4047exq (QS) Assignment Brief CW 3 Jan23

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This document is for Coventry University students for their own use in completing their

assessed work for this module and should not be passed to third parties or posted on any
website. Any infringements of this rule should be reported to

Faculty of Engineering, Environment and Computing

4047exq (QS) Building Project

Assignment Brief

Module Title Individual Cohort Module Code

Building Project Sept 4047exq

Coursework Title Hand out date:

Coursework 3 – Measurement and cost management portfolio w/c 6th February 2023
Lecturer Due date and time:
Danstan Chiponde Date: 24th March 2023
Online: 18:00:00
Estimated Time (hrs): 40 hours Coursework type: 20 Credits value assessed

Word Limit*: (3000 equivalent) Portfolio of evidence

Submission arrangement online via Aula: Aula / Turnitin
File types and method of recording: PDF or Word – 1 document only

Mark and Feedback date (DD/MM/YY): 17th April 2023

Mark and Feedback method (e.g. in lecture, electronic via Aula): Aula / Turnitin

Module Learning Outcomes Assessed:

3. Adjust Project information based on feedback from intermediate reports and presentations
4. Develop a project detail relevant to individual disciplines which could include design
solutions, specifications, take off and Bills of Quantities, resource schedules, detailed
surveys, site planning etc.
5. Describe the outcomes of your work in either a report format, a summary poster, drawings
and/or oral presentation relevant to each discipline.

Scenario and setting the scene

You are to assume the role of graduate Quantity Surveyor working for the developer on the housing
site on the outskirts of Coventry (as shown on the associated Plans and Drawings on Aula). As part of
the development process your company has designed some new housing types, and they require you to
assist in the development of the Measurement process and Bill of Quantity Production, as well as
providing some initial cost estimate data to allow them, to set prices.

Please provide the evidence as set out below as part of your assessment submission.

Remember you are required to provide this in a professional format with full academic referencing and
citations and using all necessary standardised processes.
This document is for Coventry University students for their own use in completing their
assessed work for this module and should not be passed to third parties or posted on any
website. Any infringements of this rule should be reported to
Task and Mark distribution:

1. Provide a Take-off List for the Substructure for the house drawings provided on Aula.

2. Conduct a sub structure take off for the above house type, using appropriate format
and presentation on appropriate Dimension paper. (30%)

3. Carryout a squaring exercise on the above take off. (10%)

4. Conduct suitable abstraction of the above take off (5%)

5. Convert your take off into a Bill of Quantities in a suitable format. (20%)

6. Create a Query sheet for the entire build (not just the Substructure) of details you think
may be needed to complete the take-off of the entire build. (10%)

7. Carry out an initial cost estimate (stage 0/1) for the building of the house type, using
BCIS as your source of historic data. (20%)

Please make sure you refer to the Rubric below which will be used to assess your grade on
each question, use this as an indicator to ensure you have hit the standard you expected.

1. You are expected to use the Coventry University APA style for referencing. For support and
advice on this students can contact Centre for Academic Writing (CAW).
2. Please notify your registry course support team and module leader for disability support.
3. Any student requiring an extension or deferral should follow the university process as outlined
4. The University cannot take responsibility for any coursework lost or corrupted on disks, laptops
or personal computer. Students should therefore regularly back-up any work and are advised to
save it on the University system.
5. If there are technical or performance issues that prevent students submitting coursework
through the online coursework submission system on the day of a coursework deadline, an
appropriate extension to the coursework submission deadline will be agreed. This extension will
normally be 24 hours or the next working day if the deadline falls on a Friday or over the
weekend period. This will be communicated via your Module Leader.
This document is for Coventry University students for their own use in completing their
assessed work for this module and should not be passed to third parties or posted on any
website. Any infringements of this rule should be reported to
6. *(ML’s delete if not applying to this assessment) Assignments that are more than 10% over the
word limit will result in a deduction of 10% of the mark i.e. a mark of 60% will lead to a reduction
of 6% to 54%. The word limit includes quotations, but excludes the bibliography, reference list
and tables.
7. You are encouraged to check the originality of your work by using the draft Turnitin links on Aula.
8. Collusion between students (where sections of your work are similar to the work submitted by
other students in this or previous module cohorts) is taken extremely seriously and will be
reported to the academic conduct panel. This applies to both courseworks and exam answers.
9. A marked difference between your writing style, knowledge and skill level demonstrated in class
discussion, any test conditions and that demonstrated in a coursework assignment may result in
you having to undertake a Viva Voce in order to prove the coursework assignment is entirely your
own work.
10. If you make use of the services of a proof reader in your work you must keep your original
version and make it available as a demonstration of your written efforts. Also, please read the
university Proof Reading Policy.
11. You must not submit work for assessment that you have already submitted (partially or in full),
either for your current course or for another qualification of this university, with the exception of
resits, where for the coursework, you maybe asked to rework and improve a previous attempt.
This requirement will be specifically detailed in your assignment brief or specific course or module
information. Where earlier work by you is citable, i.e. it has already been published/submitted,
you must reference it clearly. Identical pieces of work submitted concurrently may also be
considered to be self-plagiarism.
This document is for Coventry University students for their own use in completing their assessed work for this module and should not be passed to third
parties or posted on any website. Any infringements of this rule should be reported to facultyregistry.eec@coventry.ac.uk.

Marking Rubric

1-2 3-4 5-6 7-8 9-10

Question 1 – take off list List very limited Reasonable level of Reasonable level of Good level of detail and Excellent level of detail and
(5%) and lacking detail but missing detail but missing all elements listed but structure with all aspects
thought and key elements non key elements lacking detail considered
This document is for Coventry University students for their own use in completing their assessed work for this module and should not be passed to third
parties or posted on any website. Any infringements of this rule should be reported to facultyregistry.eec@coventry.ac.uk.

Question 2 Sub Structure Many errors Evidence of Reasonable use of Good use of protocols Professional use of
Take off (25%) made up of made with poor protocol protocols, a few showing a good level of protocols with no errors
adherence to knowledge is there errors but understanding only
protocols but some errors reasonable minimal errors Excellent levels of
and lack of application throughout presentation and
No formatting application throughout formatting to professional
cohesion and throughout Good formatting and standard.
lack of Reasonable presentation
understanding Presentation style formatting and No errors, and process is
why it is needed is reasonable but presentation Good levels of accuracy clear and easy to follow
more evidence of and process is clear with
Many errors in structure needed Reasonable levels of only a few errors No errors in descriptions.
calculations and accuracy and process
limited Many errors in is understood Most descriptions adhere
understanding of calculations but to NRM requirements
processes process is mainly Reasonable level of
understood detail and accuracy
Descriptions only of descriptions
loosely follow Descriptions are
NRM2 rules weak but there is
some link to NRM2

Question 3 – Squaring Squaring Most squaring is Reasonable squaring Good application of No errors found in squaring
accuracy (10%) calculations are completed but processes followed squaring process and process and protocols
partly completed there are errors but with some errors protocols with limited followed throughout
but no real and process is errors
understanding of incorrect in places
the process and
This document is for Coventry University students for their own use in completing their assessed work for this module and should not be passed to third
parties or posted on any website. Any infringements of this rule should be reported to facultyregistry.eec@coventry.ac.uk.

Question 4 – Abstraction Abstraction was Attempt at Reasonably clear Good abstraction process Excellent abstraction
(10%) shown but not abstraction abstraction process completed process completed.
structured structure but completed
difficult to follow

Question 5 – Structure and Transfer to BoQ Transfer to Boq is Structure is mainly There are only limited Excellent structure and with
accuracy of Bill of is inaccurate, not complete but accurate and the errors and structure is no missing items
Quantities – including links hard to follow structure is there coverage is good
to processes above (20%) and does not but with errors reasonable
cover the entire

Question 6 – Query sheet Query sheet Some structure and Reasonable query Good query sheet Excellent query sheet
detail and consideration of lacks thought thought to the sheet structure and structure covering many covering most aspects and
construction terminology and links to query sheet but some links to aspects and showing a showing a strong grasp of
(10%) construction more consideration accurate terminology good level of construction industry terminology.
terminology are of construction industry terminology
sparse terminology and knowledge.
processes need to
be evidenced

Question 7 – Initial Cost Initial cost A reasonable Reasonably accurate Good estimate process Professional standard of
estimate accuracy and estimate shows structure but initial estimate with shown with minimal in estimate presentation with
relevance (20%) lack of lacking evidence of some links to accuracies and good links good use of BCIS and
knowledge and research and research and BCIS to BCIS use evidenced well.
understanding structure use but lacking
and has major clarity
This document is for Coventry University students for their own use in completing their assessed work for this module and should not be passed to third
parties or posted on any website. Any infringements of this rule should be reported to facultyregistry.eec@coventry.ac.uk.

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