English: Quarter 1

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MODULE 5: Analytical Listening

MODULE 5: Analytical Listening

Welcome to English 10 on Analytical Listening!
This module was designed to provide you with opportunities for guided and
independent learning at your own pace and time. You will be enabled to process the
contents of the learning resource while being an active learner.

This module has the following parts and corresponding icons:

This part includes an activity that aims to
check what you already know about the
lesson to take.

This gives you an idea of the skills or

What I Need to Know competencies you are expected to learn in
(Objectives) the module.

This is a brief drill or review to help you

What’s In link the current lesson with the previous
(Review/Springboard) one.

This section provides a brief discussion of

What’s New
(Presentation of the Lesson) the lesson. This aims to help you discover
and understand new concepts and skills.

This comprises activities for independent

What I Can Do practice to solidify your understanding
(Enrichment Activities) and skills of the topic.

What I Have Learned This includes key points that you need to
(Generalization) remember.

This section provides activities which will

What’s More help you transfer your new knowledge or
(Application) skill into real life situations or concerns.

This is a task which aims to evaluate your

Post Test level of mastery in achieving the learning
(Assessment) competency.

This contains answers to the Pretest

Answer Key

At the end of this module you will also find:

References This is the list of all sources used in

developing this module.

The following are some reminders in using this module:

1. Use the module with care. Do not put unnecessary mark/s on any part of
the module. Use a separate sheet of paper in answering the exercises.
2. Don’t forget to answer Pretest before moving on to the other activities
included in this module.
3. Read the instructions carefully before doing each task.
4. Observe honesty and integrity in doing the tasks and checking your
5. Finish the task at hand before proceeding to the next.
6. Return this module to your teacher/facilitator once you are through with

If you encounter any difficulty in answering the tasks in this module, do not
hesitate to consult your teacher or facilitator. Always bear in mind that you are not

We hope that through this material, you will experience meaningful learning and
gain deep understanding of the relevant competencies. You can do it!

About the Module

This module is designed and written with you in mind. It is here to help you
mastery about Analytical Listening. The scope of this module permits it to be used
in many different learning situations. The language used recognizes the diverse
vocabulary level of students. The lessons are arranged to follow the standard
sequence of the course. But the order in which you read them can be changed to
correspond with the textbook you are now using.

This module is divided into three lessons, namely:

Lesson 1 – Analytical Listening
Lesson 2 – Types of Listening



MULTIPLE CHOICE: Read each sentence carefully. On the blanks before each
number, write the letter of the correct answer.

_____ 1. It is a type of listening by which the listener properly analyzes what is

being said.
A. Critical B. Creative C. Systematic D. Analytical
_____ 2. It is actually hearing what others are saying, meaning full concentration on
other’s story is needed.
A. Speaking B. Hearing C. Listening D. Talking
_____ 3. It is definitely useful when it comes to analytical listening.
A. LSD Technique B. Audio C. Analysis D. Skills
_____ 4. It is where the meaning of the sounds is interpreted correctly.
A. Audio Productions B. LSD C. Analysis D. Syntax
_____ 5. It is a trait that applies to the analytical listener.
A. Audio Productions B. LSD C. Analysis D. Syntax
_____ 6. It is a listening that is originally a way of listening to audio production.
A. Critical B. Creative C. Systematic D. Analytical
_____ 7. It is taken for granted by the people most of the time.
A. Speaking B. Hearing C. Listening D. Talking
_____ 8. It is a listening type that is first developed at a very early age.
A. Discriminative B. Empathic C. Informational D. Critical
_____ 9. It is whenever you listen in order to learn something.
A. Discriminative B. Empathic C. Informational D. Critical
_____ 10. It is to evaluate and scrutinize what is being said.
A. Discriminative B. Empathic C. Informational D. Critical
_____ 11. It involves attempting to understand the feelings and emotions of the
A. Discriminative B. Empathic C. Informational D. Critical
_____ 12. It is a way of deeply connecting with another person.
A. Discriminative B. Empathic C. Informational D. Critical
_____ 13. It involves some sort of problem solving or decision making.
A. Discriminative B. Empathic C. Informational D. Critical
_____ 14. It requires concentration and a conscious effort to understand.
A. Discriminative B. Empathic C. Informational D. Critical
_____ 15. It is the beginning of understanding.
A. Speaking B. Hearing C. Listening D. Talking

What I Need to Know

At the end of this lesson, you are expected to:

 define analytical listening;
 distinguish the concepts of analytical listening; and
 state the significance of analytical listening.

What’s In

Answer the following based from the picture:

 What can you say about this picture?
 Does this picture show the proper way of communicating?
 Does this picture show the proper way of listening?
 Does this picture convey good relationship between the speaker and the

What’s New

Analytical Listening
It is an ability and a capacity to properly analyze what is being said. This does not
only mean understanding what the other person is saying and what they mean to
say, but this also means being able to divide difficult questions into separate parts
to get to the core. It sounds easier than it is. Distinguishing between central and
peripheral issues is a pre-requisite. Apart from this, common listening techniques
help. The objective of Analytical Listening is to quickly see logical connections, as
well as detecting possible gaps in all the information.

LSD Technique

This is definitely useful when it comes to Analytical Listening. It stands for

Listening, Summarizing and Digging Deeper. Listening is actually hearing what the
other is saying. This means full concentration on the other’s story is needed, as
well as a thorough sinking in of the information. Briefly summarizing what the
other is saying is usually enough to get the meaning of what one is saying.
Moreover, it causes the other to feel like they are being heard and able to offer
additions if the summary is (not) yet complete. By giving a short summary, the
listener gives themselves time to let the information sink in and understand what
they just heard. This is followed by digging deeper to get down to the core.

Audio Productions

Analytical Listening is originally a way of listening to audio productions, where the

meaning of the sounds is interpreted correctly by the listener. It is often used by
professionals working on audio productions. Analytical listening is when a listener
is actively engaged with the music they are listening to, where each element of a
piece of music is analyzed to understand the intentions of the composer and/or
lyricist. During analytical listening, the listener looks for the deeper meaning of
what is heard. Sound itself has no meaning; it is about the underlying layer. When
someone says something, it is not just about the content. It is especially the way
they say it that gives meaning to the words. This intonation also applies in music.
The underlying emotional implications of a musical performance indicate the
composer’s meaning and intentions. Music is more than simply a mix of sounds.
The composer and/or lyricist is always trying to convey a meaning or emotion, such
as happiness, sadness anger or love.

Analytical Capacity
Analytical ability is very useful in many other occupations as well. Think of
leadership roles, technical occupations, and the medical world, where it comes
down to making many analyses. Analytical listening means looking at differences,
possible risks, and the things that make no sense. By analyzing these, the cause of
the problem becomes clear. Addressing these will make the information clearer for
both parties. In some cases, the analytical listener will cause the other to feel
annoyed. The other may feel “caught” regarding the fact that they did not provide
complete information. By supporting and encouraging them, both parties will find
common ground again.
Analytical capacity is a trait that applies to the analytical listener. This analytical
ability is a quality that usually goes hand in hand with other abilities one has, such
as empathic capacity, inquisitiveness, curiosity, desire to learn, being critical and
open – minded. Analytical capacity is a mixture of all these traits and abilities.

Pitfalls of Analytical Listening

Apart from the power of analytical listening, there are also several pitfalls. For
example, those who are strongly analytically minded and capable of good analytical
thought tend to think things through too much and hesitate too much before coming
up with a final judgment. Because of their analytical capacity, such a person will first
go over all the options, weigh them, and closely examine all the pros and cons before
making a choice. The indecisiveness this brings may be experienced by their
environment as highly annoying.

The previously mentioned danger that the conversation partner will feel attacked is
also a potential issue. This is because the analytical listener asks a lot of questions,
which can make them, seem distrustful towards their conversation partner. Besides
deeper questions, the analytical listener will ask many “why” questions, which people
will often not be able to answer. The tip is to look for the answers together and not put
the other on the spot. That could be felt as a negative confrontation, which stalls the
conversation and could make it take a different turn.

Analytical Listening and Decision Making

Analytical listening forms one of the foundations of good decision making. Listening
thoroughly and analytically makes it easier to reconstruct a situation and find a
solution rationally. This will then lead to optimal decisions especially when it comes to
decision making. Analytical listening is a large part of a leadership skill set. Complex
problems are more easily understood, meaning a better prediction can be made as to
which solution or method would be best. Analytical listening can therefore contribute
to all kinds of business roles that call for good planning and decision making.

Analytical Listening and Problem Solving

Analytical listening helps bring balance to a conversation and process information

objectively. In conversations with others, feelings play an important role. When the
atmosphere of the conversation is good, chances are, objectivity will disappear into the
background. Being mindful of this allows for a balance to be created between feeling
and logical reasoning. Analyses of causes can be made, after which the consequences
of a problem and applying models to them. By distinguishing main problems from
partial problems, the analytic listener can collect a lot of information, and then
research it. After collecting all the data, the analytical listener will be highly able to
make logical connections, detect the actual cause, and think of fitting solutions.
What I Can Do

Directions: Based on the discussion, answer the following questions relevant to
your experiences. Write your answers on the space provided.

1. What are your experiences with analytical listening?



2. Do you recognize its practical explanation or do you have any more

additional inputs on it?



3. Does analytical listening help you to get to the core of the problem or to
make decisions easier?



What I Have Learned

Write 3 experiences you had in connection to analytical listening:

1. __________________________________________________________________

2. __________________________________________________________________

3. __________________________________________________________________

Write your 2 favorite parts of this lesson and state the reasons.

Write 1 value that you have learned in relation to using

What’s More

Directions: Given a short news report on COVID 19 virus. Read the sentences
carefully. Afterwards, answer the questions that follow. Write your
answer in a separate sheet of paper.

COVID-19 stands for Corona Virus Disease of 2019. It is a highly infectious virus
that spreads through respiratory droplets from an infected person when coughing
and sneezing.

Source: World Health Organization, 24-Oras/ Atom Araullo reporting

1. What symptoms do persons infected by this virus show?

2. Why is it called a pandemic?

3. Where and when did it start?

4. How did it spread so easily?

5. What were the national mandates given to reduce the number of positive cases of

COVID –19?


Types of Listening

What I Need To Know

At the end of this lesson, you are expected to:

 identify the types of listening;
 differentiate each type of listening; and
 perform the indicated tasks.

What’s In

Think about these:

 What can you say about the picture presented?
 What are the symbols being shown?
 How can you relate this picture to the lesson we had

What’s New

Most people take listening for granted. They think it is something that just
happens. It is only when you stop to think about listening and what it entails
that you begin to realize that listening is in fact an important skill that needs to
be enhanced and developed.

General Listening Types:

 Discriminative Listening

It is first developed at a very early age – perhaps even before birth, in the most
basic form of listening and does not involve the understanding of the meaning of
words or different sounds that are produced in early childhood. For example, a
distinction is made between voices of the parents – the voice of the father sounds
different to that of the mother.

It is developed from childhood to adulthood. As we grow older and develop our life
experiences, our ability to distinguish between different sounds is improved. Not
only we can recognize different voices, but we also develop the ability to recognize
subtle differences in the way that sounds are made – this is fundamental to
ultimately understand what these sounds mean. Differences include many
subtleties, recognizing foreign languages, distinguishing between regional accents
and clues to the emotions and feelings of the speaker.
Imagine yourself surrounded by people who are speaking a language
that you cannot understand. It is like being in an airport in another country.
You can probably distinguish between different voices, male and female,
young, and old and gain some understanding about what is going on around
you based on the tone of voice, mannerisms, and body language of the other

people. You are do not understand what is being said but you are using
discriminative listening to gain some level of comprehension of your

 Comprehensive Listening

It involves understanding the messages that are being communicated. Like

discriminative listening, comprehensive listening is fundamental to all listening
To use comprehensive listening, one needs appropriate vocabulary and language
skills. Using overly complicated language or technical jargon can be a barrier to
comprehensive listening. It is further complicated by the fact that two different
people listening to the same thing may understand the message in two different
ways. This problem can be multiplied in a group setting, like a classroom or
business meeting where numerous different meanings can be derived from what
has been said.


What I Can Do

Directions: With the discussion on the types of listening, create a short video
where you are talking to your parents for a family concern. Employ
the types of listening being discussed. Follow the rubrics below.

Distinguished Proficient Apprentice Novice

(4) (3) (2) (1)
Digital Learning Performance Performance Performance
Performance- performances contains contains contains only 2-
Content: varied in both multiple multiple 3 content. None
Choice of subject and style. content, a few content, but of the content
materials All performance are of which most are demonstrate
demonstrates content clearly show variety. similar in level growth.
growth demonstrate Most content and style.
growth over time. demonstrate
growth over
Oral Appropriate Spoke at an Spoke quietly. Barely audible,
Presentation- volume appropriate Increased even after
Clarity: throughout volume for volume briefly requests to
Clarity and presentation. most of after being speak up. No
volume Varied volume presentation. asked. Spoke inflection.
when Good with little Sounded bored
appropriate. inflection and inflection. or uninterested.
Proper inflection enunciation. Paid little
throughout Occasionally attention to
presentation. sounded proper

Spoke clearly and monotone pronunciation.
Media- Made extensive Used three or Used one or Used no
Creativity and use of original more original two pieces of original media
Originality: photographs, media original or used
Uses original illustrations, elements. media. Missed simplistic or
media and sounds, movies, Used media in opportunities gratuitous
combines media etc. Combined a unique way. to creatively media. Media
in new and multiple media use media choices
unique ways elements to elements. detracted from
create a unique the project.
Design-Layout Content was well Content was Most of the Content was
and organized with organized with content was hard to
Organization: creativity. Text creativity. Text organized. The understand.
Organized and and graphics and graphics placement of There is no
easy to were neatly were placed to text and clear structure.
understand organized and make the graphics Text and
made the video video sometimes graphics were
presentable. presentable made the randomly
video less placed.

What I Have Learned

SENTENCE COMPLETION: Complete the sentence below.

 Analytical Listening is defined as ________________________________________


 The 3 sub – types of listening are

 It is helpful to use analytical listening in problem solving
 The value that I learned in this lesson is _________________________________


 The most important lesson I have learned is _____________________________


What’s More

Directions: Create a graphic organizer based from the topic in analytical listening
with the types of listening. Use a separate sheet of paper to do


Post Test

INSTRUCTIONS: Answer the questions below by writing the appropriate letter on a

separate sheet of paper.
1. What is a type of listening where the listener properly analyzes what is being
A. Critical B. Creative C. Systematic D. Analytical
2. What refers to actually hearing what others are saying, meaning full
concentration on other’s story is needed?
A. Speaking B. Hearing C. Listening D. Talking
3. What is useful when it comes to analytical listening?
A. LSD Technique B. Audio C. Analysis D. Skills
4. What is the meaning of the sounds that is interpreted correctly?

A. Audio Productions B. LSD C. Analysis D. Syntax
5. What is a trait that applies to the analytical listener?
A. Audio Productions B. LSD C. Analysis D. Syntax
6. What is a type of listening that is originally a way of listening to audio
A. Critical B. Creative C. Systematic D. Analytical
7. What is taken for granted by the people most of the time?
A. Speaking B. Hearing C. Listening D. Talking
8. What is a listening type that is first developed at a very early age?
A. Discriminative B. Empathic C. Informational D. Critical
9. What is used whenever you listen to learn something?
A. Discriminative B. Empathic C. Informational D. Critical
10. What type of listening is used to evaluate and scrutinize what is being said?
A. Discriminative B. Empathic C. Informational D. Critical
11. What involves attempting to understand the feelings and emotions of the
A. Discriminative B. Empathic C. Informational D. Critical
12. What is a way of deeply connecting with another person?
A. Discriminative B. Empathic C. Informational D. Critical
13. What involves some sort of problem solving or decision making?
A. Discriminative B. Empathic C. Informational D. Critical
14. What requires concentration and a conscious effort to understand?
A. Discriminative B. Empathic C. Informational D. Critical
15. What is the beginning of understanding?
A. Speaking B. Hearing C. Listening D. Talking



Site 1: retrieved July 17, 2020 - shorturl.at/ntuxR

Site 2: retrieved July 17, 2020 - shorturl.at/pKNRT
Site 3: retrieved July 17, 2020 - shorturl.at/lpuCK
Site 4: retrieved July 17, 2020 - shorturl.at/iryJ2

Image 1: retrieved July 17, 2020 - shorturl.at/norsP

You are now ready for the next module. Always remember the following:

1. Make sure every answer sheet has your

 Name
 Grade and Section
 Title of the Activity or Activity No.
2. Follow the date of submission of answer sheets as agreed with your
3. Keep the modules with you and return them at the end of the school year
or whenever face-to-face interaction is permitted.


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