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English Scripts

Chapter II- Review of Related Literature

Zhakira: A pleasure afternoon Rizal 4, I am Princess Zhakira the reporter of our group.
We here standing in front of you to explain the Chapter II Review of Related Literature.
Let’s get start in What is the Chapter 2.Lance can you please explain to us the review
of related Literature?

Lance; Of course! This chapter reviews the related literature which substantiates and
supports the details of the study. The researchers will anchor the intellectual pursuit
to different viewpoints and perspective to present a deeper and more intensive
treatment of the problem.

Diane: Concepts, finding and theories from scholarly researches and articles related to
the rationale in undertaking the study is included here.
Zha: This also provides a synthesis of related literature which later on may be
confirmed, negated or improved by the new knowledge the present study will provide.

(ZHA)Two Major Parts of Review of Related Literature
(LANCE)Related Literature (conceptual literature): These are related information
published in book, professional journals, magazines, newspaper and other
publications both in our country and other country.

ZHA: “This section will justify and support your variables and the strong points of the
research problem”
Example: Factors Affecting Mathematics Performance of Laboratory High School
Students at Laguna State Polytechnic University Academic Year 2009-2010.

Kean (2000) analyzed how parents’ values and attitudes affect children’s mathematic
performance and later interest, and how these attitudes vary by child’s gender. They
used data from a longitudinal study of more than 800 children and a large group of
their parents that began in 1987 and continued through.
(JANINE)Related Studies(research literature): These are related information in an
unpublished materials like manuscripts, theses and dissertation both in our country
and other countries. This portion deals more on the result and discussion found in the
unpublished materials.
(DIANE) Synthesis of the reviewed literature: This portion summarize the totality of
the information given in the related literature and studies. This part points out the
main ideas presented in each text or articles and how these, information provides
further justification and explanation of the topic. Moreover, the synthesis should give
way to further understand the importance of the research study.

(JANINE)Gaps to be Bridged by the Present Study :This portion explains the world
of the known and how the study will serve as a bridge to the world of the unknown. It
also explain how the study will be link to the previous studies which share the same
topic. Furthermore, it also shows how the study will answer more shortcomings found
in the previous studies.


 This is where you will use your note cards and will serve as the

foundation of your research.

 This is your own work and therefore should not directly lift words from
other sources. This will require your command of language and writing
skills such as summarizing, paraphrasing and writing indirect speeches.

 Step 1 – Organize your note cards on how you would want

them to appear in the chapter.

 Step 2 – Begin writing the chapter while including the

surnames of authors who provided sources for your study
and the publication date of their work in parentheses.

 Step 3 – Edit. Rewrite.

Zhakira: The purpose of Chapter 2 is to provide the reader with a comprehensive

review of the literature related to the problem under investigation. The review of
related literature should greatly expand upon the introduction and background
information presented in Chapter 1.
Janine: This chapter may contain theories and models relevant to the problem, a
historical overview of the problem, current trends related to the problem, and
significant research data published about the problem.
Lance: The first section of Chapter 2 generally indicates how the chapter is organized
and explains the subsections that comprise the chapter.
JANINE :For example, Chapter 2 provides an extensive review of the literature and
research related to principal selection.

DIANE: The chapter will be divided into sections that include (a) history of the
principalship, (b) importance of the principal, (c) current selection practices, and (d)
recommended selection practices.

“Read only”

Lance: As Chapter 2 may be lengthy, it is essential to divide the chapter into as many
sections and subsections as needed to logically organize the information presented.
(Note: Each section and subsection heading must be properly listed in the Table of
Contents and adhere to the rules given in the APA manual for section headings – see
pp. 113-115 (Concise Rules, pp. 27-29). Generally, use Level 5 headings for chapter
numbers and then use levels 1 through 4 for chapter titles, section headings, and
subsection headings.)
Zha: It is difficult to estimate how long Chapter 2 should be. In some studies that rely
on historical and extensive descriptive information, Chapter 2 may be the main focus
of the whole dissertation and quite long. In general, however, Chapter 2 contains
between 15 and 30 pages, although it may be as short as 10 pages or as long as 50 or
more pages. Generally, Chapter 2 ends with a short summary of the information
presented in the chapter. Several paragraphs that highlight the most pertinent
information from the review of literature are usually sufficient.

Once again we are the group 2 ,leaving you a short quote “In much of society, research
means to investigate something you do not know or understand.” – Neil Armstrong.

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