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3, APRIL 2018 5204205

Fault-Tolerant Operation of a Novel Dual-Channel

Switched Reluctance Motor Using Two 3-Phase
Standard Inverters
Qian Chen , Member, IEEE, Dezhi Xu, Liang Xu, Jian Wang , Zhipeng Lin, and Xuhui Zhu

Abstract—This paper proposes a novel dual-channel switched for torque generation. In these SRMs, the self-inductances are
reluctance motor (DCSRM) driven by two 3-phase standard in- nearly independent of rotor position and the torque is purely pro-
verters. The key of the proposed DCSRM is its two operational duced by the change of mutual inductances. Then, these SRMs
models. For the first operational model (Model I), it works like a
3-phase traditional SRM supplied by an H-bridge inverter, which is are termed as mutually coupled SRMs (MCSRMs). Addition-
driven by square-wave currents. For the second operational model ally, MCSRM can be excited by sine-wave currents, and then
(Model II), it can be considered as two mutually coupled SRMs the 3-phase standard inverter can be employed [4]–[6]. More-
that are supplied by sine-wave currents. These operational models over, it has been verified that the performances of MCSRM
are used to overcome different faults, and the corresponding reme- are better than CSRM due to two factors, i.e., higher mutual
dial current strategies are proposed to realize fault-tolerant opera-
tion. Then, Model I is adopted for power switch fault. Meanwhile, flux (or inductance) and lower magnetic saturation [6]. How-
Model II is employed for open-circuit fault. Moreover, the perfor- ever, the fault-tolerant capacity of these SRMs is still low. Then,
mances of proposed DCSRM are calculated by a finite element, a dual-channel SRM (DCSRM) [7] and a multi-mode SRM
method and the fault-tolerant performances under different fault are proposed in [8]. The fault tolerant capacity is verified in
conditions are verified by cosimulation. Results show that the pro- [9]. However, the proposed DCSRM cannot overcome different
posed DCSRM can be used for safety-critical applications by com-
bining the advantages of traditional SRM and mutually coupled faults, and fault tolerant control suffers from high amplitudes of
SRM. the fault current and torque ripple.
This paper proposes a novel DCSRM driven by two 3-phase
Index Terms—Dual-channel switched reluctance motor (DC-
SRM), fault-tolerance, 3-phase standard inverters, cosimulation,
standard inverters. The proposed DCSRM operates like one
finite element method. 3-phase traditional SRM under Model I, and works as two MC-
SRMs under Model II. Then, the corresponding fault-tolerant
I. INTRODUCTION control is proposed to overcome power switch fault and phase
WITCHED reluctance motors (SRMs) are widely used in open-circuit fault, respectively. Topology and operational prin-
S safety-critical and harsh environment applications, such as
automotive, renewable energy, aerospace and domestic appli-
ciple of the proposed DCSRM will be given in Section II. In
Section III, fault tolerant control for two models will be pro-
ances sectors, due to its low cost, high torque capacity, simple posed. Besides, the co-simulation will be adopted to verify the
and robust structure [1]. In conventional SRM (CSRM), square- effectiveness of fault-tolerant operation of the proposed DC-
wave, unipolar, and non-overlapping phase currents are often SRM in Section IV. Finally, some conclusions will be drawn in
used because of negligible mutual inductances. However, the Section V.
traditional inverter topology is adopted, resulting in compli-
cate drive construction. In order to utilize the electric circuit II. TOPOLOGY AND OPERATIONAL PRINCIPLE OF DCSRM
more efficiently and simplify the inverter, some non-CSRMs
have been proposed. In [2]–[9], fully pitched SRMs are pro- The cross section of the proposed DCSRM is shown in Fig. 1,
posed [3], so that the mutual inductances can be fully utilized in which “–” represents a GO conductor while “+” represents
a RETURN conductor. As shown in Fig. 1(a) and (b), the two
Manuscript received August 28, 2017; accepted January 25, 2018. Date of opposing coils on poles A11 and A12 are placed in series to
publication January 30, 2018; date of current version February 26, 2018. This constitute the phase A1 of channel-1, the other two coils on
work was supported in part by the National Natural Science Foundation of China poles A21 and A22 are placed in series to form the phase A2 of
under Grant 51707083, in part by the China Postdoctoral Project under Grant
2016M591782, in part by the Natural Science Foundation of Jiangsu Province channel-2. In the arrangement as shown in Fig. 1(a), it leads to
under Grant BK20160518, and in part by the Priority Academic Program De- an “NSNSNSNSNSNS” magnetic polarity on the stator poles
velopment of Jiangsu Higher Education Institutions. (Corresponding author: resulting in model I. Conversely, the magnetic polarity on the
Qian Chen.)
The authors are with the School of Electrical and Information Engineer- stator poles is “NNNNNNNNNNNN” as shown in Fig. 1(b)
ing, Jiangsu University, Zhenjiang 212013, China (e-mail: chenqian0501@ujs. resulting in model II. Although the directions of injected cur- rents of channel-2 are opposite in two models, the location of
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online
at channel-2 is fixed. Then, the flux distributions of two opera-
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TASC.2018.2799838 tional models are compared in Fig. 2(a) and (b) when 10 A dc
1051-8223 © 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.

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Fig. 3. Inverter topology for DCSRM.


As shown in Fig. 3, when the proposed DCSRM operates
Fig. 1. Cross section and winding configuration of proposed DCSRM. under Model I, the proposed DCSRM is driven by H-bridge
(a) Model I. (b) Model II. inverter, then, there are four switches work in channel-1 and
channel-2. Hence, the power switch fault can be overcome.
However, when the proposed DCSRM operates under open-
circuit fault, the currents of healthy phases will increase greatly
and the torque ripple will become unacceptable under Model I.
In order to solve this problem, the sine-wave currents are injected
into the proposed DCSRM to make it operate under Model II.
Then, the average torque remains by increasing the currents of
healthy channel, and the torque ripple reduces through ripple
current injection of healthy channel. The realization of fault-
tolerant control under two models will be given as follows.

A. Model I
Fig. 2. Comparison of winding configuration and magnetic flux distributions
between two models. (a) Model I. (b) Model II.
For the model I, the square-wave currents are injected into
phases, the electromagnetic torque is obtained from the mag-
TABLE I netic co-energy
Te = (1)
Items Value
In a linear magnetic system, the co-energy is equal to the
Outside stator radius (mm) 77.5 stored energy
Inside stator radius (mm) 49
Outside rotor radius (mm) 48.5 1 T
Inside stator radius (mm) 30 W = i L(θ)i (2)
Stator yoke width (mm) 8 2
Rotor yoke width (mm) 10 Therefore, the electromagnetic torque can be expressed as
Arc angle of stator pole (◦ ) 15
Arc angle of rotor pole (◦ )
15.75 1 dLA 2 dLB 2 dLC 2
Airgap length (mm) 0.5 Te = i + i + i
Number of turns 50 2 dθ A dθ B dθ C
+ iA iB + iA iC + iB iC (3)
dθ dθ dθ
current is injected into the channel-1 and channel-2 properly
and the rotor is at aligned position. As shown in Fig. 2(a), the Since the mutual-inductances between phases are negligi-
flux distribution of Model I is the same as that of conventional ble under Model I, then the torque contributed by mutual-
SRM, while the flux distribution of Model II is the same as inductances can be omitted. Hence, the torque only has the
that of MCSRM. Under Model I, the flux paths of channel-1 relationship with the square of currents and the rake ratio of
and channel 2 are in serial, while flux paths of channel-1 and rising side of self-inductances. Moreover, the DCSRM works
channel 2 are in parallel under Model II. The main dimensions like a traditional SRM under model I, then positive and nega-
of the proposed DCSRM are summarized in Table I. tive DC currents will result in the same torque if the amplitudes
In order to realize two operational models, the two 3-phase of them are equal. Fig. 4 shows the fault capacity of proposed
standard inverter topology for DCSRM is given in Fig. 3. The DCSRM under power switch fault. It can be observed that the
terminal points (O1 and O2) are connected together. Under current flows following the green line and the power switches
Model I, the S1 and S8 are turned on when the current is in- S1 and S8 are turned on under normal condition. While current
jected into A1 and A2. Under Model II, the current of O1 and will flows negatively following the green line, and the power
O2 should keep to zero to ensure no close loop current between switches S2 and S7 are turned on if the power switch S1 is fault.
channel-1 and channel-2 when the sine-wave current is injected. Although the currents under health and fault are opposite, the

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Then, the torque in the fault channel can be expressed as

Te1 = p(Ld − Lq )id iq
3 i2
= p(Ld − Lq ) m [sin (2θ + γ1 ) − sin (γ1 )]
2 3
× [cos(2θ + γ1 ) + cos(γ1 )]

p 2 1 1
= (Ld −Lq )im sin (2θ)+ sin (4θ+2γ1 )− sin (2γ1 )
2 2 2
If Ld > Lq , the γ1 equals to –π/4 in order to obtain positive
torque. Then (7) can be yield as

Fig. 4. Fault tolerant capacity under Model I. (a) Normal condition. (b) Power p 2 1 1
Te1 = (Ld − Lq )im sin (2θ) − cos (4θ) + (8)
switch fault (S 1 ). 2 2 2
It can be seen that there are 2nd and 4th order harmonic of
amplitudes of current can be set as the same. Then, the pro- torque ripple in channel-1 when phase A1 is open-circuit. The
posed DCSRM can offer the same torque under power switch sum of torque of two channels is twice of that indicated in (4),
fault (S1 ). Additionally, the proposed DCSRM can operate nor- which can be expressed as
mally even the upper power switches (S1 , S3 and S5 ) or down 3
power switches (S2 , S4 and S6 ) are fault. Hence, the proposed TeΣ = p(Ld − Lq )i2s sin (2γ)
DCSRM offers high fault tolerance of power switch fault under
Model I. = p(Ld − Lq )i2s (9)
Then, γ is chosen as π/4 for positive torque. In order to reduce
B. Model II
the torque ripple and keep the average torque of DCSRM, the
For the model II, the sine-wave currents are injected into torque of channel-2 is obtained as
phases, the electromagnetic torque of one channel under healthy
condition is obtained as Te2 = TeΣ − Te1
3 = p(Ld − Lq )i2s
Te = p(Ld − Lq )id iq 2
p 2 1 1
3 − (Ld − Lq )im sin (2θ) − cos (4θ) + (10)
= p(Ld − Lq )i2s sin (2γ) (4) 2 2 2
If the current amplitudes of healthy phases under fault are
where Ld and Lq are the d- and q- axis inductances, id and iq are set as the same as that under health (is = im ), the torque of
the d- and q- axis currents. p is the pole pairs of each channel, channel-2 can be expressed by
is is the amplitude of phase current, and γ is the current angle. 
Under Model II, when one phase is open-circuit in channel-1, p 2 5 1
Te2 = (Ld − Lq )im − sin (2θ) + cos (4θ) (11)
and the currents of healthy phases are set as negative to keep the 2 2 2
current to zero of point O1. Then, the current of each phase in
Combining (4) and (11), the amplitude of current in channel-2
channel-1 is given as
can be obtained as

⎨ ia = 0  2 5 1
is = − sin (2θ) + cos(4θ) im (12)
ib = im cos(θ + γ1 ) (5) 3 2 2

⎩ i = −i cos (θ + γ )
c m 1
Finally, the currents in channel-2 are given as
where θ is rotor position. Then, the d- and q- axis currents in ⎨ ia = i s cos (θ + γ)

the fault channel can be expressed as ib = i s cos (θ − 23 π + γ) (13)

⎧ im ic = i s cos (θ + 23 π + γ)

⎨ id1 = √ [sin (2θ + γ1 ) − sin (γ1 )]
3 (6) It can be seen that the amplitude of current in channel-2 is
⎪ i
⎩ iq 1 = √m [cos(2θ + γ1 ) + cos(γ1 )] variable for creating torque ripple to compensate that produced
3 by fault channel.

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Fig. 5. Power switch fault. (a) Normal operation. (b) Proposed fault-tolerant
control under S 1 opens. (c) Fault-tolerant control under S 1 opens in Ref. 9. Fig. 6. Phase open-circuit fault. (a) Normal sinusoid currents supply.
(b) Sinusoid currents supply under fault-tolerant control. (c) Comparisons of
the output torque in three situations.
The effectiveness of co-simulation, realized by Maxwell and
Simplorer, has been verified in [10], especially in fault-tolerant this situation, DC current path in phase A1 and phase A2 will
operation. Then the co-simulation is adopted and the results are be changed from (S1 , S8 ), to (S2 , S7 ). The average torque is
given in Figs. 5 to 6. 2.19 N·m and torque ripple is 2.02 N·m. As shown in Fig. 5(a)
For normal operation of model I, power switch S1 and S8 are and (b), the torque performances pre- and post-fault are ap-
used to inject DC current into phase A1 and phase A2. When proximate, in spite of the direction of current in phase A1 and
a power switch S1 is opened, S2 and S7 are controlled to re- phase A2 is opposite. In order to illustrate the advantages of
place S1 and S8 . At this time, current direction in phase A1 and the proposed DCSRM, the drive system and performances are
phase A2 is opposite to normal situation. However, reluctance compared with the traditional DCSRM in Ref. 9. Obviously, the
torque is not related to direction but current amplitude. There- topology of inverter for proposed DCSRM can be realized more
fore, the output torque capacity will not reduce when open- easily because of combining two 3-phase standard inverters.
circuit fault happens in a power switch. Besides, the power switch fault will lead to phase open-circuit
Fig. 5(a) shows the waveforms of torque and phase currents fault in conventional DCSRM. Fig. 5(c) shows the simulated
when the proposed motor works as traditional SRM, which is result under fault-tolerant control with S1 opened in conven-
driven by H-bridge inverter and supplied by DC 10 A square- tional DCSRM. When the power switch fault (S1 ) happens in
wave currents. The average torque is 2.23 N·m and torque rip- conventional DCSRM, the current amplitude of phase A2 will
ple is 1.9 N·m. In Fig. 5(b), the power switch S1 is opened. In increase to 1.7 times to keep the same output torque. Then, the
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average torque is only 2.3 N·m and the torque ripple is 2.2 N·m. overcome power switch fault and open-circuit fault by appropri-
However, in the proposed drive of DCSRM, only the direction ate selection of current path and fault-tolerant strategy. Hence,
of the current is needed to adjust, and the current amplitude can this motor can be used in safety-critical applications.
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