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informatica etl developer

informatica powercenter 10.2 course content

module 1: data warehouse concepts - part 1

*business intelligence
*data warehousing concepts(what/why/how)
* data modelling (schemas,fact and dimensions)
* data mart,cube and data normalization
* metadata
* olap vs oltp
* data lake concepts
* dimension, fact tables

module 1: data warehouse concepts - part 2

*types of dimension tables
* types of fact tables
* star schema
* snowflake schema
* slowly changing dimensions
*top down and bottom up approach\
module 2: sql concepts
* conceptual explanation on sql: ddl,dml,drl,tcl,dcl
* constraints,joins,sub queries,analytical functions
module 3: etl informatica powercenter 10.2x
* why do we need etl tool and why informatica
introduction to informatica
* introduction
* getting started
* informatica suite components
* informatica architecture
* informatica server
module 4: informatica power center client components
* repository manager
* desinger
* workflow manager
* workflow monitor
module 5:informatica building blocks
* source and target
* transformation
* mapping
* mapplets
* sessions
* workflows
* working with relational source
* working with flate file
* working with heterogeneous source
* working with relational target
* working with flate file target
* direct and indirect file loading
module 6: diff transformation
* active and passive transformation
* connected and un-connected transformation
1.source qualifier transformation
2.filter transformation
3.expression transformation
4.sorter transformation
5.aggregator transformation
6.router transformation
7.rank transformation
8.sequence generator transformation
9.joiner transformation
10. lookup transformation
- connected lookup
11.lookup transformation
- un connected transformation
12.updated strategy transformation ,SCD TYPE 1 IMPLEMENTATION


2.XML transformation

day 19:
* mapping parameter and variable
* mapplet
* target load plan
* target load type,pre-sql,post-sql
day 20:
* debugger
* mapping level properties
* dependencies back tracking process
module 7:informatica advance concept

slowly changing dimension (SCD) types

* scd type1-lab
* scd type2-lab
* scd type3-lab
module 8: workflow task-part1

*event wait
*decision task
module 8:workflow task- part2
* assignment
* control task
* event raise
* timer
* worklet
* link task
module 9: session level properties
* pre and post sql
*lookup cache types - static and dynamic cache
* lookup and joiner difference
* persistent cache
* parameter variable and file
module 10: performance tuning
informatica tuning(source,target,mapping and session)
* push down optimization
* partitioning types

migration concepts
deployment process (import and export process)
check-in and check-out

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