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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Las Piñas East National High School
Kasoy St., Verdant Acres Subdivision, Pamplona Tres, Las Piñas City


Teacher Date Grade Level Learning Area Quarter


A. Content Standards The learner demonstrates communicative competence through his/her understanding
of British-American Literature including Philippine Literature and other texts types for
deeper appreciation of Philippine Culture and those of other countries.

B. Performance Standards The learner demonstrates communicative competence through his/her understanding
of British-American Literature including Philippine Literature and other texts types for
deeper appreciation of Philippine Culture and those of other countries.
C. Learning Competency Judge the relevance and worth of ideas, soundness of author’s reasoning, and
effectiveness of the presentation
II. CONTENT Analysis on Relevance and Worth of Ideas
A. Reference
1. Teacher’s Guides Grade 9 ADM, pp. 1-3.
2. Learner’s Material pages Grade 9 ADM, pp. 1-3.
3. Textbook Pages n/a
4. Additional Reference from English 9 Quarter 4 Week 1: Judging the Relevance and Worth of Ideas (Part 1).
Learning Resource Retrieved
B. Other Learning Resources
A. Reviewing previous lesson or Present the online icons (YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, Tweeter and have the class
presenting the new lesson react whether they are familiar and using the online media as source of
B. Establishing a purpose for the Briefly elaborate the following criteria to spot the relevance and worth of idea.
lesson ❖ Consider the source
❖ Read Beyond
❖ Check the author
❖ Verify the supporting sources
❖ Check the date
❖ Check your biases

After the brief discussion, have the class listen to a dialog. Then, assess the two (2)
speakers based on the criteria above.

Directions: Assess the two-speakers you have just watched using the criteria below.
Put a check mark (/) or (X) for Myla and John based on the given criteria.
Criteria Myla John
Considering the source
Reading beyond
Checking the author
Verifying the supporting sources
Checking the date
Checking biases

After checking, ask the class whose statement/inform is more credible and relevant?
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Las Piñas East National High School
Kasoy St., Verdant Acres Subdivision, Pamplona Tres, Las Piñas City

C. Presenting examples/instances Briefly discuss the three basic criteria (CAR: Credible, Accurate, Relevant in
of the new lesson determining the relevance and worth of ideas.

D. Discussing new concepts and Present and elaborate examples of evidence and its types.
practicing new skill #1

E. Discussing new concepts and After the brief discussion, have the class identify the type of evidence used in
practicing new skill #2 each of the statements below.
Directions: Name the type of evidence used in each statement below.

1. The Philippines has 36.0 million active TikTok users aged 18 and above, according
to TikTok.
2. One in ten young Filipino women aged 15-19 has begun childbearing: 8 percent are
already mothers, and another 2 percent are pregnant with their first child according
to the results of the 2013 National Demographic and Health Survey (NDHS).
3. Some of my favorite childhood memories revolve around the time I spent helping
my dad plant and tend a vegetable garden in our backyard. My mom and dad help
me till the rows and plant the seeds. Going near okra plants made them itch, so
they let me pick all that myself. To this day, okra makes me think of them.
4. These commercials use known individuals to testify about the quality of a company’s
5. And with Natalia’s help, I’ve gotten so much farther in my relationship with this woman
than I ever could have gotten on my own. In fact, things are so good with the
relationship now that I’m only speaking to Natalia once a month...compared to the
once or twice per week I was doing before!
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Las Piñas East National High School
Kasoy St., Verdant Acres Subdivision, Pamplona Tres, Las Piñas City

F. Developing mastery (Leads to Briefly explain steps on how to validate pieces of evidence as to:
Formative Assessment) 1. Identify the point or the claim that the author or speaker is trying to tell you.
2. Identify specific facts, data, statistics, or examples that back up the point, or in this
step, we look for the evidence.
3. Explain how the pieces of evidence are related to the claim.
4. Determine if the conclusion is based on the presented evidence.

G. Finding practical applications of Have the class listen to “Turn Around” by Zifang “Sherrie” Su, 2018 World Championship
concepts and skills in daily of Public Speaking.
living After watching, have the class identify the speaker’s claim, evidence/s to support the
claim, relation of the evidence to point/claim, and the conclusion.

Directions: After watching to Sherrie Su, assess the speech based on the claim,
evidence and its relation to the claim, and the conclusion.

What is point or claim?

What evidence/s support the
How do the evidence relate
to the point/claim?
How valid the conclusion is?
H. Making generalizations and Make a short video and upload to Padlet. Use the flow below for your short video.
abstractions about the lesson

I. Evaluating Learning Have the class watch the 2-minute debate on Smart Drugs. After watching, have the
class respond to the evaluation questions.
Directions: Choose the letter of the correct answer. (See attached file)

H. Additional activities for

application or remediation
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Las Piñas East National High School
Kasoy St., Verdant Acres Subdivision, Pamplona Tres, Las Piñas City

A. No. of learners who earned _________# of Learners who earned
80% on the formative 80% above_
B. No. of learners who require _________# of Learners who require
additional activities for additional activities for remediation
C. Did the remedial lessons work?
No. of learners who have ___Yes ___No
caught up with the lesson __________# of Learners who caught
up the lesson
D. No. of learners who continue to __________#of learners who continue
require remediation to require remediation
E. Which of many teaching __Debate __Role Play __Creative
strategies worked well? Why Dramatics __Games __Spoken Words
Poetry __ Think, Fair & Share
did these work?
__Journal/Theme Writing
__Movie/Film Review/Critiquing
__Collaborative Learning
__Differentiated Instruction __Lecture
__Discovery Why?__________
Complete IMs
F. What difficulties did I __Bullying among pupils __Pupil’s
encounter which my principal behavior/attitude __Use of IMs
__Unavailable technology Equipment
or supervisor can help me
(AVR/LCD) __Strategies/Activities in
solve? teaching __Techniques/Style in
teaching __Approaches in teaching
English ____Methods in teaching
G. What innovation or localized __Integrations of Information and
materials did I use /discover Communication Technology (ICT) in
teaching English __Localized Videos
which I wish to share with
__Making big books from views of the
others teachers? locality __Recycling of plastics for
contemporary arts __Local musical

Prepared by: Checked by:


Master Teacher II Head Teacher VI



Education Program Supervisor
Office of the School Principal
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Las Piñas East National High School
Kasoy St., Verdant Acres Subdivision, Pamplona Tres, Las Piñas City

Myla: Hi, John.
John: Hi! Hello, Myla. How are you?
Myla: I feel good! How about about?
John: I’m glad to feel the way.
Myla: Have you read the Facebook post circulating online since April 20, 2022?
John: Yeah? What’s about it?
Myla: It was confirmed that the UK Variant has already reached our neighboring town, Las Pinas City.
John: Really!
Myla: According to my friend who resides in the said town, the alleged person who tested positive of COVID – 19 specifically UK Variant
is a medical professional who attended to a deceased patient.
John: Well…!
Myla: I am worried about my relatives who live there. I wish they are fine.
John: I think you are worrying for nothing because earlier today, April 20, 2022.
Myla: Why I should not be?
John: I have read same news from Rappler published by News Achor Victor G. Cruz.
Myla: Oh! Really?
John: The article stated that the Municipal Health Office of Las Pinas City had clarified the said issue. According to them, the mayor only
worked to quote one of the medical professionals who attended to the deceased patient that there is a big possibility that it was caused
by a UK variant. However, there is no contemporary test performed yet.
Myla: Well, that is the good thing about.
John: They have also added that they have already typed to process a genome sequencing of a direct contact of the late patient and the
local chief executive only worked the residents to be vigilant and safe.
Myla: Thank you so much for the information. I’ll check more news about it.
John: Sure. Just give me an updates. Thanks.
Myla: Thanks. Nice talking with you John.
John: Same here.
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Las Piñas East National High School
Kasoy St., Verdant Acres Subdivision, Pamplona Tres, Las Piñas City

College Students Should be Allowed to Take Smart Drugs

Nenita Farahany: Polls of incoming college freshmen show that at least one in three use new smart drugs. We
can pretend that this isn't a choice that large swaths of people are already making, or we can
embrace those smart drugs are just one of the many ways that people exercise free choices in
their lives.

Dr. Arjan Chatterjee: People have the right to choose what they would do or have done to their bodies. College
students have the right to choose.

Nicole Vincent: By providing equal access to these medications to everyone, all the things that we really value
are going to be jeopardized.

Nenita Farahany: Banning smart drugs disempower students for making educated choices for themselves. And
it denies them their ability to think smarter.

Eric Racine: When people are ill and really have serious health conditions, we you know we are willing to take
some risks but when someone's healthy you know and ain't broke don't fix it.

Nenita Farahany: We enhance our brains all the time and every day from coffee we drink first thing in the
morning, the SAT prep, classes we take to gain college admission.

Eric Racine: You could be more eager to work yet those effects could be those also responsible for their addictive
properties. You know, there are things we don't know about these drugs.

Dr. Arjan Chatterjee: What colleges are in the business of doing is educating students to navigate complicated
situations where there's a certain amount of ambiguity.

Nicole Vincent: When you insert smart drugs into the equation into a really competitive society what you are
doing is you're using competition. You're making it possible for some people to up the ante
even more.

Dr. Arjan Chatterjee: I would suggest that the use of these medications don't increase people's competitiveness.
And as so if that's your concern deal with the competitive nature of our society.

Nicole Vincent: Maybe you can get better grades, get that really awesome job. Right? But remember if everyone
has access to those awesome medications, all of us get exactly these advantages.

Nenita Farahany: To the extent that smart drugs work to improve focus, motivation, attention concentration, or
memory we should celebrate them not prohibit them.

Eric Racine: I think there are genuine ways for individuals and societies to improve themselves. It's not rocket
science. It's not smart drugs. It's basic and plain and boring. It's education.
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Las Piñas East National High School
Kasoy St., Verdant Acres Subdivision, Pamplona Tres, Las Piñas City

Evaluation Questions:

1. The statement below expresses a claim that…

“We can pretend that this isn't a choice that large swaths of people are already making, or we can embrace
those smart drugs are just one of the many ways that people exercise free choices in their lives.”
A. the speaker is against the proposition that college students shall allow to use smart drugs.
B. the speaker is in favor of the use of smart drug for college students.
C. the speaker is neutral about the issue.
D. Both A and C

2. Eric Racine’s statement “When people are ill and really have serious health conditions, we you know we are
willing to take some risks but when someone's healthy you know and ain't broke don't fix it.” that expresses his…
A. claim
B. evidence
C. conclusion
D. elaboration

3. The statement, “You could be more eager to work yet those effects could be those also responsible for their
addictive properties. You know, there are things we don't know about these drugs,” attempts to back up…
A. When people are ill and really have serious health conditions, we you know we are willing to take
some risks but when someone's healthy you know fen ain't broke don't fix it.
B. What colleges are in the business of doing is educating students to navigate complicated situations
where there's a certain amount of ambiguity.
C. Banning smart drugs disempower students for making educated choices for themselves. And it denies
them their ability to think smarter.
D. To the extent that smart drugs work to improve focus, motivation, attention concentration, or memory
we should celebrate them not prohibit them.

4. Eric Racine stated that when people are ill and really have serious health conditions, we you know we are
willing to take some risks but when someone's healthy you know and ain't broke don't fix it. This statement is an
example of…
A. Statistical evidence
B. Anecdotal evidence
C. Testimonial evidence
D. Analogical evidence

5. Which statement DOES NOT arrive at a valid conclusion?

A. I think there are genuine ways for individuals and societies to improve themselves it's not rocket science
it's not smart drugs it's basic and plain and boring it's education.
B. I would suggest that the use of these medications don't increase people's competitiveness. And as so if
that's your concern deal with the competitive nature of our society.
C. To the extent that smart drugs work to improve focus, motivation, attention concentration, or memory
we should celebrate them not prohibit them.
D. We can pretend that this isn't a choice that large swaths of people are already making, or we can
embrace those smart drugs are just one of the many ways that people exercise free choices in their

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