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To : Sinar Mas Agribusiness and Food Employees - Jakarta & BSD

Date : 4 June 2020
Subject : Guidelines (SOP) Mitigation COVID-19 Virus Spread After Large-Scale Social Restriction

Dear Employee, 

With the end of Large-Scale Social Restriction from the Central Government and the Provincial
Government of DKI Jakarta, and referring to the Decision Letter of Minister of Health of the
Republic Indonesia on the COVID-19 Prevention and Control Guide in Office and Industrial
Workplaces in Support of Business Sustainability in Pandemic Situations (No.
HK.01.07/MENKES/328/2020), the company has developed COVID-19 Virus Spread Guidelines
Post Large-Scale Social Restriction to ensure the continuity of the business and for immediate

1. Effective Date of Policy

The following policy takes effect immediately and until further notice. This new policy will replace
SOP on Mitigation COVID-19 Spread published on 18 March 2020.

2. Coverage
The following policy will cover all Employees of Sinar Mas Agribusiness and Food (and
Outsourcing Employees) in Jakarta and BSD.

3. Working Time Management

(Valid for employees based in Jakarta and surrounding areas, except employees with shift working
systems such as Office Boy/Girl, Security, etc.)
3.1 As an effort to ensure the continuity of the business, each function re-enact team
separations, team A and team B. The two teams will work separately from office and home
with below scheme. Team A and Team B should not meet in person with each other.
Working Location Week I Week II
Group A Group B Group A Group B
(3 days) (2 days) (2 days) (3 days)
Group A Group B Group A Group B
(2 days) (3 days) (3 days) (2 days)

3.2 Determination of work scheme from home must be applied on the same floor (even when
there are different division/department on the floor). For special request please coordinate
further with the related HR.
3.3 Teams working in the office should be divided equally between two shifts for office hours
and lunchtime as follow:
a. Office hours 07.00 – 16.00; lunchtime 11.00 – 12.00
b. Office hours 09.00 – 18.00; lunchtime 12.30 – 13.30
This is to anticipate employees who use public transportation during peak hours.
3.4 Working time management in point 3.1 and 3.3 apply from Monday, 8 June
2020 to Tuesday, 30 June 2020. After 30 June 2020, working time arrangements will
be reviewed by management. Any changes will be communicated at that time.
3.5 All employees must still complete 9 working hours (including 1 hour for lunchtime).
3.6 Employees who work from home MUST be able be contacted during working hours (refer
to point 3.3) by superiors or colleagues.
3.7 If there is an urgent need for the employee to come to the office, even if the employee in
on work from home period, then the employee MUST come to the office while ensuring
minimum contact with the alternate team that is working on that day.

3.8 During work from home, employees are obliged to work at home and not travel out of the
3.9 Employee who do not comply with the above rules will be sanctioned.

4. Things that Employees Need to Do 

4.1. In General 
a. Always wear a mask, bring hand sanitizer, and wash your hand regularly.
b. Do not touch the face or eyes with your hand, if it is unavoidable use clean tissue.
c. Consume balanced nutrition, conduct physical activity at least 30 minutes per day,
adequate rest and do sunbathe every morning.
d. If you are pregnant, and/or have degenerative diseases such as diabetes
hypertension, pulmonary disorders, kidney disorders or autoimmune diseases it is
advised to work from home (WFH), and attach a health declaration stating that the
you have such a condition and send it to your direct manager.
e. Do not shake hands.
f. Management has arranged floor wardens on each floor who will oversee the
implemention and monitoring of this provision.
g. It is recommended not to travel outside Jakarta except for urgent and important

4.2. Before Travelling to Office

a. All employee must complete a self-assessment form (attached) and send it to
direct supervisor at least 1 day before returning to the office. For high risk result
employees, direct supervisor should contact HR.
b. Ensure you are in a healthy condition, if there is a symptom of cough, cold, fever stay
at home. Employees who do not come to work due to prolonged illness and/or show
COVID-19 and difficulty to breath are required to check themselves to the doctor and
attach a medical certificate stating the proof of these symptoms.
c. Use a mask, and if possible bring an additional mask.
d. Bring a hand sanitizer or wet tissue that contains antiseptic.
e. Make sure to bring ID card.
f. Recommended to bring a healthy and nutritious meal for lunch.
g. Must bring personal eating and drinking utensils.
h. Bring personal prayer equipment if needed.
i. Prepare replacement clothes for employees who use public transportation.

4.3. When Travelling to or from Office

a. Use a private vehichle if possible.
b. If you are forced to use public transportation:
i. Must avoid going to work during rush hour.
ii. If public transportation has exceeded the allowed capacity, then please wait
for public transportation in the next schedule.
iii. Keep maintaining a minimum distance of 1 meter from others.
iv. Try not to touch public facility often, when it is unavoidable, use hand
sanitizer afterwards.
v. Use personal driving equipment (e.g.: a personal helmet, raincoats).
vi. Reducing the intensity of use and touching the phone.
vii. Try to pay cashless, if it is unavoidable to hold money, use hand sanitizer
viii. Apply the ethic of coughing and sneezing properly.
ix. Avoid touching the face (eyes, nose, mouth), if it is unavoidable use clean

4.4. While at Work

a. Use your mask at all times.
b. Make sure that you have followed body temperature checking procedure at
designated place.
c. Use your elbow to open the door and push the elevator button.
d. No crowding, keep your distance in the elevator by following the instructions in the
e. Wash hands with soap and running water, and spray footwear with disinfectant.
f. Clean the table/work area with disinfectant.
g. Bring your cutlery and drinkware and clean it by yourself.
h. Try not to touch share facilities/equipment in the work area, use hand sanitizer.
i. Maintain a minimum distance of one meter from a colleague and ensure social
distancing occurs.
j. Those who are still checking or signing documents are advised to use plastic gloves.
k. Self check body temperature at lunchtime and inform manager if your body
temperature ≥37,3 °C.
l. Remind colleagues who do not comply to any provisions contained in this memo.

4.5. Arriving at Home from Work

a. Do not touch anything in the house before washing your hands with soap and running
b. Open your footwear before entering the house.
c. Spray disinfectant on your footwear and other equipment such as bag, mobile phone,
and other.
d. Take off your mask.
e. If you use a disposable mask, immediately destroy the mask and throw it away.
f. Wash your hands after removing the mask.
g. Change your clothes and put it in a closed laundry place to be washed.
h. Take a shower immediately before taking a break or interacting with your family.

5. Meetings or Office Events with Internal Parties 

5.1 Maximize the usage of online communications tools, such as Zoom/Skype for Business for
5.2 If meeting/face-to-face training with internal parties is unavoidable, the maximum
participant in one room is 10 people and SHOULD NOT exceed half of the
capacity of the room while maintaining distance 1 meter between participants.
5.3 During the meeting, everyone must wear a mask.
5.4 Before and after the meeting takes place, the participant must use hand sanitizer provided
in each room.
5.5 Large scale face-to-face events/office activities are suspended. Activities can still be carried
out using the online application mentioned in point 5.1.

6. Meetings or Office Events with External Parties 

6.1 Employees are encouraged to STOP receiving visitors to the office.
6.2 Use online communications tools, such as Zoom/Skype for Business for
discussions/interviews with external parties to maintain productivity.
6.3 Unavoidable face-to-face meeting with external visitors can only be conducted in Tower
II Floor 28 (for management only) and Co Hive Building (2nd Floor).
6.4 If meeting/face-to-face training with internal and external parties is unavoidable, the
maximum participant in one room is 10 people and SHOULD NOT exceed half of
the capacity if the room while maintaining distance 1 meter between participants.
6.5 During the meeting, everyone must wear a mask.

6.6 Before and after the meeting takes place, the participant must use hand sanitizer provided
in each room.

7. Business Travel Arrangement

7.1 Employees are advised to maximize the use of online communication facilities and
SUSPEND non-urgent domestic business trip.
7.2 Some functions will be granted an exception for a domestic business trip, according to
their functions, with the approval of senior management (Function Head related to at least
the equivalent of CEO/Director).
7.3 Aside from the function that are granted exceptions, for those who have to travel for
business due to urgent and important circumstances, they must obtain the approval of
senior management (Function Head related to at least the equivalent of CEO/Director).
7.4 Those travelling on official duty must carry COVID-free certificate before official travel,
following government regulation. Any associated cost will be covered by the company.
7.5 All international business trips are SUSPENDED until further notice.
7.6 Employees who have just returned from abroad, must work from home for 14 days. The
employee is obliged to inform this to the direct supervisor.

8. Manager Responsibilities
8.1 Direct supervisors must ensure that the work carried out both from home and from the
office can run smoothly so that the expected work can be provided optimally.
8.2 Direct supervisors must ensure that his/her team members are working based on the
schedule mentioned on point 3.3.
8.3 Direct supervisors must ensure the flow of information is conveyed to all team members,
including employees who work from home.
8.4 Supervisors help with seating arrangements by maintaining a minimum distance of 1 meter
between employees and ensuring social distancing.
8.5 Supervisors to ensure all of his/her team member including him/herself conduct self-
assessment (attached) at least one-day before returning to the office, and report
the self-assessment report to related HRBP and alert HRBP should there be any team
member with high risk of COVID-19.
8.6 Report to HRBP if there are employees who do not follow COVID-19 prevention

9. Floor Warden Responsibilities

For every floor where the company is operating, there are two-floor wardens (see attachement).
The appointed floor warden remains responsible for:
9.1 Point of contact and coordinator in emergencies.
9.2 Monitor the health condition of employees on that floor.
9.3 Ensure sanitation and cleanliness on each floor which under their responsibility.
9.4 Co-ordinate with related HR for the above points.
9.5 Detailed guidance regarding Floor Warden duties and responsibilities following
explanations that have been communicated separately.

10. Guideline Working from Home (WFH)

10.1 Working hours follow the conditions issued, the same as working time in the office (see
point 3.3).
10.2 Respond to any company needs requested during working hours swiftly.
10.3 Ensure all working equipment (laptop, VPNs, etc.) can operate to support work needs.
10.4 Use online communication facilities to coordinate with colleagues in office.
10.5 Every employee must maintain work productivity at the time of WFH implementation and
monitor the achievement of their respective work targets.

10.6 Mechanisms for reporting and monitoring work results of WFH is submitted to each direct
10.7 Do not conduct any activities outside the house during work hours.
10.8 It is not permissible to turn off the communications device during working hours. You
MUST be contactable at any time during office hours.
10.9 Violation of the above points may be subject to disciplinary actions.

11. Employees Experiencing COVID-19 Symptoms at Home

11.1 Employees that show one of the COVID-19 symptoms such as body temperature
≥37,3 °C, cough, cold, shortness of breath, or sore throat are not allowed to come to
the office and are to resume work from home. Employees who do not come to work due
to illness and/or show one of the symptoms of COVID-19 are required to attach a
medical certificate stating the proof of these symptoms.
11.2 Cost of PCR test that will be covered by the company’s medical claim is only for those who
have symptoms of COVID-19 under doctor’s referral.
11.3 Employees who have a doctor’s referral to do PCR test, are able to visit nearest health
facility or Eka Hospital (with employee ID card)
11.4 Employees to consume personal medicine and multivitamin and download SehatQ
applications to consult with a doctor through the available chat features.
11.5 Employee who show symptoms in points 11.1 must report the condition to his/her direct
supervisor. Direct supervisor to coordinate with related HR.
11.6 If the employee does not convey his/her condition, either the symptoms COVID-19 or
positive COVID-19, disciplinary sanctions will be imposed.

12. Employees with Positive COVID-19

12.1 Medical expenses of employees affected by COVID-19 is in accordance with the regulation
of the company's medical claims.
12.2 Employees who are positive COVID-19 and have recovered, before coming back to the
office MUST do PCR test until he/she is declared negative COVID-19.

13. Violation of Regulation in the COVID-19 Prevetion Guide

Given the urgency and high risk, management will impose a warning letter if the regulation
contained in this memo are violated.

It is important to remember that each employee has a role in preventing the spread of the virus. We
ask every employee to be able to maintain good hygiene and healthy lifestyle in the office and at home.
Please be advised employees that ignore this rule risk harming colleagues, family, relatives, and the
company and will be sanctioned.

Thank you for your support and understanding. The entire family of Sinar Mas Agribusiness and Food
must face this situation together.

Best regards,

Daud Dharsono Milton Ng Rafael B. Concepcion Jr.

Head of Upstream MD Downstream Indonesia Group CFO

Harjanto Tanuwidjaja Pedy Harianto Khoo Kok Yeow

Chief HR Officer Head of Group Controllership Head of CBS and Digital
& Compliance Transformation

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