Legal Notice.6

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M/S. Onida Electronics



Date: 25.05.2023

Dear Sir,

Under the instructions from my client Ms. Deepika having its residence at ___________, I serve
you upon the following Legal Notice with the following facts:

1. That complainant is a law-abiding citizen of India, having its residence at ___________

2. That the opposite party as a matter of fact is a business organization namely M/S. Onida
Electronics having its registered office at ____________
3. That the complainant purchased a 75 L Desert Air Cooler with turbo Fan Technology,
Honeycomb Cooling Pads (Dark Grey, 80ZDG) worth Rs. 8,999 from your company.
4. That the complainant ordered the 75 L Desert Air Cooler on 19.04.2023 from a third-
party vendor, namely Flipkart Private Limited bearing the cost of Rs. 8,999 including
5. That the 75 L Desert Air Cooler was delivered to the complainant on 22.04.2023 by the
third-party vendor.
6. That the motor pump of 75 L Desert Air Cooler was damaged within a short period of
7. That the complainant contacted a technician and raised a return policy against the Air
8. That when my client tried to contact you and return the product, at this point you did not
clear your stand and assured my client that you would examine the statement of return
policy and will do the needful. On your assurance my client kept waiting for your
response, however, finally you did not take note of this matter which throws criminal
intention of cheating and fraud.

9. That my client suffered a loss due to this unprofessional response and negligence.

I, therefore, through this notice call you upon to return to my client a sum of Rs. 8,999(Rupees
Eight Thousand Nine Hundred Ninety-Nine Only) at earliest along with an interest of 21% from
the date of you retained the amount with you till realization, further a sum of RS. 20,000 towards
damage on account of the mental pain and agony or wrongful or dishonest act suffered by my
client on your part, within 15 days from the date of receipt of this notice failing which my client
shall be constrained to initiate civil proceedings against you for the recovery of the above said
amount and in such eventuality you shall be liable for all costs, risks and consequences that may

That my client will also file a case of Cheating under Section 420 of IPC as this matter involves
the contents of cheating, fraud and unjust enrichment on your part which can only be
investigated and tried by a Competent Criminal Court.

Further, you are liable to pay an amount of Rs. 1000/- towards Legal Notice Charges. Please take
notice accordingly.

A copy of this notice is kept in my office for further reference/action, if necessary.

Yours faithfully

New Delhi

Date: 24.05.2023


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