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Kingdom of Cambodia

Nation Religion King

Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport

Department of Education, Youth and Sport
in Bunteay Meanchey Province
No. 115.

Appeal Letter

Department of Education Youth & Sport of Banteay Meanchey has honor to inform, Your
Excellencies, Lok Chumteavs, Lok Oknhas, Ladies and Gentlemen, Donors, Directors of
Public and Private Schools and other Organizations that: In order to contribute to helping
disadvantaged and poor students in Banteay Meanchey Province, the Department of
Education would like to appeal for help to all philanthropists and donors to donate in the form
of financial support, groceries (food) and school suppliers in the way you could.

In this appeal letter, the Department of Education hopes and strongly believes that the
contribution in the form of financial support, groceries (food) and school suppliers will really
alleviate the hardships to the disadvantaged and poor students in Banteay Meanchey full of
generously hearts.

The Department of Education, Youth and Sport would like to express our deepest gratitude to
Your Excellencies, Lok Chumteavs, Lok Oknhas, Ladies and Gentlemen, Donors, Directors
of Public and Private Schools and Organizations the four gems of Buddha’s blessings:
Longevity, Nobility, Health and Strength.

Donations can be done by:

1. To The Administration Office every working hour.

2. Mr. Rath Rith SaUn; Tel: 092 159 556 / 093 505 858
3. Or Bank Transfer: ACLENDA No. 02000163598722 and ABA Bank No. 001068026

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