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Resume Screening
Skill Mapping – The key skills and experience which are asked by the client should be mentioned in
project experience of the candidate. The roles and responsibilities of the candidate should be
mapped with the skills asked by the client. If the skills are not mentioned in detail, make sure that
you make a note of the same and prepare relevant questions to understand their expertise.

Gaps : Another thing that you must check is for the gaps if any. Make notes if there is any gap after
education, or between job changes- and prepare the relevant questions for the same to be asked
from the candidate

Education check : Many clients are very specific about educational qualification of the candidate. In
these cases, we must always make sure that we are checking the background of those resources.
Also, Education check is important to verify the authenticity of the candidate experience. Many
resources fake their experience, so in this case their DOB and year of passing College/School etc
must be screened and cross verified.

Timeline of each project – Always check for the project timelines the candidate was involved in.This
will help to understand the STABILITY of the resource. Looking for total & relevant years of
experience in the resume against the timelines he has worked for.

After you have identified all these basic screening pointers from resume screening- the next step will
be to connect with the candidate and have the detailed conversation revolving around your queries.
Candidate Screening - Call Assessment
Preliminary questions to ask (Refer Call script for all the points)

Points to remember :

Company branding - Research about the company and their achievements. Have a good insight
about how you can actually make your company a brand.

Client Pitching – Either you are hiring for a MNC client or a mid-level organization or any client which
candidate might have not heard about , as a representative of that role, it becomes our
responsibility that we are able to provide maximum information to them about client. We should
know about client’s CORE OPERATIONAL AREAS, domains they work on, Line of business they are
into , founded year, headquarters, company's location in India, company strength, perks & benefits
provided by the client. You should always keep digging about the client you represent to make the
conversation more effective. .

Notice period: Always check the official notice period of the candidates. Need to ask about their Last
working day (LWD) in case they are serving notice period, or if the NP is negotiable or not. There
could be different scenarios here and the information on this should be clear when you have a
conversation with them

Reason of relocation( if applicable) – You must ask the resource the reason of choosing a particular
work location and they should have a solid reason for the same. Cross question him based on his
answers to check commitment.

Offers/Interviews in pipeline: Asking about other offers and interviews he has in pipeline or on
table. If yes, get details about what is the offered package and DOJ there. Why is he still interviewing
if he already holds an offer- these type of logical cross questioning must be included in your calls.

Rate Negotiation- This is the skill that as a Talent acquisition person, you should master. This helps
you to have a cost saving approach for the client and also in case where the client has strict budget

Rate Confirmation – Always take the acknowledgement of the candidate before presenting his
profile to the client in terms of agreed rates, Notice period, offer pipeline.

Updated resume(if required) – While assessing, if you found out that the resume copy that
candidate has might rule out the chances of getting shortlisted, guide the candidate on the same and
ask for an updated copy of the resume.

HYPOTHETICAL SITUATION BASED CONVERSATION – Checking the interest level of the candidate is
very important and understanding their mindset as well. We should try to give them different
scenario-based questions and judge them basis their answers. Why he will be interested to join your
client if offered, what is his motivation level, what parameters he must consider before accepting
any job offer, what are his priorities before making any decision. This way we will get an idea about
the mindset of the candidate, and we will be able to analyse him in a better way.

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