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// Disclaimer:
// 1. I am not licensed financial advisors or broker dealers. I do not tell you
// when or what to buy or sell. I developed this software which enables you
// execute manual or automated trades using TradingView. The
// software allows you to set the criteria you want for entering and exiting
// trades.
// 2. Do not trade with money you cannot afford to lose. I am not accountable
for any losses.
// 3. I do not guarantee consistent profits or that anyone can make money with
// effort. And I am not selling the holy grail.
// 4. Every system can have winning and losing streaks.
// 5. Money management plays a large role in the results of your trading. For
// example: lot size, account size, broker leverage, and broker margin call
// rules all have an effect on results. Also, your Take Profit and Stop Loss
// settings for individual pair trades and for overall account equity have a
// major impact on results. If you are new to trading and do not understand
// these items, then I recommend you seek education materials to further your
// knowledge.
// Edited and constructed by TradeTactics, TP/SL and alert signals provided by War-
// DEMA concept shared by Grant
// If this helped you and if you are able consider sending a tip
// BTC (BTC Network): 18wQFct5yhWDMhVvEM1m8b41EgvecAxhhJ
// USDT (ERC20): 0xaaf28ebb293aadfebe519a2888639d40c39419ef
strategy("Double EMA Strategy", "DEMA ATR Strategy", overlay=true,
default_qty_type=strategy.percent_of_equity, default_qty_value=100,
commission_value = 0.05)
showTrade = input.bool(false, 'Show TP/SL')
showBB = input.bool(false, "Show Bollinger Bands")

length =, minval=1, title='Dema Length 1')

length2 =, minval=1, title="Dema Length 2")
src = input(close, title="Source")
e1 = ta.ema(src, length)
e2 = ta.ema(e1, length)
e3 = ta.ema(src, length2)
e4 = ta.ema(e3, length2)
dema = 2 * e1 - e2
dema2 = 2 * e3 - e4
plot(showBB ? dema : na, "DEMA LONG", color=#ffbb00)
plot(showBB ? dema2 : na, "DEMA SHORT", color=#7bff00)
priceema = ta.ema(close,1)


length5 =, minval=1, title='Bollinger Length')

mult = 2

basis = ta.sma(src, length5)
dev = ta.stdev(src, length5)
dev2 = mult * dev

upper1 = basis + dev

lower1 = basis - dev
upper2 = basis + dev2
lower2 = basis - dev2
colorBasis = src >= basis ? :

pBasis = plot(showBB ? basis : na, linewidth=2, color=colorBasis)
pUpper1 = plot(showBB ? upper1 : na,, 0),
pUpper2 = plot(showBB ? upper2 : na,, 0))
pLower1 = plot(showBB ? lower1 : na,, 0),
pLower2 = plot(showBB ? lower2 : na,, 0))

fill(pBasis, pUpper2,, 80))

fill(pUpper1, pUpper2,, 80))
fill(pBasis, pLower2,, 80))
fill(pLower1, pLower2,, 80))

// Strategy code begins here

import TradingView/Strategy/2 as css


i_tradeDirection = input.string(title='Trade Direction',
defval=strategy.direction.all, options=[strategy.direction.all,
strategy.direction.long, strategy.direction.short], group='Trade Filters')
i_startTime = input.time(defval=timestamp('01 Jan 2000 00:00 +0000'), title='Start
Time', group='Trade Filters')
i_endTime = input.time(defval=timestamp('01 Jan 2099 00:00 +0000'), title='End
Time', group='Trade Filters')
inDateRange = time >= i_startTime and time <= i_endTime
string sltp= "STOP/TAKE PROFIT"
usetpsl = input.bool(true, 'Use TP/SL', inline=sltp, group=sltp)
float percentStop = input.float(4.3, "Stop %", minval = 0.0, step = 0.1,
group=sltp, inline='percent')
float percentTP = input.float(1.7, "Limit %", minval = 0.0, step = 0.1,
group=sltp, inline='percent')
i_alert_txt_entry_long = input.text_area(defval = "", title = "Long Entry Message",
group = "Alerts")
i_alert_txt_entry_short = input.text_area(defval = "", title = "Short Entry
Message", group = "Alerts")
i_alert_txt_exit_long = input.text_area(defval = "", title = "Long Exit Message",
group = "Alerts")
i_alert_txt_exit_short = input.text_area(defval = "", title = "Short Exit Message",
group = "Alerts")

// Using the input stop/ limit percent, we can convert to ticks and use the ticks
to level functions.
// This can be used to calculate the take profit and stop levels.
float sl = css.ticksToStopLevel (css.percentToTicks (percentStop))
float tp = css.ticksToTpLevel (css.percentToTicks (percentTP))

exitPrice = strategy.closedtrades.exit_price(strategy.closedtrades-1)
bias = math.sign(strategy.position_size)
avg = strategy.position_avg_price

// Conditions used to reference position and determine trade bias

bool long = strategy.position_size > 0
bool short = strategy.position_size < 0
bool enterLong = long and not long [1]
bool enterShort = short and not short[1]
bool enter = enterLong or enterShort
bool exit = strategy.position_size == 0 and not (strategy.position_size ==
bool flat = strategy.position_size == 0

avgerage = plot(showTrade ? avg : na, "ENTRY", not enter ?, 0) : na, 2, plot.style_linebr)
slp = plot(showTrade ? sl : na, "STOP LOSS", not enter ?, 60) : na, 4, plot.style_linebr)
tpp = plot(showTrade ? tp : na, "TAKE PROFIT", not enter ?, 60) : na, 4, plot.style_linebr)

fill(tpp, avgerage, color =, 80), title='TP Background')

fill(avgerage, slp, color =, 80) , title= 'SL Background')

if usetpsl == true and long and src < upper1

css.exitPercent("exit long", percentStop, percentTP,

if usetpsl == true and short and src > lower1

css.exitPercent("exit short", percentStop, percentTP,

bool longCondition = ((priceema > dema and dema2>dema2[1]) or (dema2>dema and

dema2>dema2[1]) or src>upper1)
bool shortCondition = ((priceema < dema and dema2<dema2[1]) or (dema2<dema and
dema2<dema2[1]) or src<lower1)

//long_entry = ta.crossover(src, upper1)

//short_entry = ta.crossunder(src, lower1)

// Create entries based on the cross conditions for both trades biases.
if longCondition and inDateRange
strategy.close("SHORT", "SX" , alert_message=i_alert_txt_exit_short)
strategy.entry("LONG", strategy.long, alert_message=i_alert_txt_entry_long)

if shortCondition and inDateRange

strategy.close("LONG", "LX", alert_message=i_alert_txt_exit_long)
strategy.entry("SHORT", strategy.short, alert_message=i_alert_txt_entry_short)

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