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Mapel: Bahasa Inggris

Level: 1 (kelas 1-2 SD/MI)
Hari dan Tanggal: -
Waktu: 45 menit

Pililah salah satu jawaban yang tepat dan jawablah di lembar jawaban yang telah

1. There is .... on the table.

a. a water c. some oranges

b. some spoon d. any mangoes

2. They ..... came here last week to see us.

a. them c. theirselves
b. us d. themseleves

3. What time .... the next train to Jakarta?

a. Are c. Is
b. Does d. Do

4. I often collect a stamp. Now I have many stamps and I put them in the shelf. What is
my hobby?

a. Buying a stamp c. Philatelist

b. Reading d. Doing exercise

5. What animal is this?

a. Elephant c. Caterpillar
b. Ant d. Butterfly

6. Were you in Bali .... ?

a. Next week c. Last week

b. Now d. This evening

7. “The gorilla is huge.”

What is the synonym of ‘huge’?

a. Tall c. Aggressive
b. Very big d. Kind

8. Mr. Doni : Which one do you like? Peanut butter ... chocolate jam?
Anita : I like peanut butter, dad.

a. Or c. But
b. And d. So

9. John .... at school now.

a. Was c. Does
b. Is d. Been

The dialog is for number 10 and 11.

Edo : Good morning. Are you in class 1B too?

Kinar : Yes. My name is Kinar. What is your name?

Edo : I’m Edo. Pleased to meet you, Kinar.

Kinar : Pleased to meet you too, Edo. By the way, where do you live?
Edo : I live ...(10) Jalan Manggis number 9 Kebayoran Baru. What about you?

Kinar : I live .... (11) Jalan Semangka, Kebayoran Baru.

10. a. at c. in
b. on d. beside

11. a. at c. in
b. on d. beside

12. My friends and I are going to visit the museum next holiday because people say
that .... is worth visiting.

a. They c. He
b. It d. me

13. “I heard it is an intelligent animal.”

What is the synonym of ‘intelligent’?

a. Smart c. Sensitive
b. Diligent d. Adaptable

14. .... your parents at home on Sundays?

a. Is c. Are
b. Am d. Were

15. There are scars in my left ..... right hands.

a. But c. And
b. So d. For

16. My brither and I ..... in Jakarta last holiday.

a. Am c. Was
b. Were d. Are

17. “It sometimes becomes food for bird.”

What is the similar meaning of the word ‘sometimes’?

a. Often b. Always
c. Usually d. Occasionally

18. Nando : What is your little sister like?

Bintang : She is kind .... a little grumpy.
Nando : Does she easily got angry?
Bintang : Not really.

a. Or c. yet
b. and d. but

19. X :.... did you work with yesterday?

Y : I work with Randy and Tiara.

a. What c. Whom
b. Which d. Whose

20. The cat is ... the chair.

a. In front of c. Under
b. Behind d. Between

21. has – toes – she – ten

a. ten toes she has
b. she has ten toes
c. she has toes ten
d. has she toes ten
22. What the things are not in the pencil case?
a. Pencil
b. Ruler
c. Crayon
d. Eraser
23. We celebrate Kartini day on ....
a. 17th August
b. 21st January
c. 25th December
d. 28th October
24. Q : Are you a new student?
A : Yes,....
a. I do
b. You do
c. I does
d. I am
25. I accidentally spill my friend’s milk on the floor. Then, I will .... the floor.
a. Sweep
b. Mop
c. Swept
d. Erase




Mapel: Bahasa Inggris

Level: 2 (kelas 3-4 SD/MI)
Hari dan Tanggal: -
Waktu: 45 menit

Pililah salah satu jawaban yang tepat dan jawablah di lembar jawaban yang telah

1. My brother .... his graduation last week.

a. Congratulate c. Celebrate
b. Congratulated d. Celebrated

2. Everyone is going to visit the temple but .... knows how to get there.
a. People not c. Nothing
b. Nobody d. Everybody

3. Surya : When do you usually start studying?

Bela : At .....

a. Seven thirty c. Twenty past seven

b. Four past sevent d. Seven past twenty

4. This is our house and ..... is theirs.

a. Those c. That
b. This d. There

5. Riki : The last episode of the comedy show was great. Did you watch it last night?
Sulis : Sorry. I ..... it for several weeks.
Riki : That’s all right.
a. Watched
b. Hasn’t watched
c. Didn’t watch
d. Haven’t watched
6. The underlined word in “I’ve never felt so certain.” Is similar in meaning to ....
a. Sure
b. Alive
c. Pleased
d. Grateful
7. I think it is a natural ....

a. Phenomena b. Disasters
c. Laws d. Phenomenon

Andy : Guess what animal in the picture is!

Laura : Um... it is like a buffalo, but I don’t know for sure.
Andy : Well, it is a bison. A bison has a long
beard and mane, but buffalo doesn’t.
Laura : Tell me more about it.
Andy : you see, this animal is huge. It has a hump on its shoulder. It usually lives in
8. What is a bison like?

a. Shy c. Tame
b. Wild d. Loyal

9. When I was a small child. I .... swim very well.

a. Would c. Will
b. Could d. Can

10. What are the basic ..... that are stated in the new theory?

a. Formula c. Formulae
b. Idea d. Thought

11. “I just took the mask off when I arrived home.”

The phrase ‘took off’ can be replaced by .....

a. Changed c. Wtihdraw
b. Removed d. Attached

12. Sandi : Where did you go yesterday, Tyas?

Tyas : I.... my grandparents in Bogor.
Sandi : What did you do there?
Tyas : I helped them with this season’s harvest.

a. Visits c. visiting
b. Visited d. Have visited

13. “We need traditional hats for our school drama.”

What is the synonym of the underlined word?

a. Want c. Require
b. Demand d. Substitute

14. There is ..... sugar in the kitchen.

a. A lump of c. A block of
b. A pile of d. A bar off

15. The antonym of ‘sharp’ is ....

a. Curved c. Hard
b. Smooth d. Blunt

16. What time is it?

a. Ten minutes past two

b. Ten minutes past one
c. Ten minutes past ten
d. Two minutes past ten
17. Tama : Many students dislike Ronny.
Linda : You’re right.
Tama : He only thinks about what he wants and needs. He never cares about others’
Linda : I don’t know why he can be such a person. In fact, his parents are generous.
What is Ronny like?

a. Selfish c. Careless
b. Spoiled d. Dishonest

18. Robin : Look! The woman is waving to us. Do you know her?
Andrea : I do. She’s Mrs. Rossy, my neighbor.
Robin : Several children are having lunch with her. Are they her children?
Andrea : No. They are her foster children.
Robin : Amazing woman!
It can be concluded that Mrs. Rossy is .....

a. Reliable c. Charitable
b. Valuable d. Responsible

19. She .... speak English very well, can’t she?

a. Couldn’t c. Cannot
b. Can d. Will

20. My mother is in the .... . She is cooking our meal

a. Bedroom c. Bathroom
b. Kitchen d. Classroom

21. Mrs. Giselle is my aunt. She is my mother’s ....

a. Sister c. Niece
b. Daughter d. Sister in law

22. “It was crowded due to that concert.”

The synonym of the underlined word is ....

a. Shift c. Noisy
b. Rigid d. Vivid

Arrange these sentences to make a good paragraph!

1. I went there with my cousin

2. It is located near the city square
3. We left home at 10 a.m.
4. I went to a central library last Saturday.
5. It took 30 minutes to get there by public transport.
6. It was fun enough.

23. a. 2 – 4 – 6 – 3 – 1 – 5 b. 2 – 4 – 1 – 6 – 3 – 5
c. 4 – 2 – 1 – 3 – 5 – 6 d. 4 – 2 – 1 – 3 – 6 – 5

24. now – violin – Aurel – in the room – playing – is

1 2 3 4 5 6

a. 3 – 6 – 5 – 2 – 1 – 4 c. 3 – 1 – 6 – 4 – 2 – 5
b. 3 – 6 – 5 – 2 – 4 – 1 d. 3 – 1 – 5 – 6 – 4 – 2

25. Q : Are you a new student?

A : Yes,....

a. I do c. I does
b. You do d. I am



Mapel: Bahasa Inggris

Level: 3 (kelas 4-5 SD/MI)
Hari dan Tanggal: -
Waktu: 45 menit

Pililah salah satu jawaban yang tepat dan jawablah di lembar jawaban yang telah

1. Mrs. Amy works in a court. She make decisions in a trial. She is a ....

a. Butcher c. Judge
b. Lifeguard d. Pharmacist

2. Fikri ..... to bring his laptop to school last Wednesday.

a. Was forgetting c. Forgot

b. Is forgetting d. Forgets

3. What is the similar meaning of the word ‘equipment’?

a. Activities c. Tools
b. Design d. Plans

4. Mrs. Farah : What do you think of Mrs. Kassandra, your new principal?
Bryan : She is as ..... as the previous leader. She always make good decisions,
based on a deep understanding.

a. Wise c. Discipline
b. Talented d. Responsible
5. It will .... this afternoon.

a. Raining c. Rain
b. Rained d. Rains

6. My school ..... a video competition and a charity day to celebrate its anniversary two
days ago.

a. Was holding c. Holds

b. Was held d. Held

7. Arnold serves customer in the store. What does he do?

a. Waiter c. Carpenter
b. Shop assisstant d. Waitress

8. The underlined word in sentence “Being nervous, I walked around the clinic.” Has a
similar meaning to .....

a. Fearful c. Bored
b. Anxious d. Tired


To commemorate Sports Day, we will have a fun walk

activity to the waterfall next Sunday. We will start from the
school at 6 a.m. and rest at the waterfall area. Don’t forget to
bring snacks, a big bottle of fresh water and first aid kit.

Roy Solistyo,
OSIS Chairperson

9. The following are what the students should bring, except ....

a. A big bottle c. Fresh water

b. First aid kit d. Snack

10. Elma : Oops! So, what time can I meet you then?
Dennis : Let me go to your house at around 6:30 PM.
Elma : No! My family and I ..... dinner at that time.

a. Will be held c. Will be having

b. Had d. Having

11. Lia : I think today is the ..... day in my life.

Raffael : What happened?
Lia : I was almost late to school and received thw lowest score on the
math test.

a. Bad c. Worse
b. Best d. Worst

12. Ira : What does your sister do

Andy : She is a journalist
Ira : Where does she work?
Andy : At a .....

a. Television station c. Publishing company

b. Production house d. Telecommunication company


To commemorate the International Language

Day on February, 21, 2023, our school will hold an
English debate competition. The topic of this
competition, is “The Effectiveness of Remote
Learning”. For students who are interested to join
the competition, please enroll to Mr. Jaya, the
English teacher. Please enroll not later than
February, 19, 2023.

Nilam Untari,
School Principal

13. What is the text about ?

a. A school anniversary
b. An English debate competition
c. International Mother Language day
d. The effectiveness of remote learning
14. The synonym of the underlined word in sentence “I’m off on this remarkable
adventure.” is ....

a. Notable c. Outstanding
b. Thrilling d. Unforgetable

15. “You can prove that you are worthy to be the team members.”
The underlined can be best replaced by ......

a. Popular c. Appropriate
b. Priceless d. Top

Nurma, I have an emergency call to the hospital for handling

surgery. I’ll be home late this evening, I have prepared
mmyou lunch, but please do the following when you arrive
home from school.

- Eat your lunch

- Feed the cat
- Do your homework

Your father will be home at around 4 PM


16. From the message, we know that .....

a. Nurma’s mother is a doctor
b. Nurma’s father has an emergency call
c. Nurma should be home before 5 PM
d. Nurma knows that her mother will be home late
17. Melinda – have – when – you –with – did – the last call - ?
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
a. 6-4-2-7-5-1-3-8 c. 3-6-7-1-2-4-5-8
b. 6-1-2-7-5-4-3-8 d. 3-6-4-2-7-5-1-8

18. “We boarded the boat and started rafting.”

What is the closest meaning of ‘boarded’?
a. Moved
b. Pushed
c. Ascended
d. Controlled
19. “The design is simple but very artistic.”
What is the similar meaning of the underlined word?
a. Modest
b. Glamorous
c. Stunning
d. Complicated

20. (1) As a result, we will always be prepared when there is a random test.
(2) By studying regularly, we reviewe what we have learned.
(3) Studying regularly has many positive effects.
(4) They will not be ready for the test.
(5) Consequently, we can remember the lesson better.
(6) It will be different with the ones who never study regularly.
(7) It is a good way to receive good score.
(8) Studying regularly also makes us feel calmer and more confident.
The correct arrangemnt of the sentences is .....
a. 3-8-1-6-7-4-5-2
b. 3-8-1-7-5-2-6-4
c. 3-7-2-5-8-1-6-4
d. 3-7-2-1-4-6-5-8
21. Swimming is very easy but not everyone can .....
a. Swim
b. Swims
c. Swimming
d. To swim


22. Who is the notice addressed to?

a. Teachers
b. Examinees
c. Visitors
d. Trainers
23. Both Mary and her brother ..... in London.
a. Lives
b. Has been living
c. Works
d. Work
24. My flight from Bali to Jakarta was delayed ..... the bomb explosion.
a. Because
b. Due to
c. Just because
d. As a result
25. Ross always works harder than Tanty ......
a. Is
b. Was
c. She does
d. Does

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