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Helwan University Faculty of Engineering Dep.

Electric Power and Machine Engineering

Qualification exam report on Application of Induction and Synchronous Machines in field of Wind Energy Under Supervision of Prof. Dr. El Dakhakhny Prof. Dr. Soliman M. Sharaf Prof. Dr. Said El Masry Prepared by Mostafa M. Hassan

Module 1: Wind Turbines and Systems

Course Outline Wind Energy Wind Turbines and Wind Energy Penetration Energy of Wind Wind Turbines and Systems Basic Power Electronic Converters for Wind Turbines Wind Generators

Key Parts of Wind Turbine for Power Flow:

Can We Exceed 100m?

Wind speed increases with height above ground 100m diameter can produce 35MW Can we go higher than 100m?
Introduces transportation constraints in most Highways Max trailer dimension is 4.1m (H) X 2.6m (W) Requires large cranes that are not readily available Produces a new set of technical and environmental Problems (impact on grid, wake, etc.)

Two Blades Turbines:

Runs at fast speed to improve Cp

Gearbox ratio is reduced B lades easier to assembled on ground


For the same wind speed, the twoblade system captures less power than the threeblade system Creates gyroscopic imbalances (bending moment due to tower wind shade) Higher speed means more noise Higher rate of bird collision

Bending Moments (2blade):

When one blade is at the top, it is receiving the maximum force Of the wind

The bottom blade is in the shadow of the tower; thus receiving Less force The forces are not balanced at hub Torque on the hub is pulsating, thus stressing the hub gears

ThreeBlade Turbine:
Slow rotation Three blades capture more energy Than two blades for the same wind speed Gyroscopic forces are better balanced More aesthetic, less noise, fewer bird collisions

Disadvantages: Slower rotation increases gearbox costs and rotor cannot fully assembled on the ground

Bending Moments (3blade)

The bottom blade in the shadow of the tower receives less than the maximum force The other two blades are not in the vertical position, so they also receive less than the maximum force The forces are almost balanced at the hub

Why not 5 or 7 Blades?

More expensive Increase wind wall effect
Reduction of wind speed in front of the blades, thus reducing the amount of energy that can be captured by the blade

Pitch, Yaw and Feather Control

Most turbines operate at wind speed of 12 30 mph Pitch Control To maximize Cp Reduce Cp when wind speed produces power higher than the rating of the turbine Regulate the output power of the turbine as part of grid control action Yaw Control To align the rotor to face the wind Feathering To lock the blades at high wind speeds (>50mph)

Factors Affecting Wind Generation

Wind speed and length of wind season Most wind turbines operate at 4 16 m/s Diameter of rotating blades The power captured is proportional to the square of the radius a 10% increase in the blade length will result in 21% increase in the power Efficiency of wind turbine components Pitch control With pitch control, p , the TSR can be adjusted to produce power at a wide range of wind speeds. Yaw Control Most wind turbines are equipped with yaw mechanism to keep the blades facing into the wind as the wind direction changes Some turbines are designed to operate on downwind; these turbines don't need yaw mechanisms as the wind aligns these turbines.

Arrangement of the turbines (array effect) the blades of the front turbines create wakes of turbulent wind that can reach the rare turbines efficiency is reduced when wind is turbulent. Reliability and maintenance The cost of electricity generated by the wind farm is a function of Capital cost, land use, maintenance, and contractual arrangement. The early designs of wind turbines were high maintenance machines as well as cost ineffective systems. Newer designs have reliability rate around 98 percent

Wind Atlas for Egypt

The Wind Atlas for Egypt represents a significant step forward in the application of the wind atlas methodology in Egypt. Not only does it provide a coherent and consistent overview of the wind energy resource over the entire land (and sea) area of Egypt, the results of the mesoscale modelling are further available in a database (numerical wind atlas) that may be employed directly for detailed wind resource assessments and siting of wind turbines and wind farms. Utilising this database together with elevation maps derived from the Space Shuttle Topography Mission and land-use maps constructed from satellite imagery, the wind resource and likely power production of a given wind farm can be estimated in a matter of hours anywhere in Egypt.

Onshore Vs Offshore Wind Turbines:

Onshore wind farms are often subject to restrictions and objections: objections based on their negative visual impact or noise...; restrictions associated with obstructions (buildings, mountains, etc.), landuse disputes or limited availability of lands. These reasons may explain part of the growing importance of offshore systems, but part of the explanation concerns genuine advantages of the offshore turbines, namely higher and more constant wind speeds and, consequently, higher efficiencies.

Advantages Of Onshore Wind Turbines:

However, onshore wind systems may also have some advantages over offshore wind farms: cheaper foundations; cheaper integration with the electricalgrid network; cheaper installation and access during the construction phase; cheaper and easier access for operation and maintenance Besides, small and mini wind turbines (which are necessarily onshore applications) cover a set of needs and goals that offshore wind farms can't.

Wind Energy Penetration Energy Penetration (EP)

Ratio of the energy delivered from wind generation to the total energy delivered

Capacity Penetration (CP)

Ratio of the nameplate rating of the wind plant capacity to the peak system load

Instantaneous Penetration (IP)

Ratio of the wind plants output to system load at a specific point in time, or over a short period of time

Module 2:

Energy of Wind
Kinetic Energy of Air:

Air Density:
T: Air temperature in Celsius. h : elevation of the wind above the sea level in meters.

Air Power Density (&) in W/m2:

Betz Limit:
Not all of the energy present in a stream of moving air can be extracted
Building a wall would stop the air and no more energy can be obtained

The maximum theoretical energy that can be extracted from a stream is 59%

Tip speed ratio (TSR):

Coefficient of Performance:
The blades of the wind turbine only capture part of the available wind energy.

For fixed pitch angle, when wind speed changes, Cp changes.

Variable Pitch Angle:

For variable speed wind turbine, when wind speed changes, The pitch angle is changed to keep close to maximum

Turbine Wake:
Wind turbines produce wakes downstream Turbine located behind another receive turbulent wind (wakes) Wakes Problems
Turbines are less efficient in turbulent winds and exposed to significant dynamic forces

Types of Wind Turbine Systems

Wind Turbine Technologies:
Asynchronous Generator (Induction Machine) Squirrel Cage Induction Generator (SCIG) Wound Rotor Induction generator (WRIG) Synchronous Generator (SG)


No Control Fixed VAR compensation Internal voltage and var control External flicker and reactive power controls Pitch control AGC participation Stability and ride through fault

Types of WTG
Type 1:
Squirrel cage induction generator directly coupled to the grid. May have pitch control

Type 2:
Wound rotor induction machine with external rotor resistance control

Type 3:
Wound rotor Doublyfed induction generator (Voltage injected in the rotor winding)

Type 4:
Synchronous or induction generator, the stator is connected to the grid via power converter.

Module 3:

Basic Power Electronic Converters for Wind Turbines

Types of Converters

1- AC/DC Converter a) 3-phase, AC/DC Rectifier

DC Voltage (V rms)

b) 3-phase, AC/DC Converter


When S5 and S6 are closed

2 - DC/AC Converter



Fist time interval

Second time interval


Voltage Waveforms across Load

3- AC/AC Converters
Control Parameters
Frequency Voltage Sequence


Module 4:

Wind Generators
Types of Wind Turbine Generators (WTG):
Asynchronous Generator (Induction Machine)
Squirrel Cage Induction Generator (SCIG) Wound Rotor Induction generator (WRIG)

Synchronous Generator (SG)

Induction Generator Type1: Squirrel Cage Rotor Structure:

Basic Relationships:

Main Advantages of SCIG

Main Advantages:
Rugged machine; requires little maintenance The least expensive option among all other wind systems Selfsynchronized with the power grid; no synchronization equipment

Main disadvantages:
Reactive power demand is high Fluctuations in voltage Limited control actions

Reactive Power
The induction machine has no field circuit
draws significant amount of reactive power from the grid The magnitude of the reactive power imported from the grid Could exceed the magnitude of the generated real power The reactive power is dependent on the speed of the turbine, So it is continuously changing The voltage at the wind farm could sag and flicker

Wound Rotor Generator (WRIG)

Main Configurations:
Type2: With rotor resistance Type3: Doubly Fed Induction Generator (DFIG)

Type 2: WRIG with Rotor Resistance

Type 3: DFIG

DFIM / SLIPEnergy Recovery

Reactive Power Control

Reactive power p at the terminals of the generator can be controlled The source of the reactive power is from the capacitor in the dc link of the ac/dc/ac converter

Synchronous Generator

Output power can be generated at any frequency The AC/AC converter converts the frequency of the output power to the frequency of the grid To effectively capture the power, the generator should be a low speed type The generator has large number of poles The diameter of the generator is large (410m) The generator can be quite heavy To reduce the size of the generator, rare earth, permanent magnet can be used 56 pole, 4m diameter machine is being tested SamariumCobalt material can produce strong magnetic field These material are used in several applications that requires reduced machine size Aircraft control Robotic Medical equipment Advantages of rare earth permanent magnet material Produces strong magnetic fields High power/volume ratio that makes them among the smallest machines. Unlike the ferrite material, the rare earth permanent magnet be easily demagnetized cannot it can be used for applications that require heavy currents or inrush currents during starting and braking.

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