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A. Order Fulfillment Process and corresponding time element involve.

Indicate seconds/ minute

involve in each of the process.
1. Customer Order Stage

2. Preparation Stage
3. Payment Stage
4. Fulfillment/delivery/shipment stage
5. Closing Transaction stage
6. After-sales service stage
   B. Customer service      
1. Dependability
2. Cycle time
3. Safe delivery
4. Correct orders
5. Communications
6. Convenience

   C. Performance Measures for Customer Service (Rate the extent of performance indicators
based on the order fulfillment service you received from the establishment)

Preparation Stage

5 stars, the orders were complete and were repeated by the cashier before finalizing our orders.
Payment Stage
5 stars, the payment was exact no problems were encountered and the change received were
Closing Transaction stage

5 stars, the orders were confirmed and the cashier handed us our receipt and the number for our
      Orders received on time   

4 stars, the first batch of our orders were received within 5 minutes. We ordered 3 pork chao fan
meals, 1pc chicken rice meal and 1 wonton mami. All have arrived within 5 minutes except for 1
pork chao fan meal, we waited for about 9 more minutes for it to arrive.
      Orders received complete

5 stars, our orders were complete there were no other conflict.

      Orders received damage free

5 stars, since Chowking implemented self-service the customers are the ones that are liable to
whether the orders will make it to the table safely, but overall it also how Chowking intends to
lessen their workload by implementing self-service.
 After-sales service stage

5 stars, Overall Chowking’s service can be improved but it’s okay as it is now the service they
provided was sufficient and fast as expected in fast food chains.

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