CHAD Project Paper

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CHAD- Human Serving Robot

Solving The biggest Problems using AI

Chad, the Chad Human Serving Bot, is an advanced AI-based robot designed to address a wide range of
challenges faced by healthcare facilities worldwide. In hospitals, there are numerous data-related issues
that are still predominantly managed by humans. Additionally, the increasing patient population far
exceeds the ratio of available doctors, resulting in a scarcity of medical professionals. Moreover, fire
incidents have been a recurring concern in hospitals. This project aims to leverage AI technology to
provide effective solutions to these pressing problems. By utilizing face recognition technology, Chad can
streamline patient data management and improve overall patient care. Moreover, Chad employs AI-based
disease detection algorithms, enabling it to identify diseases through image analysis, thereby
compensating for the lack of medical personnel. Additionally, Chad incorporates fire detection
mechanisms to promptly identify and extinguish potential fire hazards within hospitals.

The healthcare industry is confronted with various challenges that hinder efficient operations and patient
care. Chad, an AI-powered human serving bot, aims to revolutionize the medical sector by leveraging
cutting-edge technologies to address these challenges. This project paper presents an overview of Chad's
capabilities and its potential to bring about significant improvements in hospital management and patient
Chad incorporates several AI technologies to tackle the identified problems in hospitals. These include
face recognition technology, disease detection using AI-based image classification algorithms, and fire
detection mechanisms. The integration of these technologies enables Chad to provide efficient solutions
to data management, disease detection, and fire safety within healthcare facilities.

Results and Discussion:

Hospital Data Management:

Chad utilizes face recognition technology combined with the DLib library to accurately identify patients
and update their information in real-time. By automating data entry, Chad minimizes errors and provides
hospitals with a comprehensive view of patient data, facilitating improved decision-making and
personalized patient care.

Disease Detection using AI:

With a rapidly growing population and limited medical resources, disease detection becomes a significant
challenge. Chad overcomes this hurdle by utilizing its extensive disease database and employing AI-
based image classification algorithms. By analyzing X-rays and external symptoms, Chad can identify
diseases, providing preliminary diagnoses, idea and aiding healthcare professionals in delivering timely

Fire Safety:
The risk of fire incidents in hospitals necessitates proactive measures to ensure patient safety. Chad
integrates fire detection mechanisms to identify potential fire hazards promptly. Once detected, Chad
autonomously navigates the hospital premises and extinguishes the fire, minimizing damage and
safeguarding lives.

Materials Used:
To develop Chad, the following materials were utilized:

Arduino Mega microcontroller(1500tk)

L293D motor driver shield(250tk)
Li-ion battery(200tk)
5V Pump(100tk)
Sg90 Servo motor(70tk)
DC motor(90x2)tk
Arduino IDE and Python programming language.
The overall cost was approximately 2500tk.
However, for industrial usage, it is expected to be slightly more expensive. After careful consideration,
we determined that connecting it to the existing high-definition CCTV systems in hospitals would be a
feasible arrangement. This approach significantly reduces hardware costs since the system operates
primarily through software. Nonetheless, it is advisable to set up a dedicated server, such as the Dell
PowerEdge, to handle efficient data management. For disease detection, a DSLR camera integrated with
the software would serve the purpose effectively. On the other hand, the fire-fighting aspect may incur
relatively higher expenses. To address indoor fire incidents, a compact 3-foot car resembling a large RC
car can be employed. Although compact, it possesses sufficient capabilities to extinguish fires effectively.

Here is a breakdown of the estimated costs:

Server (Dell PowerEdge) - 400k

Camera (DSLR) - 100k
Fire-fighting car (similar to a 3-foot RC car) - 70k
Developer (setup and operation) - 200-300k
According to our meticulous estimates and comprehensive studies, we anticipate completing the entire
project within a budget range of 8-9 lakhs. Given the significant benefits and outputs this system
promises to deliver, this investment is unquestionably worthwhile.

Chad, the AI-powered human serving bot, presents a groundbreaking solution to the challenges faced by
hospitals and the medical sector at large. Through the integration of face recognition, disease detection
using AI, and fire safety measures, Chad significantly enhances data management, improves disease
diagnosis, and ensures a safer environment within healthcare facilities. With the potential to revolutionize
the medical sector worldwide, Chad represents a remarkable step towards harnessing the power of AI for
the betterment of healthcare systems.

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