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Construction & Utilities Program Incident Report:

Precast Panels Collapse & Crush Cars

Category: Sub-category: Relevant to: Date of Issue: Reference No: Authorised by: Precast and tilt-up concrete panels Design for erection All construction sectors, pre-casters, rigging contractors design engineers 17 August 2005 05:004 Geoff Thomas, Director Construction & Utilities Program

WorkSafe Inspectors attended a construction site as a result of a partial collapse of a building under construction. Three of the 12 metre high pre-cast concrete panels, which were already in position and secured with temporary braces, had collapsed into the adjoining propertys driveway and public car park, destroying two cars.

No person was injured as a result of this collapse.

Construction & Utilities Program Incident Report 05: 004 Precast panels collapse and crush cars Page 1 of 3
WorkSafe Victoria is a division of the Victorian WorkCover Authority

Preliminary Inquires
WorkSafes initial site inspection revealed the following: Two of the three panels that collapsed were located on the perimeter of the building. The third panel was located in a row of two panels standing parallel to the perimeter panels about 3.2 m inside the building. The open ends between the two rows of panels were intended to be filled-in by additional panels to form a concrete box. The three collapsed panels had already been positioned and each panel secured with 2 braces. The braces were connected to the 12 m panels approximately 6.5 m above their bases; the Industry Standard recommends that braces be attached at 2/3 of the panel height. The base dowels had yet to be grouted at the time of the collapse. A fourth panel was being rigged into position. This panel was intended to close one end of the box Possible Sequence of Collapse to be formed by the two rows of panels. The brace anchors had pulled out of the slab but the Infill panel being braces remained attached to their respective panels. installed At the time of the collapse it appears there was no adverse weather or wind that may have contributed to the incident. During their initial inquiries, inspectors were not able to confirm: The design engineer had authorised the brand change of M12 masonry anchors, used for the bracing, from those initially recommended. The brace anchors had been tightened to the correct Internal 2 panel wall Perimeter wall Erected and braced torque. The inner panel collapsed first and fell obliquely Plan View (not to scale ) outwards impacting on the 2 outer panels. That information detailing the sequence of panel erection was available on site. Tests had been undertaken, prior to the anchors being installed, to verify the concrete strength of the slab.

Initial Conclusions
To date the initiating cause has not been established and no conclusions have yet been reached as to the primary cause or any other factors which may have contributed to the collapse.

WorkSafe re-states its expectation that designers, panel manufacturers, erectors and builders follow the guidance outlined in the Industry Standard Precast and Tilt-up Concrete for Buildings. WorkSafe also expects that when planning for panel erection and during any onsite erection of pre-cast or tilt-up panels that particular attention is paid to the following:
Construction & Utilities Program Incident Report 05: 004 Precast panels collapse and crush cars Page 2 of 3
WorkSafe Victoria is a division of the Victorian WorkCover Authority

Panel erection should not occur unless erection drawings are available onsite and contain sufficient information to clearly identify: o The sequence of panel erection o The slab concrete strength prior to anchor installation o The engineers recommended bracing arrangements o The brand, type and size of bracing anchors Concrete slab strength test reports are available onsite prior to panel erection and the installation of brace anchors. Any changes to the engineers design specifications are confirmed with the engineer, prior to installation, and recorded on the erection drawings. Anchor manufacturers torque requirements are available onsite. Correct torque of anchors is confirmed by using a torque wrench during installation. Where braces are located at less than the recommended 2/3 height of the panel, the design engineer specifies additional positive means of securing the panel to prevent overturning. It is essential when planning for panel erection that consideration is given to assessing and controlling the risk posed to adjoining properties and the public from panel collapse.

Further Information
The Industry Standard Precast and Tilt-up Concrete for Buildings provides details of the factors that need to be considered when: designing for erection (see Part 4 ), or erecting precast panels (see Part 8). More information is also available in the Australian Standard AS 3850 Tilt-up concrete Construction.

This incident report contains information following WorkSafes inquiries into the incident as at the date of this report. The information contained in this report does not necessarily reflect the final outcome of WorkSafes action with respect to the incident. WorkSafe does not warrant that the information in this incident report is complete or up to date and does not accept any liability to any person for the information contained in this incident report or as to its use. Construction & Utilities Program Incident Report 05: 004 Precast panels collapse and crush cars Page 3 of 3
WorkSafe Victoria is a division of the Victorian WorkCover Authority

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