a way that limits their own creativity and
perception of intelligence while making them useful to the system. Like what I
mostly observed in school especially in my cooperating school where students are
more being focused in assessing them through having quizzes, exams, and other
assessments rather than helping their students to set into their limits and learn
things about on how to solve problem and get to engage with our daily life routine.
Increased stimulation in comparison to a rise in diagnoses of ADHD was one
relationship Mr. Robinson tried to investigate. Even though this insight may seem
obvious to the point of being trite, it is important to keep in mind when working with
kids. In order to immerse those who are more sensitive to it, we as a society have
produced an environment that is overrun with media and information. Even worse,
we punish pupils by medicating them to make up for our society's lack of
forethought and to reintegrate them into our rigid educational system. It's like
punishing a sober person for indulging by putting them in a room full of beer. He
makes the argument that rather than sedated kids, it could be preferable to
encourage them to take in the wealth of information around them and put it into the
framework of education. Additionally, a little bit of sympathy for students who might
have trouble focusing.

Vision: A globally competitive university for science, technology, and environmental conservation. Page 2 of 3
Mission: Development of a highly competitive human resource, cutting-edge scientific knowledge FM-VSU-03
and innovative technologies for sustainable communities and environment.
Visca, Baybay City, Leyte, PHILIPPINES
Telefax: 563-7527

After seeing this video, it is clear to me that Sir Ken Robinson is a fantastic
public speaker who challenges us to view the world in new ways. I think he made
everyone that heard his speech changed their thought about our educational system
and creativity. To help everyone relate to the subject a little better, he provided clear,
intriguing examples from everyday life. I particularly like the tale of the young child
who grew up to become a well-known choreographer because it serves as an
excellent illustration of how being unique is not always a bad thing and may even
lead to remarkable things. This subject is still important today since so many
educators are striving to bring out the best in their students because they are
severely constrained by the system. If those in positions of authority in our countries
thought like Sir Ken Robinson, I believe we would live in communities where true
human values are valued more highly than our capacity for learning pointless

Vision: A globally competitive university for science, technology, and environmental conservation. Page 3 of 3
Mission: Development of a highly competitive human resource, cutting-edge scientific knowledge FM-VSU-03
and innovative technologies for sustainable communities and environment.

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