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With over 2.27 billion users worldwide in 2018, a study conducted by Boyd and Ellison

discussed that Facebook has become a part of people’s lives in this generation. The purpose of

this study is to establish a relationship between Facebook use and student’s self-concept.

Components of self-concept was based on Carl Rogers’ Self Concept Theory (SCT) includes

self-image, self-esteem and ideal self. Total enumeration with 150 senior high school students

under a science technology, engineering and mathematics program of a large high school was

obtained as the participants. Two-part questionnaire was employed as instruments of this study; a

self-made validated 10 item questions for Fb use and The Robson Self-Concept Questionnaire

(SCQ) for evaluate self-concept. T-test for independent means was utilized to measure the extent

of Facebook use and the level of self-concept as participants were grouped according to age

(younger and older group) and sex (male and female). Pearson’s R for correlation was utilized to

determine the relationship between the extent of Facebook use and the level of self-concept. A

significant difference was observed on the extent of Fb use of the participants (M = 4.91, SD =

0.47 and M=5.12, SD= 0.70). Moreover, significant difference was also found in the

participant’s level of self-concept, however, when grouped as to age, p value exceeded the level

of significance at .27. The Pearson’s R value fits in the values between 0.3 and 0.7 at 0.4 that

indicated a moderate positive linear relationship thus, there is a positive significant relationship

between the variables. Findings from the present study suggests that Facebook may positively

contribute in the self-concept of students. Limitations, implications for school staffs, and future

research directions were presented.

Keywords: Facebook use, students, self-concept.


The researchers would like to express their heartwarming gratitude to all people who

guided and supported us throughout the journey of this study. First, we give our gratitude to our

ever supportive parents’ with whom supported us not just financially but morally as well. To our

beloved research adviser, Mrs. Auggie Torrecampo, for her your undying patience to teach us the

important disciplines in the field of research. Indeed, the learning we all acquired will be used for

the years to come.

We extend our thanks to all people who directly and indirectly contributed for the success

of this research. We wouldn’t have reached this far without your help. Lastly, we give our

praises to our Almighty God, for whom molded us to become good researchers and individuals.

His grace made this all possible

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