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First Name:

Last Name:

Update Your Interests and Activities!

Dear YES Finalist,

Congratulations on being selected as a finalist for the YES program! In your application
you provided some great information about yourself. You may have developed some new
interests and activities since you filled out your application, or perhaps some of your interests
and activities have changed. Now that you are a finalist, we would like to learn more about
you. This will help your placement organization find the best host family for you!

What are your favorite foods to
eat at home?
Are there any foods you would
like to try while in the United
Cats and dogs are common pets in
America. Pets are often treated as
members of the family. Do you
have any experience with cats,
dogs, or other animals in your
home? In a friend or relative’s
Are there any new major life
changes (with you and/or your
natural family) since you filled out
your application?
List three words to describe your
What activities or interests do you
do regularly? Please remember
that a particular activity or sport
is not guaranteed in your host
Have you developed any new
activities or interests since filling
out the YES application?
What after-school activities are
you interested in trying while in
the United States? Again, please
remember that a particular
activity or sport is not guaranteed
in your host community.

Is there anything else that you

would like to tell potential host
families about you that you
haven’t already mentioned here or
in your application?

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