C1 Advanced 4, Test 1, Question 2 - Report

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Test 1, Question 2 – Report

Report about my work experience

During the last six months I had the pleasure to have a work experience with a local company. I
successfully applied for collecting my first practical experience with a famous producer of high-
developed LASER-techniques for industrial use. Two days per week I went to the company
and the very nice people there gave me some really interesting tasks to do in the field of
development and research. Immediately on my first day I was introduced to their latest CO2-
gas-LASER. After they gave me some safety instructions my first task was it to test the new
software of this giant machine that has got a total radiation power of 8KW. I should tell them
whether I consider the software as easy to understand and to use.
Another interesting opportunity was the writing of my own simple commands and
programmes for the LASER. I had to test my instructions on different materials like copper,
steel, plastics or wood. I eveluated the quality of the cuts with a digital microscope.
I really loved my work experience with the company and I suppose it will help me to decide
where I want to apply for a job later. Because I’m a student of optical mechanics this company
fits quite good to my qualifications.
Just one thing of the organisation could be improved. It was a pitty that I had my work
experience just two days a week and not a full week. So the staff had to continue when I
wasn’t there. Maybe it would be better if the work experience would take two full months
instead of six with two days a week.
All in all it was one of my best experiences as a student and I recommend having a work
experience to every student.

Subscale Mark Commentary

Content 5 All the content in the report is relevant. The three aspects of the task are
addressed appropriately and with sufficient detail, leaving the reader fully
informed about the work experience itself and the writer’s views about it.
Communicative 3 The conventions of report writing, including attention to detail,
Achievement are used to hold the reader’s attention, and both simple and more
complex ideas are conveyed. In general the tone is appropriately
neutral, although occasionally this slips (The very nice people there;
Just one thing of; It was a pity that).
Organisation 2 The report is generally well-organised, although headings would help to
sign-post the different parts more clearly. There is some use of linking
within sentences, but better linking across sentences would improve
both the cohesion and coherence of the text. A number of the shorter
sentences need to be linked (… not a full week. So the staff had to).

© Cambridge University Press and Cambridge Assessment 2021
Language 2 A range of task-appropriate vocabulary is used (LASER-techniques for
industrial use; a total radiation power of; optical mechanics).
The lexical and spelling errors do not impede meaning (applied for
collecting; eveluated; pitty).
A range of simple grammatical forms is used with a good degree of
control. There are a number of errors (was it to test; I should tell them;
fits quite good to; would take) but the meaning is still communicated.

C1 Advanced 4, Sample Writing answers 2

© Cambridge University Press and Cambridge Assessment 2021

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