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DPU_Online MBA - OMBC 101 Principles and practices of Management

1) Single correct optionWhich factor ensures the work assignment as per principle of Fayol?

Marks: [1]

A) Unity of Command B) Unity of Direction

C) Division of work D) Initiative

2) Single correct option 

Who proposed "Two Factor theory."

Marks: [1]

A) F W Taylor  B) Henry Fayol 

C) Peter Drucker  D) Herzberg 

3) Single correct optionHow Six Sigma seek to improve the quality of output?

Marks: [1]

A) By removing causes of defects B) By identifying causes of defects

C) By Removing and Idnetifying causes of defects D) By mitigating

4) Single correct optionFind the incorrect option with reference to charactristics of Information.

Marks: [1]

A) is a form of un processed data. B) increases reliability and accuracy.

C) is a basis for growth and expansion. D) source of invention and research.

5) Single correct optionWhich one of the following is not an importance of staffing?

Marks: [1]

A) Suitable division of work among employees B) Developing skills in employees

C) Employee satisfaction D) Efficient use of human resources

6) Single correct optionWhich one of the following is an internal source of recruitment?

Marks: [1]

A) Transfer B) Employee recommendations

C) Campus recruitment D) Personal contacts

7) Single correct optionWhich one of the following is an importance of planning?

Marks: [1]

A) Reducing uncertainty B) identifying alternatives critically

C) Developing leadership D) Selecting the most appropriate plan

8) Single correct optionWhich of the option is the example of secondary industry?

Marks: [1]

A) mining industry B) Manufacturing Industry

C) fish breeding D) agricultural industry

9) Single correct optionWhich is not the situation in contigency theory?

Marks: [1]

A) Leader-Member relationship B) Task structure

C) Job profile D) Position power

10) Single correct optionThe objectives of management are achieved by functions like

Marks: [1]

A) Planning B) Organising

C) Working D) Directing

11) Single correct option What DIMAC stands for under six sigma strategy

Marks: [1]

A) Define the goals , Measure the existing system, Accurate the B) Define the goals , Measure the existing system, Analyze the system,
system, Important system, Confront the new system. Improve the system, Control the new system.

C) Discribe the goals , Monitor the existing system, Analyze the D) Define the goals , Monitor the existing system, Analyze the system,
system, Improve the system, Control the new system. Improve the system, Calibrate the new system.

12) Single correct optionWhat do Organisation chart show?

Marks: [1]

A) grouping of Different element of similar field of knowledge B) grouping of Similar element of similar field of knowledge
C) grouping of Different element of different field of knowledge D) grouping of Similar element of different field of knowledge

13) Single correct optionTotal quality management ideas were developed by

Marks: [1]

A) Peter Drucker B) Henry Fayol

C) Taylor D) Harold Koontz

14) Single correct optionWhich are the two main activities finance department has to carry out financial resource management

Marks: [1]

A) Planning B) Budgeting

C) Accounting D) Planning and Budgetting

15) Single correct optionFor which of the following, the Owner of the business is not responsible for ?

Marks: [1]

A) Preparing objectives B) Mission to carry over business

C) Decision making D) Environmental conditions

16) Single correct optionHow will you classify these activities - Marketing, Production and personnel.

Marks: [1]

A) interdependant B) informal

C) unusual D) unproductive

17) Single correct optionWhy analytical skills are essential for Managers ?Select the INCORRECT option.

Marks: [1]

A) helps managers to think multiple alternatives in a B) helps managers to solve complex problems using visualization and logical
complexity. thinking

C) helps in statistical analysis of the operations D) contributes to increase customer satisfaction

18) Single correct optionWhich one of the following approches is adopted in studying management ?

Marks: [1]

A) Profession B) process
C) Science D) Art

19) Single correct optionSelect the incorrect option for advantages of line structure of the organisation?

Marks: [1]

A) proper delegation B) unity of command

C) rigid D) quick decision

20) Single correct optionWho says that "Management is an art of getting things done by people"

Marks: [1]

A) Peter Drucker B) Henry Fayol

C) Taylor D) Harold Koontz

21) Single correct optionWhich one of the following is a step of planning?

Marks: [1]

A) Analysis of organisation structure B) Analysis of environment

C) Analysis of employee behaviour D) Analysis of employee morale

22) Single correct optionWhat is a Delphi method?

Marks: [1]

A) a totally unreliable method of decision making B) Imaginative decision


C) a method for structuring a group communication process, so that the process is effective in allowing group D) consistently better
individuals, to deal with a complex problem decisions

23) Single correct optionFind the INCORRECT resource option from the following.

Marks: [1]

A) Men B) Machine

C) Material D) Management

24) Single correct optionUnder the six sigma tools SIPCO stands for

Marks: [1]

A) Supplier, Input, Process, Customer, Output B) Super, Input, Progress, Customer, Output
C) Supplier, In, Process, Customer, Out D) Special, Input, Process, Cut, Output

25) Single correct optionThe Industry which uses natural resources as raw material is______________.

Marks: [1]

A) Primary Industries B) Secondary Industries

C) Tertiary D) Quagternary Industry

26) Single correct option____________is a responsible employee of an organisation who does work with the help of people

Marks: [1]

A) Employee B) Manager

C) Subordinate D) Leader

27) Single correct optionBenchmarking determines______

Marks: [1]

A) Customer requirements B) Process capability

C) How company is doing relative to others D) If management is motivated

28) Single correct option______________is the first step in conducting time and motion study.

Marks: [1]

A) Standardize the Processes and Procedures B) Conduct a Method Study

C) Conduct a Time Study D) Establish Standard Time

29) Single correct option_______ study of sales performance as compared to competitors’ share in the market and to analyses companies status in
the market.

Marks: [1]

A) Market share analysis B) Sales analysis

C) Financial analysis D) Market Expense Analysis

30) Single correct optionDirecting is the __________stage of management process

Marks: [1]

A) First B) Second
C) Third D) Fourth

31) Single correct option_______&________ are the two key factors of sound and healthy group environment.

Marks: [1]

A) Motivation and interaction B) Interaction and motivation

C) Interaction and Communication D) Motivation and innovation

32) Single correct option___________ leads to optimum use of resources

Marks: [1]

A) Recruitment B) Staffing

C) Development D) Training

33) Single correct optionThe amount of time and efforts given for planning and organizing the activities are equal at all levels of management.

Marks: [1]


34) Single correct optionLeader is always a perfectionist.

Marks: [1]


35) Single correct optionFinding ways to reduce uncertainty is a crucial responsibility of management.

Marks: [1]


36) Single correct optionChallenging job can be a motivational factor.

Marks: [1]


37) Single correct optionWhen authority is decentralized, only managers at the top of the organization make important decisions

Marks: [1]


38) Single correct optionBrainstorming is Six Sigma tool

Marks: [1]

39) Single correct optionAccording to Hersey and Blanchard manager need to follow the different leadership styles as per subordinates maturity

Marks: [1]


40) Single correct optionManager is not always responsible to Motivates,supervises,co-ordinates work of Employees.

Marks: [1]


41) All Ten Questions are compulsory.  

Instruction for MCMR on each Paragraph or Case Study 

• The following MCMR question is based on the text/paragraph of case study/situational exercise etc. Learners first need to read the following text
and then answer the MCMR i.e. Multiple choice multiple response questions. Learners need to select compulsory TWO OPTIONS for each MCMR
question Not More than Two OR Not Less than Two. 

Ms Vani Kumar is an H.R. Manager of “Nisarg Hospitality Private Limited.” At the beginning of the new year, she anticipated that the company would
need 30 new additional persons to fill up different vacancies. She gave an advertisement in the newspaper inviting applications for filling up
different vacant posts. As many as 120 applications were received. The same were scrutinized. Out of these, conditions of 15 applicants were not
acceptable to the company. Letters of regret, giving reasons, were sent to them. Remaining candidates were called for preliminary interview. The
candidates called for were asked to fill up blank application forms. Thereafter, they were given four tests. The objective of the first test was to find
out how much interest the applicant takes in his work. The objective of the second test was to find out ‘specialization’ of the applicant in any area.
Third test aimed at making sure whether the applicant was capable of learning through training or not. The purpose of the fourth test was to find out
how much capability a person has to mix-up with other persons, and whether he can influence other persons and get influenced by them. 

Question: The purpose of the fourth test was to find out how much capability a person has to mix-up with other persons, and whether he can
influence other persons and get influenced by them. Which tests is indicated in this situation. 

Marks: [2]

A) Skill test B) Personality Test

C) Numerical Test D) Trade Test

42) All Ten Questions are compulsory.  

Instruction for MCMR on each Paragraph or Case Study 

• The following MCMR question is based on the text/paragraph of case study/situational exercise etc. Learners first need to read the following text
and then answer the MCMR i.e. Multiple choice multiple response questions. Learners need to select compulsory TWO OPTIONS for each MCMR
question Not More than Two OR Not Less than Two. 

Ms Vani Kumar is an H.R. Manager of “Nisarg Hospitality Private Limited.” At the beginning of the new year, she anticipated that the company would
need 30 new additional persons to fill up different vacancies. She gave an advertisement in the newspaper inviting applications for filling up
different vacant posts. As many as 120 applications were received. The same were scrutinized. Out of these, conditions of 15 applicants were not
acceptable to the company. Letters of regret, giving reasons, were sent to them. Remaining candidates were called for preliminary interview. The
candidates called for were asked to fill up blank application forms. Thereafter, they were given four tests. The objective of the first test was to find
out how much interest the applicant takes in his work. The objective of the second test was to find out ‘specialization’ of the applicant in any area.
Third test aimed at making sure whether the applicant was capable of learning through training or not. The purpose of the fourth test was to find out
how much capability a person has to mix-up with other persons, and whether he can influence other persons and get influenced by them. 

Question: At the beginning of the new year, she anticipated that the company would need 30 new additional persons to fill up different vacancies.
Identify the two initial steps of staffing. 

Marks: [2]

A) Promotion B) Training and Development

C) Matching D) Need analysis

43) All Ten Questions are compulsory.  

Instruction for MCMR on each Paragraph or Case Study 

• The following MCMR question is based on the text/paragraph of case study/situational exercise etc. Learners first need to read the following text
and then answer the MCMR i.e. Multiple choice multiple response questions. Learners need to select compulsory TWO OPTIONS for each MCMR
question Not More than Two OR Not Less than Two. 

Ms Vani Kumar is an H.R. Manager of “Nisarg Hospitality Private Limited.” At the beginning of the new year, she anticipated that the company would
need 30 new additional persons to fill up different vacancies. She gave an advertisement in the newspaper inviting applications for filling up
different vacant posts. As many as 120 applications were received. The same were scrutinized. Out of these, conditions of 15 applicants were not
acceptable to the company. Letters of regret, giving reasons, were sent to them. Remaining candidates were called for preliminary interview. The
candidates called for were asked to fill up blank application forms. Thereafter, they were given four tests. The objective of the first test was to find
out how much interest the applicant takes in his work. The objective of the second test was to find out ‘specialization’ of the applicant in any area.
Third test aimed at making sure whether the applicant was capable of learning through training or not. The purpose of the fourth test was to find out
how much capability a person has to mix-up with other persons, and whether he can influence other persons and get influenced by them. 

Question: From the given lines from the paragraph, ‘Out of these, conditions of 15 applicants were not acceptable to the company.’ Letters of regret,
giving reasons, were sent to them. Which aspect of staffing is highlighted in the statement? 

Marks: [2]

A) Matching B) Performance appraisal

C) Selection D) Training

44) All Ten Questions are compulsory.  

Instruction for MCMR on each Paragraph or Case Study 

• The following MCMR question is based on the text/paragraph of case study/situational exercise etc. Learners first need to read the following text
and then answer the MCMR i.e. Multiple choice multiple response questions. Learners need to select compulsory TWO OPTIONS for each MCMR
question Not More than Two OR Not Less than Two. 

Ms Vani Kumar is an H.R. Manager of “Nisarg Hospitality Private Limited.” At the beginning of the new year, she anticipated that the company would
need 30 new additional persons to fill up different vacancies. She gave an advertisement in the newspaper inviting applications for filling up
different vacant posts. As many as 120 applications were received. The same were scrutinized. Out of these, conditions of 15 applicants were not
acceptable to the company. Letters of regret, giving reasons, were sent to them. Remaining candidates were called for preliminary interview. The
candidates called for were asked to fill up blank application forms. Thereafter, they were given four tests. The objective of the first test was to find
out how much interest the applicant takes in his work. The objective of the second test was to find out ‘specialization’ of the applicant in any area.
Third test aimed at making sure whether the applicant was capable of learning through training or not. The purpose of the fourth test was to find out
how much capability a person has to mix-up with other persons, and whether he can influence other persons and get influenced by them. 

Question: The applicants were given four tests like intelligent test to interest test after filling up blank application form. Identify which step of
selection process was followed by the management. 

Marks: [2]

A) Selection Tests B) Selection Decision

C) Job Offer D) Medical Examination

45) All Ten Questions are compulsory. 

Instruction for MCMR on each Paragraph or Case Study 

• The following MCMR question is based on the text/paragraph of case study/situational exercise etc. Learners first need to read the following text
and then answer the MCMR i.e. Multiple choice multiple response questions. Learners need to select compulsory TWO OPTIONS for each MCMR
question Not More than Two OR Not Less than Two. 

Ms Vani Kumar is an H.R. Manager of “Nisarg Hospitality Private Limited.” At the beginning of the new year, she anticipated that the company would
need 30 new additional persons to fill up different vacancies. She gave an advertisement in the newspaper inviting applications for filling up
different vacant posts. As many as 120 applications were received. The same were scrutinized. Out of these, conditions of 15 applicants were not
acceptable to the company. Letters of regret, giving reasons, were sent to them. Remaining candidates were called for preliminary interview. The
candidates called for were asked to fill up blank application forms. Thereafter, they were given four tests. The objective of the first test was to find
out how much interest the applicant takes in his work. The objective of the second test was to find out ‘specialization’ of the applicant in any area.
Third test aimed at making sure whether the applicant was capable of learning through training or not. The purpose of the fourth test was to find out
how much capability a person has to mix-up with other persons, and whether he can influence other persons and get influenced by them. 

Question: Which are important phases of human resources in the organisation 

Marks: [2]

A) Changing Phase B) Acqusition and development Phase

C) Organising Phase D) Retension and Termination Phase

46) All Ten Questions are compulsory.  

Instruction for MCMR on each Paragraph or Case Study 

• The following MCMR question is based on the text/paragraph of case study/situational exercise etc. Learners first need to read the following text
and then answer the MCMR i.e. Multiple choice multiple response questions. Learners need to select compulsory TWO OPTIONS for each MCMR
question Not More than Two OR Not Less than Two. 

"The Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh (RBGE) first adopted the Balanced Scorecard (BSC) in 2004. The Senior Management Group (SMG), which
was responsible for strategy development, used the BSC to answer the ‘who, what, why, where, when’ questions prompted by the four perspectives as
they related to the services that the RBGE provides to external stakeholders. The original BSC created by the RBGE was employed as the basis of
strategy and performance reviews. However, the prospect of a strategic review by an international peer group, along with an imperative to
demonstrate alignment to the Scottish Government’s National Outcomes, prompted a deeper look at the organisation’s strategic objectives and
underlying perspectives. The ensuing revisions included improved alignment between the RBGE’s ‘impact’ perspective and its ‘activity’ perspective.
This review also led to the development of an objective costing system linked to an existing performance management system that improved
monitoring of performance against strategic objectives. The Balanced Scorecard can be adapted to suit an individual organisation. The effort and
commitment required from senior management to transform strategic management processes should not be underestimated. Resistance to change
may result as individuals become more accountable for their actions. Management accountants are well-placed in the organisation to become very
involved in the development of the Balanced Scorecard and implementation process, thereby becoming an important strategic partner in the

Question: Choose any two elements of Balance Score Card (BSC) 

Marks: [2]

A) Internal Environment B) Describe the strategy.

C) Linking scorecard to create an organizational alignment. D) External Environment

47) All Ten Questions are compulsory. 

Instruction for MCMR on each Paragraph or Case Study 

• The following MCMR question is based on the text/paragraph of case study/situational exercise etc. Learners first need to read the following text
and then answer the MCMR i.e. Multiple choice multiple response questions. Learners need to select compulsory TWO OPTIONS for each MCMR
question Not More than Two OR Not Less than Two. 

"The Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh (RBGE) first adopted the Balanced Scorecard (BSC) in 2004. The Senior Management Group (SMG), which
was responsible for strategy development, used the BSC to answer the ‘who, what, why, where, when’ questions prompted by the four perspectives as
they related to the services that the RBGE provides to external stakeholders. The original BSC created by the RBGE was employed as the basis of
strategy and performance reviews. However, the prospect of a strategic review by an international peer group, along with an imperative to
demonstrate alignment to the Scottish Government’s National Outcomes, prompted a deeper look at the organisation’s strategic objectives and
underlying perspectives. The ensuing revisions included improved alignment between the RBGE’s ‘impact’ perspective and its ‘activity’ perspective.
This review also led to the development of an objective costing system linked to an existing performance management system that improved
monitoring of performance against strategic objectives. The Balanced Scorecard can be adapted to suit an individual organisation. The effort and
commitment required from senior management to transform strategic management processes should not be underestimated. Resistance to change
may result as individuals become more accountable for their actions. Management accountants are well-placed in the organisation to become very
involved in the development of the Balanced Scorecard and implementation process, thereby becoming an important strategic partner in the

Question: Why was original Balance Score Card (BSC) created 

Marks: [2]

A) As a base for strategy B) For Organisational Development

C) For organisational Change D) As a base for performance review

48) All Ten Questions are compulsory. 

Instruction for MCMR on each Paragraph or Case Study 

• The following MCMR question is based on the text/paragraph of case study/situational exercise etc. Learners first need to read the following text
and then answer the MCMR i.e. Multiple choice multiple response questions. Learners need to select compulsory TWO OPTIONS for each MCMR
question Not More than Two OR Not Less than Two. 

"The Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh (RBGE) first adopted the Balanced Scorecard (BSC) in 2004. The Senior Management Group (SMG), which
was responsible for strategy development, used the BSC to answer the ‘who, what, why, where, when’ questions prompted by the four perspectives as
they related to the services that the RBGE provides to external stakeholders. The original BSC created by the RBGE was employed as the basis of
strategy and performance reviews. However, the prospect of a strategic review by an international peer group, along with an imperative to
demonstrate alignment to the Scottish Government’s National Outcomes, prompted a deeper look at the organisation’s strategic objectives and
underlying perspectives. The ensuing revisions included improved alignment between the RBGE’s ‘impact’ perspective and its ‘activity’ perspective.
This review also led to the development of an objective costing system linked to an existing performance management system that improved
monitoring of performance against strategic objectives. The Balanced Scorecard can be adapted to suit an individual organisation. The effort and
commitment required from senior management to transform strategic management processes should not be underestimated. Resistance to change
may result as individuals become more accountable for their actions. Management accountants are well-placed in the organisation to become very
involved in the development of the Balanced Scorecard and implementation process, thereby becoming an important strategic partner in the

Question: Identify the perspectives in which performance of organization is measured using Balance Score Card 

Marks: [2]

A) Finacial perspective and Customer perspective B) Internal business process perspective and Learning andgrowth perspective

C) Bench marking D) Fishbone diagram

49) All Ten Questions are compulsory.  

Instruction for MCMR on each Paragraph or Case Study 

• The following MCMR question is based on the text/paragraph of case study/situational exercise etc. Learners first need to read the following text
and then answer the MCMR i.e. Multiple choice multiple response questions. Learners need to select compulsory TWO OPTIONS for each MCMR
question Not More than Two OR Not Less than Two. 

"The Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh (RBGE) first adopted the Balanced Scorecard (BSC) in 2004. The Senior Management Group (SMG), which
was responsible for strategy development, used the BSC to answer the ‘who, what, why, where, when’ questions prompted by the four perspectives as
they related to the services that the RBGE provides to external stakeholders. The original BSC created by the RBGE was employed as the basis of
strategy and performance reviews. However, the prospect of a strategic review by an international peer group, along with an imperative to
demonstrate alignment to the Scottish Government’s National Outcomes, prompted a deeper look at the organisation’s strategic objectives and
underlying perspectives. The ensuing revisions included improved alignment between the RBGE’s ‘impact’ perspective and its ‘activity’ perspective.
This review also led to the development of an objective costing system linked to an existing performance management system that improved
monitoring of performance against strategic objectives. The Balanced Scorecard can be adapted to suit an individual organisation. The effort and
commitment required from senior management to transform strategic management processes should not be underestimated. Resistance to change
may result as individuals become more accountable for their actions. Management accountants are well-placed in the organisation to become very
involved in the development of the Balanced Scorecard and implementation process, thereby becoming an important strategic partner in the

Question: What are the advantages of using Balance Score Card 

Marks: [2]

A) Brainstorming B) Sampling

C) For better planning D) Improves performance

50) All Ten Questions are compulsory.  

Instruction for MCMR on each Paragraph or Case Study 

• The following MCMR question is based on the text/paragraph of case study/situational exercise etc. Learners first need to read the following text
and then answer the MCMR i.e. Multiple choice multiple response questions. Learners need to select compulsory TWO OPTIONS for each MCMR
question Not More than Two OR Not Less than Two. 
"The Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh (RBGE) first adopted the Balanced Scorecard (BSC) in 2004. The Senior Management Group (SMG), which
was responsible for strategy development, used the BSC to answer the ‘who, what, why, where, when’ questions prompted by the four perspectives as
they related to the services that the RBGE provides to external stakeholders. The original BSC created by the RBGE was employed as the basis of
strategy and performance reviews. However, the prospect of a strategic review by an international peer group, along with an imperative to
demonstrate alignment to the Scottish Government’s National Outcomes, prompted a deeper look at the organisation’s strategic objectives and
underlying perspectives. The ensuing revisions included improved alignment between the RBGE’s ‘impact’ perspective and its ‘activity’ perspective.
This review also led to the development of an objective costing system linked to an existing performance management system that improved
monitoring of performance against strategic objectives. The Balanced Scorecard can be adapted to suit an individual organisation. The effort and
commitment required from senior management to transform strategic management processes should not be underestimated. Resistance to change
may result as individuals become more accountable for their actions. Management accountants are well-placed in the organisation to become very
involved in the development of the Balanced Scorecard and implementation process, thereby becoming an important strategic partner in the

Question: Describe the importance of BSC in improving organisation performance 

Marks: [2]

A) Establish quality improvement B) It helps in formulating and communicating new strategy for more
competitive environment

C) It helps in Increasing revenue, not just cut costs and enhance D) Control the new system.

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