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Mat-i National High School

Brgy. Mat-i, Surigao City


Factors Affecting Absenteeism Among SHS Students of Mat-i NHS

A Qualitative Research

Presented to the Senior High School Department

Mat-i National High School

Brgy. Mat-i, Surigao City

As a fulfillment in the Subject

Practical Research I

Group members:

Renier T. Camarines

Second Semester
May 2023

Absenteeism refers to a student being absent from school. Absences can be.
motivationally based (i.e. poor relationships with other students, academic failure) and.
structurally based (i.e. having to work during school hours, taking care of a sick family
member).The findings show that unexcused absenteeism, sickness absenteeism and school
exclusion all have a negative impact on student's academic achievement. In addition, the
findings suggested that unexcused absenteeism is more harmful at the beginning of the school
year and at the end of the school year.

Every day many students are absent from school. The causes for absences are numerous
and can arise both from within and outside of the school. Absenteeism can be motivationally
based, where a student may not wish to attend; these absences are generally a voluntary and
deliberate decision. Whereas other absences are structurally based, where pupils must miss
school due to their life conditions (i.e. having to move frequently), and are thus beyond a
student’s control and are an involuntary decision. Student absenteeism often begins in
elementary school (Grades 1-8), but the majority of absenteeism occurs when youths are in
secondary school, as this is where students have more autonomy over the decision to be
present or absent (Henry, 2007). Much like the causes, the consequences of absenteeism are
quite diverse, and can include: lowered academic performance, suspensions/expulsions, and
dropping out of school (Bazemore, Stinchcomb, & Leip, 2004). Due to the serious repercussions
of absenteeism, educational researchers and policymakers have recommended a number of
solutions aimed at reducing its prevalence. These suggestions include: creating tighter links
between the absentee and the school, making the curriculum more engaging for students, and
even prosecuting parents/guardians and absentees for non-attendance (Bazemore et al. 2004).

Absenteeism reduces the success because students miss their education time. This also
results in loss of other students time since teacher must use additional time to compensate,
which leads to lost teaching time for all student’s (Rood, 1989; Williams, 2001; Eastman,
Cooney, O’Connor & Small, 2007). Among all the causesof absenteeism among public school
pupils, financial difficulty or poverty.

Statement of the Problem

The study aims to identify the effects of Absenteeism Among SHS students in Mat-i NHS,
Surigao City.

Specifically, it aims to answer these questions:

1. Why did they choose to absent?

2. What have they observe in their grade since they started being absent?
3. If they continue to absent all the time, will they be able to graduate?
4. What is the most reason why they get absent?
5. What are the consequences/effect if a student is always absent?

Scope and Delimitation

Focused. The cause and effects of Absenteeism Among SHS students of Mat-i NHS
Scope. The study is strictly restricted to a specific section of the target population over
a specified duration.

Significance of the Study

This study is undertaken to find the cause of action prior to incorrect absenteeism of the of
students. Also, this study is designed to provide an alternative solution to the problem
regarding students absenteeism.

Benefiting the study are the various sectors s follows:





Review of Related Literature

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