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Title: Processing organic waste (orange peel) into high quality hand soap.

Organic waste, processing waste, global warming, school environment, liquid soap, hand soap,


Many people ignore organic waste because it is considered safe and biodegradable, when in fact the
molecules of organic waste that accumulate and do not have oxygen circulation will have an impact on
global warming which is still happening today, another thing that can make organic waste dangerous is
that piles of organic waste are the most preferred habitat by animals such as rats, flies, cockroaches and
mosquitoes, which can carry diseases, especially in the school environment. According to data from the
Dinas Lingkungan Hidup, each school produces approximately 2 kg of organic waste every day, including
in our school, a lot of organic waste can be utilized instead of being left as a pile of organic waste that
can be dangerous. For example, orange peel can be processed into new things like liquid soap that we
make. In our school, hand soap is very rare, sometimes we use dish soap for our hands. In this case, we
can produce a useful product and at the same time we can also help process organic waste around the
school environment.


• To be able to protect the environment by managing organic waste in a better way.

 Making high quality hand soap by utilizing organic waste which is usually left to accumulate and
can cause disease.
 Knowing what are the good ingredients in hand soap.
 To motivate people to learn not to let organic waste accumulate, (which is usually considered
safe because it is easy to decompose) and learn to process in useful ways.

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