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Sydney Vine L.

Espartero BSPSY 3-Gardner

Activity 4

Provide the following:

• Name of tool and short description

Tool: Questionnaire

One tool to measure the affective domain is a questionnaire. A questionnaire is

often used in evaluating the attitudes, feelings, and opinions of learners/ students. It
assists teachers to discover the students’ reaction to a series of statements about the
given questions. It has 2 common response styles: the checklist type and the semantic
differential. Checklist type provides adjectives for the students to choose from based
on the given criteria while semantic differential is a five-point scale showing polar or
opposite objectives.

• How will this benefit you as a teacher?

Questionnaires have been tested and used by teachers in the educational

system. This tool is beneficial for teachers for plenty of reasons. One, it is timesaving
in the sense that students can easily check or rate their feelings or attitudes based on
the given selection. Two, it is easily quantifiable because the answers of the students
are straight to the point. Lastly, it provides uniformity in answers in the sense that
students have the same choices and selection to check or select based on the given on
the questionnaire.

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