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-Review of Related Literature about Monkeypox

So monkeypox is a Double stranded Dna virus it’s a zoonotic infection meaning it’s a virus that can
travel back and forth between animals and Human..the monkey pox was discovered in the 1950’s
However it’s the virus that originated in monkeys but instead it’s originated in rodents the monkeypox
name is kinda of misnomer..the 1st case of monkeypox in humans was identified in 1970 and a nine
month old boy in the democratic republic of congo the 1st major outbreak outside of the africa
occurred in the united states in 2003 was linked to illegal trade pet prairie dog.Currently we’re
experiencing a surge in monkeypox cases outside of endemic areas which started in may this
year..the World health of Organization Classified this outbreak as a global health emergency in
july..The CDC Reports over 39,000 cases of monkeypox the vast majority of which occurring in
non-endemic areas.. Monkeypox symptoms usually start in 3 weeks of the 1st exposure; some
patients have flu-like symptoms that present 1 to 4 days before the characteristic rash. Some patients
have symptoms after the rash and some patients only have a rash..monkeypox can spread from the
time symptoms start until the rash has healed all the scabs have fallen off and a fresh of layer skin is
formed which can take 2 to 4 weeks..A monkeypox diagnosed is obtained through performing a swab
on a vesicle or a scab and sending it for pcr..Fortunately the fatality rate of monkeypox is very low at
3 to 6 percent in addition there’s a experimental drug techoviramat or teapox which is helpful in
reducing symptoms in monkeypox.

is a public health campaign to raise awareness about monkeypox.

The campaign aims to encourage people to look out for symptoms of monkeypox and to seek medical advice if
they suspect they have the virus.

Monkeypox is usually a rare viral illness that can become serious. However, cases have been increasing
internationally and have now been reported in Western Australia.

Monkeypox can affect anyone who comes into close contact with someone with the virus. Many of the cases in
the current outbreak are in men who have sex with men (MSM). This campaign targets the MSM population,
particularly returned travellers from high prevalence areas, and communicates the symptoms, testing and

+Healthcare behaviours
Most research is focused on the meso level due to the immediate effects and
influence it has over someone’s health behaviours. The systems that are
involved in the meso level could be an individual’s neighbourhood, family, and
friends. The importance of social determinants and their effects on health can
help determine the reasons for specific health actions and behaviors.Health
care behaviours are actions that can directly affect health outcomes. An
example would be smoking. That's a behaviour that can affect a person's
health in many ways.
Healthy behaviours lower the risk of conditions, while unhealthy behaviours
raise the risk of conditions. Health behaviours are health-related practices,
such as diet and exercise, that can improve or damage the health of
individuals or community members. Health behaviours are determined by the
choices available in the places where people live, learn, work and play.
+Physical Hygiene:
Good hygiene is vital because it helps prevent you and your children from getting or
spreading germs and infectious diseases. The germs that cause many diseases can
be passed on through touching other people, getting faeces (poo) on your hands,
handling contaminated food, or coming into contact with dirty surfaces or objects.
Washing your hands with soap removes germs that can make you ill. Maintaining
good personal hygiene will also help prevent you from spreading diseases to other

Hand hygiene is a way of cleaning one’s hands that substantially reduces
potential pathogens (harmful microorganisms) on the hands. Hand hygiene is
considered a primary measure for reducing the risk of transmitting infection
among patients and health care personnel. Hand hygiene procedures include
the use of alcohol-based hand rubs (containing 60%–95% alcohol) and hand
washing with soap and water. For surgical procedures, perform a surgical
hand scrub before putting on sterile surgeon’s gloves. For routine dental
examinations and nonsurgical procedures, use an alcohol-based hand rub or
use water and plain or antimicrobial soap specific for health care settings.

+Using of Disinfectants
Disinfecting refers to using chemicals to kill germs on surfaces. Disinfecting
does not necessarily clean dirty surfaces or remove germs, but by killing
germs that remain on a surface after cleaning, disinfecting can further lower
the risk of spreading infection.Generally, two methods of disinfection are used:
chemical and physical. The chemical methods, of course, use chemical agents, and
the physical methods use physical agents. Historically, the most widely used
chemical agent is chlorine.

+Social Distancing
Social distancing is a public health practice that aims to prevent sick

people from coming in close contact with healthy people in order to

reduce opportunities for disease transmission. It can include

large-scale measures like cancelling group events or closing public

spaces, as well as individual decisions such as avoiding crowds.

With COVID-19, the goal of social distancing right now is to slow

down the outbreak in order to reduce the chance of infection among

high-risk populations and to reduce the burden on health care systems

and workers. Experts describe this as "flattening the curve," which

generally refers to the potential success of social distancing measures

to prevent surges in illness that could overwhelm health care systems.

+Use of Social Media in Spreading Awareness

Public awareness is important to increase enthusiasm and support, stimulate self-mobilisation
and action, and to mobilise local knowledge and resources. Raising political awareness is
especially important as policy makers and politicians are key actors in the policy process of
adaptation. Awareness raising requires strategies of effective communication to reach the
desired outcome. The combination of these communication strategies for a targeted audience for
a given period can broadly be described as an ‘awareness raising campaign’. The aim of
awareness raising campaigns differs between contexts, but generally involves informing the
targeted audience of the specific concerns, and suggesting ways to change behaviour to
overcome or reduce these concerns..

+Problem around World

MPX was first discovered in Africa, but now it has spread worldwide in
different countries. By the end of July 2022, more than 22,000 cases have
been reported in 80 countries worldwide, almost all outside West and
Central Africa, where the virus was endemic. In the last week of July
2022, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared MPX as a Global
Public Health Emergency. Previously, the WHO declared a global health
emergency regarding six health‐related events. 11 COVID‐19 was the
most recent before the current MPX outbreak. The transition of
COVID‐19 from epidemic and pandemic was very swift, causing
significant harm to society, the economy along with physical and mental
health.Therefore, the rapid spreading of MPXV and the declaration of
health emergency by the WHO have created panic worldwide.

A concern is that death outside Africa was reported on July 29, 2022, for
the first time. The total death due to MPXV is eight in the current
outbreak, with five and three deaths reported in and outside Africa,
respectively. In Brazil, the respected health ministry announced the first
death due to MPX, who was a 41 years old man and a patient having
lymphoma with an impaired immune system. 15 So far in Brazil, about
1,066 people have been affected by MPX, and 513 probable virus cases
have been reported. According to data published by the Ministry of Health,
Brazil, the men who have sex with men (MSM) are prone to be affected by
MPXV as till now, 98% of MPX cases are identified as MSM. Shortly
after that, the Spanish Ministry of Health identified the first death in
Europe from the virus, a patient suffering from encephalitis. Spanish
officials verified a second fatality connected to MPX on July 30, 2022.

+Problem in Philippines
The Philippines is still in a tight battle with the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic since
many cases are detected daily. With the continuous spread of another disease
worldwide—monkeypox, many Filipinos are alarmed if the country’s healthcare system is
prepared enough, especially with the detection of its first case. Learning from the unfortunate
experiences of the country during the current pandemic is essential in facing another health
crisis. With this, recommendations for a robust healthcare system are proposed centred on: a
massive digital information campaign about the disease; training healthcare workers to raise
awareness about the virus and its transmission, management, and treatment; an intensified
surveillance and detection procedure to monitor cases and execute contact tracing properly;
and a persistent procurement of vaccines and drugs for treatment, with a well-designed
vaccination program.

+Problem in Asia
These include pressure on land, habitat destruction and loss of
biodiversity, water scarcity and water pollution, air pollution, and
global warming and climate change. Projections of future resource
requirements and environmental stress are worrying, whether the
focus is on population numbers alone or on the effects of poorly
planned economic development and changing consumption patterns...

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