Portfolio Construction

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Portfolio construction

I choose a low P/E ratio for small & mid cap to have the potential to growth through the pandemic
so many large investor sell the companies that have a low p/E ratio and small cap as well inflation
rate has huge impact over the return, with low return for the period of time it’s not match the
investor expectation . in this scenario the low P/E ratio with some wised choose the asset will have
portfolio have some growth over the five years and the strategy will change passed on the new
event that hits the market .


1) Choose the sector & stocks ( I should write why ? )

 Consumer discretionary
1) Motorpoint group / ticker No. MOTR LN
i. The P/E ratio is 14.40 which close to the high number
ii. The stock Raw BETA: 0.121 which is very low beta means save asset
iii. The company turnover 8.2 A/R Trnovr 126.9
iv. Debt/Assets 25.7% which is reasonable
v. Mkt Cap 124.5 m means small market cap

2) Choose the stocks why ?

Motorpoint group / ticker No. MOTR LN write about the company and the service

3) Should to correlation for the stock beta compere to FETS all index
Note :




A beta of 1 indicates that the security's price is expected to move exactly with the market.

A beta greater than 1 indicates that the security's price is expected to be more volatile than the

A beta of less than 1 indicates that the security's price is expected to be less volatile than the

You can think of beta as the tendency of a security's returns to respond to swings in the market. For
example, if a stock's beta is 1.2, then it is theoretically 20% more volatile than the market.

Market cap


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